2 Jugadores Trading System Minecraft


Un ejemplo comercial

Cómo funciona

Un cuadro de posibles tradings

A todos los efectos de esta explicación, se les llamará "acuerdos comerciales" o simplemente "acuerdos". Cada acuerdo comercial puede hacerse varias veces antes de que el aldeano ya no quiera honrarlo. Esto suele ser cinco veces, pero puede variar. Completar el primer acuerdo de comercio y luego cerrar la ventana de comercio o interfaz, hará que el aldeano para entrar en un modo de "pensamiento", así como dar al aldeano un gusto creciente en el jugador, que se explica a continuación. Un aldeano puede tener hasta cinco acuerdos comerciales al mismo tiempo, aunque puede reemplazar a los antiguos por otros nuevos a los cinco. La única manera de desbloquear más acuerdos es el comercio con el aldeano, completando el último acuerdo desbloqueado al menos una vez. Una vez que se hayan alcanzado cinco, continuar negociando el acuerdo final aún restablecerá los otros acuerdos, permitiendo más operaciones, pero también tendrá la oportunidad de reemplazar los acuerdos actuales con otro nuevo acuerdo. El comercio es una forma rápida de ganar esmeraldas en modo de supervivencia, ya que se conoce como el único otro "legítimo"

Papel comercial para una esmeralda con un aldeano en Minecraft

Método de obtención de esmeraldas. En los servidores mulitplayer con aldeanos npc integrados en las aldeas, los jugadores pueden actuar como bandoleros o ladrones y matar a jugadores que creen que pueden haber intercambiado un aldeano por esmeraldas. A la derecha hay un ejemplo de papel comercial para esmeraldas:

como nivel

El aldeano "como" el jugador más que el comercio con ellos. Esto es útil para realmente sólo una razón, y que es para detener a los Golems de hierro en la ciudad de atacar al jugador, por lo general porque los aldeanos están locos porque recientemente fueron atacados por el jugador. Alternativamente, el jugador puede correr y esperar un rato antes de regresar para que los golems de hierro perdonen / olviden al jugador. El comercio es generalmente difícil a menos que se haga adentro mientras que los golems del hierro están presentes y los aldeanos están enojados con el jugador.


Después de la última actualización de Xbox 360, es posible comerciar con los aldeanos. La edición de PS3 se ha actualizado desde que se introdujo el comercio.

En la versión PS3, las armas encantadas no pueden ser intercambiadas con un sacerdote, solo las que no tienen encantamientos.

proyecto chispa

Project Spark es un lienzo digital de mundo abierto que permite a cualquier persona construir, jugar y compartir lo que pueda imaginar.


Terraria? ¿Que es eso? Terraria es una tierra de aventura! ¡Una tierra de misterio! Una tierra que es tuya para dar forma, para defender.

Grand Theft Auto V

Los Santos: una extensa metrópolis empapada de sol llena de gurús de autoayuda, estrellas y celebridades que se desvanecen, una vez la envidia.

Grand Theft Auto IV

Para Niko Bellic, recién salido de Europa, es la esperanza de que pueda escapar de su pasado. Para su primo, Romano, lo es.

Assassin's Creed IV: Bandera Negra

Es 1715. Los piratas gobiernan el Caribe y han establecido una república pirata sin ley. Entre estos proscritos hay temores.

Este mod le permite comprar y vender sus cosas por monedas! Este mod está hecho por xkyouchoux. Por favor, visite el hilo de mod original que se encuentra aquí y apoyar el modder.

& # 8220; Aviso Para abrir el gui para vender artículos que necesita para elaborar un artículo denominado Minecraft Catalog & # 8221; & # 8221;

Windows PC - Actualmente sólo para Windows

NET Framework 4.o (La mayoría de las computadoras ya tienen, pero si el instalador dice que no lo descargues aquí).

(Antes de instalar cualquier Mods en su minecraft asegúrese de cerrarlo primero)

Una vez descargado, haga doble clic en el instalador, una vez que se inicie haga clic en "Instalar" Cuando el instalador se hace, se mostrará un mensaje que se ha hecho. Ahora cierre el instalador e inicie su minecraft. ¡Modificado!


Este mod podría romper shader mod de agua, instalar el shader de agua nuevamente después de instalar este mod (que si tiene el shader de agua instalado).


Bienvenido al Minecraft Wiki. Un wiki editable y de acceso público para información relacionada con Minecraft. El wiki y sus 4.985 artículos y 11.339 archivos son administrados y mantenidos por 381 contribuyentes activos de la comunidad de Minecraft, junto con el equipo de administración del wiki. Cualquier persona puede contribuir.

Minecraft está disponible para todos los jugadores por € 19.95 (US $ 26.95, £ 17.32). Cuando se compra, los modos de juego para un jugador y multijugador se pueden jugar con el lanzador autónomo descargable. La demo oficial es gratuita, pero tiene un límite de tiempo. El desarrollo de Minecraft comenzó alrededor del 10 de mayo de 2009 y las pre-órdenes para el juego completo comenzaron a ser aceptadas el 13 de junio de 2009. La fecha de lanzamiento oficial de Minecraft fue el 18 de noviembre de 2011. El 20 de septiembre de 2014, Vendiendo el juego de la PC de toda la hora. El 31 de diciembre de 2015, Minecraft para la computadora alcanzó 22 millones de ventas.

El 16 de agosto de 2011, Minecraft: Pocket Edition fue lanzado para el teléfono inteligente Sony Xperia Play. Después de que su exclusividad con Sony expiró, fue lanzado para dispositivos Android el 7 de octubre de 2011, y dispositivos iOS el 17 de noviembre de 2011 por US $ 6,99. El 2 de abril de 2014, Minecraft fue lanzado para el Amazon Fire TV. Contiene todas las mismas características que la Pocket Edition, así como soporte para el controlador de Fire TV. El 10 de diciembre de 2014, Minecraft: Pocket Edition fue lanzado para Windows Phone 8.1. El 10 de enero de 2015, Minecraft: Pocket Edition alcanzó los 30 millones de ventas.

El 9 de mayo de 2012, Minecraft fue lanzado para Xbox 360 en Xbox Live Arcade por US $ 20, donde posteriormente se rompió cada récord de ventas anterior.

El 11 de febrero de 2013, Minecraft: Pi Edition fue lanzado para el Pi de la frambuesa. La Edición Pi fue concebida como una herramienta educativa para los programadores principiantes y se anima a los usuarios a abrir y cambiar el código del juego usando su API. Nunca hubo actualizaciones posteriores y la edición se ha descontinuado oficialmente.

El 17 de diciembre de 2013, Minecraft fue lanzado para PlayStation 3 en PlayStation Store por US $ 19,99. El lanzamiento era casi idéntico al Xbox 360 Edition y fue desarrollado en tándem con el Xbox 360 Edition de entonces encendido.

El 26 de junio de 2014, la Xbox 360 & amp; Las ventas de las ediciones de PlayStation 3 pasaron el número de ventas para la edición para PC de Minecraft. Dejando a la serie de Minecraft haber vendido más de 72 millones de copias en todo el mundo y convertirse en el tercer videojuego más vendido de todos los tiempos.

Minecraft fue lanzado para el PlayStation 4 el 4 de septiembre de 2014, el Xbox One el 5 de septiembre de 2014 y el PlayStation Vita el 14 de octubre de 2014.

El 15 de septiembre de 2014, Mojang AB y todos sus activos (incluido Minecraft) fueron adquiridos por Microsoft por US $ 2.500 millones. El 29 de julio de 2015, Minecraft fue lanzado para la plataforma universal Windows 10 como una adaptación de la Pocket Edition.

El 17 de diciembre de 2015, la Wii U Edition fue lanzada.

Páginas populares y útiles

Logros Información sobre los logros que se pueden recopilar en Minecraft. Bloques Información detallada sobre los distintos bloques disponibles en Minecraft. Artículos Información detallada sobre los diferentes artículos disponibles en Minecraft. Biomas Información sobre todos los biomas en Minecraft. Encantador Información sobre encantadores. Mobs Información sobre las diversas criaturas amistosas y no amigables que se encuentran en Minecraft. Trading Información detallada sobre el comercio de aldeanos. Circuitos de Redstone Información sobre los circuitos redstone. Paquetes de recursos Varios paquetes de recursos que alteran la apariencia del juego. Modificaciones Varias modificaciones que alteran la jugabilidad.

Noticias y Eventos

2 de febrero de 2016 Minecraft: Story Mode está nominado a Kids 'Choice Award para el videojuego favorito. 21 de enero de 2016 Minecraft: Story Mode - Episodio 1: La Orden de la Piedra estrenada en Wii U. 19 de enero de 2016 Minecraft: Education Edition anunciada. 22 de diciembre de 2015 Minecraft: Story Mode - Episodio 4: Un bloque y un lugar duro lanzado a través de todas las otras plataformas.

29 de febrero de 2016 Minecraft 1.9 publicado. Del 25 al 26 de febrero de 2016 Minecraft TU33. CU21. 1.24 y el parche 3 publicados en todas las ediciones de la consola, respectivamente. 18 de febrero de 2016 Minecraft Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 publicado. 10 al 12 de febrero de 2016 Minecraft TU32. CU20 y 1.23 lanzados en 360, One y PlayStation Console, respectivamente.


Un aldeano es un NPC pasivo que engendra y vive en los pueblos. Desovan alrededor de los pueblos y dentro de los edificios. A partir del 19 de diciembre de 2012, los aldeanos fueron introducidos en el Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition en la actualización TU7 (1.01). Las otras variantes se introdujeron en TU14.



Su aspecto característico está dominado por sus grandes cabezas calvas, ojos verdes, unibrows y narices grandes. Los brazos de los aldeanos están implicados para ser unidos, con dos partes cada uno para crear los brazos plegados. Los brazos están metidos dentro de las mangas, con las mangas tocando en la costura en el medio.


Los aldeanos se pasean al azar por las aldeas, no se pelean cuando son atacados, ni se escapan de cualquier mafia, sino el zombi. La muerte de un aldeano no afecta el comportamiento de ningún otro pueblo. Los aldeanos pueden usar puertas y escaleras y se esconderán en sus casas durante la noche. Los zombis atacarán a los aldeanos durante la noche. Los aldeanos prefieren vivir en áreas bien iluminadas, principalmente porque los Zombies no engendrarán. Los aldeanos se "socializan" con otros aldeanos y movimientos pasivos. Si se acercan y se quedan quietas entonces esto significa que están socializando. Pueden socializar con el jugador también, si se acercan a usted y quedarse quieto mientras balancea sus cabezas entonces ellos están socializando. Los aldeanos también se sienten atraídos por las calabazas y las puertas. Cuando atrapados, los aldeanos tratarán de encontrar los medios más fáciles de escapar, si una casa no tiene techo, 2 muros de bloque y una cama, entonces saltarán sobre la cama en un esfuerzo por escapar. En otros casos, los pobladores tratarán de saltar obstáculos. Los aldeanos tampoco saltarán voluntariamente de los acantilados. Los aldeanos pueden criar si una aldea tiene por lo menos una casa con una puerta.

Golems de hierro son comúnmente alrededor de los aldeanos, los aldeanos se fijan en ellos, ya veces los golems les ofrecerá una rosa, que simboliza la relación amistosa entre ellos. Los aldeanos del bebé tienden para funcionar alrededor del pueblo, también aparecen jugar la etiqueta. Si un bebé Villager crece mientras están jugando. El Villager adulto continuará jugando hasta que paren para una rotura, él continuará entonces con una vida normal. Si a un aldeano de bebés se le ofrece una rosa por un golem, caminará lentamente hacia ella, tomará la rosa y huirá.


Los aldeanos sólo aparecerán naturalmente en las aldeas NPC. También pueden ser engendrados con huevos de desove en modo creativo. Nunca despawn incluso si el jugador vaga lejos de ellos. A diferencia de otras turbas, no saldrán de su aldea ni siquiera sin una barrera (como una cerca) que les impida hacerlo.


Los pobladores se acoplarán dependiendo del número de puertas válidas. Una puerta válida es cualquier puerta (dentro del radio de la ciudad) donde el número de espacios "exteriores" dentro de 5 bloques (en línea recta) en un lado de la puerta no es el mismo que el número de espacios "exteriores" dentro de 5 bloques En el otro lado de la puerta. Un espacio se considera "exterior" si es golpeado por el sol durante el día, es decir, es transparente, y no tiene más que bloques transparentes por encima de todo el camino hacia el cielo. Esto significa que iniciar una aldea en el subsuelo, como en una caverna o un barranco enterrado, no es factible. Observe que una puerta no es una puerta válida sin un techo en un lado, o con la misma cantidad de techo en ambos lados. A veces el AI aldeano (como el apareamiento y la vivienda) no se comportan como se esperaba hasta que el juego se reinicia (como en guardar y salir, luego recargar el mundo).

Una vez que la vivienda se ha establecido, los aldeanos se acoplan hasta que el número de aldeanos adultos equivale al 35% del número de puertas. Los niños restantes crecerán como de costumbre, lo que resulta en un número total de aldeanos adultos en algún lugar por encima de un tercio del número de puertas de madera cercanas. El tipo de aldeano que el niño no depende del tipo de padres, p. Dos aldeanos agricultores pueden tener un hijo que es cualquiera de las ocupaciones. A diferencia de otras turbas capaces de criar, los padres y el niño no tienen interacciones personales que no sean socializar. Se tarda exactamente 20 minutos para que un aldeano-bebé crezca hasta un adulto.

El motor del juego toma periódicamente un censo para determinar la población actual de la aldea. Todos los aldeanos dentro del límite horizontal de la aldea y dentro de los 5 bloques verticales del centro serán contados como parte de la población para determinar si el acasalamiento continuado del aldeano es permitido. Sin embargo, cualquier aldeano dentro del límite horizontal de la aldea y dentro de una distancia vertical de 32 bloques hacia abajo del centro de la aldea intentará entrar en el modo de apareamiento mientras haya por lo menos un aldeano dentro del límite. Por lo tanto, es posible crear una población ilimitada mediante la celebración de sólo dos aldeanos dentro de la frontera del pueblo y forzar a todos los demás aldeanos fuera del rango vertical de 5 bloques del censo. Si dos aldeanos entran simultáneamente en el modo de apareamiento mientras están cerca uno del otro, se acoplan entre sí y producen un niño.


A partir de TU14 el jugador tiene la capacidad de comerciar con los aldeanos. Esta es la única manera de obtener esmeraldas sin hacer trampa en los mundos pre-TU14.


A partir de TU14 los aldeanos tienen diferentes profesiones.

Capa marrón = Granjero


Tallcraft ha estado funcionando por más de 3 años ahora! Todo empezó en el primer Minecraft Beta 1.3. Al principio, era un pequeño servidor que incluía un mundo de supervivencia en minecraft básico-vainilla solamente, pero cuanto más jugadores se unían, más crecía a través de los años. Ahora tenemos más slots, más funciones, mundos y lo más importante del multijugador: una comunidad grande y agradable que soporta el servidor. Algunos de los jugadores de principios de los comienzos aún juegan aquí. Después de unos tres años de una increíble experiencia multijugador, Tallcraft no solo cerrará, especialmente por razones monetarias, pero por supuesto, lo agradeceríamos si nos apoyas con una donación, una compra en la Tallshop Webshop o votando.

Membresía VIP

3 €

5 €


4 Portales Personalizados

10 000 monedas

Ranuras reservadas

15 Casas

Comandos Teleportation y Warp

Mine Mob-Spawners

5 €

30 €

& nbsp

Más Featuers

1 €

& nbsp

& nbsp

Actualización del hogar

Mesa portátil de artesanía

Guía de la receta

Cambia el tiempo

Y muchos más.




¡Conéctese a Tallcraft y comience a jugar! Haga clic en el botón de abajo para más información. Dirección: mc. tallcraft. com: 25565 & # 8217;


Visite nuestro foro! Discutir nuevas características, dar la bienvenida a los miembros o mostrar sus proyectos de construcción.


Obtenga una visión general de nuestros mundos. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para visitar nuestro mapa interactivo del mundo.

Acerca de MC: el juego de cartas

MineCraft: El juego de cartas (MC: TCG) es una creación de FAN que toma el juego en línea y lo transforma en un divertido y portátil juego de cartas. Utilizamos elementos en el juego como: minería; Mobs de lucha; Ganar XP; Artículos encantadores; Y sobrevivir! Por supuesto que tomas el papel del aventurero Steve en nuestro juego también.

Sin embargo, en este juego, usted debe defenderse contra otros aventureros! Usted debe mina de los recursos para construir una mesa de artesanía, mesa encantadora e incluso un stand de elaboración de la cerveza! Mejora tu piqueta a mis mejores recursos para mejorar tu espada y armadura. Batalla de monstruos (y sobrevivir) para ganar XP para encantar su espada y armadura. Los cofres de botín para ayudarle a actualizar más rápido, encontrar recursos adicionales o tal vez incluso una poción!

Este rápido juego de 2 jugadores es divertido con un amigo y puede ser aprendido por cualquier persona, incluso aquellos que nunca han jugado Minecraft antes! Es un juego totalmente FAN y no ha sido respaldado por Mojang (o Microsoft), sin embargo esperamos que el juego sea bien recibido por los fans y podamos trabajar en un acuerdo de publicación o licencia.

Estamos lanzando un Kickstarter para apoyar nuestro proyecto de fans (sin ningún beneficio que se hizo). Esperamos que nos ayude a difundir la noticia de que existe un mercado para este juego y USTED LO QUIERE!

Gracias por pasar y espero que disfrutes del juego!

Consulta nuestro Diario de Desarrollador para conocer las últimas noticias.


&dupdo; MineCraft: El juego de cartas

También estoy teniendo el mismo problema. Mis dos hijos han estado jugando a doble pantalla en la PS3 desde julio. Tenemos conexión HDMI, 2 controladores oficiales de PS3, 2 perfiles de usuario separados con diferentes mundos en cada uno, que ambos han jugado juntos y otros niños se han unido a ellos como 3 º y 4 º jugadores. No hemos tenido problemas en el pasado. Recientemente he creado una cuenta de estación de juego con la esperanza de que les permita jugar en línea, pero que nunca funcionó - nunca sospechó cómo llegar en línea. No es gran cosa. Ellos no necesitaban uno antes, así que no pueden ver por qué de repente lo necesitan hoy.

Pero hoy, de improviso, no pueden jugar juntos. El segundo controlador está cargado y lo he conectado por cable a la consola. Sin alegría. El segundo jugador no puede iniciar. He intentado una actualización de software, pero ya está actualizada. Estoy perdido.

Este tipo de mierda hace que la experiencia minecraft mientras muy desagradable.

¿Alguien tiene alguna idea? TIA

Tanto yo como mi hijo podría jugar el juego en conjunto cooperativa local.

No recibimos ningún mensaje sobre un solo jugador.

El juego se puede jugar fuera de línea splitscreen sin problemas en absoluto para estar seguro.

Ahora si usted quiere ins múltiples de la muestra para una cierta razón (yo havent intentado) y se niega a jugar para la diversión entonces no tengo ninguna idea cómo ayudarle, no juego para los trofeos / logros apenas para la diversión, debe intentarlo a veces su diversión de la diversión.

Esa es la cuestión ¿verdad? ¿Usted no quiere jugar a menos que ambos firmaron adentro y ganando trofeos?

¿Realmente prefiere simplemente tomar turnos y luego jugar sin iniciar sesión? El mundo en estos días.

Si estoy lejos de la base por favor explíquelo más.

Enviado desde mi Nota yo.

El siguiente video muestra lo que quieres saber.

Pero para una mejor claridad aquí es una cierta información contextual:

Cable HDMI o VGA o HD AV o componente RGB

Necesita un televisor de alta definición no puede tener un SD (definición estándar) TV

Obviamente necesita dos controladores

Lo que debe hacerse:

Conecte la Xbox al televisor a través de cualquiera de las opciones de cable anteriores

Asegúrese de que ambos controladores están encendidos y tienen una cuenta de usuario en ellos

Jugar Minecraft

Respondió Feb 14 '14 a 0:27

Hmm pensé que esto era una buena respuesta & ndash; LFM Feb 14 '14 at 0:38

Tratamos de proporcionar la información necesaria para una respuesta en la respuesta en sí aquí, en caso de que cualquier fuente está vinculada se toma hacia abajo. No estoy seguro de si es por eso que recibiste una baja, pero es una suposición decente. Si tomas la información del video y la escribes tendrás una respuesta perfectamente decente en lo que a mí respecta. & Ndash; Fambida Feb 14 '14 at 0:42

Mod Trading para Minecraft 1.2.5

Modificación comercial

Con los desarrollos de nuestra civilización, la vida se hizo más fácil que antes. Con la introducción de comercio de cosas por dinero, la gente ya no tenía que cazar y reunirse para sobrevivir. Todo lo que necesitamos ahora es el dinero para comprarlos. ¿Qué tan conveniente es eso? Lamentablemente, todavía no tenemos tal conveniencia en nuestro mundo Minecraft. Siempre tenemos que buscar los recursos que necesitamos por nosotros mismos, que es mucho tiempo. Pero finalmente, con el Mod Trading aquí, el concepto de monedas y el comercio se aplicará a nuestro mundo Minecraft! Este mod nos permitirá recolectar monedas para el comercio con los bienes que queremos. ¿Cómo conseguimos las monedas? Es fácil. Cuando matamos a las turbas, ahora soltarán monedas. Además, podemos vender lo que tenemos en el inventario de algunas monedas a cambio, que luego se puede utilizar para comprar los bienes que queremos.

Presione B para abrir el menú de negociación. El menú será donde usted puede vender y comprar artículos. Para comprobar el valor de cualquier elemento, haga clic en el elemento mientras presiona V. A continuación, el valor aparecerá en el chat.

Estoy seguro de que las cosas se pondrán mucho más fáciles con este mod. No dude en probar este mod. ¡Con este mod, la conveniencia es toda la suya!

Cómo instalar Trading Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

Descargar Trading Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

Instale el ModLoader y PlayerAPI

Mueva el archivo zip a la carpeta. minecraft / mods /.

Eliminar META-INF.



¡Está llegando finalmente - Minecraft 2.0!

Publicado el 1 de abril de 2013 por Dinnerbone

Minecraft PC Edition está a punto de llegar a 10.000.000 de ventas. No sé ustedes, pero estamos muy entusiasmados con este importante hito en la historia de Minecraft. Decidimos que este sería el momento perfecto para anunciar nuestro próximo próximo título, "Minecraft 2".

Esperemos que la liberación en los próximos dos meses, este juego de 2 años en el desarrollo será llevar los juegos de simulación blocky al siguiente nivel. Aunque basada en el motor original de Minecraft, esta nueva versión completa completamente las partes principales del juego y contiene muchas semanas de contenido y bloques nuevos. Actualmente en fase beta cerrada, hemos estado trabajando secretamente con unos pocos miembros de la comunidad para participar y probar algunas características específicas de la nueva versión. Ni Mojang ni Minecraft estarían donde está hoy sin su comunidad, así que nos pareció conveniente que les dejáramos hacer los videos y anuncios para nosotros, que están visibles abajo.

Videos de Sneak-peek

¿Qué cambió?

Mientras que no estamos casi terminados con la actualización 2.0, tenemos un changelog parcial de lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora. ¡Hay mucho más por venir, esto es sólo el comienzo!


Añadido nuevo modo de juego Super Hostil, para una experiencia de supervivencia mucho más desafiante.

La configuración de dificultad es ahora por mundo y nunca se puede cambiar una vez establecida.

Se agregó una nueva configuración de gráficos "Ultra realista" con la nueva versión 4D experimental de patente pendiente.

Se agregó una nueva perspectiva de cámara 3D de estilo persecución.


Se agregó un nuevo sistema realista de comida / hambre a los animales.

La sobrealimentación de los animales puede tener un efecto negativo en el juego.

Se agregó un nuevo "caballo" animal, con dos razas diferentes para elegir.

Cada animal tiene ahora un género y personalidad, introduciendo una nueva mecánica agrícola.

Se agregó una nueva raza rara de pollo conocida como "pollo de diamante".

Puede colocar diamantes o lapis en lugar de poner huevos.

Puede también explotar de demasiada presión. Tratar con cuidado.

Añadido nuevo amistoso Pink Wither, que es el completo opuesto de un wither.

Dispara a Amor, que sana la tierra cercana y hace que las cosas crezcan más rápido.

Errores conocidos: Tener un Wither rosado y un Wither en su mundo al mismo tiempo puede causar hasta un aumento del 200% en framerate. Se fijará para el lanzamiento.

Todos los animales pueden ser alimentados con manzanas doradas para liberar sus propiedades mágicas ocultas (ver nueva sección mágica).

Los pollos están ahora clasificados como un monstruo y ya no son un animal amigable.


Los pollos no aprecian ser mirados y pueden molestarse.

Atacar a un pollo solitario puede convocar pollos adicionales a su defensa.

Zombie Pigmen ahora engendran con signos de batalla y ya no usan espadas.

Se ha corregido un error que hacía que los esqueletos perdieran sus objetivos de vez en cuando.

Añadido nuevo monstruo Redstone Bug (ver la sección Redstone).


Los hornos tienen un nuevo mecánico de "calor".

El calor necesita ser regulado en los hornos o explotar.

Las antorchas ahora se queman después de un período de tiempo, pero pueden relit con el pedernal y el acero.

Se agregó la nueva losa TNT, conocida como Etho Slab.

Renombrado Droppers a floppers, por la demanda de la comunidad popular.

Los cuentagotas eran considerados demasiado poderosos e ir en contra de nuestra visión original del juego.

Los despenseros ahora convierten todo lo que pasa a través de ellos en pescado crudo (ver sección Pesca).

Se agregaron seis (6) nuevos bloques de decoración:


Balas de heno.


Bloques de limo.

Se han añadido nuevos bloques de almacenamiento comprimido para minerales comúnmente extraídos:

Bloque de carbón.

Bloque Lapis Lazuli.

Bloque de bloques de piedra roja.

Lapis ahora se puede utilizar para muebles nuevos de Lapis.

Se agregó el vidrio teñido.

Caminar sobre muchos bloques gradualmente los desgaste abajo, creando muchas nuevas variantes del bloque tales como piedra agrietada y hierba fangosa.


Eliminado todo comportamiento BUD, y añadió salvaguardias para que nunca puede volver.

Los errores hechos de redstone generan errores reales de Redstone para ayudar con la depuración.

Añadido nuevo Quantum entrometido redstone, obtenido por la mezcla de 1 redstone, 1 diamante y 3 lapis.

Un polvo de redstone enredado se conectará a otro par en otra parte.

Ninguna forma actual de especificar la conexión, de hecho puede conectarse al mundo de otro jugador.

Se agregaron nuevos bloques BUD.


Añadido nuevos niveles de Magic y Luck por jugador.

Encontrar un arco iris después de la lluvia pasa será la principal manera de obtener la magia.

Encontrar un caballo de color verde será la principal manera de obtener la suerte.

Se agregó un nuevo sistema de hechizos, costando magia para realizar un hechizo.

Los hechizos pueden retroceder, dependiendo de la suerte.

Ejemplos de nuevos hechizos incluyen:

Convierta cualquier elemento en pescado.

Transforma el bioma actual en otro bioma (error: actualmente sólo se convierte en océano).

Capacidad para eliminar la gravedad de otras criaturas / jugadores en el mundo.


Mecánica de la pesca revisada.

Se pueden encontrar nuevos tipos especiales de peces en diferentes biomas.

Los peces pueden asustarse si se hace demasiado ruido cerca.

Se han añadido 28 nuevos logros para la pesca.

Rara posibilidad de que los objetos extra caigan al pescar, como armaduras y mapas.

Pesca removida.

Tener un pez en su posesión drenará su salud por 1 cada segundo, para ayudar a eliminar la pesca.


Retirado ballestas.

Para disuadir a los jugadores de engañar a los servidores PvP, el sistema PvP ha sido completamente rediseñado.

Los jugadores ya no pueden atacar a otros jugadores directamente, pero deben reclutar un ejército de monstruos y animales.

Cada monstruo / animal tiene diferentes fortalezas, debilidades y habilidades mientras ataca o defiende en combate PvP.

El nuevo sistema de combate basado en turnos ayudará a crear batallas épicas que pueden durar horas a la vez.

Generación mundial & amp; terreno

Se agregaron muchos nuevos lugares misteriosos de aventuras.

Se agregaron 6 nuevos biomas.

Reimplantó las Farlands.

Al acercarse a las farlands se habilitará el anaglifo 3d.

Bugs conocidos: Teleportar hacia los farlands puede enviarle a mitad de camino en la dirección opuesta.

Agregó docenas de nuevas plantillas de construcción de aldea.

Aplanado ligeramente todo terreno, con la excepción del bioma de las colinas para que parezca más grande por contraste.

Se han añadido islas flotantes.

Mensajes recientes

Cómo jugar Multijugador en Minecraft Xbox 360

Minecraft es un juego divertido por ti mismo, pero se pone aún mejor cuando estás jugando con algunos buenos amigos. La versión de Xbox 360 de Minecraft tiene varias opciones de multijugador. Aunque no es tan robusto como la versión para PC debido a su falta de servidores dedicados, puedes jugar fácilmente en línea con cualquiera de tus amigos. La versión de Xbox 360 también cuenta con un modo de pantalla dividida para cuando tienes amigos o familiares en la misma habitación que quieren jugar también.

Editar Pasos

Editar el método Uno de dos: jugar en línea

Consigue Xbox Live Gold. Necesitará una cuenta de Xbox Live Gold para jugar en línea con otras personas. Las cuentas de oro cuestan una cuota mensual. Si no tiene una cuenta de Oro, todavía puede jugar localmente con otros. Vea la siguiente sección para más detalles.

Consulte Cómo configurar Xbox Live para obtener información sobre la inscripción en una cuenta de Oro.

Vea Cómo jugar en Xbox Live de forma gratuita para obtener consejos sobre cómo obtener una cuenta Gold gratuita.

Haz amigos con las personas con las que quieres jugar. Sólo puedes jugar a Minecraft para Xbox 360 en línea con las personas que están en tu lista de amigos. No puede unirse a servidores aleatorios. En su lugar, o bien crear un mundo e invitar a amigos a unirse, o unirse al mundo de un amigo.

Únete al juego de un amigo. Si su amigo ha creado un mundo en línea, aparecerá en la lista de mundos cuando inicie Minecraft. Si el juego no está lleno, podrás unirte seleccionando el mundo de la lista. Los juegos de Minecraft 360 admiten hasta ocho jugadores en un solo mundo.

Crea un nuevo mundo para organizar tu propio juego en línea. Si desea alojar un mundo para usted y sus amigos, puede crear uno y permitir que se unan a él.

Haga clic en "Play Game" en el menú principal y luego seleccione "Create New World".

También puedes cargar un mundo que ya hayas creado y seleccionar "Juego en línea" mientras lo cargas.

Marque la casilla "Juego en línea". Normalmente se comprueba por defecto. Con esta casilla marcada, cualquier persona en tu lista de amigos podrá unirte a tu juego.

Marque la casilla "Invitar sólo" (opcional). Si prefiere no abrir el mundo a todo el mundo en su lista, sólo puede invitarlo. Tendrás que enviar invitaciones a los amigos que quieras permitir en tu juego.

Termina creando tu mundo. Puede elegir cualquiera de las opciones de creación del mundo, así como introducir una semilla o dejarla en blanco para una semilla aleatoria. Haga clic en "Crear nuevo mundo" una vez que haya terminado de configurar sus opciones.

Invita a tus amigos. Una vez que su mundo esté funcionando, sus amigos podrán unirse a sus listas mundiales si el juego no está configurado en "Sólo invitar". Si es así, tendrás que enviar invitaciones de juego a los amigos con los que quieras jugar. Abra su lista de amigos, seleccione el amigo con el que desea jugar y, a continuación, seleccione "Invitar al juego".

Editar método dos de dos: Reproducción Splitscreen

Conecte su Xbox 360 a una HDTV. Si aún no lo has hecho, tendrás que tener tu Xbox 360 conectada a una HDTV de al menos 720p. No puede reproducir la pantalla dividida si está jugando en un televisor de definición estándar antiguo.

Su 360 también debe estar conectado al televisor a través de cable componente (de cinco puntas) o HDMI. [1]

Compruebe la resolución de pantalla actual. Puede comprobar su resolución de salida actual navegando a Configuración → Sistema → Configuración de consola → Pantalla. El "ajuste actual" debe ser "720p", "1080p" o "1080i". Cualquier otro ajuste evitará que funcione la pantalla dividida.

Crear un nuevo mundo o cargar uno existente. Puedes jugar splitscreen en cualquiera de tus mundos.

Desactive la opción "Juego en línea" para reproducir la pantalla splits local. Esto le permitirá jugar con cualquiera de las cuentas de su Xbox 360, incluso si no son cuentas de oro.

Puedes jugar juegos de pantalla dividida en línea dejando "Juego en línea" marcado, pero necesitarás una cuenta de Xbox Live Gold para comenzar el juego. La pantalla dividida en línea sólo admite cuentas de oro y de invitado, mientras que la pantalla dividida local admite cuentas de oro, plata y de invitado.

Si estás jugando un juego de pantalla dividida en línea, tendrás que iniciar sesión con cualquier cuenta de invitado tan pronto como se cargue el mundo. Los jugadores con cuentas de Oro podrán participar en cualquier momento, siempre y cuando haya espacio en el juego.

Encienda el segundo controlador y seleccione un perfil. Una vez que el juego se ha cargado, presione el botón Xbox en el segundo controlador y elija el perfil que desea utilizar. Si estás jugando a splitscreen local, el segundo jugador será capaz de unirse al juego con cualquier perfil en el sistema.

Pulse Inicio en el segundo controlador para unirse al juego. Se le pedirá que lo haga después de haber iniciado sesión en el segundo controlador.

Únase a cualquier controlador adicional. Cuatro jugadores pueden jugar en un solo televisor, siempre y cuando tenga cuatro controladores. Si estás jugando un juego de pantalla dividida local, estos jugadores adicionales pueden saltar en cualquier momento. Si estás jugando un juego de pantalla dividida en línea, los jugadores adicionales necesitarán cuentas de Oro para unirse en cualquier momento. [2]



Únete al héroe Blocky Steve y millones de otros en el mundo adictivo de Minecraft. Sumérgete en un mundo de creación en forma de cubo y explora las profundidades más profundas de tu imaginación.

Acerca de Minecraft

A partir de la PC como una rareza, Minecraft se ha convertido en un fenómeno cultural debido a su estilo retro de 8 bits y un juego potencialmente ilimitado, donde puedes explorar el mundo que te rodea o crear tus propias experiencias únicas y fantásticas.

Usted tiene un objetivo simple en Minecraft: Construir. Pero antes de que puedas construir, necesitas mina para obtener recursos. Casi todo se puede extraer de los árboles para la madera, las ovejas para la lana y las piedras para la piedra y los minerales preciosos. Una vez que usted tiene los materiales, el único límite es su imaginación mientras que usted construye las casas, los caminos, los barcos de la estrella, los castillos o incluso los puntos de referencia icónicos!

Minecraft on PC features two modes - Survival and Creative - allowing you to worry about health and hunger or just build, build, build. The console versions feature a new crafting interface to make the jump from keyboard to controller a little easier; also you can grab a friend and mine together!

Minecraft: Story Mode

A new adventure set in the world of Minecraft!

As Jesse, you’ll embark on a perilous adventure across the Overworld, through the Nether, to the End, and beyond. Your decisions – what you say and do - drive the story around you, so choose wisely! A five-part episodic series. This disc includes episode one, and grants access to four more episodes as they become available to download (Internet connection required).

Minecraft Boxed Games

Exercise your imagination in a virtually infinite game world! Gather resources and get building today with a boxed version of Minecraft - the perfect present for people of all ages.

Minecraft Digital Games

Download and get digging with the digital version of Minecraft. The disc-free portal to pixel paradise.

Minecraft Merchandise

Bring the blocky world to life with our range of Minecraft merchandise.

From pixel-perfect t-shirts to carefully crafted toys and collectibles - build a chunky collection today!

Minecraft 1.6.2 Release

Posted on Jul 5, 2013 by Jens Bergensten

Update: 1.6.2 has been released to the launcher.

Here's the pre-release for 1.6.2! We're planning to post this release on Monday (July 8) .

The patch is focused on sorting out bugs and issues that people have found. Notable bug fixes are:

Fixed horses starting to suffocate when touching walls

Fixed animals escaping their pens

Improved sprinting behavior

On Mac, holding Ctrl while left-clicking now counts as a right-click

Custom fonts look better

Full list of fixes:

[MC-149 ] - Powered pistons drop as items in creative

[MC-1545 ] - Player's and Horses head while riding having strange behaviour when looking at the skin in the inventory

[MC-2025 ] - Animals going out of fenced areas/suffocate in blocks when loading chunks

[MC-2840 ] - Chat concurrency issues

[MC-2841 ] - Packet flood degrades server peformance

[MC-5770 ] - When putting a sign in front of water it keeps running

[MC-7486 ] - Trapped Chest looks like Regular Chest in inventory / item frame

[MC-12962 ] - Attacking wild Wolves with any kind of projectiles (Arrows, Snowballs, Potions) will cause any nearby tamed Wolves to attack their owner

[MC-13167 ] - Reloading a world while player is in moving Minecart or riding a horse is glitchy in F5 mode

[MC-13632 ] - Horses can be pushed into blocks and then take suffocation damage

[MC-13695 ] - Ctrl+Click = Right Click on Mac not working

[MC-13949 ] - Leads attached to mobs drop as items when right clicked in creative

[MC-14157 ] - Numlock Enter not recognized as Return

[MC-14359 ] - Direct Connect does not remember port

[MC-14415 ] - rope part of the leash turns invisible in some angles

[MC-15024 ] - Hay blocks can not be crafted back into wheat

[MC-15161 ] - Gliding crosshair when on a saddled horse

[MC-15547 ] - "Nether-Fortress-Only" Mobs no longer spawning in previously generated Fortresses

[MC-16170 ] - Unarmored horses appear as wearing diamong armor

[MC-16222 ] - Baby Zombies are far too fast

[MC-16267 ] - Cannot change Horse Armor like Player Armor by clicking with another armor piece on slot

[MC-16761 ] - Sprint does not happen straight away

[MC-17673 ] - Distorted fonts when using a converted texturepack on startup

[MC-18365 ] - Breaking sound and particles appear when placing water/lava into another source block

[MC-18627 ] - The "clear" command is causing a player in creative mode to be unable to move items in their inventory.

[MC-18828 ] - /clear command causes problems with animations of held items

[MC-18976 ] - Health boost resets additional health every 30 seconds

[MC-19082 ] - Signs placed on Fences don't have Text

[MC-19585 ] - Trying to jump on an unsaddled Horse, then equipping it with a saddle makes the Horse jump automatically

[MC-19592 ] - 1.5.2 clients show server 1.6.1 as 1.3 in Multiplayer screen

[MC-19599 ] - Item Dupe

[MC-19605 ] - the /playsound command does not work with @a when >1 player passes the query

[MC-20050 ] - Minecraft 1.6.1 demo has crashed

[MC-21145 ] - Demo crashes when unable to find 'name' of a bound mousebutton

[MC-21172 ] - resourcepack crashes

[MC-21436 ] - nested colors in json chat don't work

[MC-22315 ] - Item Duplication by Mules/Donkeys

[MC-22401 ] - Cannot pick block lead in creative.

To get the snapshot, use the new launcher available in the link below. To return to 1.5.2, simply start the old launcher and play as normal.

Report bugs here:

// The Minecraft and Minecraft Realms teams

How to Play Minecraft Multiplayer

Edit Tips

If you find other players are not being civil, you can try asking them to stop being rude or you can leave and find a different server. On most public servers, a moderator will go after anyone who is disrupting play, being offensive or generally messing things up. On a private server, hopefully only trusted people like friends have been invited to it, so it's likely you can sort out any issues together.

Try to avoid griefers. These are players who get a thrill out of destroying other players' structures for no apparent reason, other than that they enjoy it. If you find you're on a server where it's full of griefers, it's best to leave.

That said, if you enjoy causing and experiencing havoc, for example, if you actually like griefing, it's recommended that you play on a PVP raid server. You'll get havoc to your heart's content but be aware that other players will try to get vengeance!

Some servers contain plug-ins for added entertainment that you can't usually perform on single player without a mod. See "Warnings" below for anti-griefing plug-ins.

Some mods that you use on your client will work on multiplayer servers as well. You'll only know whether or not it works by trying it when in multiplayer mode.

Edit Warnings

Enter all public multiplayer servers at your own risk. Read the terms and conditions, know how to contact the moderators and admins and check out the reviews (if any) of the particular server before joining play.

Any time that you get involved with players online who are unknown to you, there is always a risk that someone will be nasty or intimidating. If this happens, don't let it get to you. You can contact a moderator and ask for help and in the meantime, stay away until the issue has been resolved. Unfortunately, such behavior can be quite commonplace in Minecraft, hence a lot of plug-ins have been created to manage griefing and spamming, prevent it from happening when you're playing. Such plug-ins, if they're operating, will not be optional. To know how to use them, read the server's terms, conditions and rules.

Some mods, such as TMI and X-Ray, are not acceptable on multiplayer servers. The reason for this is that they enable cheating in items or unfair resource claiming. You will be booted off, perhaps even banned, if you're found to be using them.


Villagers (AKA NPC Villagers ) are mobs that were added to Minecraft Pocket Edition in Update 0.9.0. They cannot currently trade with the player due to degraded AI.



Villagers only spawn naturally in NPC Villages upon generation, or by breeding. However, they can also be spawned with spawn eggs in Creative Mode. or by curing Zombie Villagers. They will never de-spawn, even if the player wanders away from them.


Villagers spawn in various houses depending on their occupation. For example, a librarian will spawn in a Library.

Villagers 'socialise' with other villagers, doing so by facing the approaching villager and making villager sounds.

They also display 'angry' particles when attacked.

Villagers run away from Zombies.

Villagers can open and close doors.

Villagers go inside their houses at night, or when it starts raining.

A Villager may turn into a Zombie Villager if killed by a Zombie, depending on the difficulty.

Zombie Villagers can be cured back into normal villagers.

Villagers can harvest and plant crops.

Villagers can currently not trade with players.

Villagers can pick up certain items, such as Breads. Wheats. Seeds. Patatas. Carrots and Beetroots.

After Update 0.14.0. Villagers will turn into Witches when struck by lightning.

Villagers have a chance to breed during day into their villages.


Most villagers have professions, which are seen in both their robe color and their building of residence.

Farmers: Have Brown Robes, and live in small houses near farms. They can plant crops.

Librarians: Have White Robes, and live in libraries.

Priests: Have Purple Robes, and live in cobblestone churches.

Blacksmiths: Have Brown Robes with a black apron, and live in forges.

Butchers: Have Brown Robes with a white apron, and live in butcher shops.

Green villager: Have green Robes and cannot be found naturally. However, this type of villager is not in mcpe yet and will never be.


Villagers are the only mobs that can open Doors.

Villagers can see invisible players.

Baby Villagers can also spawn in Villages. They have higher pitched sounds, and run faster than normal villagers.

Villagers were inspired by the shop keeper in Dungeon Master 2.

When Villagers are attacked by a player, they will make no attempt to escape.

However, a nearby Iron Golem may attack the player if the Iron Golem is within range of the village.

Villagers are sometimes also known as testificates .

When there is a lot of villagers, they will start breeding and make baby villagers.


MCPE Wiki Guide All About Villages!

Link to Villager Video

Minecarts and Railroad Systems

Minecart railways &emdash; like redstone circuits &emdash; are a part of the game where technically-minded players can build mind-bogglingly impressive automated systems. It can all be rather daunting for the rest of us. Here are some pointers on how to use minecarts to get from A to B.


There are several kinds of minecart. When you've built one, right-click on a rail tile to place it.

Standard Minecart

You (and other animals and monsters) can ride in these. Right-click to get in and out. You can push yourself along using the "forwards" key (W) and brake using "backwards" (D), but a slope or powered rail will get you moving much faster.

When you're done, you can hit it with a sword to pick it up again and carry it with you in your pocket. Minecarts are crafted from five iron ingots.

Minecart With Chest

Also known in the game as "Storage Minecarts", these are made by combining a normal minecart with a chest. This kind of minecart can carry cargo. Right-click to access the container. These can be used in combination with powered minecarts for sending goods from your mine to your storeroom.

Minecart With Furnace

Also known as "Powered Minecarts". Build them by combining a normal minecart with a furnace. These can be set in motion by loading with fuel (right click whilst holding the fuel, eg. coal) and will then chug along pushing other carts ahead of them.

A powered minecart can usually push 4 other carts up a hill; for a longer train it might be worth adding a second powered cart.

Minecart Rails

There are three kinds of rail too:

Normal Rail

Rails are placed by right-clicking on the floor where you want them to go. If you go around a corner or up or down a slope, the rails should adjust themselves automatically.

Powered Rail

When unpowered, these act as brakes and will stop your cart. When powered by redstone, will give a minecart a push in the direction it is moving.

On flat ground

Moving minecarts will get a push in the direction they are going. Stationary minecarts will not get a push unless there is only one direction they can move (ie. they are right at the end of a track, up against a block.

On a slope

Moving carts will get a push in the direction they are going. Stationary carts will be given a push downhill.

Occupied minecarts (containing a player or a mob) will have travel up to 80 blocks on flat land after being boosted by a powerd rail; unoccupied carts, however, have less momentum and will only travel 8 blocks.

Detector Rail

Detector rails activate a redstone signal when a minecart passes over them.

Building a minecart rail system

Minecraft rail systems can be fabulously complicated and are fun to build, but here we'll just focus on simple systems to get you around your minecraft world with minimum fuss.


You will need lots of iron and wood to build your rails. You will also need gold and redstone for powered rails, unless you're OK with only going downhill.

Laying Track

Just right click to lay tracks on the ground. Stick to level ground wherever possible. Rail can be laid diagonally in a zig-zag pattern ; it looks wiggly on the ground but minecarts travel in a nice straight diagonal line. Place powered rails at appropriate intervals (see below). Provide power to the rails by placing a redstone torch or a lever next to the powered rail &emdash; you will see the rail light up. Redstone torches can also be placed underneath the block that the rail is resting on to provide a hidden power source.

How many powered rails to place?

Passenger Rail

An occupied minecart will be accelerated to maximum speed by three powered rails in a row. On flat ground, the cart will be kept up to speed by placing a powered rail every 38 blocks along the route. If you don't mind going slower and want to save on materials, powered rails can be placed further apart.

Cargo Rail

Although the Minecart With Chest looks like it should be good for building cargo trains to move stuff around, it should be noted that they only have the same momentum as an empty minecart, so you would need to place powered rails every 8 blocks. That's a lot of gold!

Climbing Hills

To keep up top speed whilst climbing a hill, you'll need one powered rail every two blocks; ie. alternate powered and normal rails. If you don't mind slowing down a bit, one powered rail every four blocks will do.


Building complex automated passenger stations with multiple destinations is a fun challenge, and there are many ingenious examples on YouTube and elsewhere. However, these simple stations will get you around your Minecraft world well enough! Both station designs are based on laying two pieces of powered rail into a small trench, and providing power using a stone button .

End station

Place these at the ends of your line; place a cart in the hole, jump in and push the button to go!

Waypoint station

These stations are ideal for points along your route where you may want to get in and out, or just push the button to keep going. To choose a direction, nudge the cart around so that it is on the slope that is downhill in the direction you want to go. The lever is an optional extra; you can use it switch the powered rails on permanently if you no longer want to stop at this station.

Switches and Junctions

When you place rails in a T-junction, the central rail will be bent into a right-angle 'elbow' connecting two of the tracks. A redstone signal (such as a redstone torch or a lever) will change the orientation of this elbow, allowing you to choose which way carts will go over the junction.

Here are some examples of how to take advantage of this as you start to build a more complex network:

2-way station

The lever allows you to select which direction your cart will set off in when you push the button.

3-way intersection

The lever controls the direction of the travel; push either button to go. Note how the buttons are connected to all the powered rails by a redstone wire that passes under one of the incoming tracks. To place redstone wire, right-click with redstone dust just like placing rails.

Campo de golf

There are a lot of very clever people out there designing complex rail systems. TaviRider and SethBling are just two of them; their YouTube channels are a great place to start looking for ideas when you want to build a really fancy transit network.


All About Minecraft For Families

Minecraft is fast becoming one of the most popular video-games in history. We asked journalist Jordan Erica Webber to explain why her family had recently been avidly playing with Minecraft.

Update: A series of Minercraft guides have recently been released by Egmont that are an excellent place to start discovering more about the game for families. Minecraft Beginners & Redstone Guide and the Minecraft Annual last year. Then this year we have the Official Combat guide and the Official Construction Handbook .

As my twelve-year-old brother told me with disdain a couple of months ago, the hot topic in the playground these days is Minecraft. I didn’t understand it. I’d tried to play the PC version back when friends were talking about it, but had never got the hang of what I was supposed to do. However, now both of us play. In fact, most of my brothers and sisters are in on the action, and we sometimes spend hours playing Minecraft together. We’ve joined the ranks that are currently made up of more than 11 million PC players, more than 10 million mobile device players (and that was in April), and more than 7 million Xbox 360 players. It’s difficult to tell from the outside what makes Minecraft so popular. In fact, it’s difficult to tell what the game even is. If you try to watch your child over their shoulder, you might see them digging a hole in the ground, or hitting a sheep with a sword, or setting something on fire, and you’ll probably have no idea why they’re doing any one of those things. If you try to play for yourself, as I did some time ago, you’ll find your avatar stood in the middle of a procedurally generated (different each time) blocky world, with no instructions to give you a hint of how to proceed. But this lack of instruction is actually what makes Minecraft interesting. Minecraft is an electronic game, but it’s more like the toys of the past, where children made their own fun. Minecraft is the Lego of the video game world, and not even a Lego set with instructions on how to make a Death Star but a box of assorted Lego pieces for which you have to use your imagination. In fact, the analogy with Lego is even more apt because of the way you actually play Minecraft. That blocky world is made up of separate pieces that you can break off just like you can break off a Lego piece and use to build something new: grass pieces, wood pieces, rock pieces, and much more. Since these blocks are all the same size, you can rearrange them to form whatever you like: a house, a statue, a mountain with a forest on top and a waterfall running down its side. Minecraft technically has two modes: Creative and Survival.

Creative mode is most like a Lego set, where you have all the blocks available to you and can just build uninhibited (and people have come up with some incredible creations).

Survival mode is a little more like other kinds of video game. You still play in that same blocky world, and the focus is still on building new things, but monsters come out at night and if they get you then you have to reload and you might lose the blocks you’ve most recently collected.

The great thing about Survival mode is that it provides some direction for the player’s creation. You can avoid the monsters if you build yourself a shelter by nightfall, so you’ll probably want to spend your first day cutting down trees to build a wooden hut, or just digging a big hole in the ground that you’ll seal up with rock when nighttime comes. Also in Survival mode, you don’t have access to all of the different kinds of block straight away. If you want to make yourself some gold armour, then you’ll have to go and do some mining, probably deep into the ground, to find some gold ore. Then you’ll want to gather some stone and build a furnace that you can use to turn that gold ore into gold ingots, which you can then use to make your armour. While Creative mode is all about pure creativity, like a blank sheet of paper, Survival mode encourages other skills. The player chooses their own goal and then makes a plan to achieve it, working out the necessary ingredients and creating the necessary tools, all the while keeping in mind the need to return to shelter at night. As the player improves, they can choose more difficult goals and build more impressive creations. This is why my brothers and sisters and I play Minecraft in survival mode when we play together. When you have multiple people playing in the same world, you can choose a common goal and then divide up the workload. On a recent Sunday afternoon, we got out various mobile devices and started a new game in Survival mode and made our plans: my fifteen-year-old brother chopped down trees and gave me the wood, I built us a big house between two mountains, my twelve-year-old brother searched for wool with which to make beds for us to sleep in, my seven-year-old brother dug out a mine and mined for iron ore, and my nine-year-old sister melted down that ore and used it to make us each a piece of armour. The previous day, we’d played a board game together, but half the players left the table before the end. Never has something encouraged us to work together for as long as Minecraft has. So it was good news for us when Minecraft: Pocket Edition (the one you can play on mobile devices) got a new update that introduced a way to use the Internet to play together even when not in the same room. Since I don’t live with my brothers and sisters, I can now keep in touch with them by meeting them in the Minecraft world we’re building together, using the chat function to talk to them and carry on making plans. As you can see in the video my siblings and I play Minecraft together, both in the same room and across the Internet. We’re looking forward to the new version on Microsoft’s new games console, Minecraft Xbox One. On their Xbox 360 XBLA version Minecraft has also caught on with more avid games. I hope this article and video help those who haven’t played to understand a little more about why so many people have fallen in love with Minecraft. If you have any questions or suggestions for future videos about the game, let us know in the comments!

For more family video-game review from Jordan Erica Webber, you can follow her Family Gaming videos .

Minecraft Xbox One Edition Review

Blocks the material, design by imagination

by Cameron Woolsey on October 28, 2014

Minecraft is about the big things, just as much as it favors the small. It's almost impossible to think of Minecraft without envisioning the picturesque structures, from castles to cities, that have been constructed by fans. But Minecraft is also about the minor touches, and sometimes they are what you remember the most--that feeling of awe as you peer across a forest of snow-capped oak, nearly out of sight, the sense of relaxation as you watch the sun set behind a distant mountain, and the sharp intake of breath as you stare deep into an underground mine lit by glowing pools of red-hot lava. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition offers both worlds, large and small, as well as the tools to create your own voxel-constructed paradise.

As if climbing a ladder, you start at the bottom and work your way through technology. Spawning a procedurally generated world in Minecraft's default survival mode for the first time places you at the bottom rung, where your goal is to seek tools, shelter, and food. The humorous term "punching trees" was popularized by Minecraft, as your earliest task involves hammering away at the nearest oak or spruce tree for blocks of wood. From wooden tools and weapons, you soon move to stone, then iron, and then, if you're fortunate enough to find it deep in the earth, diamond--not unlike rising through the tiers of the ages of man. Killing animals such as cows or pigs yields food, which staves off hunger, at least for a short while.

With the crafting menu, you turn wood into planks and then create a crafting table, the backbone of your Minecraft experience. The crafting table in Minecraft's console versions hasn't changed since the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. for which the options are vastly different compared to the game on PC. Here, all items, from tools to decorations, are available for you to investigate. If you have the material to construct a certain item, it will be fully colored in; otherwise, it remains slightly opaque. On the PC, however, crafting requires a method of trial and error, where you place materials such as wooden planks and sticks on a nine-by-nine board to create new items. On console, you need only have the necessary material in your inventory to craft items. The process is more streamlined, and it prevents you from constantly rubbing several things together in hopes of creating something useful, as well as from looking up crafting recipes online, so you can get to building your blocky empire more quickly.

As your knowledge grows, so does the complexity of your projects and the scope of your adventures. A small hut awkwardly cobbled together from blocks of wood and stone is a strange thing to take pride in, and yet it's hard not to feel some accomplishment in its creation. It's small, it's ugly, and there's a good chance the floor is made of dirt, but it's yours. As you learn the odds and ends of creation in Minecraft, that motley shack will be traded in for a cabin deep in the woods or a castle high on a mountaintop where you can survey the land through its windows. Or it could become something else, anything else, as your hand is guided by your imagination, your only limit on what you can accomplish.

Minecraft doesn't include a story to follow or missions to complete; your quests are set by you, but the journey can be just as rewarding as those found in other games. There are many sights to see, from the aforementioned sprawling oak forests covered in snow to mucky swamplands with vines and water flecked with green lily pads. Your adventures often carry a similar tone to those found in Fallout or Elder Scrolls games, where a trip through the desert on a hunt for crafting materials is stopped short as a village materializes in your peripheral vision, luring you with villager trade, books to steal, and crops to harvest. In that same desert, you could stumble upon a half-buried temple, where beneath its floor lies secret treasure--as well as an untimely end for brazen travelers who ignore the hidden trap.

There are dangers in Minecraft that stalk every dark corner and winding tunnel. At night, vicious creatures roam, threatening you with poisoned fangs and sharp arrows. You can protect yourself with armor and weapons, crafted from materials ranging from leather from slaughtered cows or iron discovered embedded in stone. But even the most seasoned Minecraft veterans can fall prey to the many enemies that haunt the land. Cave spelunking is often quickly ended by an undetected creeper, its blood-curdling hiss the last thing you hear before the inevitable explosion. I have been knocked into a river of lava by a skeleton archer just out of range more often than I care for, once even during the course of this review. The loss is always a bitter pill, but you can always respawn and try to recover any lost items. That is, unless they fall into lava, in which case it's time to start over (I hate those archers so, so much).

It's not expected that you will raise a castle or stretch railways across the land overnight, but Minecraft: Xbox One Edition does well in easing you into the basics as you move along. Enabled by default, tooltips inform you of the uses of the many blocks that surround you. You learn that throwing blocks of sand into a furnace will result in glass or that nether quartz, found in Minecraft's hellish nether, can be crafted into blocks of marble. The in-depth tutorial mode is like a game itself, and it is here that you learn everything that Minecraft is about. The tutorial takes you from learning how to construct small structures and tools to spending gained experience points on enchanting tables to add extra bite to your sword or efficiency to your pickaxe. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition does a fantastic job of blending useful information and advice into its design, allowing you to play the major role in its lessons.

Minecraft: Xbox One Edition surpasses the Xbox 360 Edition with cleaner, sharper visuals, and a farther view distance, and it runs at 60 frames per second for complete smoothness.

In Minecraft, you don't need to take on adventures alone. Killing skeleton archers drops bones, which you can offer a wolf for the chance that it will become a friendly dog that stays by your side and protects you from enemies. In the wild and bright-green jungles live spotted ocelots, which have a chance to transform into adorable house cats after being fed a fish. But if it's the comfort of fellow humans you seek, you can bring along up to seven friends on Xbox Live to join you on your journeys. Minecraft is an excellent social game, one where ambitious projects no longer seem so laborious when more hands are added to the fold. You can also play with a four-player split screen, where family or friends can tackle any undertaking together.

Minecraft on the Xbox One is similar to its PlayStation 4 iteration in both performance and accessibility, with only a few notable differences. Both versions allow you to load saved files from their prior console generation, though your old map is still unfortunately limited to its original size, surrounded by invisible borders. The latest versions are much larger, featuring map sizes roughly 37 times larger by volume than what the prior games boast. However, the size is not unlimited; there is still an impassable wall, but the land within is enormous nonetheless, so it's improbable that you will see and do everything too soon. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition surpasses the Xbox 360 Edition with cleaner, sharper visuals, and a farther view distance, and it runs at 60 frames per second for complete smoothness. The game also includes a creative mode, which allows you to create without the limitations of materials. In this mode, you can fly around the land and construct anything you desire.

Where the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions differ the most is downloadable content. Both ports feature multiple skin packs, but they star different characters. On Xbox One, you can purchase packs that allow you to play as the Master Chief or Gordon Freeman, while the PlayStation 4 offers characters from God of War and The Last of Us. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition, however, includes resource packs with theme block textures to match Skyrim, Mass Effect, or Halo, which are not currently available on PlayStation 4 (though I don't expect to see a Halo motif any time soon for Sony's console).

Like the PlayStation 4 version, Minecraft on Xbox One plays second fiddle to the game on PC. The latest iteration of Minecraft on PC includes horses that populate grassy plains, fluffy rabbits, as well as updated flora, and stained glass. However, it's better to view the PC experience not just as a better or different Minecraft but as a vision of what the game will soon become for consoles. Minecraft: Xbox One Edition offers dozens and dozens of hours' worth of entertainment, and as time goes by, updates will include even more to see and animals to interact with. Much like going from a rustic shelter to a statuesque castle, Minecraft: Xbox One Edition will only offer more in time, with future updates adding even more hours to a game already brimming with near-endless potential.

Welcome to Can two players play minecraft on amazon fire tv

Apr 3, 2014 . Amazon Fire TV Minecraft Gameplay - Minecraft Pocket Edition 1080P This is footage. Jun 4, 2015 . The most popular game on the Fire TV . Minecraft . just released their big version 0. May 4, 2014 . Co-Op Features in the Amazon FireTV Version. Not Supported; LAN Play or System L. Sep 17, 2015 . New Amazon Fire TV Game Controller includes an all-new. player —new popular game. Apr 9, 2014 . Fire TV is the thin edge of the wedge. 360 controller into the Fire TV didn'. Apr 2, 2014 . Amazon's new Fire TV media hub may be focused on video. "Thousands". Apr 3, 2014 . Minecraft Pocket Edition, while simple, moves smoothly, too. So, you can play s. Watch and Play . unable to update kindle fire 6 minecraft from 12 to 13. about to throw my table. ,

Apr 3, 2014 . Amazon Fire TV Minecraft Gameplay - Minecraft Pocket Edition 1080P This is footage. Jun 4, 2015 . The most popular game on the Fire TV . Minecraft . just released their big version 0. May 4, 2014 . Co-Op Features in the Amazon FireTV Version. Not Supported; LAN Play or System L. Sep 17, 2015 . New Amazon Fire TV Game Controller includes an all-new. player —new popular game. Apr 9, 2014 . Fire TV is the thin edge of the wedge. 360 controller into the Fire TV didn'. Apr 2, 2014 . Amazon's new Fire TV media hub may be focused on video. "Thousands". Apr 3, 2014 . Minecraft Pocket Edition, while simple, moves smoothly, too. So, you can play s. Watch and Play . unable to update kindle fire 6 minecraft from 12 to 13. about to throw my table. , Td jakes quotes fron he-motions ,

Apr 3, 2014 . Amazon Fire TV Minecraft Gameplay - Minecraft Pocket Edition 1080P This is footage. Jun 4, 2015 . The most popular game on the Fire TV . Minecraft . just released their big version 0. May 4, 2014 . Co-Op Features in the Amazon FireTV Version. Not Supported; LAN Play or System L. Sep 17, 2015 . New Amazon Fire TV Game Controller includes an all-new. player —new popular game. Apr 9, 2014 . Fire TV is the thin edge of the wedge. 360 controller into the Fire TV didn'. Apr 2, 2014 . Amazon's new Fire TV media hub may be focused on video. "Thousands". Apr 3, 2014 . Minecraft Pocket Edition, while simple, moves smoothly, too. So, you can play s. Watch and Play . unable to update kindle fire 6 minecraft from 12 to 13. about to throw my table.

Jun 4, 2015 . The most popular game on the Fire TV . Minecraft . just released their big version 0. May 4, 2014 . Co-Op Features in the Amazon FireTV Version. Not Supported; LAN Play or System L. Sep 17, 2015 . New Amazon Fire TV Game Controller includes an all-new. player —new popular game. Apr 9, 2014 . Fire TV is the thin edge of the wedge. 360 controller into the Fire TV didn'. Apr 2, 2014 . Amazon's new Fire TV media hub may be focused on video. "Thousands". Apr 3, 2014 . Minecraft Pocket Edition, while simple, moves smoothly, too. So, you can play s. Watch and Play . unable to update kindle fire 6 minecraft from 12 to 13. about to throw my table. Apr 3, 2014 . Amazon Fire TV Minecraft Gameplay - Minecraft Pocket Edition 1080P This is footage.

Jun 4, 2015 . The most popular game on the Fire TV . Minecraft . just released their big version 0. May 4, 2014 . Co-Op Features in the Amazon FireTV Version. Not Supported; LAN Play or System L. Sep 17, 2015 . New Amazon Fire TV Game Controller includes an all-new. player —new popular game. Apr 9, 2014 . Fire TV is the thin edge of the wedge. 360 controller into the Fire TV didn'. Apr 2, 2014 . Amazon's new Fire TV media hub may be focused on video. "Thousands". Apr 3, 2014 . Minecraft Pocket Edition, while simple, moves smoothly, too. So, you can play s. Watch and Play . unable to update kindle fire 6 minecraft from 12 to 13. about to throw my table. **********************************

Jun 4, 2015 . The most popular game on the Fire TV . Minecraft . just released their big version 0. May 4, 2014 . Co-Op Features in the Amazon FireTV Version. Not Supported; LAN Play or System L. Sep 17, 2015 . New Amazon Fire TV Game Controller includes an all-new. player —new popular game. Apr 9, 2014 . Fire TV is the thin edge of the wedge. 360 controller into the Fire TV didn'. Apr 2, 2014 . Amazon's new Fire TV media hub may be focused on video. "Thousands". Apr 3, 2014 . Minecraft Pocket Edition, while simple, moves smoothly, too. So, you can play s. Watch and Play . unable to update kindle fire 6 minecraft from 12 to 13. about to throw my table.

Swami Nirmalanda's articles on

Some Svaroopa Contemplation Articles


Villagers . formerly known as Testificates . are passive NPCs (Non-Player Characters) that spawn and move around in Villages. They have different roles, such as priests, butchers, blacksmiths, farmers, generics and librarians and spawn in their respective buildings. They possess large, bald heads, green eyes, uni-brows, and long, squidward-like noses.



Villagers are considered as one of the most intelligent of all peaceful mobs, however, there are some factors that they are unaware of or pay no attention to. Villagers realize the day-night cycle as well. Villagers are not fond of water, and unlike the other peaceful mobs, will immediately attempt to find an escape route. Villagers will attempt to avoid zombies, however, they do not attempt to escape any attackers except zombies. Unlike other mobs, villagers do not notice when they are set on fire, making any source of fire extremely dangerous to a village's population. Villagers will not run when they are on fire as well, showing no attempt to put the fire out.

Villagers only spawn in villages, which can be located only in the flattest (or close to flat) biomes - desert biomes, savannas, and plains. When a villager notices a zombie, they immediately begin to run away from them. Villagers are fast enough to escape a zombie, however, this will not always protect them. When it becomes nighttime, all villagers move in-doors to safety. However, there is a flaw in this behavior, whenever it is raining outside, villagers still realize it as day. Zombies, however, will not die because it is raining, and the sun is not out. This can cause some villagers to die.

A common sight in a village would be villagers facing each other, assuming the human-like characteristic of "talking". When a player attacks a villager they have steam coming from their heads, most-likely indicating anger or frustration. As of 1.6, villagers produce noises (sounding similar to a "hmmm", a grunt, or a humming sound). They make noises on several occasions, when breeding is activated, when struck by a player, or when you trade with one.

Two villagers socializing.


Villagers are able to be traded with in the game for various items depending on their "profession" or type of villager. The currency that they handle are emeralds. Some villagers will trade for emeralds, while others will take emeralds and give items. Farmer type villagers known for their brown clothing are known to trade items related to farming, such as Wheat, Carrots, Potatoes, and seeds of Melons for emeralds or vice versa. The butcher type known for the white apron will trade for meat such as Pork, Beef, and Chicken. It is far more common for the trade to require the raw version of the meat. Priests which can be recognized by their full purple clothing trade for ender pearls and eyes of the ender, and also allow the player to buy enchanted items, by trade an unchanted version of the item, in addition to a few emeralds as the cost of enchanting the item. The smith type of villager trades for armor and tools and weapons. Lastly, the Librarian villager is known for his all white clothing and "smart" look, buys paper and sells book and navigational related items, such as Bookshelves and Compasses.

Villagers all start with one trade agreement. Once the player does this trade and then closes the trading interface, the villager will have a "thinking" type animation and come up with another trade. This does two things, first it allows more trading options, up to a maximum of 5 per villager, and second, it resets the trade. Each trade will be able to be used 3-5 times until it must be reset again. The villager will only reset if the final or "newest" trade is completed at least one time. Once all five are unlocked, continuing the last trade will continue to reset the trades, and also has a small chance of replacing an existing trade with a new one.

Trading is one of the fastest ways to get emeralds legitimately in survival mode without the use of cheats, as farming animals and crops are far faster than digging for emeralds. This allows players to constantly trade and renew trades that yield emeralds to the player. This is also known sometimes as "farming emeralds" or "emerald bartering."

As of Minecraft 1.8 snapshot, the villagers trading got a complete overhaul. Villagers could now have several trades when they are spawned giving the player more flexibliity when trading. Another factor that helps is that when trading, new trade possibilities can occur depending on how many new trades you have made already.


A player's popularity can be gained or decreased in many methods, and one example is if the player has a popularity below -15, iron golems will become hostile towards the player forever. Popularity can be gained by trading, breeding, etc. but can be decreased by attacking Villagers and/or Iron Golems. A players popularity can be high in one village, yet, low in another.

Minecraft Mobs Villager

Zombie Villager

Zombie Villagers are aggressive mobs that appeared in Minecraft's Pretty Scary Update (Version 1.4). They make up 5% of zombies that spawn in the Overworld. They will also appear after a Villager is killed by a Zombie during a village siege, 50% on Normal and 100% on Hard. If a Baby Villager is killed during a siege, it will also become a Baby Zombie villager. Baby Zombie Villagers are faster than their grown-up counterparts and will not age. Zombie Villagers can be returned to normal Villagers if weakened using a Splash Potion of Weakness, and then fed a Golden Apple. They will appear to shudder while being cured. It is best to place Zombie Villagers in a sort of "prison cell" structure with a bed and iron bars while curing it. This is because the iron bars and bed make the villager cure about 4% faster. Zombie Villagers take approximately 180 seconds to cure under normal circumstances. A zombie villager has all the behaverals and characteristics of regular zombies, such as being able to wear armor. Iron Golems will still attack them, unless they are cured. In pocket edition and 1.9 they retain their clothes and appearance prior to being infected.

Two Zombie Villagers. Note that one of them is wearing Leather armor.

Minecraft Mobs Zombie Villager


As of 13w22a/1.6.1, Villagers will now make sounds.

In addition, a splash on the title screen can say "HURNERJSGER?", which is what villagers will sound like when idle.

Although Villager NPCs are currently as simple as other passive mobs, they appear to have very basic intelligent coding already implemented. Before, if the player opens the door to their home and leave it open, they will likely soon move out the doorway. However, once outside, they may wander out into the wilderness. As of 1.2 update, they now automatically go inside at night.

In Beta 1.9 Pre-release's files, there is a texture for average Villagers, which wear brown robes. However, this spot seems to be filled by the Farmer type instead, with no Villager types spawning at all.

Different colors indicate different types of Villagers. Brown indicates a farmer, purple indicates a priest, white indicates a librarian, a villager with a black apron is a blacksmith and a villager with a white apron is a butcher. A villager with green robes was going to be a regular villager, but it is now replaced with a villager with brown robes (a farmer).

The textures for the Librarian Villager, Priest Villager, the unused Villager in green robes and Witches have a "hood" next to their head, where a mob's hat texture would be, but it does not appear in the game.

When you stare at a villager, and the villager sees you, it will nod.

As of 1.2, villagers are actively pursued and killed by zombies.

Since 1.2, villagers can now have children, which are smaller versions of the adults.

Children run faster than normal Villagers, and have the same hit-box as an adult Villager, even though their texture is smaller.

Occasionally, children don't go inside houses at night.

Only a child can take a rose from an Iron Golem.

When there are 15 or more villagers an Iron Golem has a chance to spawn.

Since the 12w21a snapshot, it is possible to trade with villagers by right clicking them. This way, it is possible to get normally uncraftable items like Bottle o' Enchanting and Chain Armor. as well as rare items like diamonds.

In the 2012 Halloween update, Zombies infect Villagers and turn them into Zombie Villagers.

All Villagers go inside their homes at night, and sometimes randomly open and close the door.

As of a recent update, Villagers will have babies if you right-click them with a villager spawn egg.

If a Villager is killed by a zombie and is turned into one, regardless of its role in life (e. g. librarian, blacksmith), it will be wearing the clothing of regular zombies. ( Not true in Pocket Edition and 1.9 )

In snapshot 14w02b villagers can have more professions (e. g. blacksmiths can be Tool Smiths, Weapon Smiths and Armorers).

In snapshot 14w04a Farmer villagers can destroy full grown plants, and replant them.

On April 1, 2014, Mojang announced that the Villagers had taken over minecraft and caused everyone's skin to look like a villager, as an April Fools joke. Players were unable to change their skins during that time.

During this time, everyone also had Element Animation's T. E.A. V.S. R.P. (The Element Animation Villager Sounds Resource Pack) automatically installed

When you put a ladder behind a door, The villager will try to exit out the door but instead, he goes up the ladder and when they reach the top, they spin in circles

Villagers have been portrayed as being stupid by many animators, such as those who work at the YouTube group "Element Animation"

In per 0.10 update, villagers who spawn automatically when first enter, they will walk on fast legs.

As of 15w35a, Zombie Villagers will have new textures and each texture for each type of Villager.


They are also known as "Squidward" because of their long noses. Squidward Tentacles is a character from the television show " SpongeBob SquarePants ". Notch himself has even agreed that they look like "caveman Squidwards". [1]

They have also been nicknamed Ki-Adi-Mundi in rare cases because of their small resemblance to the Star Wars character.

Villagers were based on the shop keeper in Dungeon Master 2


When they see a hole, they randomly start spinning around in circles, trying to catch its "tail".


Mobs in Minecraft

I'm playing on a Survival world with cheats on, "easy" difficulty, and at night in-game. I didn't have a sword or anything to make a sword with, and I was starving, so I switched to Creative to give myself a stack of food and a bed to set my spawn point. When I switched back to Survival, I couldn't destroy or place blocks. I'm on single player, and my Internet is fine, and I can destroy blocks still if I switch to creative. I've tried resetting the button one, and reloading the map, and it still doesn't work. I've even tried deleting everything I gave myself in Creative. This happened before on a different world and I ended up deleting it.

This only happens on this world. How do I fix it?

If I know I'm in the correct game mode, what else can cause this? Are there different causes in multiplayer?

asked Sep 1 '12 at 23:36

I suspect you used /gamemode 2 [player] instead of /gamemode 0 [player]. Game mode 0 will take you back to survival, whereas game mode 2 places you in Adventure mode, where no blocks can be destroyed, except with the right tools.

Instead of a number for the gamemode, you can use the full name ( survival. creative. adventure. spectator ) or an abbreviation of the name ( s. c. a. sp ) to avoid this mistake in the future.

answered Sep 2 '12 at 0:35

Note that you can now use the letter s. do. or a instead of a number with /gamemode. making this mistake easier to avoid. & Ndash; SevenSidedDie Jan 6 '13 at 12:49

Also, the /gamemode command supports the words survival, creative, and adventure, as well as s, c, and a. & Ndash; Timtech Aug 17 '13 at 20:44

Make sure that your gamemode is not set to adventure mode.

for regular survival mode enter. /gamemode 0

for creative mode enter. /gamemode 1

for adventure mode enter: /gamemode 2

for spectator mode enter: /gamemode 3

Each mode acts a bit differently

Survival mode is just the minecraft as everybody knows it and this is probably the mode you want to be changing in.

Creative is the mode in which you have unlimited blocks and resources to build everything in your imagination. You also have the ability to fly.

Adventure mode is the same as survival only you dont have the ability to destroy blocks (without the proper tool ).

Spectator mode allows you to go inside players and mobs, as well as go through world borders and go down below the surface without getting suffocated (unless you change your gamemode).

If you know you're in the correct gamemode, another possibility is that you are too close to the spawn. This typically only applies to servers if they have some sort of spawn protection enabled.

Also clicking does not break (many) blocks, you need to click and hold. This doesn't apply to Creative mode. Initially only a few block types can be feasibly broken using only your hand, including dirt/grass, sand, wood and leaves, so try left-clicking and holding and see if you can break these types of blocks.

If nothing is happening when you left click, then your mouse button might not be properly mapped. Go into Options. -> Controls. and change Attack to your mouse button, typically Button 1. (Just click twice to change it.)

Finally, if you're playing on a server, there may be synchronization issues preventing you from breaking blocks, or performing other actions. This is typically referred to as "block lag", and is caused by the server not being able to keep up with updates coming from players. There isn't much you can do about it, unfortunately.

answered Apr 11 '13 at 11:36

Minecraft Money Mod 1.7.10

Minecraft Money Mod 1.7.10

Minecraft Money is a mod to enhance trading on Minecraft Servers. The mod adds a currency named? Crafts’ to the game. To allow a stable trading system the coins, notes, note bundles and note pallets can only be cheated in by operators & admins.

Version information:

Minecraft: 1.7.10 Forge: 1.7.10- Mod: 1.7.10-1.1


Modular Force Field System

Modular Force Field System . or MFFS for short, adds force fields to the game of Minecraft. These force fields are an extension of IndustrialCraft 2 and can be configured with an upgrade system. Force fields are indestructible and need force energy (FE) to function. In the current version force fields hurt any player who tries to break a force field block. Force fields also kill/damage players if the force field forms on the player.


Getting started [ edit ]

Guide/Tutorial [ edit ]

A quick way to get fast/easy help is to craft yourself an MFFS MultiTool. hold it in your hand and shift+right click to change its mode, until it is in guide mode (picture of a book). This mode, upon right-clicking while holding the multitool, will open up a GUI with a description of each component of MFFS and a general description on how to use each component.

Requirements [ edit ]

To start with the MFFS mod, you need to have some basic IndustrialCraft 2 infrastructure, as a lot of recipes use the Advanced Machine Block. You will also need many diamonds. Forcicium (which you can get from Monazit Ore ), and an IndustrialCraft 2. BuildCraft 3 or Ampz Pack power generation source.

Energy production [ edit ]

First, you need to be able to produce enough Force energy to run your forcefields. To do that you need a MFFS Extractor. Put Forcicium into the top left slot and supply it with IndustrialCraft 2 (any voltage), BuildCraft or Ampz Pack energy. The Extractor will use the energy to extract force energy from the forcicium. Then, you need to build a MFFS Capacitor to store your force energy. The two machines do not need to be touching, but must be linked with a MFFS Card (Blank). To do so, simply right-click the capacitor with card in hand, and then right-click the exctractor. The default range for capacitor is 8 blocks, so you might want to increase it with MFFS Capacitor Upgrade - Range. To switch your Extractor on, you need to do one of three things. Depending on which mode you set in the top-right corner, you can either apply redstone signal to it to enable/disable the extractor, control it via the MFFS MultiTool in switch mode, or set it to where it can only be managed by a MFFS Control System remotely.

Creating forcefield [ edit ]

Now that you have an energy network, you need a MFFS Projector to create a forcefield. First, link it to a capacitor like you would an extractor. Then insert one of the projector modules. If you want to protect your base, you will probably want cube or sphere. Next, you need to customize your forcefield. Customization options depend on the projector module, for cube or sphere you will need to increase its diameter. To do so put few MFFS Projector Field Modulator - Distance upgrades to the blue-bordered slot on the right side of Projector GUI. To switch your Projector on, you need to apply redstone signal to it. The Projector can also be controlled by the MFFS MultiTool in switch mode, but first you need to set it in Projector GUI in the right top corner.

Security [ edit ]

Now you need to set up your security. First build a MFFS Security Station. Now you need to activate it. To do so you need to right-click (an empty block) with MFFS MultiTool in ID-card coder mode in hand and blank MFFS Card in inventory. You will get your ID card. Place it in MFFS Security Station in the master slot. Next you need to link it to your Capacitor and Projector. Right-click the security station with blank card in your hand and you will get a security card. Right-click the machine you want to protect with it. Now you can teleport through the forcefield by right-clicking it with MFFS MultiTool in field teleporter mode, but the other players can't.

Additional security [ edit ]

Your forcefield still needs additional safety measures. Other players could still get into your forcefield, for example through nether portal. However you can add MFFS Projector Upgrade - Defense Station to your projector. The upgrade should go into one of three slots in the bottom right corner. This upgrade will kill anyone inside your forcefield, unless he has stay right set in your MFFS Security Station. You must switch you Projector off and then on for the upgrade to take effect. The other players could still destroy your base with their projectors though. To prevent that, add MFFS Projector Upgrade - Force Field Jammer to your Projector and restart it again. This upgrade will jam any other Projector that would try to spawn forcefield inside your forcefield, unless it would be linked to the same capacitor.

Keep in mind that even this does not mean 100% security. There are many mods in FTB and it is possible that some cross mod exploits could still overcome your forcefield.

Added content [ edit ]

World Generation [ edit ]

Machines [ edit ]

Projector Modules [ edit ]

Server IP: MC. UberMC. net

Server IP: Uberminecraft. com

This is a fully automated server that simulates playing Team Fortress 2 inside of minecraft. Inspired by the very popular map created by Seth Bling only there is no longer any redstone requirement. When a player logs in, they are spawned inside the lobby, they can then click a sign and get randomly assigned a team and teleported to their spawn area. Players can choose their class from within the lobby.

The Blue teams objective is to defend their bases caputure points. Just like the original the red team's job is to attack and capture the blue capture points. If the blue team keeps it's capture points defended for the entire time limit of the map then they win. If the red team manages to capture all the blue points then the red team would win.

Installed in Minutes, Online 24x7

After your order is placed, GameServers. com's instant activation system deploys your Team Fortress 2 server and keeps it online 24x7, even when your home PC is off!

Simple TF2 Server Management

Our custom control panel allows you to configure and customize your TF2 server, upload files using FTP, install plugins and mods, switch locations, and add additional administrators.

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Our worldwide network, designed by gamers for gamers, offers multiple redundant locations in your geographic region for lag free Team Fortress 2 hosting. Should you change your mind, you can migrate your server to a new datacenter from the control panel any time!

Team Fortress 2 MVM Mann vs. Machine mode servers are available only on 32 player servers. With your 32 player server, you will be able to install a mod from the members area to switch your server to a MANN vs Machine server!

Demo TF2 Servers


The Player Search System, PSS for short, is the new online mechanic for Pokemon X and Y. The PSS allows you to trade, battle, offer buffs, make friends, and more!

Friends, Acquaintances, and Passersby

Within the PSS, the people you meet are categorized in one of three ways. Friends are people on your 3DS's friends list who are also playing Pokemon X or Y. These people will always be listed, online or offline, so long as they remain on your friends list. They won't appear until you two are online at the same time, however. Friends are the only people you may Game Chat with.

Acquaintances are passersby with whom you've interacted in some way, but have not added to your friends list. You can use this list to easily find the trainers from all over the world you've battled or traded with before. If you wish to remove an acquaintance, simply tap their picture and select the starburst icon in the lower left.

Passersby are just that - random other players who were online at the sime time as you, from all over the world. You can battle and trade with anyone, anywhere using this list. You can also view Trainer PR videos and offer O-Powers.

The other thing you can do for trainers who are online is rate their characters. Simply tap the "Nice!" button to let the other player know that you like the character!

Offline Mode

The PSS does actually function offline, though in very limited capacity. If you're not connected to the Internet, you can still find Friends, Acquaintances, and Passersby over the 3DS's built-in short-range communications, just like with Streetpass.


You can have a Pokemon battle with players from around the world! To do so, tap an active face in any player category, and then choose battle. You will be presented with four options to set for the battle. You can choose the Number of Players (two - or four - player match), the Battle Format (Single, Double, Triple or Rotation Battle), the Battle Rules (Normal Rules, Flat Rules or No Restrictions) and whether or not Handicaps are enabled.

It will ask to confirm your decision and allow you to save first. Always save; it only takes a moment, and complications can arise during the transaction. The system attempts to start a battle with the person you have chosen for 90 seconds, as with any other request. If the person has declined, ignored the request, or is occupied with in-game activities, the game will notify you that the player is not available.

Once connected with your opponent, you can view the Pokemon currently in your party and change their hold items. Upon selecting Battle, Start. you can choose Pokemon from your party or your Battle Box to enter in the battle. After confirming, the battle will commence. When the battle is over you will have the option to save the battle as your Battle Video and then to battle again or exit.

Battle Spot

This feature of the PSS has two modes, Random Matchup and Online Competition.

In the Random Matchup mode you can participate in casual Free Battles or tougher Rating Battles. For Free Battles, you select the Battle Format and whether you will use the Pokemon in your party or in your Battle Box. Upon confirming your challenge, the system will search for another trainer and when one is found you can select three Pokemon to enter in the battle. After the battle, you can choose to save the battle to your Battle Video and then whether you want to continue battling or exit.

To participate in Rating Battles you must first have an account registered on the Pokemon Global Link. The process for starting a battle is the same as for Free Battles except that you must choose whether your Battle Video will be automatically uploaded to the PGL server. There is also an additional battle format, Special Battles, which have different regulations for each Rating Battle Season. Your default rating is 1500 and will increase or decrease depending on whether you win or lose battles. Your Rating Battle stats will be viewable on the PGL. If there is a communication disruption on your end during a Rating Battle it will count as a loss for you.

To participate in the Online Competition mode you must first have an account registered on the Pokemon Global Link. Check the PGL Events Calendar for when Online Competitions will be available in your region.

Vientos alisios

Trading can be done with anyone in the world! To do so, tap an active face in any player category, and then choose trade. It will ask to confirm your decision and allow you to save first. Always save; it only takes a moment, and complications can arise during the transaction. The system attempts to offer a trade with the person you have chosen for 90 seconds, as with any other request. If the person has declined, ignored the request, or is occupied with in-game activities, the game will notify you that the player is not available.

Once connected with a trader, you will have full access to all of your Pokemon: whether in your party or in your boxes. You may scroll through your inventory sliding left or right and selecting a Pokemon will give you the option to show it to your mutual trader, allowing him to see what you have to offer. Once you select offer however, you will not be able to rescind that offer until the other person offers his Pokemon or when he cancels the trade. When you're satisfied with what he presents, confirm your trade and begin the process again or exit.

You can have your Pokemon hold items when trading, too. Some Pokemon will require this to evolve. Always double-check before trading away a Pokemon to make sure you're not giving up an item you need, however.

Wonder Trade

This feature of the PSS allows you to offer a Pokemon at random in exchange for another Trainer's Pokemon of his choice. At the start, you are directed to your boxes to offer something to trade. After you confirm you selection, Wonder Trade searches for someone also using this feature, and gives you his Pokemon in exchange. It then displays the Pokemon's name, what it is holding, the Trainer's name, and his location. Once you select offer, there is no way to undo this transaction.


O-Powers are buffs that you can offer other players or use on yourself. You unlock O-Powers by speaking to Mr. Bonding in various towns. He generally appears in either the local Hotel or Pokemon Center. O-Powers can do things like buff a Pokemon's stats, heal, award more money or experience, make it easier to capture Pokemon, and more. The duration of each power is 3 minutes.

List of O-Powers

If a trainer is currently using an O-Power, their icon in the PSS will have a circular glow around it. A yellow circle indicates an O-Power that has effects outside of battle, while a blue circle means a power that has an effect in battle. Tap on that player and you can also receive that O-Power!

Trainer PR and Game Chat

Trainer PR Video allows you to see the PR Videos other trainers have made in Lumiose City. When someone wishes to view yours, you are prompted to share it with them. You can always return to Lumiose to make a new PR video, and throughout the game you'll receive more techniques to work with.

Game Chat is a voice chat feature that uses your 3DS to talk to your friends. You may only use this feature with people on your friends list, not with Acquaintances or Passersby. Once enabled, you can simply talk to eachother through the 3DS as if you were on the phone together. Remember that everyone around you can hear you too, though!

Shout-Out and Holo Caster

You can send a Shout-Out to broadcast a message to everyone. Any friends, acquaintances, or anyone who sees you as a passerby will be able to see the message. When someone has a Shout-Out, you'll see the same face icon above them in the PSS

The Holo Caster is an in-game communication device, designed to deliver messages and news. Activating the Holo Caster activates Street Pass (and optionally Spot Pass) for Pokemon X and Y. You can receive announcements, special distributions, and more. Tap Update to load up any new information, and then use Check Announcements to play it back over the 3D camera in altered reality! NPCs will also communicate with you in-game using the Holo Caster.


The Pokemon Global Trading System (GTS) lets you trade for a Pokemon you're seeking for a Pokemon you're willing to give in return. Choose "Seek Pokemon" to browse through the list of Pokemon you've encountered or to type one in by choosing the "What Pokemon?" botón. Typing in your request is not case sensitive but must be spelled properly. You may then choose the gender and the level in increments of ten.

Choose "Search" to find someone offering a Pokemon with these conditions. You will be taken to a list of people offering what you're looking for. You can choose anyone and then touch trade to search through your box, but you can only give them what they're looking for in return. If you so happen to have that, tap it, then trade to complete the transaction. If the Pokemon you attempted to trade for has already been taken, the system will inform you.

Deposit works on the other end. You may offer anything you want to give up in your box or party, and then asks you to pick what you want in exchange for it. You may also provide a message if you're looking for a certain Nature or variation (such a Vivillon or Flabebe). Unfortunately, traders are not obligated to fulfill that request, so keep that in mind. Once you have deposited your offer with those conditions, it is sent to GTS.

After sending your Pokemon to the GTS, instead of the "Deposit" option, it will allow you to check on the summary of your trade. If another player has given you what you're looking for in return, the trade will be presented to you. If not, the game will allow you the opportunity to take back your Pokemon and return it to your box.

Game Sync

Game Sync allows you to connect your game to the Global Link website. This allows you to upload your saved game and Poke Miles, collect items, and send those items back to your 3DS. You'll need to create an account on the Global Link website first if you haven't already. Then just enter your Game Sync ID online to get started.

Once synced up, you can view several stats for your game online. Medals are awarded for many in-game actions. You can see records of trades and battles, your friends list, and the photos you've taken in the game. Lastly, you can spend your Poke Miles to send items back to the game; you can pick them up in the Pokemon Center.

Game Sync will be configured to sync automatically every time you save, but you can also trigger it manually if you wish.

Favorites, Profile, and Settings

The favorites list allows you to mark trainers you've met as your favorites. You can use this in conjunction with the Acquaintances list to help keep track of good trading partners and trainers who are fun to battle against.

The Profile is your profile on the PSS. In it, you can set some basic info; the message your trainer speaks in the PSS, your location, and a selection from other questions about your hobbies, work, school, and your favorite things. Your profile also contains records of your trades and battles, total play time, current Pokemon Amie Pokemon, and the number of times you've received a "Nice!" rating from other trainers.

Settings allows you to control how much you share on PSS. You can choose which groups of trainers (Friends, Acquaintances, Passersby) you can communicate with, set your Trainer PR Video's availability, decide whether Game Chat is enabled, or completely disable the PSS here.

Minecraft Guides

This site is dedicated to all things minecraft related, from farming eggs to slaying the ender dragon, we got you covered! We have many extensive guides on all aspects of the game, including tips on how to build unique structures with different styles, full item and block guides, and farming techniques for all types of different crops.

What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a sandbox building indie game, based in world made of blocks. There is no real goal in minecraft, your own imagination is the limit of what can be done within the game.

The alpha version of minecraft was first released in May, 2009, and the official release version came out in August, 2012. At the moment, it’s available on eight different platforms; PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, iOS, Android and Raspberry Pi.

Minecraft is very much a community generated game, as the client allows for third-party mods, skins, texture packs, and custom maps. Because of this, the game has a huge variety of choice when choosing how to play, and overall it helps the game evolve at a faster pace than the developers ever imagined. The community has become so good at enhancing the game, that many features found in the latest version of minecraft, have originated from mods created by players.


As you’ve probably guessed from the name, crafting plays a big role in minecraft. It features an extremely extensive crafting system, allowing players to create a huge variety of different items, from materials that they have found in the world. Many of the items crafted are essential for survival within the game, and it’s very much a progression based system when you first start out in a new world.

Modos de juego

There are currently four different game modes to choose from when playing minecraft; survival . hardcore . adventure and creative .

Survival is the classic default mode, players start out with nothing, and must gather food and resources to survive. Hardcore is the same as survival, however if you die in this mode, then the game ends.

Adventure mode is designed to be used while playing a custom map, mainly because you can’t place or break blocks while in this mode, and so, you must follow the map’s story without cheating. Players cannot choose adventure as a game mode when creating a new map, it must be activated in-game with the command “/gamemode 2”.

Capture the Flag is the next game mode planned to be implemented into minecraft in a future update,

While it’s easy enough to share a Minecraft map with other local players on your network, it’s nice to be able to run a dedicated server so people can come and go without the original game host loading up Minecraft. Today we’re looking at how to run a simple local Minecraft server both with and without mods.

Why Run a Minecraft Server?

One of the most frustrating elements of the Minecraft local multiplayer experience (both for the PC and the PE edition) is that the original game host has to be active to access previous creations. If there are two parents and two kids playing Minecraft in a household for example, and they spend a few hours one weekend working on a big structure hosted by Kid #2, then anytime anyone wants to work on that world/structure again they need Kid #2 to fire up their game and share it with everyone else by opening it to the LAN. Factor in that each world resides on each separate computer and suddenly it becomes a real hassle for more than one person to work on a given map.

A much more efficient way to go about doing things is to host a stand-alone server on the local network. This way players can come and go as they please without any one person needing to log in and share their world. Even better, you can host a Minecraft server on a machine that isn’t well suited for actually playing Minecraft (we’ve run modest Minecraft servers off little Raspberry Pi boxes without a problem).

Let’s take a look at how to setup a basic local Minecraft server both with and without mods.

Setting Up a Simple Vanilla Minecraft Server

There are two ways to approach installing the simple vanilla Mojang-supplied Minecraft server. One method is very Windows-centric as you simply download an. EXE file and run it, with a convenient little graphical user window. That method doesn’t necessarily help OS X and Linux users however, so we’re going to use the. JAR based method which will help expand the process across all the platforms with only very minor tweaks necessary to shift between operating systems.

The first order of business is to download the official Minecraft server JAR file. As of this tutorial the version is 1.7.10. You can find it at the bottom of the official Minecraft. net download page. Regardless of your operating system, you want the. JAR file.

After the file has finished downloading, move the. JAR file to a more permanent location. We placed the file in a /HTG Test Server/. You can place it anywhere you want but label it clearly, place it somewhere safe, and be aware that once you run the. JAR file all the server-related stuff will be downloaded/unpacked in folder the. JAR is located in, so don’t place it somewhere like a drive root or a home folder.

Execute the server for the first time by running the following command at the command prompt from the directory the. JAR file is located in, of course:

Windows: java - Xmx1024M - Xms1024M - jar minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar nogui

OS X: java - Xms1G - Xmx1G - jar minecraft_server. 1.7.10.jar nogui

Linux: java - Xms1G - Xmx1G - jar minecraft_server. 1.7.10.jar nogui

The above commands will execute the Minecraft server JAR file. The command runs Java, assigns 1GB of memory/1GB max, indicates the file is a JAR, names the JAR, and indicates no GUI is needed. You can adjust the assigned/max memory values upwards if you find you need to do so for particularly large worlds or servers with many players (say, during a LAN party), but we don’t recommend lowering the memory values.

If you need help installing Java on Linux, creating a shortcut for the launch process on OS X, or any other OS specific issue, we’d encourage you to check out the detailed guide to launching the server JAR file located on the official Minecraft wiki .

The first time you run the server, you’ll see a message like the following:

[Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.7.10

[Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties

[Server thread/WARN]: server. properties does not exist

[Server thread/INFO]: Generating new properties file

[Server thread/WARN]: Failed to load eula. txt

[Server thread/INFO]: You need to agree to the EULA in order to run the server. Go to eula. txt for more info.

[Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server

This is perfectly normal. Look in the server directory for the EULA. txt file, open it, and edit the entry “eula=false” to “eula=true” to indicate your agreement with the Mojang server user agreement. Save and close the document. Run the server command again. You can run it with or without the “nogui” tag depending on your needs/desire. If you run it with the “nogui” tag, the server output and command interface will remain in the terminal window you launched the command in:

If you remove the “nogui” tag, a GUI window will open and provide a cleaner and easier to manage server experience:

The GUI interface shows you exactly what you would see in the terminal window in the large right-hand pane, as well as a stats window in the upper-left and a list of currently logged-in players in the lower-right. Unless you’re running the server on a resource strapped machine (or a headless device like a media server or Raspberry Pi) we recommend using the GUI.

During the second run of the server, after you accepted the EULA, additional files are downloaded and the default world is generated. The default world is located in /world/ and looks a whole lot like a regular old /.minecraft/saves/[someworldname]/ folder from regular Minecraft (in fact, it is). You can play on the randomly generated world or you can delete the contents of /world/ and replace it with the contents of a saved game from a standalone copy of Minecraft or a world save you’ve downloaded from the Internet.

Let’s join our freshly minted server and see how it looks. In order to join your game you need to be on the same LAN as the host computer and you need to know the IP address of the host computer.

With the IP address in hand, fire up Minecraft, click on Multiplayer from the main menu and add the new server or use the direct connect feature. If you need help with either of these options, see Connecting to Remote Servers section of the Exploring Minecraft Multiplayer Servers lesson from our previous guide.

Here we are on the brand new server. Everything looks great and the world is loading smoothly. One thing you’ll note immediately is that the game is in survival mode. This is the server default, but we’ll show you how to change it in just a moment.

On the server side of things, you’ll see a stream of notices in the console window as things happen on it: players joining, players dying, player communications, and other notices. In addition you can use server commands both in the console window and if you are an OP or “operator” on the server. There are dozens of commands, many of them rather obscure and infrequently used. You can read the entire command list on the Minecraft wiki. but we’ll highlight the ones most relevant to getting your server up and running in the table below.

Note : if you enter the command in the server console window you don’t need the leading “/” but you do if you enter it in the chat window as a player on the server.

Switches the server’s default mode for new players between Survival, Creative, and Adventure modes.

Factions RPG Minecraft Server

MassiveCraft is a unique Factions RPG Minecraft server . We seamlessly combine PvP . Factions . Survival . Roleplay . Quest . and Adventure into a unified experience, giving the players a huge freedom of choice and fun.

Our staff is experienced and our plugin coders are famous for creating Factions . CreativeGates, MassiveCore and more!

The server, as well as the friendly community of hundreds of unique players daily . is constantly expanding and improving, creating one of the most stable and continuous Minecraft servers in existence!

Choose Your Gamemode

Play on the original minecraft factions server! Group up with your friends in online multiplayer and build your Faction base on one of our unique custom Minecraft survival maps . With over 30 custom plugins . MassiveCraft offers a Factions experience unlike any other!

MassiveCraft is a Minecraft PvP Server like no other. Play on our custom KitPvP map . Customize yourself with traits . Become a Vampire . Level up your MCMMO skills! Win KOTH to claim your glory and fame or join any of our many staff managed events.

Play on the best Minecraft Roleplay Server with no whitelist . Roleplay in the medieval RPG capital city or in player built Faction towns . With our custom plugins . MassiveCraft offers an RP experience unlike any other!

Experience the best Minecraft Adventure Quest server with unique and constantly updating quests in a Medieval RPG setting. Supported by custom plugins . MassiveCraft is an RPG adventure experience with no equal!

Unleash your creativity and show off your building skills in our new and awesome Creative Universe . Use our tools and plots to build alone or with friends using unlimited resources .


Editors' Review

by: Eddie Cho on February 26, 2013

Minecraft is to my 25-year-old self as Legos were to my 5-year-old self: a time-sucking, mind-bending, and sleep-depriving experience in the simplest of activities. It hits the right tune on the subject of creation: it really does provide building blocks for your imagination.

Minecraft has no real direction, anchoring plot, or specific guidelines. Players are dropped into a world with only the ability to carve out resources from the surrounding land; you're a miner (duh!).

The game's graphics won't impress, but leaves you with one direction and focus: to build. Soon you'll find out that as it gets dark, chilling around with a pickax probably won't do you any good against the pixelated zombies, monsters, and other creepy critters after you.

Minecraft's central focus is in crafting tools and collecting resources to pretty much build whatever you want. Whether it's building more-powerful weapons to fend off creatures of the night or building that mega fortress to gloat at other miners in the open world, you're still going to need the right raw materials. Make no mistake: this game is a grinder. But after toiling for hours and hours and finally stumbling upon that precise material you need is a priceless moment in its own right.

As a self-sustaining teacher, Minecraft fails. Don't rely on Majong's limited provisions to learn the ropes of the game. Instead, I recommend scouting the Net for community made guides: there's a plethora of custom guides out there that will help you get the most out of this game. And really, that limit is all up to you.

If you simply want to focus on building and avoid the hassle of defending your fortress, then Creative mode is for you. In this mode, you have unrestricted access to all the building blocks and tools needed to build the structure or statue of your dreams, plus the ability to fly for kicks.

If you're uncomfortable with lack of direction, then this game isn't for you. But when it comes to open-world gameplay and mechanics, Minecraft is a primitive but fine demonstration of thriving on bare-bones gaming. Grab an ax and start digging.

0.24.1 (1.7.10 download ) TWEAK: OPs in creative mode get a hint which skin changed player is sending chat messages. TWEAK: Significantly optimized the client-side performance of Mirror blocks. TWEAK: Optimized the reflection mob a bit to be a bit less CPU intensive. TWEAK: Added a config option (ShrinkMirrorWorld) that will only use half the Y space in the mirror world for structuregen. This will need the world to be recreated to use though. TWEAK: Optimised the lightmap a bit in a newly created mirror world. TWEAK: Added limited support for AM2 for reflection mob equipment.

FIX: Breaking through mirror world walls no longer gets you stuck in the wall. FIX: Vampire players in creative mode will not spawn witch hunter mobs. FIX: Missing wolfman hand in first person mode is visible once more. 0.24.0 (1.7.10 download ) NEW: Magic Mirror. made by binding a demon to the mirror with a circle magic rite, activate it to find the fairest in the land, the fairest may not be the player but rather another NPC (leaving only one way to become the fairest). NEW: Magic mirrors remember who walk past them, and will tell when asked. NEW: Walk into the mirror to enter it, beware the demonic creature inside (defeat it to take control of the inners of the mirror, although the mirror will then no longer be able to talk to you, or do other reflection magic). NEW: using "/chant mirror mirror send me home" may get you out of a stuck place in a mirror NEW: Placing a mirror on the wall when in a mirror may need altar power to get working (until both sides of the gap have mirrors on them) NEW: Using the Taglock kit of another player on a mirror containing a demon will allow the player to change their looks (skin) to that of the other player if there is altar power available. Using an empty taglock kit (or the players own taglock) can be used to turn back to normal (this does not need altar power). Brews of Revealing can also remove this effect. Use the config options: B:AllowChatMasquerading and B:AllowNameplateMasquerading to control these two aspects of this power. NEW: Create a Duplication Grenade by using a Quartz Sphere on a mirror containing a demon to charge it with the players reflection (assuming enough altar power is available). Throwing this sphere will create a duplicate of the bound player and cause mobs currently targeting the player to target that instead. NEW: Reflection demon, mirrors the player. NEW: Use opposite facing mirrors (that have had their demon slain), to teleport between them (over a maximum of 16 blocks), or teleport up or down up to 16 blocks with mirrors above each other with the same facing. NEW: Heart of Gold. dropped from the Fairest of NPCs. used to add animal attraction or animal repulsion effects to a brew in the cauldron. Drinking the Animal Attraction will instantly tame untamed creatures in a wide area, and all animals will try to approach the drinker. Animal Replusion will untame tamed creatures (not tamed by the drinker) and cause animals to run away. NEW: Summon Reflection Demon, use a mirror in a circle rite to summon one of these odd creatures.

TWEAK: Added a config option I:RiteOfEclipseCooldownInSecs that will set the minimum number of seconds allowed in a world between activations of a Rite of Total Eclipse. By default this is zero but may be increased up to 3600 (1 hour). This cooldown will only take effect if more than one player is in the world at a time. TWEAK: Lowered the priority of the hotbar drawing so other mods have a chance to draw their stuff before Witchery vampire code takes over. TWEAK: Village guards and witch hunters are now immune to arrows from village guards. TWEAK: Werewolf silver weapon detection should now support a few more silver types from other mods. TWEAK: Added a configuration option to increase Spirit spawn rates. TWEAK: There is now a config option to disable player to player werewolf infections: B:AllowPlayerToPlayerWolfInfection. TWEAK: Added more bed types to taglock kit support TWEAK: Added PVP mode support to some Mystic Branch effects, so no damage can occur if PVP is disabled.

FIX: Rite of Total Eclipse now persists the minecraft day. FIX: Glyphs drawn with chalk are now immediately visible to other players on a server. FIX: Sunlight grenades no longer replace non-complete solid blocks that they pass over (under some circumstances) FIX: An issue with incorrectly set up potion ids lead to a NPE when the domination effect was on a villager. FIX: Suppressed a (probably correct) NRE when another mod incorrectly provides a null value for the fluid to various fluid API methods. FIX: Bats spawned with the vampire power no longer drop items.

0.23.2 (1.7.10 download ) TWEAK: Witch Hunters no longer attack, nor are attacked by Minecraft Comes Alive villagers. TWEAK: Villagers are now immune to arrows from Village Guards and Witch Hunters . TWEAK: Some demons from other mobs are affected by the Harm Demon custom potion effect. TWEAK: Increased the height ceiling of Winged Monkeys carrying creatures to 32 blocks above the target block.

FIX: Sticky Item custom potion effect now works correctly again. FIX: Brews of Erosion had an inverted block protection effect (meaning they only worked in block protected areas, Derpy McDerpderp). 0.23.1 (1.7.10 download ) TWEAK: Vampire knockback effect only triggers if sneaking when striking. TWEAK: Hobgoblins will flee village guards if not in a pack. TWEAK: Moon Charms may be repaired in an anvil with a gold ingot. TWEAK: Purified Milk may also be made from a Cake (don't ask. ) since some mods remove milk buckets. TWEAK: Placed Garlic Garlands will now be rendered at the top of the block, and allow click-though below them, this allows players to place them before a door to prevent vampire entry, and still look good. TWEAK: Dream Weavers now work for vampires sleeping though the day in a coffin. TWEAK: Coffin should not now open when there is a block above it.

FIX: Open coffin lid was being inappropriately culled. FIX: Sun was burning a vampire separated from the sun by a single block, if the vampire was only 1 block high (bat or shrunken) and directly below the block. FIX: Guards will no longer shoot at Witch Hunters. FIX: Enchantment effect on Cane Sword model was being shown even if the sword was not enchanted. FIX: Added a workaround for the Ars Magica 2 issue with resized players suffocating under a block, when in bat form. 0.23.0 (1.7.10 download - using Curse link for now) NEW: Winged Monkeys - Tameable, dyeable, creature made by mutating a dog with and owl. Can pick up and carry players to places, or fetch players or other mobs. NEW: Town keeps - a small keep structure for villages, comes with some town guards. NEW: Watchtowers - a structure for villages, comes with some town guards. NEW: Book Shoppe - a structure for villages, contains a bunch of basic books from various mods on its walls. NEW: Town Walls - a curtain wall circling a village, comes with town guards. NEW: Village Guards - beefy, armored, patrolling villagers, that shoot arrows at mobs and players who attack the village/villagers. Village guards will defend high reputation players, if attacked by another player. NEW: Village mayors - Players with high reputation can assign villagers guard duty, making them into Village Guards. NEW: Larger villages - villages can now generate to span a much larger area. NEW: Villages in more biomes. NEW: Snowy villages - new snow theme for villages that generate in snowy biomes. NEW: Sleeping villagers - Villagers will now go to sleep if they are inside at night. They will regenerate health, and other stats, if they sleep long enough. NEW: Aguamenti mystic branch effect will now also fill kettles and witches' cauldrons NEW: Higher level werewolves now transform faster when using the Moon Charm NEW: Vampires - Blood sucking mobs NEW: Vampirism - Players can become vampires and level up. Extra hotbar with skills, suck blood (for hunger refill and power for abilities), transfix victims, run like the wind, swarm of bats form, fear the sun! NEW: Vampire Clothing - Gives some buffs to vampires, looks the part. NEW: Cane Sword - A sword in a cane! NEW: Garlic - Multi stage plant NEW: Meaty Stew - Very nourishing, made with garlic NEW: Garlic Garland - Place around to keep vampires at bay NEW: Garlic potion effect for witches' cauldrons, weakens vampires NEW: Hunter Dawn Armor - extra protection from vampires NEW: Coffin - Allows vampires to sleep though the day NEW: Sunlight Grenades - Sun in a sphere, vampires beware! NEW: Sunlight Collector - For charging sunlight grenades NEW: Blood-stained Wool - Decoration block, used for making vampire clothes NEW: Boss - Lilith NEW: Book Observations of an Immortal . NEW: Glass Goblet - For drinking. NEW: Blood Crucible - For charging high-level vampire powers. NEW: Shaded Glass - Very similar to stained glass until it receives a redstone current, then it darkens to prevent sunburn to undead under it. NEW: Wooden Stake - Use on a sleeping vampire to kill them. NEW: Mod Pack support for controlling vampire quests, config options to disable the vampire ritual and questing, and two non-craftable items: Bottle of Warm Blood (that refills two drops of the player's blood bar) and Bottle of Lilith's Blood (that increases the players vampire level by 1, or makes them into a vampire otherwise, if they are at max level it fills their blood bar by 8 drops).

TWEAK: Interacting with a Hobgoblin that his holding something, will now add it to the players inventory instead of just dropping it. TWEAK: The Creative Wolf Token now cycles vampire levels if sneaking when used. TWEAK: Modpacks and servers can now specify which blocks can be replaced by the Rite of Natures Power in the config file using the list under: NaturesPowerReplaceableBlocks TWEAK: Hobgoblins may despawn more frequently when out in the wild. TWEAK: Lowered the default spawn weight of Hellhounds and reduced their default despawn protection time. TWEAK: Lord of Torment is once again weaker to the Ingianima mystic branch spell. TWEAK: Added block protection check to normal Brew of Erosion (made in a kettle) TWEAK: Werewolf's wolf form fast dig ability now requires the player to be sneaking to use it. TWEAK: Snow slab recipe is now made from snow layer blocks. TWEAK: Added a default despawn time for disease blocks, config option to reduce this further. TWEAK: Added herbology book page for Wolfsbane. TWEAK: Werewolf villagers now keep their trades when converting to and from wolfman form TWEAK: Preventing forced item drops if an item GUI is shown, since some mods don't handle this correctly leading to dupe side-effects. TWEAK: Killing hobgoblins in a village no longer decreases reputation, killing baby hobgoblins does though. TWEAK: Wolfman rend armor ability now better detects regenerating armor. TWEAK: Witch Hunters will no longer damage each other TWEAK: Clearing the area of blocks when entering torment. TWEAK: Disable visits from your Coven Witches to you base by setting the config key: B:AllowCovenWitchVisits=false

FIX: Hunter armor would damage werewolves, even if not silvered. FIX: Stack overflow error when using some block from Ganys Nether Mod next to a silver vat, both blocks would generate and react to each others change events. FIX: Some invalid cast exceptions in Fume Funnels when another mod has not cleaned up tile entities correctly. FIX: Eliminado algunos tipos de bioma de desove de espíritu, parece causar problemas con el bosque de Crepúsculo para registrarse en la mayoría de los biomas, incluso si la generación es bloqueada más tarde, también puede haber tenido algún efecto sobre la desova de multitud en modder abisales biomas. Issue seems to be related to any mobs registered as Ambient type. FIX: Null Pointer Exception could occur when using the village detection rite FIX: Null pointer exception could occur when a hellhound converts to a normal wolf under some circumstances FIX: It was not possible to decant a custom brew in a cauldron unless a altar was near, even if the brew did not need altar power, derp. FIX: Prevented an index out of bounds exception in poppets when another mod breaks somethings with rendering. FIX: Protego mystic branch effect no longer destroys placed mob heads. FIX: Player dying and a certain combination of spirit related events could leave a Shade of Leonard invulnerable until the chunk he is in is reloaded. FIX: Prevented null pointer exception on log-in when certain potion ids have not been assigned correctly, this is still a breaking bug, but at least you can log in properly now. FIX: Null pointer exception fixed in disease blocks. FIX: Rare null pointer exception fixed in brew gas blocks (when another mod leaves tile entities around). FIX: Deaths Hand now works as it should in boss fights. FIX: Exception could occur when using the new instant waystone rituals across dimensions. FIX: Incorrect message saying not enough space, when summing a demon in a circle magic ritual, and the demon is still summoning is no longer shown. FIX: Modified the furnace recipe registration for witchery logs, may help with solving a Thermal Expansion dupe issue. FIX: Players in wolf or wolfman form appeared as their normal model if a player was very far away in the same world and then came to them.

0.22.0 (1.7.10 download ) NEW: Silver Vat. place next to a furnace, to extract silver deposits when gold is smelted. Click on the block to recover the deposits, or pipe them out with a hopper or pipes. multiple furnaces can feed a vat, and up to four vats can surround a furnace. NEW: Silver Sword. same stats as a golden sword (just less enchantable) but does double damage against werewolves, and ignores their damage resistance. NEW: Silver Bolts. bolt for the Hand Crossbow, that does double damage against werewolves and ignores their damage resistance. NEW: Silvered Hunter armor. provides significant protection against werewolf attacks. NEW: Hellhound. flaming wolf mob that spawns in the nether, drops tongue of dog and occasional wolfs head. Can be converted to a normal wolf with a process like converting zombies to villagers. NEW: Wolf head. decorative block dropped from wolves and hellhounds (uses the appropriate skin). NEW: Villager/wolfman. villager that turns into a wolfman when there is a full moon, returns to normal the next day. NEW: Wolfsbane plant, seeds obtained from breaking tall grass. Grows in stages on farmland, consumes a lot of bonemeal to fertilize. Ingredient in other recipes. If used on a werewolf (in player or villager form) will reveal them to be a werewolf. NEW: Wolfsbane potion effect (for cauldron), prevents werewolves from changing form while it is active. NEW: Harm werewolf potion effect (for cauldron), causes damage to werewolves that ignores their innate protection. If cast as a ground targeted ritual will cause it to rain, or if powered up, thunder. NEW: Wolf Altar. statue to the deity responsible for lycanthropy. NEW: Curse of the Wolf. circle magic ritual to curse a villager or player with lycanthropy. NEW: Remove Curse of the Wolf. circle magic ritual to remove lycanthropy from a villager or player. Players who have progressed down the werewolf path must be standing in the circle for the cure to have a chance to take effect. NEW: Lycanthropy. players infected with this will change into a Wolf (fast movement, 1 block high) whenever there is a full moon, they may learn new abilities by interacting with a Wolf Altar and performing the tasks set. When in wolf form the player is immune to disease and poison and will be very resistant to damage unless from silver weapons. NEW: Moon Charm. allows a werewolf player to change to wolf or wolfman form if they have learned the ability to force conversion and have unlocked the wolfman form. Having the charm in their inventory, will also prevent automatic wolf conversion during the full moon. Moon Charms are given as part of the werewolf quest line, and can be subsequently acquired by giving gold ingots to a Wolf Altar. NEW: Werewolf quests, a player under the Curse of the Wolf can interact with a Wolf Altar and will receive quests, which when complete will unlock new wolf powers, starting with the ability to use a Moon Charm. As abilities are unlocked, basic stats in the various wolf forms will also increase (damage, health, speed, etc.). NEW: Werewolf level 3: Fast earth digging and Bone find chance (wolf form). NEW: Werewolf level 4: Consume kills for hunger regen (wolf and wolfman forms). NEW: Werewolf level 5: Transform to Wolfman form (powerful combat form, slower than wolf but more damage and life, cannot hold objects). NEW: Werewolf level 6: Charge attack (wolf and wolfman forms) (sprint and hit). NEW: Werewolf level 7: Stunning howl (wolfman form). Right-click while looking straight up. NEW: Werewolf level 8: Call pack howl (wolf form). Right-click while looking straight up. NEW: Werewolf level 9: Rend armor (wolfman form). NEW: Werewolf level 10: Cursed bite (to spread the curse). NEW: Horn of the Hunt. used to call a Horned Huntsman a single time. Part of the werewolf quest chain to reach level 5. NEW: Raw Lambchop. often dropped when a werewolf transformed player kills a sheep (unlocked when use of a Moon Charm becomes available). Can be cooked (Cooked Lambchop ) for better hunger regeneration. NEW: Re-added Ars magica 2 support (draining bolts, etc.) NEW: Beartrap. Made from iron. Place them and set them (other players will find it hard to see them). When a creature walks over one they take a bit of damage and get stunned. NEW: Awaken the wolf: A complex way for non-witches to become werewolves involving a converted beartrap. wolf altars trapped sheep and a full moon.

TWEAK: Tooltips for items in the Witches' Brews book, now show the Altar power costs for the ingredient when used in brewing and rituals (remember the ritual cost comes down when you use ritual circles!) TWEAK: Config option added to prevent damaging explosions when a creeper heart is eaten. TWEAK: Witch Hunter mobs will now fire silver bolts when attacking werewolves. TWEAK: Attached original attacking entity to the damage source of some potion effects. TWEAK: Added block protection checking to Mystic Branch Aguamenti effect (spawn water), I hope that is the last one that needs it. TWEAK: Dissipate Gas effect for the cauldron will now also remove any (non block protected) blocks that implement IFluidBlock and have a gaseous fluid if the effect is power II or higher. TWEAK: Added a config option to disable the block damaging capability of the Volatile custom potion effect. It already respects block protection systems, but this allows it to be turned off completely.

FIX: Null pointer exception when a mob has the Keep Inventory potion effect and it is killed. Stupid missing braces on if statements. FIX: Index out of range exception occurred in wicker bundles when an invalid value for meta was being passed to the client render methods. FIX: Invalid cast exception in Witches Oven, Golden Circle Glyph, BrewLiquidEffect and Statue of the Goddess when interacted with and another mod had not cleaned up TileEntites correctly at the location where the oven or statue now stands. REVISIÓN: Establecer el valor de hobgoblinspawnweight a un valor negativo en el archivo de configuración causó una excepción illegalargumene ocurrir, ahora impide el desove de hobgoblin. FIX: Client-side null reference exception occurred if the Witches Oven GUI is shown under invalid circumstances (with no linked container). FIX: Index out of range exception when an invalid metadata value was passed to the Circe Glyph block for rendering. FIX: Null pointer exception when flowing spirit is initialized in an unorthodox manner on the client-side. FIX: Null pointer exception under some obscure circumstance when using the potion of resizing and trying to draw a block highlight. FIX: Unreproducable null reference exception occurred in cauldron handler for NEI, seems to be related to something messing with the item to block mapping or unlocalised name of wispy cotton. Apart from trapping the exception and adding logging, there is not much more I can do when a system gets into this state since the block item is being set to null (perhaps as a result of some type of item/block name tweaking). FIX: Worship effect was not being applied under some circumstances.

0.21.2 (1.7.10 download ) TWEAK: Lowered altar power cost of using the Refined Evil ingredient, bringing Drop of Luck's total Altar power cost to 5000ish. TWEAK: Crafting page in the Witches' Brews books, now indicates that ritual circles can help with recipe costs. TWEAK: Increased mutandis recipe to result in 6 items (up from 4). TWEAK: Removed light opacity on ice fences, since the ground below them goes too dark (looks not so good). TWEAK: Added NEI usage handler for Cauldron recipes. TWEAK: Added several missing Thaumcraft aspects for the new items and blocks. TWEAK: Added Italian translations for 0.21 features (thanks to valerioter). TWEAK: Finished adding an entry for each effect listed in the Witches' Brews book. TWEAK: Seer stone can now be used to show a player's skill and brew bottling.

FIX: NullRefereceExcpetion occurred when using EnderIO conduits to fill an empty cauldron with water. FIX: Crafting recipes in the Cauldron were not taking into account the ritual circles as to when to show "powered" particles or when to begin. Resulting in the creation failing with a yellow effect, when the recipe power level was reached and no white circles were present (since the recipe costs 1.4x normal without the circles). FIX: Bottling was not actually consuming altar power :S

0.21.1 (1.7.10 download ) TWEAK: Regigged the Waila integration, to workaround side-effects when other mods base-edit Zombies and other mobs. TWEAK: Remove light opacity from ice doors so the darkening effect does not occur when standing in them (which is unwanted).

FIX: Typos in the witches' brews book corrected (and a few more details added) FIX: Mortal Coil effect from Leonard was causing items not to be kept in the inventory when the player dies while under the sticky items effect. FIX: Periodic nausia effect added by the Feel No Pain effect (from drinking moonshine), was causing a ConcurrentModificationException to occur when a block as also adding effects to the player. FIX: Spirits were not dropping their subdued form any more.

0.21.0 (1.7.10 download ) NEW: Witches' Cauldron. used to make custom brews, rituals and craft some items. Comparator signal strength reveals brewing progress (empty, filled, boiling, effect added, powered and all capacity used). Created by using Anointing Paste on a normal Cauldron. NEW: Book Witches' Brews. describes how to brew with the Witches' Cauldron. NEW: Brew custom potions, throw items into a full, boiling witch's cauldron and bottle it to create a custom brew. Items add different effects. Each effect can be modified for power and duration. NEW: Brew dispersal methods: drink, splash, gas and liquid. Dispersal effects can be modified for extent and duration. NEW: Cast custom Rituals, throw items into a full, boiling witch's cauldron then add waystones/taglocks for targeting, summon your coven (or other players with familiars) and cast the spell. Items add different effects. Each effect can be modified for power and duration. NEW: Ritual dispersal methods: entity, splash, wide expanding AOE, rain. Dispersal effects can be modified for extent and duration. NEW: Apply brew effects to an item, so that when it is next used the effect will trigger, reapply the ritual to increase the number of charges on the item (Curse a Book or an Apple for example). NEW: Apply brew effects to vanilla doors, buttons, levers and pressure plates, to apply the effect when they are next used (one-shot application, this is not a permanent effect). NEW: Boss - Shade of Leonard. summoned with the cauldron, very hard to defeat. NEW: Epic artefact, Leonard's Urn. dropped by Leonard's shade, craft up to 4 together. NEW: Potion effects to brew or ritualized in any combination: Poisoned frogs, damage undead, damage insects, damage demons, undead's curse (sunburn), fortune, disease, flatten land, remove gas, planting, tilling, harvest, fertilize, plant flowers, blight, stout stomach, moonshine, plant lily pads, blast, raise land, repel attacker, attract projectiles, reflect damage, reflect projectiles, drain magic, combustion (fuel source), unstable (don't get hit), absorb magic, poisoned weapons, raise undead, disrobe, part water, part lava, flames, pulverize, inhibit teleport, quaffing boost, resize, extinguish fire, fast swim, jump boost, sinking, overheat, full belly, keep inventory, fell trees, reveal, cause hunger, prune leaves, insanity, remove buffs, remove debuffs, summon owls, pull entities, summon bats, reincarnate, transpose ores, grue's prey, transpose, feather fall, bottling boost, multi jump, knockback, snow, paralysis, heal, harm, freeze, icy shell, love, sprouting, fear, blindness, erode, vines, webs, thorns, nightmare, boost active effects duration, breath underwater, resist fire, fast, slow, invisible, health boost, absorption, night vision, poison, wither, regeneration, strength, weakness, change biome, plant trees, steal buffs, spread debuffs (I may have missed some, but all are in the Witches' Brews book), endless water, ice world, keep potion effects on death. NEW: Drop Gypsum in a witch's cauldron to clear the contents NEW: Drop Quicklime in a witch's cauldron to clear the contents and cause an explosion to damage nearby creatures (not structures or the witch). The strength depends on the number of ingredients in the cauldron. NEW: Book of Biomes (Extended Edition). lists biomes on each page, pick a page then craft the book with a piece of paper to create a Biome Note. This is used to select a biome when adding the Change Biome potion effect. NEW: Mutandis and Mutandis Extremis are now made in a Witch's cauldron NEW: Mutating Sprig is now made in a Witches Cauldron NEW: Drop of Luck is now made in a Witches Cauldron. NEW: Golden. Infernal and Otherwhere chalk are now made in a Witch's cauldron NEW: Waystones can now be made by dropping up to eight of them into a 3x3 hollow square drawn with Otherwhere chalk (8 runes), and leaving them for a few seconds. NEW: Blooded waystones can now be made by dropping up to eight of them into a 3x3 hollow square drawn with Otherwhere chalk (8 runes), when both a player and a charged altar are close to the circle, and leaving them for a few seconds. NEW: Dropping a Bound Waystone into a 5x5 Otherwhere circle (12 runes) will teleport all creatures in the circle after a few seconds. NEW: Holding use on the Seer Stone will now summon your Coven members. Uno tras otro. If near a Witches' Cauldron they will move to surround it. NEW: Placing a Brew of Endless Water into a Dispenser, and dispensing directly into an empty adjacent Cauldron or Kettle, will fill either with water for one charge of the brew. NEW: Placing a dispenser containing Glass Bottles facing away from a Witch's cauldron will bottle a brew from the cauldron when the dispenser receives a signal. The bottled brew will be ejected from the dispenser as expected and a glass bottle consumed. NEW: Craftable Snow Stairs. Snow Slabs and Snow Pressure Plates . NEW: Ice pressure plate that only activates for players wearing Icy Slippers. Only creatable using the Ice World potion effect on regular stone or wooden pressure plates. NEW: Ice stairs, ice slabs, ice fences, ice gates, ice doors and ice stockades. Only creatable using the Ice World potion effect on regular blocks of the equivalent type. NEW: Added GUI for witchery configuration in the mods section of the Minecraft main menu. NEW: Earmuffs - Mandrake farmers dream come true. NEW: Dirt and Grass Pitfall Blocks. They look like dirt and grass, just you cannot stand on them. NEW: Player Compass. Attach a taglock to find the way to that player in the same dimension. Created in a cauldron. NEW: Locate the closest village in the overworld, or the closest nether fortress in the nether, by dropping either an attuned stone or subdued spirit inside a 3x3 ritual circle and waiting for the spirit to show the way.

TWEAK: Re-added support for Mine Factory Reloaded. TWEAK: Hobgoblins are now immune to fall damage. TWEAK: Disabled certain teleportation events in Torment to prevent teleporting above the maze. TWEAK: The buff from Hobgoblin worship, is now shown as a Potion Effect in the Inventory. TWEAK: Lowered Mog/Gulg spawn rate, and added a configuration option to control this further. TWEAK: Added support for IGrowable interface to Witchery plants. TWEAK: Waila mod now shows Insanity Curse mods by their Vanilla names TWEAK: It is now possible to add some other plants to the random mutation effects of Mutandis, by specifying them in the config file. TWEAK: Added Acacia and Dark Oak saplings to possible Mutandis mutations. TWEAK: Draining Bolts now drain 50% of magic power. TWEAK: Changed witches oven recipe to use less iron. TWEAK: Placing a block on a demon heart no longer replaces the heart. TWEAK: Some players have reported Lord of Torment not spawning when the second half of the boss battle starts, while I am unable to replicate this, I have regigged a bit of code that *may* have some effect. TWEAK: Improved the witchery leave decay algorithm.

FIX: Drawing with chalk on the ground below non-solid blocks, no longer replaces the block. FIX: It was not possible to create blooded waystones for non-players. FIX: Secondary splash that is sometimes heard when throwing things into a kettle is now gone. FIX: Worked-around a mod compatibility issue for the Statue of Worship, where other mods (like enetbridge) who use reflection on all fields in the class and fail to handle all relevant exceptions, can cause the game to crash. FIX: Spawn rate of demons in a demonic nightmare was far, far to low. FIX: Apothecaries and village witch huts were not using the desert style in deserts.

0.20.6 (1.7.10 download ) NEW: Added Spanish Language support (big thanks to minecraftentxt!) FIX (1.7 only): Spirits were not spawning in the spirit world in any consistent way. FIX: Witchery structures could spawn in oceans. 0.20.5 (1.7.10 download / 1.7.2 download / 1.6.4 download ) NEW: Backported to Minecraft 1.6.4. NEW: Twisting Band. Made from Koboldite and worn on the head. Mobs who look at the wearer are weakened, players who look at the wearer get butterflies in their stomach and must look away. Otherwise it is iron armor with the durability of diamond armor. TWEAK: Hobgoblin taglocks given to a Treefyd or Fetish will now apply the exclusion to all hobgoblins (like is done with villagers). TWEAK: Koboldite Pickaxe now will auto smelt about half the time with a chance to double or triple the resulting item. FIX: Teleporting to a player using a blooded waystone using the Rite of Transposition causes a Null Pointer Exception if the player was not logged in.

0.20.4 (1.7.2 download / 1.7.10 download ) TWEAK: Rowan Doors will no longer break when the block below them is removed. TWEAK: Rowan Doors will open so long as the player has the key somewhere in their inventory. TWEAK: Rowan Doors will break into sticks unless the player has they keys in their inventory. TWEAK: Changed the witches oven to prevent the insertion of clay jars into the cooking slot, this means it is possible to automate the oven with hoppers now. TWEAK: Hobgoblin miners will be much less likely to dig down twice now. TWEAK (1.7.x only): Updated all book recipes to use any ore dictionary dyeBlack instead of just ink sacs. FIX: Hobgoblin miners will no longer mine unbreakable stone/ground blocks. FIX: Worked around an issue where if another mod creates TileEntities while the Hobgoblins are looking for chests a ConcurrentModificationException occurred.

0.20.3 (1.7.2 download / 1.7.10 download ) NEW: Add Italian language support. NEW: Infinity Egg. creative only block that give an altar a huge energy boost. TWEAK: Changed recipe for Koboldite Pickaxe to include some lava. TWEAK: Changed Koboldite Pickaxe equipped hobgoblin to autosmelt doubled ore. TWEAK: Increased Koboldite Pickaxe equipped hobgoblin mining animation speed. FIX: Tooltips were missing for Boline and Huntsman's Spear. FIX: Recipe for Trent Effigy incorrectly used planks instead of logs. FIX: Placing a Pentacle, Arthana or Mystic Branch on an altar would replace an existing item if one were already there.

0.20.2 FIX: InvalidCastException occured when goblins try to get jiggy. 0.20.1 NEW: Added Chinese, German and Russian translations for 0.20 features. TWEAK: Infernal Infusion Zombie Pigman buffs have been reduced to level III. Zombie attack buff has been reduces to level I. FIX: Stockade blocks were always dropping as oak instead of the actual wood they were made from. FIX: Worked around an issue with Thaumcraft golems that seem to use an incomplete GameProfile for their fake player causing the Equals method to throw a NPE. FIX: Rite of Moving Earth was only raising by one block (this seems to be a general 1.7 migration bug).

0.20.0 NEW: Bind a Waystone to a player or creature in a Rite of Binding. creating a Blooded Waystone . NEW: Transpose to the location of a player. Rite of Transposition using a waystone can now take the occupants of the circle to a player/creature bound Blooded Waystone . NEW: Deliver objects with Owls. Give a tamed Owl an item and use a Bound Waystone or Blooded Waystone on the owl (the waystone does not get consumed). The owl will fly to the appropriate location, drop the item and return back to where it started from (it may take a while). If given a splash potion or brew, it will throw the potion instead of just dropping it. NEW: Mob: Hobgoblin. Spawns in forest, plains and swamp biomes. Can be led with a Leash. Can form villages like normal villagers do (build huts for them). Will trade if part of a village. Hobgoblins do not like villagers, and will attack if there are enough Hobgoblins nearby (Hobgoblins are too cowardly to fight when not in hordes). NEW (1.7.x only): Worldgen: Hobgoblin Huts. Almost always contain a Hobgoblin . NEW: Hobgoblin Miners. Leash a Hobgoblin to a post and give it a pickaxe and it will begin mining nearby blocks. NEW: Hobgoblin Gatherers. Leash a Hobgoblin to a post near a chest and it will pick up nearby dropped objects and place them in a nearby chest. NEW: Koboldite dust. Hobgoblin miners have a small chance to find Koboldite Dust, this can be crafted by certain Hobgoblins to nuggets and finally ingots (they may require some gold or emeralds to do this however!). NEW: Koboldite pickaxe. Like a diamond pickaxe, but in the hands of a Hobgoblin Miner (and only a Hobgoblin miner) will turbo speed its mining, and cause its dropped ores to multiply. NEW: Pentacle. made from Koboldite, when placed on an altar will double its recharge rate. NEW: Statue of Hobgoblin Patron. A witch may create this statue and bind it to themselves. When placed, nearby hobgoblins will probably start venerating this new patron. Boosting the powers of whomever that is. The more hobgoblins the more powerful the results. NEW: Passive infusion power regen in the area around hobgoblin worshipers with a small number of worshipers. NEW: Boost Mystic branch powers through hobgoblin worshipers. Drawing larger versions of a symbol will result in some effects having becoming AOE, or with even more worshipers, larger or more powerful effects. P. ej. Defodio increases to a 3x3 or larger dig effect, Aguamenti spawns more water, or even a small amount in the nether. NEW: Wrath of the Hobgoblin gods. Causing Hobgoblins to worship the player can (very small chance, but it increases with more worshipers) cause two avatars: Mog and Gulg (read boss fight) to be sent to deal with the witch. NEW: Mog's Quiver. epic loot sometimes dropped by Mog. Worn in the chest slot, functions as leather armor (with much higher durability and repaired with leather). Provides unlimited arrows for an equipped bow. Fired arrows travel much faster, and cause extreme damage to airborne (or jumping) creatures. Being close to another player wearing Gulg's Gurdle, grants a resistance buff. NEW: Gulg's Gurdle. epic loot sometimes dropped by Gulg. Worn in the legs slot, functions as leather armor (with much highter durability and repaired with leather). Causes 4 damage (2 hearts) when striking with an empty hand, and launches the target into the air (Shoryuken. ). Being close to another player wearing Mog's Quiver, grants a resistance buff. NEW: Stockade block. Crafted from logs and Exhale of the Horned One. These spiky blocks make excellent outer walls that are rather hard to chop down. Also falling onto them causes damage, making them excellent for spike traps. NEW: Add config option for non-PVP servers to prevent taglock collection for other players by clicking on the player or player's bed. In this way taglocks must be given by their owner. NEW: Added a config option to prevent taglock collection from OPs. TWEAK: Rite of Icy Expansion now generates ice that does not melt. TWEAK: Added a new block for Torment flooring. This will only generate if the Torment dimension is newly created. TWEAK: Changed the pattern for the Mystic Branch Incendio effect to left, up, up, down, down. FIX: Restored auto wake up when heading to the nether from the spirit world . FIX: Issue where cooldowns on spells like Tormentum become extremely long when going to MystCraft worlds. FIX: Sending a player to Torment from the nether, made them appear in the wrong location. FIX: TileEntities such as the candelabra that do not require update ticks now no longer schedule themselves for requiring them. Basically means an extremely, microscopic (i. e. almost not noticeable) improvement in performance.

TWEAK: Increased to growth rate of Wispy Cotton when farming it. FIX (1.6.4 only): Missed a couple of back ports concerning Statue of Broken Curses. FIX (1.6.4 only): Added some more checks to prevent exceptions where other mods do not clean up their TileEntities. FIX: Duration of Morsmordre effect is no longer reset on restarting a server. FIX: Morsmodre entity did not have a translated name.

NEW: Minedrake plant. Mutated from mandrakes and creepers. Dropping the seed of this plant will spawn an animated Minedrake (after about 3 seconds), which will head towards the target of the player who dropped the seeds. Minedrakes tend to explode when they reach their target, or are hit (the explosion is small and does not harm scenery). Minedrake seeds can also be planted to grow more. NEW: Statue of Broken Curses. Creative only block that looks like a stone wolf. If turned on in the config file (off by default), it will prevent any entities being cursed by one of the directed curses (Misfortune, Sinking, etc.), if they are within a 32 block radius of the statue (radius is also configurable). Murdering players in this range, removes protection from a player. NEW: Statue of Occluded Summons. Creative only block that looks like a stone mandrake. If turned on in the config file (off by default), it will prevent any entities being summoned by the Rite of Transposition, if they are within a 32 block radius of the statue (radius is also configurable). Murdering players in this range, removes protection from a player. TWEAK: Using a Taglock Kit on a player to get their Taglock now is sensitive to the direction of approach and whether the player is sneaking or not. Collecting from the front, chance is 1% and 10% if sneaking, collecting from behind chance is 30% and 60% if sneaking. Invisibility adds 10% to the frontal chances. TWEAK: Added Chinese, German and Russian translations for 0.19.0 features. TWEAK: Added Thaumcraft aspects for 0.19.0 items and entities. TWEAK: Restricted recall in Torment . TWEAK: Powered Flame Imp is now wider rather than taller. TWEAK: Increased the hardness of Leech Chests to make breaking them take a little longer. TWEAK: Added boss mobs from other mods to exclusion list for Brew of the Grotesque and Enthralling. TWEAK: It is now possible to use a damaged Boline in a circle magic rite. FIX (1.7.2 only): Witchery NEI recipe handler for Witch Oven no longer causes a div by zero error when another mod causes the enumeration of burnable items to go wrong. The slot will just appear empty. FIX (1.7.2 only): Titles in NEI views for witchery machines were not translated. FIX (1.6.4 only): An invalid cast exception could occur if a Leech Chest is placed near a chest-like block from another mod (missed the back port, whoops). FIX: A null reference exception that could occur when using the Polynesia Charm when another mod has messed with the vanilla items now no longer occurs. The offending items is now just not listed. FIX: Added a bunch of extra sanity checks for issues found in OpenEye (which technically are other things breaking stuff and then passing garbage values to witchery methods, but hey it avoids a crash, at least at that point). FIX: Foci items are returned if a Curse or Teleport is prevented by wearing Witch Hunter armor. FIX: Unhandled exception occurred if an object with a high damage value is given to a tamed imp. FIX (1.7.2 only): Removed witchery crop blocks from creative tabs (only the seeds should be there). FIX (1.7.2 only): It was not possible to use a damaged Arthana in a rite.

NEW: New boss, Lord of Torment. summoned using a Torment Scroll obtained from an Imp. NEW: Flame Imp. Small but intelligent demon with which a contract may be made. A contracted imp may be used to exchange gifts or perform magical effects. NEW: Feeding a Flame Imp a Demon Heart will cause it to become more powerful physically for a period of 30 minutes. When so enhanced the imp cannot perform imp magic. The effect can be removed with an Icy Needle . NEW: Mystic Branch effect: Morsmordre. Summon a dark skull that floats in the air and causes nearby mobs to stay away from it. Ability is obtained by drinking a demon's soul obtained from an imp. NEW: Mystic Branch effect: Carnosadiem. Damages the player to restore infused power. Will also add the damage as Life Points to a player who uses Blood Magic. Ability is obtained by drinking a demon's soul obtained from an imp. NEW: Mystic Branch effect: Ignianima. Fires a projectile that damages the target and nearby creatures (small AOE). The projectile does more damage if the caster is lower on health. Ability is obtained by drinking a demon's soul obtained from an imp. NEW: Mystic Branch effect: Tormentum. Causes the hit creature or player and those nearby (small AOE) eternal torment. Obtained by drinking a demon's soul obtained from a defeated Lord of Torment. NEW: Imp Magic. A contract can be crafted representing a specific magical effect. This is then bound to a target creature with a Taglock Kit and finally given to an imp to perform the effect. The imp may refuse if it has not been given enough gifts. NEW: Imp Magic. Living Flame. Summons a blaze to attack the target of the spell in the same dimension. NEW: Imp Magic. Evaporation. Causes the victim to evaporate nearby water for a time or until cured with an Icy Heart or death. NEW: Imp Magic. Fiery Tolerance. Causes the target to become immune to fire for a long period of time. NEW: Imp Magic. Fiery Touch. Causes the victim to occasionally start fires when interacting with things. Lasts for a time or until cured with an Icy Heart or death. NEW: Imp Magic. Melting Touch. Causes the target to automatically smelt blocks when harvesting them. Has a chance to double ores too. Lasts for a time or until cured with an Icy Heart or death. NEW: Torment. Not a nice place. TWEAK: The Mystic Branch effect Episkey now is an instant heal for the caster, but causes hunger. TWEAK: Brazier can now be ignited with a redstone pulse. TWEAK: Brazier can now be ignited when struck with the Mystic Branch Incendio effect. TWEAK: Bloodied Wicker Man can now be ignited with the Mystic Branch Incendio effect. TWEAK (1.7.2 only): Improve Wispy Cotton spawn rate in Biome o'plenty biomes. TWEAK: Added some more sanity checks to transitioning from the Spirit World to attempt recovery in the event of extreme conditions such as out-of-memory and so on. TWEAK: Coven Witches can be added to a fetish as a group so all are included. TWEAK: Reduced the chance of a witch's hand dropping to a 33% (or 50% with an Arthana in 1.7.2 and 95% in 1.6.4) chance when a witch or coven witch is killed (witches are far more common in 1.7.2). FIX: Using some witchery items (such as the Mystic Branch) were not clearing cached data when the item was dropped (or changed) while being used (use button pressed). FIX: Changes in FML after forge build 1060 are resulting in "Duplicate block prefix" warning. These are now resolved. FIX (1.7.2 only): Abandoned shacks have planks instead of logs in some places. FIX (1.7.2 only): An invalid cast exception could occur if a leech chest is placed near a chest-like block from another mod. FIX (1.7.2 only): Replaced networking code to new methods in Forge build 1104. FIX: Rite of Shifting Seasons foci now correcly expects tall grass instead of a shrub (grr meta). FIX: When wearing speed enhancing footwear from mods such as Thaumcraft, the speed bonus when using the Mystic Branch results in extreme acceleration for the player. This is an incompatibility between the speed bonus mechanism from witchery and that used by thaumcraft/tinkerers construct and not a bug per se.

TWEAK: Changed the default dimension ID for the Spirit World to a negative value (-37) to avoid conflicts with mods such as MystCraft and Galacticraft. FIX (1.7.2 only): Critter Snares holding a critter dropped an empty snare when bashed. FIX: A null reference exception could occur when a DartCraft item is used in combination with Coven Witches in some way. FIX: An index out of bounds error could occur when killing a Nightmare with a weapon with Looting XI on it (could only be as a result of cheating).

NEW: Added support for Minecraft 1.7.2 (alpha version). TWEAK: Slightly modified the forest biome types that Coven Witches can spawn in. FIX: A null reference exception could occur on the client side when showing the Altar GUI after the altar had been moved by another mod. FIX: A null reference exception could occur when brewing with a toad without headgear on. FIX: Removed duplicated Arthana recipe. FIX: Brew of Substitution was not spawning swapped blocks.

NEW: Using Graveyard Dust on a player controlled spectral creature (Spectre. Banshee or Poltergeist ) will increase its max health by 2 (to a maximum of 50). NEW: Using (right-click) swords or armor on a player controlled zombie, skeleton or zombie pigman will equip that item on the creature if they do not already have an item in that equipment slot. NEW: Use a Boline on a Treefyd to instruct it not to wander, use it again to allow it to wander, a static Treefyd will still move towards and attack targets. NEW: Nullifying Bolts will now also remove magical potion effects (good and bad) from the hit creature. Poison and Wither will not be removed. NEW: Wearing the full set of Witch Hunter Armor will now also cancel any teleportation effects that use the Forge EnderTeleport event. TWEAK: The recipe for Wooden Bolts has been made cheaper, allowing the creation of nine bolts instead of three. TWEAK: Death 's teleportation cannot be interrupted. TWEAK: The infinity enchant on a Witch Hunter Pistol Crossbow will now give a 25% chance of not consuming the bolt. TWEAK: Witch Hunters will now cure themselves of poison effects. FIX: Witch Hunters will now also attack vanilla witches. FIX: Night vision effect from Death's Hood no longer flashes.

TWEAK: Added German translations for 0.18.0 TWEAK: Added Russian translations for 0.18.0 FIX: You can now pick up Hollow Tears with a bucket FIX: You can now use a bucket to add and remove Hollow Tears and Flowing Spirit into tanks. FIX: Added texture for Flowing Spirit and Hollow Tears to tanks.

NEW: Witch hunter Armor set, leather armor with durability of iron. If the full set is worn: Bearer has 90% immunity to Curses of Misfortune and Waking Nightmare. Wearer has 90% immunity to Rite of Transposition pulls. Wearer is 100% immune to Vampiric Poppets. Wearer cannot use protection poppets. Wearer has a 25% chance of avoiding general Magical Damage (including voodoo poppets). NEW: Witch Hunter Crossbow Pistol. Load by shift using (change ammo by shift-using again). Fire by using, has the same strength as a charged bow. Charge use to get crit. Different ammo types are available. Hand Crossbow may be enchanted (infinity halves durability loss instead of giving infinite ammo). NEW: Wooden Bolt - Default ammo for the Pistol Crossbow. Effective against bark belt wearers and baba yaga. NEW: Bone Bolt - Causes 1.5x damage against undead and demons (including players under the effects of the Infused brew of the grave). NEW: Splitting Bolt - Splits into 3 Wooden Bolts fanning out in front of the crossbow, each bolt does half damage. NEW: Nullifying Bolt - A wooden bolt that does not take the enchantment effects of the Crossbow. If fired by a player wearing the full Witch Hunter armor set, the bolt will reduce the power of a struck magic using player by 1/3 of their max level. Poppets (Death protection, vampiric, etc.) in poppet shelves will not function for the hit. Firing a nullifying bolt will completely drain the magical power level of the shooter. NEW: Universal Antidote - Potion that when drunk will nullify poison and wither effects (stacks to 4). NEW: Poppet Shelf Compass - Device with gems that light up as the player nears a poppet shelf. The more gems illuminated, the closer the shelf (has a range starting at 128 blocks). NEW: Mob Witch Hunter - When a player uses black magic (voodoo poppets, parasitic poppets or curses) there is a chance that the Witch Hunter guild will notice and dispatch agents to track down the witch. These agents will appear from the shadows some time after the black magic is used, and attack the witch. NEW: Binky's Skull can now be dropped upon defeating death. Using this skull on the ground will summon death's horse Binky. When Binky is killed, its skull will be dropped ready to be used again. NEW: Death's Footwear. Robes and Hood. Defeating death may result in one of these pieces being dropped. The set (there are no legs) is iron armor with the durability of diamond. The chest piece grants fire immunity, the feet allow walking on liquids. The hood allows seeing in the dark and slowing those who the wearer looks at. NEW: Hand of Death. Defeating death may result in this being dropped. Attacking with it causes a chill touch against the target (15% max health damage ignoring armor). Using (right-click) this while wearing all death's clothes will summon death's scythe (use again to dismiss). Death's scythe drains your hunger constantly. The lower your hunger the more damage the chill touch will do. Hitting with the scythe restores hunger and life depending on how low your hunger bar is. The scythe can hit multiple targets. NEW: When a player summons Death. if a player is wearing all the Death Gear set and holding Death's Hand, that player will be summoned instead of the death mob. NEW: As an experiment into block protection, all block altering effects on the Mystic Branch now generate the Forge BlockBreak event and will not perform their action if the event is cancelled. As long as servers are correctly using this event for block protection, this should be a good solution. Confirmed to work on Thaumcraft warded blocks. TWEAK: Increased the spawn rate of Wispy Cotton in the Spirit World. to be more frequent. TWEAK: Changed the spawn rate of Spirits in the Spirit World. to be less frequent. TWEAK: Placed Spirits will not despawn. FIX: An issue with Brew of Substitution and Solidifying Brew (Erosion). FIX: Using a Boline to hit a Thaumcraft plant caused a null reference exception to occur. I think this is a "bug" in Thaumcraft, but this workaround stops the exception. FIX: Spirits will now despawn when the player moves far enough away. FIX: Brazier recipe for Drain Growth was too expensive and could cause lag. FIX: Tinkers Construct has now fixed the issue with Heart canisters and being poisoned, so the Bark Belt UI icons now have to not do the workaround they did.

TWEAK: Allowed mutandis to be taken to the spirit world to allow a slightly faster start to building there. TWEAK: Added variations of bound fetishes to the witchery creative tab. TWEAK: Fetishes now trigger more promptly. TWEAK: Added Chinese translations. FIX: On servers the icon for Wispy Cotton in the Herbology book was undefined. FIX: Spectres triggered from a Sentinel fetish preferred to attack players than their intended targets, even if the player is in a whitelist. FIX: Sentinel Fetish will not attack the player if they return from the Spirit World after sleeping near the fetish.

0.17.1 FIX: Null reference exception can occur if a spectre fails to spawn from a Sentinel Fetish.

0.17.0 NEW: Fetishes - Scarecrow. Trent Effigy and Witch's Ladder. These blocks can be used as decorative pieces, or used in a Rite of Binding to bind spectral creatures into them. The combination of spectral creatures causes a placed fetish to have a different effect. Taglocks may be used on a fetish to add that player or creature to the objects list of known entities. A manifested player can pick up and carry bound fetishes to the spirit world, their effect will be felt in both worlds. NEW: Voodoo Protection Fetish. Voodoo Protection Poppets in a player's inventory in the area of effect of the fetish (16 blocks) will only be damaged to a normal extent even when a curse is cast by a witch with a cat familiar. Additionally the poppet will protect against the Rite of Transposition. NEW: Shrieking Fetish. The fetish will scream when a non-whitelisted (or blacklisted) creature approaches within 16 blocks. It will also emit a redstone signal. If a witch's ladder is used, there will be no screaming, only the redstone signal. NEW: Sentinel Fetish. When a non-whitelisted (or blacklisted) creature approaches within 8 blocks of the fetish, spectres will be released to force them to flee. NEW: Disorientation Fetish. When a non-whitelisted (or blacklisted) creature approaches within 8 blocks of the fetish, they will be flipped around, the effect becomes more disorientating the closer the creature approaches. The fetish will ignore players with no arms or armor. NEW: Ghost Walking Fetish. When near this fetish, the timer for a spirit walking player (Rite of Manifestation) will not decrease. This essentially allows path ways to be built for ghostly characters to walk along. NEW: Spectral Stone - Used to trap aggressive spectral creatures (spectre, banshee and poltergeist) using a Rite of Binding, can be used to summon the creatures in an enthralled state (so controllable with the Necromantic Stone). Can hold up to three creatures. NEW: Baba Yaga's Hat - Like a normal Witches' Hat but has only a 25% chance (instead of 35%) for a second potion, but has also a 25% chance of a third potion. Also at the cost of 2.5% of a players infused power, the is a chance the player will be teleported a short distance instead of being hit. NEW: Spirit - Mob that spawns in the Spirit World and flies around as a golden ball of light. Kill to subdue it, subdued spirits can be placed to allow them to fly once more, or taken back to the overworld to be used as ingredients (or released). NEW: Spectre - Invisible mob that that can be summoned. Chill touch penetrates armor doing taking 10% of the victims life. NEW: Poltergeist - Invisible mob that may appear when summoning spectral creatures, likes causing mischief by throwing items around. NEW: Banshee - Mob that can be summoned, screams in a non-to-nice way causing magical damage to all nearby players. NEW: Death - Boss mob. Very nasty. NEW: Brazier - New apparatus used to burn various items to create magical effects. Most commonly used for necromantic summonings in association with the Wormwood plant. Use of the brazier has a chance of summoning a Poltergeist. NEW: Brazier effect - Graveyard mist . NEW: Brazier effect - Summon Spectre . NEW: Brazier effect - Summon Banshee . NEW: Brazier effect - Deathly Veil . NEW: Brazier effect - Anguish of the Dead . NEW: Brazier effect - Fortification of the Corpse . NEW: Brazier effect - Drain Growth . NEW: Book Witchcraft: Conjuration & Fetishes . NEW: Boline - Functions as sheers but can also harvest cobwebs, trapped plants and blood roses. Has other uses connected with necromancy too. NEW: Wormwood plant - Grows on cultivated land to two blocks in height. Drops seeds and wormwood. Initially mutated from grown wheat and wispy cotton. NEW: Brew of Revealing - Reveals invisible spirits, creatures and players. NEW: Infused Brew Base - Used to make infused brews, there are two recipes, the first is expensive, the second is cheaper but requires another Infused Brew Base. NEW: Infused Brew of the Grave - Long duration buff to necromantic skills (Enthrall undead with a necromantic stone, feed on dead animals and players). Only one infused brew can be active at a time. NEW: Infused Brew of Soaring - Long duration speed and control buff for Enchanted Broom flight. Stacks with buffs from the owl familiar. Only one infused brew can be active at a time. NEW: Brew of Hollow Tears - The opposite of flowing spirit, used with solidifying brews. NEW: Solidifying Brews - Brews that can be thrown at Hollow Tears to solidify it to a chosen material (dirt, stone, sand, sandstone, or optionally eroded away). NEW: Brew of Substitution - Swaps blocks. NEW: Use a Bound Waystone on a Crystal Ball to view that location. NEW: Buff a Treefyd by using a Creeper Heart (or Demon Heart ) on it to boost its max life and damage (the demon heart boosts more). NEW: In the spirit world. Netherwart can be mutated from other plants with Mutandis . NEW: Distilling a Demon Heart with neterrack creates soul sand. TWEAK: The Biting Belt (and Parasytic Lice ) will apply most potion effects before Vampiric Poppets are applied, regeneration effects will be applied after (if needed). TWEAK: Seer stone now also reveals manifestation time available to a player, if they have a familiar and their coven size. TWEAK: Sneak-use a seer stone to see details about yourself. TWEAK: The volcano raised with Rite of Earth's Wrath no longer has a flat bottom when expanded over air blocks. TWEAK: Walia mod is now supported, keeping trapped plants and alder doors somewhat hidden. TWEAK: Bibliocraft armor stand is now supported for witch clothing. TWEAK: Arthana can no longer harvest cobwebs (use a Boline instead). TWEAK: Blood roses and trapped plants will now be destroyed unless harvested with a boline. TWEAK: Collision detection for the Enchanted Broom is partially disabled when ridden, allowing brews to be thrown effectively. TWEAK: Poppet Shelves will only function in the overworld, nether, end and spirit world . TWEAK: Dragon Eggs provide substantially less Altar power. TWEAK: Spear of the Huntsman damage counts as wooden damage TWEAK: Only vanilla and witchery mobs will spawn in the Spirit World . TWEAK: Blood roses and Trapped Plants will now be broken if harvested with anything other than a Boline . FIX: It is no longer possible to repair chalk using Ars Magica FIX: Ars magic devices no longer change the type of a poppet. FIX: Ruby Slippers will now correctly teleport players to the spawn point if they have no bed. FIX: Bark belt GUI icons (the sticks) are drawn too high if the player has more than 10 hearts and is using the Tinker's Construct mod. FIX: Bark belt GUI icons were flashing when the player looked at a Biome colorable block (e. g. tall grass). FIX: Nightmares were spawning too frequently if the player is flying at a certain height. FIX: Nightmare shield was incorrectly timed. FIX: In peaceful mode, Mandrakes will always just drop their harvest. FIX: Whiff of Magic was missing its thaumcraft aspects FIX: Flowing Spirit will not be writable as Mystcraft pages. FIX: Left and Right motions in the Witchcraft: Symbology book were reversed.

NEW: Armor Protection Poppet. Works like a Tool Protection Poppet, but for armor. TWEAK: Using Ruby Slippers now requires the player to be infused. The slippers cost 20% of the total power for the waystone teleport (40% if it is cross dimensional) and 40% of the total power if it is the teleport to bed (60% if this is cross dimensional). The cooldown on the waystone teleport is increased to 60 seconds. TWEAK: When wearing a Bark Belt. the number of park pieces will be indicated by small sticks drawn over the armor icons in the player GUI. TWEAK: Coven witches now also drop Witches Hands. TWEAK: Taglock Kits can now be used on Carpenters' Beds from the Carpenters' Blocks mod. TWEAK: Added a green enchantment glint to the held 3D models for the Mystic Branch. Spear of the Huntsman and the Horned Huntsman . TWEAK: Added support for the armor stands in the BetterStorage mod. FIX: When an Enchanted Broom is placed it will now be at 90 degrees to the player's facing. FIX: When a stack of Taglock Kits is filled on a player (or bed) the last one will now stack correctly with the others and not require some time to pass before this is possible. FIX: Statue of the Goddess can now cure Curse of Waking Nightmare FIX: Healing Potions and Swiftness potions dropped by witches and later converted into Potions of Harming II or long duration swiftness potions, can now be used for brewing infusions .

0.16.2 FIX: Small bug with poison management of seeping shoes. FIX: Bark belt bark pieces were being shown when invisible. 0.16.1 FIX: Fixes client-side crash when using the brew bag radial menu without NEI installed. NEW: Adds German language translations for 0.16.0 features.

0.16.0 NEW: Bark Belt. When standing on grass or mycellum this belt, every 5 or so seconds, can grow up to two pieces of bark onto each piece of witches clothes (total of 8 pieces). When hit by a mob, one or two pieces of bark will be knocked off negating the damage. NEW: Seeping Shoes. These shoes cause any poison in the wearers body to seep out from them (removing the effect), into the ground and causing a bone meal effect in a small area. NEW: Ruby Slippers. These slippers allow a bound waystone to be used without the need for a circle. Once every 30 minutes, the slippers can be used without a waystone to teleport to the wearers bed (if they have one). The slippers have all the other properties of witch clothing. NEW: Brew Bag. Up to 8 stacks of throwable brews can be placed into this bag. The bag is opened by right-clicking on it while sneaking (shift key held). If this bag is used from the hot bar without sneaking, a radial menu will be shown when the mouse button is held. Pushing in the direction of a brew will select it and releasing the mouse button will throw it. Sneak with a selection to clear it. Brew bags can be dyed. NEW: Some Altar-powered rites can now take an optional Bound Waystone that will direct their effects to the location in the waystone (in the same dimension!). The waystone is optional and will be consumed in the rite. The range is limited to 50 blocks plus an additional 50 blocks per coven witch in the rite. NEW: Witchcraft: Symbology. A book that lists all of the effects that can be produced with the Mystic Branch, and how to perform them. NEW: Book of Biomes. A book that lists all of the biomes, foci items and glowstone dust cost for use in the Rite of Shifting Seasons. NEW: The Biting Belt can now store two potions and will only apply a new potion if the wearing is not under its effects already. NEW: It is now possible to place a Demon Heart into the world by right-clicking with it when sneaking (shift held). NEW: Demonic nightmare. Using a Brew of Sleeping near a Dream Weaver of Nightmare. a Flowing Spirit Pool and a placed Demon heart has a chance to cause a demonic nightmare. Such a nightmare has the additional problems of fiery rain and demons popping up. NEW: New recipe, Demonic blood and gravel can be used to make a block of netherrack. Expensive yes, but it has some uses. NEW: Rite of the Forest - Instantly grow a forest based on a specific sapling. NEW: Brew of Bats - Causes a swarm of bats to burst from the brew, stunning nearby creatures and players for a short while. Made using a Concentrated Bat Ball. NEW: Concentrated Bat Ball - Using this ball will throw the item a fair distance, being hit while carrying the ball will cause the player to drop it. NEW: Purified Milk. bottle of milk that can be drunk with a 50% chance of removing one random status effect. NEW: Charm of Fanciful Thoughts. Stops the additional negative effects a nightmare's attack causes. NEW: Curse of Waking Nightmare. The cursed player is haunted by their worst dreams. NEW: Spear of the Huntsman. Rare weapon drop from the Horned Huntsman allowing the wielder access to some of the huntsman's abilities. TWEAK: Nightmares can cause additional negative effects when they hit. Waking nightmares are weaker. TWEAK: Kettle recipe for Brew of Sleeping now uses Purified Milk instead of a milk bucket. TWEAK: Particle effects added as an Altar gathers power. TWEAK: A copy made of a renamed Bound Waystone using the Rite of Binding will also copy the name of the original (so you can use an anvil to name the waystone "home" and then copy it). TWEAK: Damage of Owls has been slightly improved to make Brew of Bodega mostly able to kill a Zombie Pigman. TWEAK: Both enthralled zombies hit by a Brew of Love will now become zombie villagers. TWEAK: Curse of Sinking makes the victim generally heavy. TWEAK: Stupify effect from the Mystic Branch causes flying players to glide to the earth. TWEAK: Using a Treefyd Seed on an existing Treefyd creates a new one with the same list of ignorable players and creatures. TWEAK: After killing a Nightmare. 30 seconds will pass before a new one spawns. TWEAK: Harvesting Ender Pearls and Blaze Powder from plants in the spirit world has been restricted. TWEAK: Players are informed at regular intervals as their time as a ghost runs out. TWEAK: Entering the Spirit World via non-standard means will result in forceful ejection back to the overworld. TWEAK: Owls and Toads "speak" less frequently. TWEAK: Rite of Summoning a familiar will also call familiars in a loaded chunk to the location of the rite, even if they have not been dismissed. TWEAK: The Mystic Branch now has a 3d model when held. TWEAK: Mystic Branch Nox effect is now cheaper at 50 power (down from 100) TWEAK: Rite of Bestial Call now works over a larger area, has a minimum range and can pull two beasts at once. FIX: Treefyds no longer attack sleeping players' bodies. FIX: Coven Witches will do their best to avoid water. FIX: Finally got MineFactoryReloaded harvesters, planters and fertilizers working properly with all witchery crops and trees (hint: use grinders on the Mandrakes). FIX: Tinker's Construct knapsack GUI is now disabled when in the Spirit World (still possible to use the custom armor, but to change too much would probably make Tinker's break, erring on the side of caution). FIX: BetterStorage backpacks are dropped before entering the spirit world. Drop them yourself to have a predictable drop location. FIX: Hunger level is boosted when entering the Spirit World . FIX: Toads have the correct height now. FIX: Body of players in the Spirit World now rotates correctly when killed. FIX: Added key and waystone locations and louse/biting belt potions to the tooltip instead of as a postfix to item name, so the information is not hidden when renaming the item. FIX: The arms of witches robes did not render correctly when blocking with a sword or drinking a potion. FIX: Demons incorrectly attacked anything they touched, they should only attack players and villagers or anything that attacks them). FIX: Using the Squid Power with the Infernal Infusion to blind an enemy more than 14 blocks away caused a Null Reference Exception. FIX: Transfer arrows in NEI (that show all recipes for a machine) for the Distillery and Spinning Wheel were getting muddled up. FIX: Using multiple bound Vampiric Poppets simultaneously could lead to the first being found repreatedly when the victim of the poppet dies under specific circumstances. FIX: Mystic Branch nox effect more correctly drops broken lamp items. FIX: Harvesting Trapped Plants always dropped web-based plants instead of the correct plant.

TWEAK: Adds Spirit World support for Alternate Terrain generation and ExtraBiomesXL mods. Better World Generation seems to use non-standard tricks so you just get the standard world gen if that is used.

NEW: Brew of Sleeping - Drink to enter the Spirit World. your physical sleeping form stays behind (along with most of your gear! Icy needles can pass the world boundaries!). Extremely high chance of having a nightmare when using this Brew. NEW: Apple of Sleeping - Eat to enter the Spirit World, will always cause a nightmare! NEW: Spirit World Dimension - Almost identical to the overworld. If any player in the dimension is experiencing a nightmare it will be night time, otherwise it will be daytime. Players experiencing a nightmare will be chased by their nightmare. Dying in the Spirit World causes the player to wake up in the Overworld. Using an Icy needle will also cause a player to return to the overworld. Circle Magic does not work in the Spirit World. NEW: Nightmare Mob - Chases players in the Spirit World who are having a nightmare. Fast and Hard to kill, run! Drops Mellifluous Hunger, a substance that can be transported back to the Overworld. NEW: Wispy Cotton - Found in the Spirit World, can be picked as either Wispy Cotton or Disturbed cotton depending on if anyone in the Spirit World is experiencing a nightmare. Both types of cotton can return with the player when they wake up! The cotton is used to make Fanciful Thread and Tormented Twine used in the manufacture of Dream Weavers. NEW: Brew of Flowing Spirit - Flowing spirit flows where the potion lands, flowing spirit can be picked up in a bucket. Flowing spirit has a mild regen effect for players standing in it. Undead and demons are weakened when standing in it. Nightmares cannot become invulnerable when standing in it. Flowing Spirit activates Spirit Portals. Can only be brewed in the Spirit World. Can be transported back to the Overworld as long as it remains in its original glass bottle. NEW: Spirit Portal. created using snow blocks surrounded a 2x2 empty area. Activated using Flowing Spirit on. Can only be created in the Spirit World. Players who have used the Rite of Manifestation on themselves can pass though these Portals into the overworld at the same location and appear as ghosts. Only Icy needles can pass though with them! Use an icy needle to return to the Spirit World (or after the effect of the Rite of Manifestation expire). When a manifested players time runs out, or uses a needle anything they are holding (except icy needles) WILL BE DROPPED! NEW: Rite of Manifestation. Allows players in the circle to manifest though Spirit Portals for a total of 2.5 Minutes (+25 secs per coven member). Requires Mellifluous Hunger. NEW: Spinning Wheel. Machine (requires altar power) that turns materials into threads. Used to produce the threads for dream weavers and witches clothing. Can also be used to create cobwebs from string. NEW: Brew of Wasting. Instantly breaks leaves blocks in the area of effect (causing drops if they have them). Monsters hit will be withered. Players hit will experience hunger problems. NEW: Dream Weaver of Intensity. Boosts the effects of nearby dream weavers, Digging and Speed increases the effect (and slightly reduces the duration). Fasting extends the duration from (4 mins to 6 mins). Also adds a very short night vision/blindness effect. NEW: Biting Belt. Craft with a portion to apply that effect one time when hit (same behavior as the Parasytic Louse). Worn as leg armor, has the same protection as leather. Can be died. Can be repaired in anvil or with Impregnated Leather. TWEAK: Using a taglock on a Treefyd for Villagers or vanilla farm animals (sheep, pigs, etc.) will make the Treefyd ignore all creatures of that type instead of just that one instance. TWEAK: Default duration of Dream Weaver of Satiation reduced to four minutes. TWEAK: Added support for Mine Factory Reloaded Planters for Witchery saplings and crops. TWEAK: Witches Hat. Witches Robes. Necromancers Robes and Icy Slippers now use Golden Thread in their recipes. TWEAK: Dream Weaver of nightmares now uses Tormented Twine instead of String in its recipe. TWEAK: Dream Weavers of Fleet Foot and Strong Arm now use Fanciful Thread and Tormented Twine instead of String in their recipes. TWEAK: Dream Weaver of Satiation now uses Fanciful Thread. Tormented Twine and Mellifluous Hunger in its recipe instead of string and potion of harming. TWEAK: Dream weaver of Nightmares now applies a weakness debuff instead of confusion. Two nightmare weavers still cause blindness. TWEAK: New config file setting to control the number of players that must be asleep for a Dream Weaver buff to be applied (prior versions required all players to sleep which is not necessarily the case when using the Morpheus mod). TWEAK: Added support for Altars to draw power from flowers and crops from other mods. TWEAK: Rite of Protection circles are 1 block wider so that they enclose the ritual glyphs to prevent leaving a gap for small creatures to run under. The barriers also remove replaceable blocks like grass and snow. FIX: Placing an Arthana on an Altar was not being rendered correctly in Fast Graphics mode. FIX: A distillery, Rites of Protection and Rite of Recharging were not rechecking the range to the closest Altar when an Arthana was added or removed, requiring them to be replaced/restarted to apply the effect. FIX: The Polynesia charm should not work on a Coven Witch . FIX: Curses and Counter-curses were not refunding foci items if the target player was not logged in. FIX: Rite of Shifting Seasons was not syncing some client-side tile entities with the server-side data following the biome re-sync. FIX: Altars and Void Brambles cannot now be moved by the Rite of Moving Earth due to this requiring way too much state management to get right, this fixes the bug where earth would not raise more than one block if an Altar was in the circle and that an altar split in half by the rite would lead to a null reference exception when used. FIX: Rite of Shifting Seasons did not recognize the skull item necessary to perform biome transformation to type magical biome.

NEW: Mob - Coven Witch. found in forests, swamps, Villages, Shacks and/or Circles. Non-hostile unless attacked. Can be interacted with. NEW: Village building - Witch Hovel NEW: Covens - Recruit coven witches to your coven by interacting with them to gain a quest (generally fight or fetch/crafting quests). Complete the quest and the witch will join you. Witches will only offer quests if a certain level of witchcraft has been achieved (do you have a familiar yet?). Covens can include up to 6 additional witches. Covens members can be called on for assistance in a fight, used to enhance circle magic, or used to perform very powerful rites. NEW: Seer Stone - Call a member of your coven for aid or use on a Circle glyph to call your entire coven to enhance the ritual. Coven members can die so be careful when calling for aid! Use on another player within 3 blocks to get a report of which curses are currently afflicting them. NEW: Many Rites are now more powerful if started holding a Seer Stone and there are members in a player's coven. The more coven members, the more powerful the circle magic. NEW: Rite of Shifting Seasons - Change the biome across a wide area. Needs a coven of at least 4 additional witches. NEW: Rite of Icy Expansion - Create a huge hollow bubble of ice (filled with air!). Needs a coven of at least 2 additional witches. NEW: Curse of Overheating - When in very hot biomes, the victim has a chance of catching fire for a short duration depending on the level of the curse. NEW: Curse of Raining Toads - It starts raining toads that explode in a poison cloud. NEW: Rite of Glyphic Transformation - Change the color of your circles NEW: Rite of Beastial Call - Transpose animals from a wide are to the location of the rite. Needs a coven of 3 or more. NEW: Grasspers can be used to hold objects used in Circle Magic rites. TWEAK: Brew of Love now works on two enthralled zombies (either raised with a brew of raising or via the Infernal Infusion power), creating a baby zombie and turning one of the parents into a zombie villager. Beware, the baby will not be enthralled! Creating zombie villagers in this way is a mechanism to create villages if combined with a Rite of Fertility. TWEAK: Higher levels of the Curse of Insanity will cause the victim to hear strange noises. TWEAK: Abandoned Huts might be occupied with a Coven Witch . TWEAK: Rowan and Alder Doors are now just crafted like normal doors with the appropriate wood instead of requiring a fume. TWEAK: Aborting a rite that is still consuming items will refund them. TWEAK: Predictions indicating the discovery of ores will now generate under other circumstances if they have not been triggered for a long period. FIX: Owls spawned with a limited time-to-live (Brew of Bodega, etc.) will not drop anything on death. FIX: Changed the tracking rate of some mobs to *hopefully* stop them glitching though terrain. FIX: Rowan, Alder and Hawthorn single slabs can again be crafted using the normal slap recipe, instead of always making oak slabs. FIX: Index out of bounds error could occur when viewing a specific (as yet unknown) recipe from (probably) another mod, involving Witchery Leaves Blocks. FIX: Thrown quicklime had half the potion icon embedded in its icon. FIX: Some predictions were not waiting long enough for fulfillment. FIX: The Statue of the Goddess did not cure the Curse of Sinking .

NEW: Upgraded to Forge . NEW: Placing an Arthana (right-click) on an Altar will double the range of the altar from around 14 blocks to 28 blocks. TWEAK: Recipe for Statue of the Goddess is disabled by default (can be enabled in the config file if a server admin wants this). TWEAK: Recipe for Void Brambe is disabled by default (can be enabled in the config file if a server admin wants this). TWEAK: Baba Yaga likes turning certain types of player minions into spiders! TWEAK: Added Chinese, German and Russian and translations for the 0.13 features. FIX: Reading another players fortune was not always picking the closest other player when two other players were nearby. FIX: Performance of Rite of Protection has been significantly improved. FIX: Performance issue when a player stands in a Blood Rose .

NEW: Crystal ball. look into your or another player's future. Scry the area around the crystal ball. Look through the eyes of a nearby creature or player. NEW: Wild Bramble. a cactus that you can walk though, hard to break, if you do break it with anything other than a gold axe it will spread to nearby blocks. NEW: Blood Rose. a rose-like plant that collects taglocks from any player that walk over it. Use a taglock kit to recover the taglock. NEW: Curse of Sinking. a mild curse that causes the victim to sink faster and take longer to swim up. NEW: Mob Baba Yaga (and her sisters). Hard to beat. TWEAK: You can now use Demonic Blood directly on a Wicker Bundle that has been placed in the world, to make Bloodied Wicker Bundles of it and up to four adjacent (diagonally too) bundles if they are not already bloodied. TWEAK: Rite of Broiling now has a portable version that uses a charged attuned stone and blaze powder instead of Altar power and coal. This version will burn a bit more though. TWEAK: Infusing items with a Rite of Infusion has a few more particle effects. TWEAK: improved the look of Ent's leaves a bit. FIX: Owls did not seem to want to fly though open doors. FIX: It was not possible to use a Polynesia Charm on an owl. toad or cat familiar . FIX: Demonic Blood had no Thaumcraft aspects associated with it. FIX: Invalid cast exception occurred when a mob holding an item attacked an Ent . FIX: Null reference exception when clicking on a tamed owl with an empty hand (introduced in 0.12.1). FIX: Part of the altar distance algorithm was derped. FIX: Removed use of the forge FakePlayerFactory API since it can lead to world leaks. FIX: Owls were dropping feathers with an incorrect metadata value (1 instead of 0). FIX: The recipe for a Critter Snare did not work if the saplings had entered their stage two growth step (it changes their metadata which the recipe did not expect).

NEW: Added Russian language translations, special thanks to ZigTheHedge for this! TWEAK: Owls and Toads will no longer despawn (after some minutes) if not tamed. TWEAK: Babies produced from tamed Owls and Toads will not automatically be tame. This allows untamed animals to be produced without the need for more mutation (because only untamed animals can roam). TWEAK: Changed the alpha blending mechanism for screen overlays slightly. FIX: Fixed a Minecraft 1.6.2 crashing issue when an Apothecary is generated (this only happens in 1.6.2). FIX: Worked around an issue with Ents. where a specific combination of mods can cause a client-side crash when the Ent is spawned (not sure what the mod is that causes the problem though). FIX: Fixed an issue where familiars may teleport partially into solid blocks. FIX: Critter Snare could cause a missing method exception leading to a server crash. FIX: Sitting position for Enchanted Broom has been adjusted to be more compatible with mods like morph. FIX: Nether Portals were sometimes appearing when using a Rite of Transposition to teleport between the Twilight Forest and the Overworld (or vice versa). FIX: Using a name tag on a toad, owl or cat familiar was causing it to sit instead of naming it.

NEW: Grassper plant, a simple plant into which a single object can be placed, by using the object on the plant. Using the plant a second time will cause it to drop the object. The Grassper plant is used in various mutation recipes to hold items used in the mutation. NEW: Critter Snare plant. Traps small creatures such as silverfish, bats and small slimes that move into it. Creature can be released by right-clicking on the snare. Snare can be broken and moved with the creature still in it. NEW: New mob, the Owl. Can be tamed. Needs to be mutated from other animals since it does not spawn naturally. NEW: New mob, the Toad. Can be tamed. Needs to be mutated from other animals since it does not spawn naturally. NEW: New mob, the Parasytic Louse. Needs to be mutated from other animals since it does not spawn naturally. Can be picked up. Can be crafted with a potion and will deliver that potion effect to whomever it bites. If placed on the hot bar, it will bite the player if they are hit by a mob or player. NEW: Familiars. A tamed cat, owl or toad can be bound as a familiar by performing a Rite of Binding where both the tamed animal and the tamer of that animal stand in the circle. Each familiars also grants a passive benefit and the ability to create a unique brew. A small amount of damage is redirected from a player to their familiar, if the familiar dies (they can be resummoned) so does the player NEW: Owl familiars allow strafing and fast deceleration when riding a broom. NEW: Cat familiars allow curses and curse cures to be more powerful. NEW: Toad familiars grant a 5% bonus to the chance of a second brew being produced and they increase the effectiveness of many brews when thrown. NEW: Brew of Cursed Leaping. causes all creatures in the area of effect to leap high into the air, those which survive the fall will have a short jump buff afterwards. Only witches and warlocks with a cat familiar may brew this recipe. NEW: Brew of Bodega. causes a flock of owls to descend on the hit creature and start attacking it. Only witches and warlocks with an owl familiar may brew this recipe. NEW: Brew of Frog's Tongue. causes all creatures in the area of effect to be pulled towards the thrower. Only witches and warlocks with a toad familiar may brew this recipe. NEW: Brew of Infection. causes stone, cobble stone and stone bricks to be infected with a silverfish. Causes a villager to mutate to a zombie. Causes other creatures to become motionless for a short while as they clean the worms off themselves. NEW: Ender Bramble. the ender bramble will causes any creature that touches it to be teleported to a random point within 500 blocks. The Ender Bramble is a weaker variation of the Void Bramble . NEW: The bristles of an Enchanted Broom can now be dyed to an extent by using a Dye on the broom when it is placed in the world. NEW: Using the taglock of another player or creature on an owned Treefyd will cause the Treefyd to ignore that entity. Using a taglock from the same creature a second time while sneaking (holding shift) will cause the Treefyd to attack the entity again. Interacting with an owned Treefyd will show a list of which players and creatures it is currently ignoring. NEW: Curse of Corrupt Poppet. This curse will initially cause Voodoo protection poppets of the Taglocked entity to be overloaded and destroyed, opening the way for a follow-up curse. This curse can only be cast by players with a Cat Familiar. NEW: Poppet Protection Poppet. Protects the Voodoo Protection poppets of the taglocked player from the Curse of Poppet Corruption in much the same way as a Voodoo protection poppet protects against voodoo. TWEAK: There is a config option to control if the Curse of Hell on Earth performed by a with with a Cat Familiar can start fires. WARNING: This can cause a server to massively lag if fire spread is not sensibly set. TWEAK: Brew of Vines will now climb or descend step formations in rock walls so long as they do not move back more than one block per block risen. TWEAK: Brew of Vines will now tunnel though leaves, allowing an easy way to ascend most trees. TWEAK: Damage from a Brew of Erosion to a mob has been reduced by two points when no toad familiar is bound. TWEAK: Height of a Brew of Thorns cactus (when not surrounding a mob) has been reduced to three blocks (from 4) when no toad familiar is bound. The variations when surrounding a mob is increased to 2 blocks high when a toad familiar is bound. TWEAK: Two undamaged Voodoo Protection poppets are required to defend against a Curse of Blight or Curse of Blindness. TWEAK: An undamaged Voodoo Protection poppet is required to defend against a Curse of Misfotrune or Insanity cast by a player with a cat familiar. TWEAK: The Recipe for Void Bramble has be changed to use Ender Bramble and two nether stars. TWEAK: There is now a configuration option to disable the recipe for Void Bramble so that server admins can limit its use to creative mode only (seeing as how it is really a way to create circle magic free zones). TWEAK: The Rite of Charging for infusions now drains more Altar power per second (40/s up from 1/s). This means to have perpetual recharge, the altar must have at least x4 recharge rate (e. g. Candelabra and skull). TWEAK: The Ent now looks a bit more angry when he is aggro-ed. TWEAK: Added a short cooldown to some teleportation abilities (witch hand based) in order to prevent a chunk saving glitch if you have a tamed animal and the player rapidly travels across the landscape, multiple times per second. TWEAK: Left-clicking a glyph block while holding a broom or enchanted broom will instantly destroy the block. FIX: Fixed an issue where using a Circle Talisman on a LongGrass block from Biomes o' Plenty was causing an unhandled exception, leading ultimately to a server crash. FIX: Recipes involving Mutandis and food have been changed to Shapeless Recipes. FIX: Added a couple of recipes for dream catchers so that alternate ways of creating splash potions (that result in different meta data values) are supported

FIX: Added the remaining missing German language translations. FIX: Added a pack. mcmeta file to the mod to avoid a "warning" in the log. FIX: Worked around an issue where Minecraft may not correctly invalidate a TileEntity leading to Void Brambles remaining registered even though they were removed. FIX: Thunder storms in deserts are now detected, so that Curses may be performed in desert biomes. FIX: Key binding the jump or movement keys to a mouse button now no longer causes an index out-of-range exception and subsequent client-side crash. FIX: Using a Mystic Branch while having the Infernal Infusion speed power active no longer causes super speed to occur. FIX: Stopping a server immediately after casting a Mystic Branch effect no longer causes the projectile to float in the air forever. FIX: Ice blocks that surround creatures after throwing a Brew of Frost are wider; significantly decreasing the probability a mob can glitch though the ice.

NEW: The Cave Inimicum Mystic Branch effect now also fortifies wooden doors to iron doors. FIX: Using Defodio Mystic Branch effect on a Lux Capacitor block placed by the modular powersuits mod causes an index out of range exception (and subsequent crash). FIX: Defodio Mystic Branch effect is now limited to obvious digging related blocks. FIX: An index out of range exception was occurring when using Witchery Logs in a particular crafting recipe. Unfortunately I do not know which recipe or why it was requesting the data it was, but this fix will stop the crash! FIX: Colloportus Mystic Branch effect was upgrading a door to a locked door and then breaking the block. Now the door stays where it is supposed to. Without a key the only way to open the door now is with the Alohomora effect. FIX: Infusion of Light air prison (left-click on mob effect) was leaving holes in the floor of the prison.

NEW: Statue of the Goddess - Block that when activated will cure any curse on a player. This is a *very* expensive block to craft (and the recipe can be disabled in the config file). This is intended as a way for server operators to provide a way for cursed players to find a cure at a designated location in the world, if they so desire. NEW: Curse of Insanity - When this Rite is used on a player, they will begin seeing imaginary monsters everywhere they go! What is real what is fake. Can be cured by a Rite of Remove Curse or using a Statue of the Goddess . NEW: Rowan Keyring - Add Rowan Door Keys to open any doors associated with their keys (no more inventory bloat!). Crafted initially from two Rowan door keys. Craft together with yet another Rowan Door Key to add it to the keyring. There is no limit to how many keys can be added (craft one at a time though). NEW: Increased movement speed (to something near normal) when using the Mystic Branch and a symbol is-being/has-been drawn. NEW: Shack chests have a chance to contain a spruce sapling. This provides an alternative path for players who are unable to locate a Spruce tree, much like a village apothecary shop contains a cactus plant. NEW: Witchery world gen will occur in the Twilight Forest. This can be disabled in the config file. NEW: Crafting a bone with two Wood Ash will now yield 4 bonemeal, add wood ash in multiples of two to increase bonemeal yield by one. NEW: Craft a poisonous potato with a normal potato and a spiders eye to create two poisonous potatoes. Always keep one aside to use as a catalyst! NEW: Fir trees from Biomes O'Plenty can now be burnt in the Oven to produce Hint of Rebirth . NEW: Forestry versions of the vanilla saplings (Silver Birch, Apple Oak and Red Spruce) can now be burnt in the Oven to produce the expected fume (Breath of the Goddess. Exhale of the Horned One and Hint of Rebirth ). This may not work in all cases depending on how cross-bred the sapling is! FIX: Rowan Door Keys now correctly store the dimension they work in. FIX: Worldgen shuffle algorithm was skipping Strawmen most of the time. FIX: Altar did not recognize Glint Weed or Snowbells as power sources. FIX: Mystic Branch effects: Aguamenti and Incendio were picking the incorrect block to spawn on when hitting the side of a block. FIX: Infernal Infusion creeper power now respects the mob griefing game setting. FIX: The current page of witchery books was sometimes not being updated on the server when the book was closed. This may still happen if the packet is not received before a book is dropped! FIX: Witchery books that show potions for ingredients will now also show the potency and duration of that potion (e. g. Potion of Swiftness (8:00) or Potion of Harming II).

NEW: Mob Ent. spawns sometimes when witchery trees are felled. Drops saplings and Ent Twigs. Causes things to grow wherever it walks. NEW: Kettle recipe for Mystic Unguent. ingredient for infusion. NEW: Mystic Branch created with a Rite of Infusion using Mystic Urguent and an Ent Twig. A Mystic Branch allows an infused player to draw symbols in the air to produce magical effects. Effects generated by the Branch may be deflected with another branch by attacking (much like a ghast fireball). Some effects cannot be deflected and some effect require a specific infusion to be drawn. NEW: Curse of Misfortune. Circle magic to inflict random ailments on the victim who's Taglock Kit was used. The maladies are random and come and go. They can get worse if a remove curse goes wrong. An Anti-Voodoo poppet is the best protection. NEW: Rite of Remove Curse. Circle magic to remove a curse from a player suffering from a curse of Misfortune. There is a chance the cure will make things worse (this chance is higher if the curse is stronger). NEW: Mutating Sprig. Crafted from an Ent Twig and Mutandis Extremis. Can convert grass to mycellium and back and turn wet dirt to clay. Can also be used to create plant constructions with an appropriate recipe (e. g. the Leech Chest ). NEW: Leech Chest. A plant mutated into a chest. Behaves like a trapped chest but cannot be doubled. The chest will take a small drop of blood from whoever opens it, and keep it in one of it's three sacs. It will only store one sample per player. Using a Taglock Kit on the chest will allow any samples to be recovered with the exception of the using player's (only when that player is logged in however). The blood sacs' contents will survive the chest being broken and replaced. This all means, if another player steals from the chest, there will be a finger print left behind. This finger print can also be used to bot identify the thief and send a nasty curse in their direction! Created by using a Mutating Sprig on a Trapped Chest that is surrounded on four sides with Vine which themselves each sit above a water source block. NEW: Added a new book, Witchcraft: Herbology that describes the plants in the mod, how they grow and how to get them. NEW: Rite of Broiling. Cooks any food placed into the circle when the rite is started. Some food may get overcooked and turned to charcoal. TWEAK: Shift-right clicking on a bed with a Taglock Kit will now bind the kit to the clicking player (it does not matter which bed). [This has been added for servers where no one ever sleeps!]. Normal right-clicking will function as before to coolect the bed owners taglocks. TWEAK: Using a Taglock Kit on a bed will now cycle though the players who are bound to that bed (if they are logged in). TWEAK: Using a Taglock Kit on another player now only has a 50/50 success chance, and the other player will notice if the attempt fails! Gaining access to their bed is now the only "risk-free" way of gaining a taglock without discovery. Using a kit on creatures still has a 100% chance of success. TWEAK: Due to the conflict of interest if a Death Chest style mod is installed along with witchery, Witchery will disable the Rite of Prior Incarnation if such a mod is found. This behavior can be configured in the config file. The keep inventory rule is also checked. TWEAK: A Fume Funnel can now also be placed on top of the Oven to give an additional 10% speed boost. TWEAK: Icy slippers will also turn lava into obsidian when walked on. They will take damage if they do this though. And there is always a small risk of catching fire if your server is laggy! TWEAK: Added icons to the Witchcraft: Circle Magic book's tabs to make identifying the sections easier. TWEAK: Rite of Moving Earth once again moves tile entities within the circle. Picture frames and Item frames will get detached though (it is an earthquake after all!). TWEAK: Rite of Moving Earth now respects different circle sizes (and ingredients) to determine the area of effect. TWEAK: World gen distribution is configurable in the config file, and should also be significantly faster. Default 12, lower numbers for more density, higher for less. TWEAK: Infernal Infusion abilities are much cheaper to use. TWEAK: Added enchantment glowing effect to brews. Enchanted Broom and a few other items. TWEAK: A Rite of Summoning that fails due to obstructing blocks within 4 blocks of the central glyph, now refunds foci items and sends a reason to the chat log. TWEAK: Changed the Brew of Raising to summon 1-3 undead instead of 2-3. TWEAK: The witchery config file now contains an entry for the Strawman world gen. This entry is a list of creatures that can appear in the strawmans spawner. Add multiple in stances of the same creature to improve the chance of a specific mob appearing. FIX: Added cactus as a second ingredient (plus a variable third ingredient e. g. gunpowder) for Rite of Moving Earth to avoid conflict when a medium and small circle are present. FIX: Bonemeal used on Witchery trees now does not have immediate effect, and functions closer to how bonemeal on Vanilla trees works (although not as random). FIX: When using bonemeal on a Witchery tree, there is no longer a chance of a client-side only phantom tree appearing. FIX: NEI recipes for the Kettle now show the correct number of resulting Brews or Infusions . FIX: Breaking a block on which a Chalice or Candelabra was standing, removed the chalice/candelabra block but did not drop the corresponding item. FIX: Placing a Leaping Lily on a 1-deep water block, incorrectly placed it on the ground below the water. FIX: Missing registration for Snowbells with Thaumcraft, preventing harvesting golems from doing their work!. FIX: Rite of Earth's Wrath required a two deep lava pool to start, this has now been changed to allow a wider pool that is one deep. FIX: Glintweed light level was too low. FIX: Placing a Treefyd Seed where it cannot grow was incorrectly consuming the seed. FIX: Trying to fertilize Witchery saplings with Mine Factory Reloaded machines was causing a crash (invalid cast).

NEW: Snowbell plant; grows like Belladonna, seeds found by breaking tall grass. When grown and harvested drops Snowbell seeds. Snowballs and occasionally Icy Needles . NEW: Brew of Frost ; Throw at a creature to encase it in ice, or throw at the ground to create a wall of ice, or throw in the water to freeze it. Some creature hit may have unexpected side effects. NEW: Icy Slippers ; Created from Impregnated Leather. a Frozen Heart. Diamond Vapor and String. Functions in much the same way as leather armor (they can be dyed), but will freeze any water that is nearby (essentially allowing the wearer to walk over water). The slippers can be repaired with three Impregnated Leather or by using an anvil. NEW: Brew of the Depths. Breath underwater for 5 minutes, but don't expect to be able to breath on land! Milk will not clear this effect. NEW: Craft a Wicker Bundle from nine saplings (of any type) (now proper wicker men can be built!) NEW: Distill a Demon Heart with diamond vapor to get Infernal Blood NEW: Craft 5 Wicker Bundles with Infernal Blood to get Bloodied Wicker bundles (quite flammable). NEW: Mob Horned Huntsman. Hard to beat. NEW: Added an additional recipe for the Rite of Binding (Circle Talisman) that uses a Charged Attuned Stone and glowstone dust. NEW: Changed the Rite of Broken Earth to require a Brew of Erosion instead of Soul Sand. NEW: Changed the Rite of Moving Earth to require a Brew of Sprouting instead of Cactus. NEW: Configuration file option in the General section to disable the Rite of Prior Incarnation . NEW: Brew of Thorns thrown at a cactus will extend it vertically by 4 blocks. Thrown at a creature surrounded by cactus will extend each cactus by 1 block. NEW: When a rite fails, a reason for the failure will be shown in the chat (e. g. no altar, no lava below, etc.). FIX: Placing a barrier block (not possible without using pick block in creative) when having RailCraft installed caused an unhandled exception due to Railcraft empty blocks not being cleaned up and occupying the same space as the placed barrier block. FIX: Disabled pick block from selecting Barrier Blocks FIX: Items dropped on death when picked up still contained an empty NBTTag leading to them not being stackable with similar items (which by default has no tag). FIX: Acquiring the bat creature power for the infernal infusion caused an exception on a MC server. This could have lead to a crash in some configurations (not quite sure which). FIX: Using the pick tool on the following blocks did not yield the correct item: Glyphs, Chalices, Candelabra, Plant Mines, Witchery Doors. FIX: Block breaking rites, brews and infusions (Erosion, Thorns, Broken Earth, Moving Earth, Earth's Wrath, Overworld infusion, etc.) will no longer break bedrock or blocks with tile entities. FIX: Brew of sprouting will stop vertical growth at y=255; FIX: It was possible when decanting a brew from the kettle, that if the last decanted brew used the last glass flask and the brew could activate against the kettle that it would get used immediately. FIX: Repairing witches clothing would repair the item without actually completing the craft. FIX: An apparent bug caused by an interaction between Biome o'plenty and OpenBlocks leads to a crash on start-up when the NEI integration of Witchery tries to enumerate burnable items. This exception will now just be written to the log instead of crashing the game (although the crash will probably occur elsewhere until it is fixed in OpenBlocks!).

NEW: Apothecary building and villager now spawn in villages. The apothecary will sell ingredients used in the Witchery mod. Can be disabled in the config file. NEW: Added a Witches Coven to world gen. This stone circle is a meeting place for witches at night time. The coven presents another opportunity to find witches. Can be disabled in the config file. NEW: Added the Straw Man to world gen. This pagan effigy has an eerie affinity with zombies. Can be disabled in the config file. NEW: Added an abandoned shack to world gen. Respite when checking in the wilderness. Can be disabled in the config file. NEW: Increased the number of redirected hits possible with the Vampiric Poppet from 10 to 15. NEW: Added configuration options to individually disable each supported mod. NEW: Updated the Chinese translations to the current version. FIX: The NEI oven recipes for Breath of the Goddess and Hint of Rebirth as well as Reek of Misfortune and Odor of Purity were swapped. FIX: NEI links to all recipes in the Kettle, Oven and Distillery GUIs were shifted up from where they should be.

NEW: Mutandis Extremis used on an underwater dirt block may turn it, and nearby blocks into clay blocks. NEW: Witches hat can now be repaired by crafting it with three Impregnated leather (normal anvil repair still works). NEW: Creeper Heart. Very rare drop from a creeper, use an Arthana to increase this chance. Craft the heart to get 5 gunpowder, or eat it for an explosive surprise. Used to make Witches Robes . NEW: Witches Robes can now be made using impregnated leather and a Creeper Heart. The robes are equivalent to a leather chest piece and can be dyed and repaired with leather in an anvil (or by crafting with four impregnated leather ). Brewing while wearing the robes gives a 35% chance of gaining an additional brew in the same way as a Witches Hat does (for a combined chance of 70%). The robes will not give a bonus to necromantic brewing. While wearing the robes Creepers will not be hostile. NEW: Necromancers Robes can be made by crafting impregnated leather with a necromantic stone. The robes are equivalent to a leather chest piece and can be dyed and repaired with leather in an anvil (or by crafting with four impregnated leather ). Brewing necromantic brews (Brew of Raising ) while wearing the robes gives a 45% chance of gaining an additional brew in the same way as a Witches Hat does (for a combined chance of 80%). While wearing the robes Undead will not be hostile. NEW: Polynesia Charms can be used on Creepers or undead creatures, if used while wearing Witches Robes or Necromancers robes respectively. NEW: Glint weed. a plant created using Mutandis on another plant. Generates light equivalent to a torch. Spreads on grass, dirt and sand. Can be broken and placed on or below most surfaces (e. g. on a ceiling). NEW: Brew of Love. Splash potion that will cause all hit adult animals to begin breeding, irrespective of their current breeding cooldown. If two villagers are caught by the same potion, they too will begin courting. NEW: Rite of Prior Incarnation. Perform this rite near to where a player has died. If that player is standing in the circle, any items that despawned will be recovered along with that players reanimated skeleton! NEW: The book Witchcraft: Circle Magic now has tabs along the right hand side that allows quick traversal between the major magic types in the book: Binding & Charging, Transposition, Protection, Nature, Summoning, Infusion and Necromancy & Curses.

NEW: Distillery results are now laid out 2x2 so to fit correctly in the NEI window. FIX: Ender Dew recipe in NEI was not showing the need for any clay jars

Сыграть в Team Fortress 2

Купить The Orange Box

Опубликовано: 5 декабря, 2015

Эту игру и представлять не стоит, ее блин все знают, это точно. Что ж, на момент написания обзора, всего написано обзоров аж 308 тысяч. Не думаю, что этот обзор увидит хотя бы 30 человек, ну да ладно. Поехали:

В игре 2 команды: синие (нападение) и красные (оборона). В игре есть множество режимов, и все их описывать долговато, опишу лишь один из них. Захват флага. Думаю многим знакомый режим игры. У обороны дано N количество точек, нападение должно их захватить. Захватили - победили синие, не захватили - красные. Ну казалось бы, точки и точки, что может быть необычного. А вот об этом далее:

Весь сок кроется в персонажах. Всего в игре доступно 9 персонажей (разведчик, солдат, поджигатель - пиро, пулеметчик - хэви, подрывник, снайпер, медик и шпион). У каждого из них свои способности, и именно в командной работе заключается путь к успеху. Ты пулеметчик, у тебя много хп, много патронов, но врагов еще больше? Поработай в команде с медиком, который будет не только восстанавливать твое здоровье, но и давать убер-заряд. Думаю суть понятна :).

Картинка выполнена в мультяшном стиле, который, стоит отметить, очень идет игре. Хотя что говорить, по другому я себе Team Fortress и не представляю :D.

В игре есть такая штука, как донат. Но я бы сказал, что это донат в "хорошем" смысле слова, так как огромного преимущества вещички не дают, тем более они могут выпасть во время игры. Вообще, шапки, пушки, всё это довольно-таки круто, особенно если они у тебя, хе-хе.

1) Коллекционные карточки (не выпадают, но можно скрафтить значок), 2) Free to Play, 3) Русский язык присутствует, 4) Достижения. Точно, больше половины времени я играл ради достижений, остальное время я фанился с друзьями :) 5) SteamWorks, 6) Мультиплеер (ну это понятно :D), 7) Куча разных режимов игры, 8) Разнообразие персонажей, и их способностей, 9) Системные требования. Даже мой ноут времен динозавров потянул TF2, хоть и с небольшими лагами :).

Как можно заметить плюсов и всяких плюшек overдох**, посему рекомендую каждому. Пофаниться с друзьями, устроить дуэль снайперов, повыбивать over500 ачивок. Играйте! С уважением, Aikiro, Ораторы Ste@m .

Enjoy Minecraft like it was made for the Microsoft Xbox 360 on your Windows/Mac/Linux machine with this Java app called Minecontrol. It takes gamepad input (using JInput) and converts it into mouse and keyboard commands.

A copy of Minecraft

A wired or wireless Microsoft Xbox 360 controller (this or this ), which can connect to your computer

A recent version of Java

Minecontrol (Java web start app, alternate installation below)

Connect the controller to the computer

Launch Minecontrol (Java web start app), accepting the certificate.

Launch Minecraft and choose the world, with your mouse inside the game.

Assuming all went well, you should now be able to use the controller to perform almost any Minecraft action. Although not yet configurable, here’s the list of things you can do:

Left joystick – move/strafe Right joystick – look around/move cursor Left trigger – “right click” Right trigger – “left click” Left joystick button – walk Right joystick button/A – jump B – open inventory X – discard item Left shoulder – “scroll up” Right shoulder – “scroll down” Y – change perspective Start – pause Select – toggle right joystick sensitivity

A shortcut will be placed on your desktop and this app will auto update if necessary. You can also use this to control your mouse outside the game.

Alternate installation instructions (no auto-update)

Download the Minecontrol jar. Download JInput and extract files to the same directory as the jar. Run the jar.

Happy mining!

So, It works. But only when the program window is open AND on top of everything else. But as soon as I switch to minecraft it stops working. Is there anyway to fix this? It’s really annoying being so close to having it working and have it not. Any help would be great. I have Windows 8 64 bit

So, this works, and thank you for the effort you have put into this! To those who are wondering why anyone would ever want something like this — some folks have RSI from KB/mouse use, and using an Xbox controller works better for them ergonomically (and I am among them).

However, I’m trying to figure out how to stop sprinting randomly. It wouldn’t be so bad if the FOV didn’t change when sprinting in minecraft. As I strafe around left & right, my strafing movements are being interpreted as a forward double-tap, which causes my character to go in-and-out of a sprint, changing my FOV repeatedly in a disorienting way. Anyone else experience this?

When i download it says OviAik. jnlp. part…

Downloading this for my nephew, works right away on my pc, get a security warning prompt, I accept and mincontrol opens instantly. On his laptop however, i get a box stating Downloading application, with Name, Publisher and From information, it sometimes says verifying application, but never goes further and i never get a security prompt. have reinstalled java, both 32 and 64, originally only 32 was installed. Any ideas as to what may be causing this?

Update: After leaving it for a number of hours, it eventually returns a “Unable to load application” error msg, no other details are provided. Is there a log anywhere I can look at to see if I can narrow this down ?

the program works great but when im done it messes whith my system. if i try to open crome it opens like four pages. on my desktop if i click on the start it grabs every thing. i uninstalled the program and my system worked fine but when i reinstalled it would mess up. i really what this program

link to jinput not working

when I click minecontrol and try to download, it says security settings blocked this app from self installing or something even when I turn my security off please help

Josh, Please help. Java did an update and know when I try and open minecontrol it states “Application Blocked by Security Settings your settings have blocked a self-signed application from running with an out-of-date or expired version of Java”. Please help Josh if you can!!

im getting an “application blocked by security settings” message when i try too run the app now…

you have to change your java settings to allow for the connection to work. pain in the ass really but go into your control panel and its in the java settings

just a heads up the new java 7 is blocking it unless you turn down security level

Go to your windows start button–>All Programs–>Java–>Configure Java Then go to security tab and add this “http://update. joshjcarrier. com” to the exception site list by clicking “edit site list”. I feel better about doing it this way as your are still using java recommended security levels.

keep getting security settings error

Apabila prediksi sepak bola yang anda punya tidak akurat, maka investasi anda yang besar bakal memperoleh kerugian yang besar pula untuk anda. Agen bola online merupakan mode judi sepak bola online waktu sekarang yang banyak digandrungi masyarakat. Dalam situs – situs kami itu tidak hanya menyajikan fasilitas – fasilitas main online sepakbola, melainkan serta pelayanan game taruhan online yang lain2x seperti dengan Sbobet, 5 stud poker. Tangkas.

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Works but… Movement stick is rather annoying. When moving a tiny bit. Doesnt start moving till i move it further and then it just flys off so its impossible to craft or look around properly. PLEASE fix!!

Moving the looking thumbstick is very 2-bit like and either goes very fast or not at all. Please fix the thumbstick deadzone! or make it adjustable! Using anti-micro till this gets fixed.

(xubuntu 14.04 LTS, java 7/8,icedtea, xbox controller via official wireless receiver) axis working but none of the buttons respond. only left trigger when toggled on and that goes mental. just keeps digging unless i hold the trigger down. have tried the various javas mentioned, all act the same. ¿algunas ideas?

I have a problem that it lays bricks all the time and I have to go into my inventory and go back to make it stop. It happens every 2 minutes or so. It’s infuriating. What can I do to fix it.

Mo’ Pueblos

Villages are awesome, right? You get access to a bunch of different resources, along with some trading opportunities and easy shelter. But, do you ever feel like there should be more villages in more biomes?

This mod can handle that for you.

This mod adds in a HUGE variety of villages for every single biome out there! Taiga, forest, mushroom, jungle, and many many more biomes will now all have villages that can spawn.

Another great thing about this mod? It’s very customizable. You get a configuration file so you can modify how often villages will spawn.

To change how commonly villages spawn: 1. Open your. minecraft or minecraft folder 2. Go into the config folder, and then locate the folder for MoVillages 3. Open VillageDistance. cfg with a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit 4. Change the value according to the key, and you can customize your Mo Villages experience! (lower = more common, higher = less common)

Minecraft Servers List

Minecraft Roleplay / RPG Servers

This is the Minecraft Roleplay Server List - All the servers you can find below are based on roleplaying. Only join one of them if you are truely interested in roleplay. Roleplay servers can be some of the most fun servers to be on, but it requires more from every player than traditional servers without RP.

Browse Minecraft RP Server pages

Server name & Descripción

IP Address & Puerto

¡Hola! Welcome. Were a Minecraft PVP gaming Server that currently hosts a prison server and a raid server with more to come. The prison currently features mines, Donor rank

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions Hunger Games McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 301 / 1 Votes (March): 32234 Votes (all time): 1182638

Omega Realm is a Minecraft server owned by popular YouTuber ZexyZek. We currently offer the following gamemodes PVE, Factions, Universe Custom, Creative, Prison, Skyblock Ki

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 521 / 1500 Votes (March): 22541 Votes (all time): 276584

Welcome to Minetime! Here are some of our primary in-game features… 1. We offer the whole gamut of server types i. e. Factions, Survival. 2. We have custom server types

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions Hunger Games McMMO PVE PVP RP Economy Video

Players: 434 / 2000 Votes (March): 16858 Votes (all time): 1158220

Welcome To The Mining Dead! In this Minecraft rendition of AMC’s The Walking Dead, fight off walkers with guns and melees, and team up with other players! Choose from ov

Version: 1.8 Survival PVE PVP RP Video

Players: 274 / 1000 Votes (March): 13609 Votes (all time): 194016

BeanBlockz Home of Smallishbeans - https://youtube. com/Smallishbeans On the server, we have a variety of gamemodes - with more to come. Currently we have factions, crea

Version: 1.9 Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP MiniGames Prison RP Economy

Players: 701 / 1500 Votes (March): 12057 Votes (all time): 53681

Desteria Features: Completely custom class system, Archer, Undead, Viking, Thief. 300 slots per realm, custom level system, active raids, and much more! Join today!

Version: 1.9 Survival Factions KitPvP MiniGames PVE PVP RP Economy Video

Players: 454 / 2400 Votes (March): 11904 Votes (all time): 889974

Snapcraft is the most amazing cloud network you will ever find. We have mind-blowing amazing builds, A lot of friendly and supportive staff, an active community and an activ

Version: 1.9 Survival Lucky Block Skyblock Factions Hunger Games McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 373 / 1400 Votes (March): 11798 Votes (all time): 179249

Welcome to DestinyMC, were a fun Minecraft server network! We have custom plugins, exclusive builds, and quality staff. We offer a unique Minecraft experience. Stop by t

Version: 1.8 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO Pixelmon Prison PVP RP Economy

Players: 428 / 2016 Votes (March): 10972 Votes (all time): 359008

Join ExtremeCraft. net for new and classic entertaining game modes: Survival, SemiVanilla, Factions, SkyBlock, SkyWars, SkyGrid, AcidIsland, Creative and more!

Version: 1.9 Skyblock Factions McMMO RP Economy

Players: 665 / 1000 Votes (March): 10230 Votes (all time): 55093

Shaded Minecraft is a network dedicated to bringing you the best experience possible! We aim to offer you an unique experience whilst maintaining a fun and balanced atmospher

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock PVE PVP RP Video

Players: 137 / 350 Votes (March): 7668 Votes (all time): 8259

GuildCraft | Global Network | | What do we offer | Our network consist out of many servers such as: 1 Factions 2 Survial Games 3 MiniGames 4 Kit-PvP 5 Surviva

Version: 1.9 Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames Prison RP Economy

Players: 2072 / 4000 Votes (March): 7350 Votes (all time): 289644

IP - mc. mineagepvp. com Mineage has been around since the beginning of minecraft servers. We know factions, and strive to bring you the best vanilla-like Factions experien

Version: 1.8.8 Survival Factions McMMO PVP RP Economy Video

Players: 178 / 300 Votes (March): 7131 Votes (all time): 329190

Cosmic Craft Minecraft Server www. ComsicMC. com Factions McMMO Towny SkyBlock Survival Games Prop Hunt Hide and Seek MiniGames GTA grand theft auto Prison Kit PvP

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 855 / 2000 Votes (March): 6808 Votes (all time): 150046

Make a skyblock and have friends join and build on it. Classic skyblock has an amazing player economy where players can trade with one another or make shops. Join the server

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 134 / 750 Votes (March): 6193 Votes (all time): 343257

Welcome to our a1craft. com Hub Server. Servidor creativo con parcelas. flat and other builds Plots Server with World Edit Kit PVP OP Prison SkyBlock Factions Towny Mini

Version: 1.9 Factions KitPvP MiniGames Prison PVP RP Economy

Players: 187 / 1000 Votes (March): 6054 Votes (all time): 163272

[NOW LOOKING FOR STAFF!] Type /APPLY STAFF In Game to Apply! Velocity Network isnt just an Ordinary Server, we resort to the highest of quality builds and server! Usted puede

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP MiniGames Prison PVP RP Economy Video

Players: 18 / 1 Votes (March): 5673 Votes (all time): 17409

¡Hola! Check out our network that offers an amazing community, unique servers, zero lag, helpful staff DDoS protection to ensure our players are given the best experienc

Version: 1.9 Skyblock Factions Hunger Games McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames Prison RP Economy

Players: 188 / 500 Votes (March): 5094 Votes (all time): 16570

ip: skyblock. xyz skyblock. xyz is the best way to play Minecraft with friends! We are a skyblock server built from the ground up to be extremely unique and offer gameplay

Version: 1.9 Survival Land Claim Lucky Block Skyblock McMMO PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 66 / 500 Votes (March): 4886 Votes (all time): 72135

Join Mafia-Craft, experience game play like no other. Join the police force and battle criminals, jail them and bring some good to the server. Or fight for evil and spread

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 91 / 250 Votes (March): 4713 Votes (all time): 200847

MineVerge Network The MineVerge Network focuses on a lot of things such as server performance, top notch content and much more! This Network includes Factions, Skyblock an

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 89 / 500 Votes (March): 4684 Votes (all time): 158462


Over half a million players. ▁ ▂ ▄ ▆ ▇ █ www. MineVast. com █ ▇ ▆ ▄ ▂

Version: MineVast 1.8 Survival Skyblock Factions Hunger Games McMMO KitPvP Survival Games Prison PVE PVP RP Economy Video

Players: 193 / 1000 Votes (March): 4405 Votes (all time): 76319

We offer 516 by 516 sized plots available for all our users, multiple creative servers to build on, 6 hours of advanced worldedit commands per vote and plot chat to make role

Version: 1.9 Creative RP

Players: 493 / 1000 Votes (March): 4350 Votes (all time): 185283

Welcome to Lichcraft! Lichcraft is one of the largest and longest running Minecraft communities around. Running for over three years with over thirty eight thousand site m

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions Hunger Games CTF McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 2347 / 1 Votes (March): 4327 Votes (all time): 8798

The Reeve Network is an online Minecraft community that is fun, competitive, and has long term game modes. We try our best to bring the most enjoyable experience to our playe

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP Prison PVP RP

Players: 159 / 750 Votes (March): 3991 Votes (all time): 104083

Welcome to CentrixPVP Network. We are a 24/7 Minecraft community server with lots of gamemodes. We are currently working hard to make our whole Network full custom cod

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO Survival Games Prison PVP RP Economy Video

Players: 796 / 4000 Votes (March): 3847 Votes (all time): 157086

IP: Play. mythcraftpvp. com | Factions | Prison | PotionPVP | KitPvP | Skywars |Skyblock | Creative | Survival | OP Factions | Pixelmon| Hunger Games | Custom Plugins | Y

Version: 1.8 Survival Skyblock Factions Hunger Games McMMO KitPvP Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 118 / 1500 Votes (March): 3820 Votes (all time): 422384

Destructioncrafts journey started in early 2012. There was a simple goal when creating it, To provide a quality minecraft experienced that you will always remember. Con más de

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions KitPvP Prison RP

Players: 57 / 500 Votes (March): 3813 Votes (all time): 256656

View all our modpacks here - http://technicpack. net/profile/267239/modpacks Thank you for choosing OhGaming as your modded minecraft provider. We offer many different modd

Version: 1.8 Survival Land Claim Tekkit Pixelmon PVP RP Economy

Players: 68 / 69 Votes (March): 3641 Votes (all time): 92883

1.9 and 1.8 COMPATIBLE! | MCInfected 2.0 | Time is Money Factions | Mayhem Mania Mixed Arcade | Fear Survival Games | Arsenal | JOIN THE MAYHEM! JOIN THE MAYHEM!

Version: 1.9 Survival Adventure Factions Survival Games MiniGames PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 103 / 1000 Votes (March): 3497 Votes (all time): 75296

[PIXELMON MOD]PPMC is one of the few pixelmon hub servers. We offer the following Pixelmon servers. 1st Region: Kanto Adventure, 2nd Region: Johto Adventure, Pixelmon Surviva

Version: 1.8 Survival Adventure McMMO Pixelmon RP Economy

Players: 25 / 500 Votes (March): 3306 Votes (all time): 108521

Maestrea - Minecraft survival as it was meant to be! With experienced owners and dedicated staff members we ensure you a fun lag free time at our server. Our plugins have b

Version: 1.9 McMMO PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 57 / 128 Votes (March): 3290 Votes (all time): 10193

Come have fun with us! we are friendly network looking foward to assist you with the best aspects and bringing you the best quality for you to play! Features:FactionsKitPvPSky

Version: 1.9 Survival Skyblock Factions Hunger Games PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 1027 / ? Votes (March): 3119 Votes (all time): 38644

We need staff! Pixelmon, KitPvP, Parkour, 24/7 Uptime, No Lag, Great Community, Frequent Updates, Elite 4 Soon, McMMO Soon, Prison Soon, Sky Wars Soon, Much more to come!

Version: 1.8 Adventure Factions CTF McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames Pixelmon Prison PVP RP Economy

Players: 47 / 300 Votes (March): 3067 Votes (all time): 54235

MapleCraft | Semi-OP Mcmmo Factions | 1v1 Duels | Mob Arena | And Much More! NEW SPAWN. MapleCraft is a Minecraft OP Mcmmo Faction server with very friendly staff and pl

Version: 1.8 Hardcore Factions McMMO PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 52 / 1500 Votes (March): 3035 Votes (all time): 19235


Version: 1.9 Creative Land Claim Lucky Block KitPvP MiniGames Prison RP

Players: 5 / 151 Votes (March): 2993 Votes (all time): 34208

EvoPvP is a large PvP-focused network with a lot of custom content, all based on gamemodes that you love: - Classic Factions - OP Factions - Hardcore Factions - Viking Fa

Version: Waterfall 1.8 Survival Factions McMMO KitPvP Survival Games MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 113 / 1000 Votes (March): 2969 Votes (all time): 136319

[Factions][GTA][[SkyWars][MineZ][Prison] [SkyBlock][HidenSeek] [Kit PvP] [Pixelmon] We are a 2 year old community and recently became premium which has been a huge step for

Version: 1.8 Survival Skyblock Factions McMMO MiniGames Pixelmon Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 357 / 1000 Votes (March): 2705 Votes (all time): 103580

Treasure Island is a pirate themed network for all ages. We currently offer the following gamemodes. Survival No PvP 1.8.9/1.9 Creative 1.8.9/1.9 SkyBlock 1.8.9/1.9

Version: 1.9 Survival Land Claim Lucky Block Skyblock McMMO MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy Video

Players: 47 / 1 Votes (March): 2699 Votes (all time): 62088

InfinityMC. com offers gametypes with many custom plugins and unique features. FACTIONS - Player Heads • duels • obsidian breaker • spawners SKYBLOCK - Custom warps

Version: 1.9 Survival Creative Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP MiniGames Prison PVE PVP RP Economy

Players: 63 / 800 Votes (March): 2696 Votes (all time): 36308

La comunidad BlurkitCraft nace con el proposito de entretenerte y hacerte pasar momentos gratos disfrutando de nuestros servidores. Ven y date una cita con nosotros, tenem

Version: 1.9 Survival Creative Skyblock Factions McMMO KitPvP Prison PVP RP Video

Players: 94 / 750 Votes (March): 2681 Votes (all time): 11973

Credit Goes to Lordfireball and yamos for the main projects that inspired this remix! VERSION 1.9 UPDATED HEALTH AND ARMOR BAR








I will keep you edited on other improvements.

Well, my first remixed game. Starts of at Version 1.5 with XP bar, inventory, movement a`lot of trees and a bigger landscape.

About Fishbans

Fishbans™ was built from the ground up to provide the most useful services to Minecraft Server owners, developers, and players alike to improve the game experience from a centralized web service.

Fishbans™ is not your typical global ban system. In fact, Fishbans™ is not even a global ban system, we are simply a ban aggregator. What this means is that we utilize other global ban APIs to collect information on players. By collecting this information and storing it locally on our servers we are able to provide lightning fast lookups, and allow you to view the full history of a player.

Fishbans™ also comes with a fully featured API that allows you to integrate our lookup system in a whole heap of different ways. Developers have used our API to create fully fledged whitelist systems, integrated lookup systems in control panels, and even simple scripts on their site for quicker lookups. Our API can return both JSON, and JSONP with a simple modification to the request URL.

Our API is so easy a clownfish could use it, just check out the example below for getting all the known bans for the user kalfin.

Más información

Server Plugins:

Pixelmon Mod 1.8/1.7.10/1.7.2

Pixelmon Mod is directly desinged for whom used to be a fan of famous cartoon Pokemon. This mod includes numerous marvelous pokemon that can be used in Minecraft.

Pixelmon Mod Features:

204 pokemon!

Modifies NO base files (Meaning it should work with any mod)

Configuration file to change spawning amounts, Block and item ID’s

Comprehensive attack system featuring over 500 attacks (including status effects and stats modifiers)

Pokemon overlay showing current pokemon and their status

Functioning pokedex

Multiplayer supported! (including bukkit using bukkitforge)

Full PC storage system!

New Healing block!

Evolution stones!

New Capturing system!

Brand new models for pc and healer

3D pokeball and capture animation (now improved)

All Mob’s to scale as specified by the bulbapedia

Battleable Trainers

Aggression system

Friendship System (Umbreon will evolve with it)!

Hammer and anvil crafting system for pokeballs!

Pokeballs now work in battle!

Apricorn trees

More Pokeballs: Heavy Ball, Level Ball, Love Ball, Moon Ball and Friend Ball + More!

New GUI’s for battling, summary screen, and inventory, and more!

Fossil Machine for reviving fossils found around the world!

Trading! Trade pokemon with your friends! Evolve Pokemon!

Find Icy and Mossy stones throughout the world to evolve certain Pokemon!

and much, much more.

Pixelmon Mod Screenshots:

A group council of the plains dwellers gather

Pixelmon Mod Video:

Pixelmon Mod Recipes:

How to install Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft:

Download and install Minecraft Forge

Download the mod

Put downloaded zip file into C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods folder. Do not unzip it. If you don’t have a mods folder, create one

Enjoy the mod

Cambios en el calendario:

Added config options to disable cloner and shrines

Made trainers immune to most damage

Fixed a bunch of evolutions which weren’t firing (some held item, happiness and move evolution pokemon)

Fixed a crash which could happen if a player had pre-2.5 pokemon in their pc

Spawning is now better for a few pokemon and some spawn that weren’t

Fixed a crash when people tried to remove west facing pc’s from pre-3.0 maps by clicking top block

Fixed y spawn location crash

Fixed Mist being replied repeatedly when already applied

Fixed a trainer crash

Built protection for a possible divide by zero in experience calculation

Pixelmon Mod Download Links:

It Doesnt work for me it says —- Minecraft Crash Report —-

// Oh – I know what I did wrong!

Time: 3/1/16 7:31 PM

Description: There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail

net. minecraftforge. fml. common. LoaderException: java. lang. NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraftforge/client/model/IModel

at sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method)

En sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En sun. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke (Fuente desconocida)

Caused by: java. lang. NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraftforge/client/model/IModel

at sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method)

En sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En sun. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke (Fuente desconocida)

at sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method)

En sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En sun. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke (Fuente desconocida)

at sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method)

En sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En sun. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (fuente desconocida)

En java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke (Fuente desconocida)

Caused by: java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: net. minecraftforge. client. model. IModel

at java. lang. ClassLoader. loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java. lang. ClassLoader. loadClass(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java. lang. NullPointerException

Un tutorial detallado del error, su ruta de código y todos los detalles conocidos son los siguientes:

& # 8212; System Details —

Minecraft Version: 1.8

Operating System: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1

Java Version: 1.8.0_66, Oracle Corporation

Versión de Java VM: Cliente VM de Java HotSpot (TM) (modo mixto), Oracle Corporation

Memory: 168506528 bytes (160 MB) / 344387584 bytes (328 MB) up to 523501568 bytes (499 MB)

Banderas JVM: 6 total; - XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw. exe_minecraft. exe. heapdump - Xmx512M - XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC - XX:+CMSIncrementalMode - XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy - Xmn128M

IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0

FML: MCP v9.10 FML v8.0.14.1285 Minecraft Forge 4 mods loaded, 4 mods active

mcp [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft. jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized

FML [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.8- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized

Forge [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.8- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized

pixelmon [Pixelmon] (Pixelmon-1.8-4.0.1-universal. jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Errored


Servers by version

Servers by country

Popular pages

In order not to waste time searching for a good server for the game, we have prepared a list of popular pages that often register for the remainder of our players:

Minecraft servers list - List of all Minecraft servers

Minecraft pe servers - Monitoring of Pocket Edition servers

Minecraft servers list non premium - List of cracked minecraft servers

Minecraft servers hunger games - List of minecraft servers with hunger games

USA minecraft servers - Monitoring of USA minecraft servers

England minecraft servers - Monitoring of England minecraft servers

German minecraft servers - Monitoring of German minecraft servers


If you using our statistics paste a follow link to our monitoring, thanks!

&dupdo; minecraft-statistic. net — statistics . monitoring servers and players minecraft . Detailed stats visits servers and players. Statistics plugins mods, as well as a list of minecraft servers ip addresses, mods and plugins. This site is not affiliated with Mojang. com or Minecraft. net - official sites of Minecraft.

&dupdo; minecraft-buildings. net — construction and schemes to minecraft. List of buildings with a detailed description and a plan with the ability to download scheme in the format shematics.

Stay tuned for news and updates of our monitor in social networks: Вконтакте. Facebook. Twitter. Google+. for any questions please contact us at info@minecraft-statistic. net


–Faramir, son of Denethor, The Two Towers

Alignment is a core feature of the mod, a system by which you gain or lose standing among the different factions of Middle-earth.

Various actions performed in Middle-earth will raise or lower your player's alignment with various factions, and this will influence the things you are able to do in the mod - such as interaction with NPCs, access to faction-specific crafting tables. ability to trade and hire units. making enemies flee in the presence of you on a high enough negative alignment, and eventually the availability of quests.


The Alignment Bar Edit

While in Middle-earth, a bar appears at the top of the screen showing the player's alignment.

As of Beta 15, the old alignment system has been rewritten and replaced with a new faction-based system, which adds more depth into the decisions of the player and making it far more realistic. For example, killing one Orc in Mordor should have no effect on your Hobbit alignment (the Hobbits simply would not know or care if you were killing Orcs in a far-off land), and the interactions between different NPCs are more complex - for example, Dunlendings can fight most types of Orcs and Rangers. but will not fight Hobbits.

Press the Middle-earth menu key (default 'L') to view the factions menu, which shows your alignment with all factions, and other faction statistics.

The player starts off with 0 alignment for all factions (except Utumno. of which the player is always an enemy), so you may wander most regions of Middle-earth without coming to much harm - that is, until you first attack an NPC. Your first NPC kill is bound to influence the way a lot of factions feel about you, so keep this in mind! Of course, you can always undo your actions by losing or gaining alignment with various factions.

Alignment is gained or lost mostly by killing creatures, but also for performing certain actions. As of Beta 20, the addition of quests has allowed the player to be able to gain alignment for factions completing these quests with the help of the Red Book. When the player is talking to a mob, a quest can randomly pop up on the player's screen. If this is accepted, and the quest completed, the player gains varying amounts of alignment for that faction, in addition to a few Silver Coins. The amounts of coins and alignment depend on the difficulty of the mini-quest.

If the player wants to get alignment quickly, there are several ways to do so. See this article for more details.

Benefits of Alignment Edit

Most alignment factions share common benefits for gaining alignment with them, such as:

Good reputation with NPCs - most NPCs will treat you as a friend and not attack you if you have neutral or positive alignment. (Notable exceptions being the Wood-elves. Trolls. and Mordor. who only trust you above a certain alignment).

With this comes the ability to talk to the NPCs.

And therefore, the ability to accept Mini-Quests from the NPCs.

To be feared by some NPCs if you have less than -500 alignment with their faction (they will flee if the player comes close to them, but some ranged units still shoot arrows or crossbow bolts when the player hasn't arrived the close range but is still in their shooting range). Not all faction NPCs show this behavior, strong faction NPCs like those of Gondor or Mordor won't flee even if a player has less than -500 alignment with them, and even among the NPCs of weaker factions there are some exceptions like Mirk-Trolls, Mirkwood Spiders, Trolls and Mountain Trolls. Utumno creatures will never flee from any player, because of their permanent -66,666 alignment.

Trading - most traders in the mod will only trade with you above a certain level of alignment.

Unit hiring - the unit commanders in the mod require a certain alignment before they will let you hire their units. More advanced units require even more alignment.

The cost of hiring a unit goes down as your alignment increases.

When you achieve very high alignment, you can buy a Horn of Conquest from most unit commanders.

Use of Crafting Tables - most factions have a crafting table on which you can craft their weapons, equipment, blocks, and other items. These tables can only be used with positive alignment.

Shields - most factions have a shield which becomes available to wear at +1000 alignment.

The use of chat Titles for a specific faction. These are earned by getting +100 alignment with a certain faction. Most factions have multiple titles, depending on which you prefer. These are a fun way to show your achievements throughout Middle-Earth.

The specifics of these things vary between factions. Some factions also have other benefits; see the table below for full details.

The /alignment command Edit

The command for altering your alignment is:

The player tag is optional and can be used to affect someone other than you. (To find out the command name of the faction you want, look in the table below or press the tab key after typing "/alignment set " - it brings up a list of all possible command arguments.)

You can also use ALL for the <FACTION> parameter to affect all factions at once.

List of all Alignment Factions Edit

For more information on factions outside of how their alignment meter works, see the Factions page.

You may contribute to this page as you find out more about the new alignment system.

Want to know the best way to fight these factions? Look here.

Actions that increase alignment

Actions that decrease alignment

Benefits of positive alignment (besides not being attacked by the faction)

Decorative Videogame Systems Mod 1.7.10

This mod brings decoritive gaming consules into Minecraft but you can’t play them. Decorative Videogame Systems Mod adds xbox, xbox360, xbox one, ps3 and ps4 in Minecraft! There are also otrher video game systems this mod adds in including gamecube, N64 and SUPER NINTENDO!


Mod Showcase:


Cómo instalar:

Download and install Minecraft Forge .

Download the mod.

Go to %appdata%.

Go to. minecraft/mods folder.

If the? mods? folder does not exist you can create one.

Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.

Enjoy the mod.

Download Links:

Following soon after the release of the original Captive Minecraft, Captive Minecraft II features a whole new, much larger custom world. While the original focused on keeping the gameplay as ‘vanilla’ as possible, Captive Minecraft II has been designed from the ground up to offer more of a challenge.

It also introduces the Room of Monuments - a way of unlocking new treasures as you play through the game. During your adventure, you’ll come across a hall of glass pillars. Stand close enough to each pillar and it will reveal the material you need to find in order to complete that monument. Simply replace the glass with the specified block for your extra rewards and bonuses!

As always, Captive Minecraft is best played with a group of great friends, although single player makes for some good old fashioned Minecraft fun. Complete as many of the achievements as you can, adapt your gameplay style to this new restrictive world, and good luck completing the Room of Monuments!


Never cover or break the Quartz block you first spawn on! That's where the monument rewards will appear.

You can hold ‘tab’ to see a list of online players. This will also show who has earned the most achievements and contributed most to the size of the world border.

Not all of the monument rewards will play nicely with each other if kept in the same area.

Despite the small world size, all achievements are possible! You might need to do some exploring, or think outside the box.


Captive Minecraft II is a regular world save, meaning you can play it in vanilla Minecraft without any mods.

Download Captive Minecraft II using the link below.

Unarchive the compressed file. Inside this folder is the ‘Captive Minecraft II’ world save.

Move the world save into your ‘saves’ folder. It will then be accessible from your single player menu.





Towny Advanced is a versatile, player-controlled land management plugin for use with Bukkit/Tekkit/Spigot/Libigot. Towny offers solutions for pvp, griefing, chat, inflated economies and monsters to minecraft server admins. Towny allows players to work together and against each other as they see fit.

Important News

1.8 Support: The latest Towny Release Build ( ) Supports CB/Spigot 1.8.3+ builds and is available here.

1.7.2-R0.3+ Support: The latest Towny Release ( ) Supports CB 1.7.2-R0.3+ builds and is available here.

1.6.4 Support: A special backwards-compatible build of Towny ( ) Supports CB 1.6.4 builds and is available here.

1.5.2 Support: A special backwards-compatible build of Towny ( ) Supports CB 1.5.2 builds and is available here.

Tekkit Classic Support: Towny works fine with 1.2.5 versions of Minecraft and Tekkit. It is available here

For support issues please read the support section below.


Towny includes a wide variety of features to offer instant enhancements to your traditional Minecraft server.

Allows players to own and manage land based on a pre-set grid layout.

Players join towns and purchase plots of land.

Players decide who can build, destroy, use “switchs” and use items on every plot they control.

Towns can join together into nations, further structuring a server into teams.

Towns grant protection from monsters, pvp, fire, explosions and greifing.

Wilderness Rules (Optional)

Area between towns is wilderness, with its own build permissions.

Limit players’ interaction with the wild to just harvest-able blocks, keeping the wild pristine.

Roll-back tnt, creeper, wither explosions, dragon damage and endermen block-moving.

Block explosions and fire.

PVP Enhancements

Server with a strong PVP aspect will find Towny’s grouping of players to be invaluable.

Prevent friendly-fire. (Opcional)

Nations split players into larger teams.

Nations can declare other nations to be allies or enemies, further splitting players into even larger teams.

PVP can be turned on/off in wilderness, towns and worlds. (Opcional)

Teleporting/Warping and Spawning (Optional)

Players can spawn to their town upon death.

Players can spawn to their town or a town that is within their nation/allied with their nation.

Use of beds can be limited to personally-owned land and players can spawn there.

Customized modified chat. (Opcional)

Colours, group prefixes and suffixes, nation, town, towny titles.

Channels for general, local, town, nation, moderator, admin and custom channels.

Anti-spam feature.

Shop plugin support. (Opcional)

Limit shops to special Shop Plots, enhancing realism.

Economy plugin interaction. (Opcional)

Supports all economy plugins.

Charge money for plots, towns, nations.

Flexible tax system.

Upkeep to remove money from the economy, stopping rampant inflation.

All Permissions Plugins supported. (Opcional)

Perms 2/3, GroupManager, BukkitPermissions, bPermissions, PermissionsEx, etc.

Multiworld Support

Flexible settings for every world.

Enable/disable Towny in as many worlds as you like.

Important Links

Project Evaluation and Costing

With an internal database of actual and derived mine costs, coupled with extensive operational experience, detailed resource, financial and mine economic evaluations are undertaken.

Mine Feasibility Studies

We provide extensive experience in mine feasibility studies from the numerous completed projects that we have undertaken.

Mine Safety Systems

We provide safety performance reviews and management systems for new and existing mines.

The best Minecraft maps

Minecraft: the inventor’s paradise. Of course, it’s also the connoisseur's nightmare, since there are so many user-created maps out there it is almost impossible to find the finest creations on offer. Who has time these days to sift through hundreds of Minecraft maps, devour them with your digital senses, and come to a conclusion on which ones are worth your time?

First time here? Be sure to check out our homepage for news, reviews, features, and everything else you need to know about PC games .

Well, us actually. We’ve scoured forums, marathoned YouTube videos, and sampled more maps than we can count in order to bring you the definitive list. These are the Minecraft maps that you simply must try before you can claim to have tasted the very finest creations of the community.

Quick plug: Want to check the latest Minecraft toys. Click the sword cursor below!

Adventure maps

Adventure maps are self-contained Minecraft experiences that are generally a lot less about the building and a lot more about exploring and, very often, fighting. They're frequently full of traps, puzzles and all sorts of secrets and while you can play many of them quite happily by yourself, there's more than a few out there that have been designed for more than one player. Best of all, because the Minecraft community is so industrious, there are thousands of them out there and many of them are very, very good.

Plucked from those thousands, here are fifteen adventure maps that you absolutely must try. Bear in mind that almost all of them will have particular rules or settings that you'll need to follow to ensure they work properly, such as setting the game to a particular difficulty level or being sure not to break any blocks when you start playing. Each map has its own rules, but don't worry, for each map that you try, the creators will let you know what you should and shouldn't do before you begin.

Herobrine's Mansion

There's no way I could put together a roundup without including this, which was so popular last Hallowe'en. Herobrine's Mansion is the work of Hypixel, one of the community's most respected mappers and someone who I'll be featuring again in this roundup. This map is packed with things to find, including custom enemies, half a dozen bosses, special items and unique potions. It's widely regarded as one of the very best adventure maps out there and if you only try one map from this collection, make it this one. Though it's designed to be played with friends, you can try it solo.

Tiempo de Aventura

¿Que hora es?

… If you don’t know the answer to that question it’s a good bet that much of this map’s content will be lost on you. This Adventure Time inspired map utilises a specially made texture pack to transport players to the fantastical Land of Ooo. Go that extra mile and don an Adventure Time skin for the perfect cosplay experience.

The Tourist

This map doesn't just feature some of the most impressive builds in this collection, it also boasts minigames and its own soundtrack. The Tourist is one of the longer adventure maps out there, clocking in at around four hours, though your own mileage may vary depending upon how long you want to spend just staring at things in the game. That's what the Yogscast spent quite a bit of their time doing when they gave it a play.

Kingdom of the sky

The high fantasy adventure that is Kingdom of the Sky adds the rather novel concept of narration, provided by a series of YouTube audio recordings videos that the player is given links to at key points during the map. It's a little bit like listening to the audio logs in System Shock or Bioshock, as you can carry on playing while the narration chats away to you.

Deep Space Turtle Chase

A labour of love, this sci-fi map took its creators three months to build and saw them transform Minecraft into something remarkably different. Deep Space Turtle Chase is the search for wanted criminal Dr. Earl S. Testudine, who is hiding somewhere on a mining station beyond Tarsus 3. Catching him will require all your wits and ingenuity.

Because this map is pretty much a total conversion for Minecraft, you'll want to back up your original copy before following the installation instructions, a process that will see you end up with a game that's been quite considerably modified.

Wrath of the Fallen

Another work from the excellent Hypixel, this hack-and-slash adventure map is once again full of beautiful structures, custom weapons, potions and items, as well as boss fights, challenges, secret sections and easter eggs. It's recommended for two players, but you should be able to solo your way through it if you grit your teeth.

The Escapists 2

Taking inspiration from one of the best prison simulation games (if that’s even a genre) around, this map features eight massive cells, jobs, and a currency system. The aim for players is to hatch the ultimate escape plan, using any resources you can find and gaining notoriety among your fellow cellmates in order to earn their assistance. As Minecraft adaptations of games go, this is a classic.

Epic Jump Man: Butter Edition

Butter, squid, and parkour. What more could a budding Minecraft adventurer ask for in their ideal map. Starring multiple famous YouTubers, this boasts one of the nuttiest plotlines we’ve come across in a Minecraft map - and that’s saying something. Grab some of your best friends for some serious co-op fun and rivalries.

Guerra de las Galaxias

Do you want a diamond lightsaber? Por supuesto que sí. Also by Hypixel, and for use with the Mine Wars texture pack, this epic adventure of stormtroopers and Star Destroyers has you fighting your way through snowy wastelands and takes you into deep space. It ticks all the Star Wars boxes, featuring blaster rifles, Jedi knights, AT-ATs and just about everything else you might want, and I should add that those Imperial walkers look pretty damn good in the Minecraft engine.

Fireworks Parkour

Boasting the white and red aesthetic of freerunning favourite Mirror’s Edge, Fireworks Parkour is a classic Minecraft platforming map with a unique twist: instead of expertly timed jumps, you’ll be propelling yourself through the map with TNT. It’s just that little bit trickier than jumping, because once you start a sequence of explosions you won’t be able to pause and catch your breathe. The fireworks that pour out of each blast make for a neat visual touch too.

Pokemon Johto

Providing the 3D Pokemon adventure that you always wished Nintendo would grant you, this Pokemon map is based on Gold and Silver’s Johto region. Offering a quest-line filled with bosses, NPC shop keeps, and fully-functional Super Potions, Johto finishes up the authentic Pokemon feel with its own soundtrack and those Minecraft blocky visuals that make it feel like a GameBoy game. Of course, fighting monsters have to be in there somewhere, and whilst this map doesn’t take advantage of the Pixelmon mod for its battle system, it does amusingly reskin weapons as Pokemon monsters and get you to physically fight with them.

The Dropper 2

Hilariously subtitled ‘Newton vs Darwin’, The Dropper simply releases you from a vertigo-inducing height and asks you to survive the fall. Plummeting down a complex spider-web of blocks and barriers, you’ll need to shift your body in the right direction to prevent splattering against an obstacle (mining away the block as you hit it is firmly disallowed). Think of those insane space debris sections from Dead Space and you’re halfway there.

Zombie Apocalypse

Containing what may be the most horrific re-skin of Minecraft’s zombies ever made, Zombie Apocalypse is an entertaining mix-up of frantic hack-n-slash action and survive-the-night tension. Owing a small debt to Left 4 Dead, when Zombie Apocalypse lays on the zombies, it lays them on thick and fast. Ambushes inflict panic, and panic normally leads to some hilariously bad outcomes. You’ll need to bring a friend, not only to thin the hoard quicker, but to solve its co-op puzzles too.

Herobrine’s Return

Hypixel’s maps are basically Minecraft gone AAA, and the analogy even goes as far as sequels. Herobrine’s Return is the follow up to Herobrine’s Mansion, and as such contains a familiar setup of custom enemies, big boss fights, magic spells, and NPC-crewed shops. The RPG tropes are carried through with a fun selection of side quests, and there’s even some great scripted moments that add a level of cinematic sparkle rarely seen in Minecraft.


One of the largest adventure maps, Teramia is an open world, non-linear RPG. Lacking a focussed core quest, Teramia leaves you free to wander, exploring its various districts, and helping the NPCs you encounter along the way. Split into four regions populated by a vast variety of mobs and friendly villagers, the areas are also home to nine dungeons and a series of fortresses to claim as your own. A project two years in the making, Teramia is still considered ‘beta’, with the world continually growing with new updates.

You should know the drill by now: new Minecraft version, new ComputerCraft update! Apart from compatibility with Minecraft 1.8.9 . this update also adds some frequently requested configuration features.


ComputerCraft 1.78 requires Minecraft version 1.8.9 with an up to date 1.8.9 version of Minecraft Forge installed. Once you’ve installed Forge, drop the ComputerCraft Jar file into your. minecraft /mods/ directory, and launch Minecraft with the new Forge profile.

Registro de cambios

Ported to Minecraft 1.8.9

Added “settings” API

Added “set” and “wget” programas

Added settings to disable multishell, startup scripts, and tab completion on a per-computer basis. The default values for these settings can be customised in ComputerCraft. cfg

All Computer and Turtle items except Command Computers can now be mounted in Disk Drives

Four years ago today, I released the first version of ComputerCraft for Minecraft version 1.0. Today, thanks to some generous sponsors. I’m releasing the first version of the mod for Minecraft 1.8! As well as targeting a new Minecraft version, this new version of ComputerCraft features inter-dimensional modems, international text support, new graphical capabilities, and many new possibilities for Command Computers. ¡Sigue leyendo!


ComputerCraft 1.76 requires Minecraft version 1.8 with an up to date 1.8 version of Minecraft Forge installed. Once you’ve installed Forge, drop the ComputerCraft Jar file into your. minecraft /mods/ directory, and launch Minecraft with the new Forge profile.

Registro de cambios

Ported to Minecraft 1.8

Added Ender Modems for cross-dimensional communication

Fixed handling of 8-bit characters. All the characters in the ISO 8859-1 codepage can now be displayed

Added some extra graphical characters in the unused character positions, including a suite of characters for Teletext style drawing

Added support for the new commands in Minecraft 1.8 to the Command Computer

The return values of turtle. inspect() and commands. getBlockInfo() now include blockstate information

Added commands. getBlockInfos() function for Command Computers

Added new “peripherals” programa

Replaced the “_CC_VERSION” and “_MC_VERSION” constants with a new “_HOST” constante

Shortened the length of time that “Ctrl+T”, “Ctrl+S” and “Ctrl+R” must be held down to terminate, shutdown or reboot the computer

textutils. serialiseJSON() now takes an optional parameter allowing it to produce JSON text with unquoted object keys. This is used by all autogenerated methods in the “commands” api except for “title” and “tellraw”

Fixed many bugs

Gracias especiales

Porting ComputerCraft from Minecraft 1.7.10 to Minecraft 1.8 was a huge task, requiring approximately 200 manhours of work, fixing 1,736 compile errors, and completely rewriting large portions of the code. This time investment would not have been possible without the financial support of two generous sponsors:

Minecraft U Minecraft U teaches problem solving and programming techniques in a safe, encouraging ecosystem centered around Minecraft.

Deep Space Deep Space has been turning kids into coders with ComputerCraft for years. They’re taking their teaching beyond the classroom by building online education for people that love Minecraft, programming, Arduino, robotics, IoT and more.

If you’re at all interested in programming education, check out their websites. They’re both doing great work using ComputerCraft. If you have a vested interest in ComputerCraft and you’re interested in sponsoring future versions of the mod, get in touch.

Thanks also to everybody who helped with beta testing this update. Thanks to some thorough testing and quality bug reports, we’ve fixed over 65 issues in this update.

Finally, thanks to everyone who has kept on experimenting and building things using ComputerCraft over the last 4 years. I’m incredibly proud of the community creations that ComputerCraft has inspired. In the new year, I’ll be formally announcing a new project I’ve been working on that should expand our community even further, so watch this space.

Hey all, it’s time for another ComputerCraft update! I’m currently working on an update of the mod for Minecraft 1.8, but before I do: here’s one final update for Minecraft 1.7.10. It fixes a couple of small but annoying bugs discovered during the 1.8 port.


ComputerCraft 1.75 requires Minecraft version 1.7.10 with an up to date version of Minecraft Forge installed. Once you have Forge, drop the jar file into your /mods/ directory, and launch Minecraft.

Registro de cambios:

Fixed monitors sometimes rendering without part of their text.

Fixed a regression in the “bit” API.

Ever since I released the first version of ComputerCraft back in 2011, I’ve always been amazed and impressed by the number of people who’ve come up to me to tell me they’ve used ComputerCraft to teach themselves programming. Even more impressive is the number of school teachers and educators who’ve taken it upon themselves to use the mod to teach programming to others. Today, I’m announcing the release of a new project that takes the educational potential of ComputerCraft to a whole new level.

ComputerCraftEdu is a project I’ve been working on for over two years with TeacherGaming. the people who made MinecraftEdu and are responsible for putting Minecraft into thousands of schools around the world. In the same vein as MinecraftEdu, ComputerCraftEdu is a streamlined version of ComputerCraft designed for use in learning and education, to teach the next generation of programmers how to code. The two main features of the mod are “Beginner’s Turtles” and the “Turtle Remote”, which provide a powerful new visual way to program ComputerCraft Turtles and learn the fundamentals of programming.

ComputerCraftEdu is especially designed for schools using MinecraftEdu, but it’s available to everyone with a PC version of Minecraft. Visit www. computercraftedu. com to download the mod . and check out the provided wiki and tutorial videos to learn more about how the mod plays.

We hope this project will introduce even more players to the power and joy of programming, and help to inspire the next generation of coders.

Hey everybody! It’s time for another ComputerCraft update. This one adds a few features people have been asking for for a while, including ubiquitous tab completion, taking the guesswork out of programming!


ComputerCraft 1.74 requires Minecraft version 1.7.10 with an up to date version of Minecraft Forge installed. Once you have Forge, drop the files into your /mods/ directory, and launch Minecraft.

Registro de cambios:

Added tab completion to “edit”, “lua” and the shell.

Added textutils. complete(), fs. complete(), shell. complete(), shell. setCompletionFunction() and help. complete().

Added tab completion options to read().

Added “key_up” and “mouse_up” eventos.

Non-advanced terminals now accept both grey colours.

Added term. getTextColour(), term. getBackgroundColour() and term. blit().

Improved the performance of text rendering on Advanced Computers.

Added a “Run” button to the edit program on Advanced Computers.

Turtles can now push players and entities (configurable).

Turtles now respect server spawn protection (configurable).

Added a turtle permissions API for mod authors.

Implemented a subset of the Lua 5.2 API so programs can be written against it now, ahead of a future Lua version upgrade.

Added a config option to disable parts of the Lua 5.1 API which will be removed when a future Lua version upgrade happens.

Command Computers can no longer be broken by survival players.

Fixed the “pick block” key not working on ComputerCraft items in creative mode.

Fixed the “edit” program being hard to use on certain European keyboards.

Added “_CC_VERSION” and “_MC_VERSION” constants.

Thanks again to everyone who helped beta test this update. If you’d like to help us test future versions, visit the ComputerCraft Beta Testing forums, where we’re currently testing the upcoming ComputerCraftEdu. More on that soon!

Hey all, just a quick update to add one small but vital feature I missed from ComputerCraft 1.7 (and then two more to fix server crashes – sorry!) . Details below:


ComputerCraft 1.73 requires Minecraft version 1.7.10 with an up to date version of Minecraft Forge installed. Once you have Forge, drop the files into your /mods/ directory, and launch Minecraft.

Registro de cambios:

The “exec” program, commands. exec() and all related Command Computer functions now return the console output of the command.

Fixed two multiplayer-only crash bugs when placing certain blocks.

One of the features of ComputerCraft I’m most proud of is one design principle I’ve consistently applied: realistic constraints. Turtles are powerful, but restricted: they can only dig things in front of them, and they must have resources to build. Some times though, you just want to get creative. In ComputerCraft 1.7, I’ve added a new feature I’ve wanted for a long time: the Command Computer.

Inspired by the incredible things vanilla players do with Command Blocks. the Command Computer is a creative mode computer that has the ability to execute arbitrary minecraft commands. It can set blocks, create items and entities, interact with players and more, all from Lua scripts. It’s perfect for adventure maps, mini-games, and ambitious algorithmic building projects. Check out this video by thatParadox for an idea of how to use them. Onto the downloads:


ComputerCraft 1.7 requires Minecraft version 1.7.10 with an up to date version of Minecraft Forge installed. Once you have Forge, drop the files into your /mods/ directory, and launch Minecraft.

Registro de cambios:

Added Command Computers

Added new API: commands

Added new programs: commands, exec

Added textutils. serializeJSON()

Added ILuaContext. executeMainThreadTask() for peripheral developers

Disk Drives and Printers can now be renamed with Anvils

Fixed problems with HD texture packs

Fixed various bug, crashes and exploits

Documented all the new features in the in-game help system

I’m really excited to see what people create with this update, be sure to post anything cool onto the ComputerCraft forums. Happy hacking!

If you visit this website a lot, you’ve probably noticed that it has a habit of going offline, sometimes for several days at a time, sometimes several times a month. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that the cause of this downtime is abuse: DDoS attacks organised by immature fans of other Minecraft mods, and people who’ve been banned from the forums. It’s disgusting behaviour, but it’s unfortunately one of the things you have to deal with if you run a website with any significant userbase today.

This post is not to complain, however, but to announce a solution: I’ve moved the site from my previous web host to a new server graciously provided to me by CreeperHost. the Minecraft server hosting company who you may know as the people who provide the bandwidth for the Feed the Beast launcher. With any luck, this server should be more resilient to attacks than the previous host. El tiempo dirá.

At any rate, I owe big thanks to CreeperHost for helping me out with this situation. If you’re in the market for Minecraft server hosting, check them out! And thanks to everyone else for your patience during these troubled times.

ComputerCraft 1.0 was released at 10pm on December 24th, 2011. This means that, as of 10 minutes ago, ComputerCraft has been available for download for three years! Thanks to everyone for sticking with it for all this time.

For the next week, all the Turtles in ComputerCraft will be wearing their hats to celebrate. I hope you’ll join them.

Oigan todos. This is just a small update to fix some small bugs that have been getting in the way of people enjoying ComputerCraft 1.64:


ComputerCraft 1.65 requires Minecraft version 1.7.10 with an up to date version of Minecraft Forge installed. Once you have Forge, drop the files into your /mods/ directory, and launch Minecraft.

Registro de cambios:

Fixed a multiplayer-only crash with turtle. place()

Fixed some problems with http. post()

Fixed fs. getDrive() returning incorrect results on remote peripherals

Enjoy the update! And while I have your attention, check out the new game I’ve been working on: Redirection. End of plug.

Mensaje de navegación


A Terraria server provides a platform for players to connect over the internet or other network for multiplayer games. Windows installations of Terraria include its server software.

A server can also be used for standalone single-player gameplay. This offers the ability to adjust the in-game time at will.

The downside to using a server (instead of playing in singleplayer or "Host-and-Play" modes) is that although the hosting computer can be a server and play at the same time, there will be a small amount of lag for the hosting computer's gameplay.

How to Edit

By default, on a 32-bit Windows installation of Terraria, TerrariaServer. exe can be found at:

On a 64-bit Windows installation, it can be found at:

A player then may join the server from the game menu by choosing the Multiplayer option.

The server runs on port 7777 by default, and it must be port-forwarded in order for other players be able to join. If one can't portforward, one may choose to use a VPN service like Hamachi or Tunngle instead (although in those cases, every player needs to install the VPN software). The default max players is 8, but this can be changed during server start-up, as well as within the server configuration file (serverconfig. txt).

Downloads Edit

The vanilla Terraria server software is included with the regular Terraria package (see above), but can also be downloaded:

Dedicated Server GUI is a third-party add-on for the vanilla server that offers graphical controls (the server is normally a command-line program):

Tshock and TDSM are third-party server packages that offer additional functionality, such as in-game commands, whitelists, player passwords, and a plugin interface for added features (such as factions):

Server files Edit

The server consists of three files:

TerrariaServer. exe - The main server file. Can be run stand-alone.

serverconfig. txt - The server config files. Defines all parameters for the server (see below).

start-server. bat - A Windows Batch file which starts the server using the serverconfig. txt file. Also contains a loopback to restart the server if it should crash.

List of console commands Edit

Once a dedicated server is running, the following commands can be run:

help - Displays a list of commands.

playing - Shows the list of players. This can be used in-game by typing /playing into the chat.

clear - Clear the console window.

exit - Shutdown the server and save.

exit-nosave - Shutdown the server without saving.

save - Save the game world.

kick <player> - Kicks a player from the server.

ban <player> - Bans a player from the server.

password - Show password.

password <pass> - Change password.

version - Print version number.

time - Display game time.

port - Print the listening port.

maxplayers - Print the max number of players.

say <words> - Send a message to all players. They will see the message in yellow prefixed with <Server> in the chat.

motd - Print MOTD.

motd <words> - Change MOTD.

dawn - Change time to dawn (4:30 AM).

noon - Change time to noon (12:00 PM).

dusk - Change time to dusk (7:30 PM).

midnight - Change time to midnight (12:00 AM).

settle - Settle all water.

Note that a forward-slash

is not required to precede the command, as some command interfaces require. For a list of Tshock commands, refer to this forum thread.

Command line parameters Edit

The following is a list of parameters that can be entered when running TerrariaServer initially:

-config <config file> - Specifies a configuration file to use (see Server config file below).

-port <port number> - Specifies the port to listen on.

-players <number> / - maxplayers <number> - Sets the max number of players.

-pass <password> / - password <password> - Sets the server password.

-motd <text> - Set the server motto of the day text.

-world <world file> - Load a world and automatically start the server.

-autocreate <#> - Creates a world if none is found in the path specified by - world. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).

-banlist <path> - Specifies the location of the banlist. Defaults to "banlist. txt" in the working directory.

-worldname <world name> - Sets the name of the world when using - autocreate.

-secure - Adds additional cheat protection to the server.

-noupnp - Disables automatic universal plug and play.

-steam - Enables Steam support.

-lobby <friends> or <private> - Allows friends to join the server or sets it to private if Steam is enabled.

Server config file Edit

It is possible to start the dedicated server using a configuration file that enters the above parameters automatically. The config file must be called using the - config parameter. The file can have any name, but must be in the same folder as TerrariaServer. exe. If a server config file is defined and the file is not located during the server boot, then the server will ask the user to input the parameters as it would if run without a defined config file.

The following is a list of available config commands:

maxplayers=8 - Sets the max number of players allowed on a server. Value must be between 1 and 255

world=C:\Users\Defaults\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds\world1.wld - Load a world and automatically start the server.

port=7777 - Set the port number

[email protected] * - Set the server password

motd=Please don’t cut the purple trees! - Set the message of the day

worldpath=C:\Users\Defaults\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds\ - Sets the folder where world files will be stored

autocreate=3 - Creates a new world if none is found. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).

difficulty=0 - Sets world difficulty when using - autocreate. Options: 0(normal), 1(expert)

worldname=World - Sets the name of the world when using autocreate

banlist=banlist. txt - The location of the banlist. Defaults to "banlist. txt" in the working directory.

secure=1 - Adds additional cheat protection.

Comment lines can be included using the hash symbol (#). Lines that begin with # will be skipped entirely.

Banning and un-banning Edit

The command "ban <player>" will ban the indicated player from the server. A banned player, when he/she tries to login, will be displayed the message:You are banned for [duration]: [reason]- [modname]. A banned player may then be un-banned by editing the file "banlist. txt," which is located in the Terraria folder. This document contains a list of all currently banned players. To un-ban a player, delete the player's name and IP address from the list.

System requirements Edit

Windows Operating System

500 MB free RAM for a small world (RAM depends on world size and number of players)

.NET Framework 4.0

XNA Framework

An easy method of installing. NET and XNA is to simply install the Terraria client, which should install both as part of its regular installation.

Notes Edit

The server will auto-save the world now and then, but will not auto-save on shutdown. You should save manually prior to shutdown.

When you launch a server, it will ask if you want to auto port forward, however this doesn't always work.

Servers are often set up using Hamachi. This removes the need of having to port-forward, but relies on a third party program.

LAN Edit

Connect using a network cable (a switch, or router can be used to increase the amount of players/computers connected to the server).

Right click the network icon on your toolbar and open Network and Sharing center.

Click on the network connection (should say unidentified network).

Open properties and highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then click properties again.

Set the IP addresses of all computers like so: IP address; 192.168.1.x (where x is the computer, ex. for computer running server, then and,etc. for all other computers. None of them can have the same IP address.

The Subnet mask will populate itself

The Default gateway is the first hop the computer looks for to "see" the network. It should be pointing to the IP address of your router. If your (adhoc) LAN doesn't have a router, point it to the computer running the server.

You will then save changes by exiting that window then go to the Status page and click on network properties.

( IN PROGRESS eta 8/16/15 )

Historia Editar sección .

Dedicated servers can now be launched with - forcepriority to override server settings file's process priority.

Dedicated server can now use - ip again to set their local IP address. . You should now have an easier time reporting errors if they happen on a server. .

You will now be able to enter the password every time when entering or creating a server.

Many issues with the dedicated server and its configurations have been resolved.

Fixed an issue where users would be unable to invite each other when in "Invite Only" mode. . Fixed crashes when starting the dedicated server in a language other than English.

1.0.2 .

Servers now listen to all IP addresses on the hosting PC, regardless of how many network connections are active.

Typing "localhost" instead of your own local IP address will connect to your own same-PC server.

The games default port is no longer 31337; it is now 7777.

Client will now resolve a hostname into its IP address, for example, if randomsite. org ran a server, you could type randomsite. org as the IP address and be able to connect.

Pre-Release . Introduced.

Making a Minecraft Mine Cart Train System: A Work in Progress

This post is on my world building adventures in the sandbox game Minecraft. To browse all other posts in the category click here .

I’ve spent far to much time exploring and building in Minecraft. I recently began an epic enterprise of connecting all my bases with high speed trains because it was taking too long to walk between all of them. This video was my inspiration:

But in order to get into the rail business, I need wood and iron, and lots of both. Trees were felled, mines were dug deeper and deeper. Iron ore deposits are fairly rare, so it takes a lot of chipping away and exploring to find them. The cave systems under my world are vast, treacherous, dark, interconnected and full of resources. As soon as I start to get familiar with them, I discover a new section and get lost again.

Digging resources requires resources: sticks and stone (or refined iron ore, or diamond!) to make pickaxes. Sticks and coal are needed to make torches so you can see. I have used hundreds of torches and worn through pickaxes in the double digits just to dig out the mines.

Most of my rail lines rest on the old elevated pedestrians walkways I built between bases. The main line runs from the Old Fort base, through my Spawn base, and up to the Citadel in New Krabi. I use the booster cart system (which is a bug/glitch) to make propelled trains in Minecraft. This works by using dummy carts that boost the passenger cart when it touches.

The boost track runs a short length next to the passenger track. The passenger cart descends a slope of one block and into the boost cart. Both carts are propelled forward at maximum speed. The boost cart rides up a short hill, hits a wall and slides back into place ready to boost again. The passenger cart travels forward for hundreds of blocks.

My stations are laid out so that I can re-boost the mine cart the whole length of the line. I have re-boosters at the Spawn base and at the boat house of New Krabi. Since track is resource intensive to make, the line isn’t a loop. To go in reverse, the cart is boosted in the opposite direction. Since the cart shares the same tracks, I have to get the cart to jump tracks in the middle booster stations so it can get fed past a booster going in the opposite direction. This is why the stations look so ugly and complicated.

Eventually, I hope to expand the tracks into new, undiscovered lands. Waterfall Valley is next. After that, the world is unexplored.

My world in Minecraft so far. Click to embiggen so you can actually read the labels. The rail lines are noted in yellow and are built on top of what used to be pedestrian walkways. The current lines are: The Old Fort Line which runs between the Old Fort and Spawn Base; The Krabi/Citadel Line which runs between the Spawn Base and The Citadel atop New Krabi Mountain. That station and the Old Fort station can be traveled to without switching trains. From Spawn Base, there is a spur line to the Mega Shaft Mine. Eventually this spur will turn into a full loop to Bunker and Old Fort. There is an underground line that runs from Old Fort underground to the bowels of the earth. An new line is planned to run from The Citadel to Waterfall Valley. Looking up at the newly refurbished and towering Old Fort. Added: extra rooms, observation tower, ceilings, train station, mine train, waterfalls, new beach, and food gardens. In the foreground is the old high road that now supports the tracks. The track on the left will eventually go to the bunker and form a loop with the Mine Spur. Looking into the main floor of Old Fort. The mine cart station at Old Fort. Two lines can get propelled out using a single booster car. The line on the right is unfinished. Under this station is the beginning of the Old Mine Line. Looking south from the top of the observation tower. What was once a dirt quarry has been converted into an irrigated wheat garden. The small wheat garden. The cart to the Old Mine Line. The terminus to the Old Mine Line, with booster cart to get me back to the surface quickly. Looking down the massive Mega Mine shaft. It took many pickaxes to dig, and it bores through a massive network of confusing and lava filled caves. Looking up from the bottom of the shaft. One of the many hundreds of caves I’m exploring at the base of the shaft. The track switching mechanism at Spawn Base station. I designed it so the mine cart gets boosted going from either direction. The tracks leading over the Bay of Pointlessness towards New Krabi. Sun setting as the Citadel looms ahead. A looping section of track climbs a lot of height in minimal space. This is the home stretch before the Citadel station. Looking over darkness of Waterfall Valley. I already laid the support for the new train line. I just need to craft enough track to get over here. This valley is gorgeous in the daytime, with tall cliffs, waterfalls, and plenty of space to develop. Currently, I just have a little outpost at will soon be a train station. The Citadel looks out over the darkness. Coming back towards Spawn Base. Old Fort, a beacon of civilization in the lonely landscape. When the moon hits your eye, that’s a Minecraft!

Some say Minecraft is like crack, “Minecrack” if you will. But I think it’s even worse. This game is like giving an addict the tools to make his own crack.

Check you later nerds, I need to score some more ore!


November 4th, 2010 at 4:50 pm

We currently offer these subservers: Factions, SkyPvP, BlockParty, SkyBlock, Creative. Factions - Join factions, collect resources, make allies and destroy enemies. Features: * Obsidian will only be broken after several explosions. * Grand Exchange - Buy and sell resources to other players using interactive web interface and ingame NPCs. * Many bugs and cheats fixed. SkyPvP - Collect gear, jump high, destroy enemies while being worried about risk of falling in void. Features: * Creative island systems * Unique items that could be collected BlockParty - Dance, listen to music, compete with others and have fun with friends! Features: * Many unlockable items. * Many songs. Creative - Show off your building skills or simply create an imagination from your mind. Features: * Big plot size * WorldEdit access SkyBlock - Generate resources using typical Skyblock setup while competing with others. Features: * Challenge system - adds interesting challenges Also we offer few new interesting server and webpage features. We also offer achievement system where you can earn points and level up by completing challenges. Make sure to vote for our server so we can make new interesting gamemodes. Check out our forums and if you want post suggestions. We will be waiting you to join! With regards - Jocker Administration http://jocker. lv

Pearlmc is a graylist, anticheat, survival server that offers balance between fun and challenging play. It has four worlds: Lokai, Dasmir, Essalo, and Ateph. Lokai offers a "normal" overworld experience with a spawn town and land protections. Dasmir offers a self-paced nether experience, also with land protection available. Essalo provides an endworld experience with increased difficulty and enforced PvP. Ateph is a custom-generated novelty world that offers a sub-hardcore atmosphere.

30000+ Members - 24/7 - Dedicated - 1000 Slots - SMP - PVP - Events - Multiple worlds - Market and Economy - Grief free - Huge world - Region protection - Nice community - Custom plugins - Always upgrading - Active website and forum - Mature staff - Powerful hardware - and much more.

24/7 We are still looking for Staff. To apply for a position please register and appy Owner: Bonesdog Co-Owner: Moderators: Early Worms: HockeyStar4Life, Faecallie1, RaodStar187, Trisannaprior, BlazingDragon68, anthorob, Mamorui, hernnandezz, TheGoldenGun312, leaf4r, piggyboy001, mariobros221, AwesomeSlayer09, jace3012, Lien_Braska, gagecole12, Purple_Pengiun89, Quantum_xz, kenz0564, RoadStar187, Smoshie_chan717, XredstonemodsX, DRAGGONATOR, hunterjavens, silver_wolf23, srkuhn2000, iSmacksOfficial, insaneclown620, 0StormShadow0, ry2k13, kiwi800, rednarwhales123, Diabloceratops, fatcakes675, grofido56, jpfoser, nicholashoo, XmasZuruck27YT, ColorfullCute, jackthebuilder93 and TryHard_Flamingo Donators:

we are a Survival/rp/pvp factions server that has Supernatural Players we also have mob arena. we have many plugins including Supernatural Players, Factions, Iconomy, Lockette, Iconomy and many more we have 1 admin at the moment 1 web admin and soon a plugin developer Factions

Holy Order Eldehorror stoneveins trailimixi

the rest of the factions are 1-2 player factions that will most likely be deleted for being inactive or not meeting the requirements of being a permanent faction

Tube Transport System Mod 1.7.10


Tube Transport System brings a different way to travel around your world, and gives you a perspective you could otherwise miss by travelling in other methods. The Tube Transport System is a small mod that adds pneumatic transport tubes, simply step into one and be taken to your destination. You can create complex tube systems taking you all over your world, while letting you look around through the glass as you fly through the system, letting you check on how things are doing while you’re on your way to do something else – or just to enjoy the scenery.

Mod Showcase:


Transport Tube Station:

You can also lock the direction of the transport tubes by putting it into the crafting table and cycle through the directions with each craft. You can do this one, four, or nine blocks at a time.


The main block of this mod. They’re a pneumatic tube that will transport anything that enters it through itself, this includes players, monsters and animals (as long as they fit inside!) Pretty simple really, something goes in one side and comes out the other (usually faster than they went in.)

Note that when you place these blocks they will automatically orientate themselves based on the side of the block you placed them on. If you place them on the top of a block they will push everything upwards, for example. To stop this behaviour, put the transport tube in a crafting grid (either on it’s own, in a group of four or a group of nine) and the direction will be locked to what it says on its tooltip. To change it to a different direction, or remove the lock entirely, put it back into the crafting grid – it will cycle through all the available directions and no lock.

A block designed to make it easier to get in and out of Transport Tubes. Simply attach these to the end of a Transport Tube and walk inside, you’ll be taken away instantly. If you get deposited into a Tube Station from a Transport Tube, you’ll stay there and won’t bob up and down as if you didn’t have one. If you want to go into the station but not get carried away instantly, simply sneak, and you’ll stay there for as long as you’re sneaking.

Tube stations can be placed in series with each other. You will always zoom past stations and go to the end of the line, but if you wanted to get off on an earlier stop, hold sneak just before you arrive at the station – you’ll stop and as long as you hold down sneak you’ll be able to get out – but if you stop sneaking without getting out you’ll be carried away.

Note that you do not need a Tube Station at the end or beginning of any Transport Tube systems – they’re just to make it easier. There are instances where you may not need an entrance or exit tube station. For example, transporting chickens to a different area.

Cómo instalar:

Download and install Minecraft Forge .

Download the mod.

Go to %appdata%.

Go to. minecraft/mods folder.

If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.

Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.

Enjoy the mod.

Download Links:

Minecraft Free Download

Requirements: Windows 10. Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows Vista (32 bit/ 64 bit)

Minecraft is a wonderful “sandbox” game that allows players to create different types of blocks in three dimensional environments. The players can build different architectural works of any complexity and to release their imagination. The game was developed by Markus Persson, also known as Notch and recently stepped over the line of a hundred million copies sold!

Minecraft initially, was planned to be a constructor game with only blocks. The player could have an endless supply of tools and resources. If you want you could build your own Tower of Babel, or just dig holes in the ground, connect rivers and do other terraforming things. It was interesting at the beginning, but it wasn’t a game in the traditional meaning of the word. That’s why Marcus “Notch” Persson divided the game in various modes.

Currently Minecraft has five game modes: Creative, Hardcore, Survival, Adventure and Spectator. The whole world is generated around the player and each experience in Minecraft is unique. A lot of people wonder what adventure could be in the game with no goals and no plot. Well, it’s the same as you go hiking, climbing and visiting already explored and studied, but not inhabited caves.

Minecraft is the game where the player himself determines what is more important for him – the process or the result. Maybe someone thinks that the game is over after he builds with blocks the replica of his house. Others will go to the local caves to fight with various evil spirits and sooner or later will complete all the quests required for the final battle with boss.

Minecraft is able to surprise and fascinate. It is an excellent action-game that can be better than all the trends of the modern first person games. You can build your own world. In Minecraft you can play a “Train Simulator” by building railways or “Frenzy Farm” – you will need to plant and eat something to survive. But the most wonderful thing is that it can simultaneously be all of the above, and even more than that! Just never look towards Endermans, okay?

Why should I download the latest version of Minecraft for Windows 10? We recommend to download the latest version of Minecraft because it has the most recent features and updates. Also most of the old bugs and glitches are fixed.

Are there more game modes in the x64 bit version of Minecraft than on x32 bit? The game modes are the same on 64 bit and 32 bit versions of Minecraft. The 64 bit version will work better on x64 bits operating systems.

New Minecraft Mod Teaches You Code as You Play

Caption: Screenshot: LearnToMod

New Minecraft Mod Teaches You Code as You Play

Like many nine-year-olds, Stanley Strum spends a lot of time building things in Minecraft . the immersive game that lets your create your own mini-universe. The game has many tools. But Stanley is one of many players taking the game a step further by building entirely new features into the game. And, more than that, he’s also learning how to code.

He’s doing this with a tweak to the Minecraft game, called LearnToMod. Modifications like this, called “mods,” are a big part of the game’s runaway success. But this particular mod helps kids learn to create their own mods. For example, Strum built a teleporter that whisks him to a random location within the game world. Another lesson teaches kids to write the code to create a special bow that shoots arrows that become “portals” between different locations in the game, allowing them to reach spaces that would otherwise be quite difficult to access. It’s like being able to create your own cheat codes.

Strum is one of 150 students who are now tinkering with LearnToMod, an educational add-on teaches you the basics of programming while creating tricks and tools that you can use within the Minecraft . The mod will be available to the general public in October, and its creators hope it will help turn Minecraft into a kind of gateway drug for computer programming.

“Kids are already spending ridiculous amounts of hours on Minecraft ,” says Stephen Foster, the co-founder of ThoughtSTEM, the company that’s built the LearnToMod module. “So we thought this would be a good way to help them learn skills.”

‘Kids are already spending ridiculous amounts of hours on Minecraft . We thought this would be a good way to help them learn skills.’

ThoughtSTEM started out offering in-person classes in San Diego, Granite Bay, and Oakhurst, CA based on a game called CodeSpells that Foster co-created as a PhD student at the University California. The idea was to hook students on CodeSpells so that they’d be motivated to learn the programming skills they needed to advance within the game. But Foster and his co-founders Sarah Esper and Lindsey Handley soon noticed that many of their students were already avid Minecraft players, and it would make more sense to create a class that would harness the passion their students already had for Minecraft . So they launched a class for kids between the age of eight and 15 that teaches kids to code their own modifications to Minecraft — and even earn college credit at the University of California in San Diego while doing it.

Stanley Strum signed up for the class earlier this year, enticed by the promise of college credit. He says the materials and presented “very well” and and that the ThoughtSTEM teachers made it easy to learn. “I just think they’re doing super,” él dice. Strum now spends much of his time outside of school coding up new mods, and is also taking the company’s class on HTML and JavaScript.

Inspired by the success of students like Strum, the ThoughtSTEM team is now bringing the tools they developed for their own classes to the rest of the world through the LearnToMod. And, for an additional fee, the company will also offer an online course that, just like its in-person counterpart, will enable students to earn college credit at UC San Diego.

Stepping Outside of the Virtual Classroom

ThoughtSTEM is far from the first company to use Minecraft for educational purposes. For example, a company called TeacherGaming sells a version of the game called MinecraftEDU that is custom built to help educators create virtual classrooms that can be used to teach everything from history to microbiology. Google even worked with the MinecraftEDU to create an addon to teach the principles of quantum computing .

But LearnToMod is a little different from most other Minecraft - based educational programs. Instead of using the game as a virtual classroom, ThoughtSTEM built its own interface that exists outside of Minecraft . But the coding skills kids learn through the web application actually help them game special advantages in the game.

Minecraft is incredibly open-ended. It’s entirely up you whether you as a player whether spend your time building elaborate castles, fighting monsters, or exploring the the game world. What’s more, using mods, you can quickly create things that would otherwise take a long time to build in the game, such as mountains or massive dungeons, or create custom types of blocks. You can also create special rules that enable you to do things like build your own games within Minecraft . such as capture the flag or Tetris.

Once the kids have crafted their code in LearnToMod, the application connects to their Minecraft account to make the mods available to the kids in the game. By teaching kids to build their own Minecraft mods, the ThoughSTEM team is hoping to keep students motivated to learn some of the trickier parts of coding.

TeacherGaming founder Joel Levin is fond of the idea. “Kids are passionate about the game and they quickly understand that they can extend and enhance their Minecraft experience by learning some basic programming,” él dice. “And that’s really what we want, isn’t it? To have kids realize that with code, they can improve their life in a way that’s relevant to them.”

That’s really what we want, isn’t it? To have kids realize that with code, they can improve their life in a way that’s relevant to them.

In fact, Levin says TeacherGaming is working on its own mod building education program called ComputerCraftEdu, which will eventually be offered both online and in-person. And there are already a few other classes that teach students to create mods, such as MakersFactory’s class in Santa Cruz and YouthDigital’s online class. But most of these other classes require students to write code in a programming language called Java. And Java can be cumbersome.

To make things a bit more beginner-friendly, LearnToMod relies on another mod called ScriptCraft that enables players to run mods that were created with the programming language JavaScript. ThoughtSTEM has also integrated a kid-friendly programming interface created by Google called Blockly. which is based on MIT’s classic programming education system Scratch. Using Blockly, students can create programs by dragging and dropping virtual blocks, instead of typing out line after line of code. Foster says this should make the tutorials more accessible to younger programmers, while still offering more advanced options for older kids.

Of course, building Minecraft mods students learn won’t turn them into Mark Zuckerberg over night. The skills they develop will transfer to other types of programming, such as mobile app development, but that will require quite a bit of additional work. But it’s the first step towards realizing that programming is something that’s within their grasp.


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Vending Machine Block Mod 1.7.10 and 1.6.4

Vending Machine Block Mod

This mod adds a simple new mechanic to the game and that is much like the title of the mod sounds like, its a Vending Block that allows for quick and nice looking access to stacks of items. This makes transactions in the game and on servers much easier to handle and far more user friendly.

The new block is made as follows and can use different materials such as stone and ingots for different types of vending blocks:

There are a ton of variations as you can see in the following screen shot:

Vending Machine Block Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.6.4 Main Features

Adds new blocks to the game including the vending blocks

Makes trading for other items easier for everyone

Easily customize the look of your vending block with different crafting recipes as seen above

How to Use Vending Machine Block Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.6.4

Simply install, build the vending block and right click to place items inside. When in the new menu the brand new GUI for this block makes it easy to use! This mod is very straight forward for everyone to interact with making life a lot easier

Vending Machine Block Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.6.4 Pros and Cons

Allows for easy trading

Works on a server

Works with a special made texture pack natively

Everyone needs SMP Forge to use

Vending Machine Block Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.6.4 Changelog

Fixed a strange cursor bug when hovering over a vending block

How to Install Vending Machine Block Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.6.4

Go to Start Menu, type in %appdata% and search for. minecraft

Download and install Forge

Navigate to your. minecraft / mods folder (if you don’t have one already, run Minecraft after installing Forge and it will create one)

Download the Vending Machine Block Mod zip and place into the mods folder

Run minecraft and you are ready to play


Can you play Minecraft on a PlayStation 2?

Author of gaming blog, The Vortex Effect

In June 2010, Sony launched an online subscription service on PlayStation 3 that would provide gamers with access to free games, discounts, and exclusive items. The service ha … s grown a lot since its creation and has only gotten better in the years since launch. Below are the seven benefits currently enjoyed by PlayStation Plus. Every month, PlayStation Plus subscribers enjoy free access to PS3, PS Vita, and PS4 games that get added to the Instant Game Collection. While a game is a part of the IGC, subscribers can freely download and play the games for the life of their PlayStation Plus subscription. If your subscription runs out then none of the games you acquired for free will play until you get a new subscription. Games are added and removed from the service every month, and there's usually around $400 worth of games each month. Everyone likes to save money, and PlayStation Plus makes it easy for gamers with discounts up to 80% off. Every Tuesday when the PlayStation Store updates, Sony offer sales on select games, DLC, and items (avatars and themes) with subscribers getting a substantial discount. While some week sales are obviously better than others, gamers who purchase a lot of digital content can save quite a bit of money over the course of a year with a PlayStation Plus membership. Games are expensive, and outside of GameFly and RedBox machines renting games isn't as easy as it once was. At the same time, more and more retail games from big publishers are foregoing releasing a demo making it harder for gamers to try a game before deciding to purchase. PlayStation Plus allows subscribers to download full games from a wide selection of games that you can play once for a full hour. Once your hour is up, you can choose to either buy the game to unlock it or delete it from your system to free up space. Hard disc drive space can fill up fast, mostly with games and their associated data, and if the HDD gets corrupted you could lose your save files. With a PlayStation Plus subscription you have 3GB of cloud storage to save your games. If you choose to save your games to the cloud, you won't have to worry about losing progress if your save file gets wiped or you replace your HDD. Saving your progress in games to the cloud frees up space on your system and keeps you safe from any problems that might arise with your HDD or corrupt save files. If you own or are thinking about getting a PS4, then you will need to have a PlayStation Plus subscription in order to be able to play most games online (the exception being free to play games). Multiplayer remains free on PS3 and PS Vita. PlayStation Plus members occasionally get either exclusive or first access to game betas on PS3, PS Vita, and eventually PS4. Betas don't happen frequently, but on average you can expect to get into game betas early at least three times a year. If you game on multiple PlayStation systems then PlayStation Plus is an even better deal for you as your Plus subscription is cross platform between PS3, PS4, and PS Vita. If you have all three systems then you'll have access to around 20 games a month and will get the absolute most out of your Plus membership. Even if you don't own all of the systems, you can still snag the free games for that system using the PlayStation Store's website. As long as you're a Plus member, those games will be waiting on you to download whenever you get the system that the game is for. Since PlayStation Plus was launched in June 2010, the service has provided subscribers over 245 free games. For subscribers since the beginning, that's over $3,000 worth of games for only $49.99 a year. The average Metacritic score for games given away on Plus is 78.Sony's PlayStation Plus has been a treat for gamers since its inception. For less than the cost of a new release retail game, members get access to many games and some great discounts. For PlayStation gamers on a budget, a Plus membership is a must have. A one year subscription will pay for itself in just one month. (MÁS)

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There is a constant debate about whether the PlayStation 4 is better than the Xbox One. It is true that there are some definite advantages to the PlayStation console. The PlayS … tation 4 offers the most streaming capabilities of any video game console. There is no need to add additional mixers or switchers when using this console to participate in gaming tournaments. Players only need to have their microphone, the PS Eye, and their console. Vita is a really neat peripheral with the PlayStation 4. You can enjoy remote play just about anywhere when you switch to Vita. This peripheral offers a touchscreen interface that is easy to use. It also offers cool features, such as simplified menus for RPGs and special move shortcuts. This is one factor that a lot of people look at when they are choosing their next video game console. There is a $100.00 difference between the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 and this goes in the PlayStation's favor because it is $100.00 cheaper than the Xbox One. When it comes to gaming, it is critical that you have the right controller for the job. PlayStation wins this competition, hands down, with its controller. The shape is comfortable so gamers can play for hours without tired hands. It also provides a variety of ways to interact with and play the console's games. If you are a gamer, you need a console that satisfies all of your needs. The Xbox One is more of a home entertainment system where the PlayStation 4 focuses on the games and how players can use them. However, at the same time, people can still use PlayStation for things like Hulu and Netflix. Today's consoles tend to come with various companion devices that enhance your experience with the console. The PlayStation 4 comes with PSVita, and this offers far more options than the Xbox One's companion devices. You can take the Vita anywhere and enjoy the features of the PlayStation 4.PlayStation 4 has a host of exclusive games and the list continues to grow. This extensive library ensures that there are plenty of games for all types of levels of gamers. Some of the most popular titles include 'Driveclub,' 'Shadow of the Beast,' 'Infamous: Second Son,' and 'Uncharted 4.'The cost of the PlayStation 4 console is lower, but all of the additional costs are also less when compared to the additional costs associated with the Xbox One. For example, those using the PlayStation 4 for steaming services do not need to pay extra for things like Netflix and other streaming services. The Xbox One does not come close to competing with the PlayStation 4 when it comes to the available RAM, or memory. The PlayStation 4 has GDDR5 RAM, and this comes with a peak bandwidth of 176 gigabytes per second. The console's CPU and its GPU share this insane amount of RAM. Xbox Live customers are now getting bonuses, but they do not come close to the PlayStation Plus bonuses that people are getting. Gamers can add to their instant collection on PlayStation Plus every month with four to six games and these are completely free. Xbox offers gamers two free games. Enforced multiplayer is a new feature that comes with the PlayStation 4. This means that while someone is playing a game, new players can drop in and enjoy the game play. This allows players to get together with up to three of their friends, both near and far, to play games together. Those who like to import games certainly prefer the PlayStation 4 because it allows for region free gaming. This means that you can now import games like 'Shonen Jump All-Stars,' 'Kamen Rider Bataride,' and 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle' quickly and easily. In today's world, social media and gaming go hand in hand. The controller for the PlayStation 4 has a special button that allows gamers to easily share things to social media. Players can stream games to the Internet and they can also easily connect to Twitter, Facebook, and other social medial networks. Not everyone likes or wants the new PlayStation 4 Eye and PlayStation completely understands this. This is a motion sensing device that players can use with their PlayStation 4. However, PlayStation does not force players to buy it and they can choose just the console or the bundle. Every hardcore gamer knows that indie titles add a lot to the gaming experience. When you own a PlayStation 4, you can easily access various indie titles to play anytime that you want. Some of the most popular indie titles that people can play include 'Journey,' 'Flower,' and 'Divekick.' (MÁS)

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Universal Coins Mod 1.8.9/1.7.10

This mod allows you to trade almost any item using coins. The coins come in five values: the Coin (value 1), the Coin Stack (value 9), the Large Coin Stack (value 81), the Small Coin Bag (value 729), and the Coin Bag (value 6561). Obviously, 9 of a lower tier will get you 1 of the higher tier; also 1 of a higher tier will get you 9 of the lower tier. The trading is done at an Universal Trade Station. The only way to get coins is by selling an item. Most vanilla items have a predefined price and prices can be changed in the pricelist files.

Visión de conjunto:

ATM – Used for managing cards and accounts. A player can have two accounts. One will display the player’s name on the card and use the player’s UID as the identifier, the other can be customized to any name wanted. The account can be transferred to a new one if cards are stolen. The ATM has been updated to use an iris scanner in the top right of the GUI to identify the player if card is lost or stolen(It actually just uses the player’s UID to look up the account). Cards are used only as an identifier. The actual account holding coins is saved in the world data. This means that if you throw your card in lava, you won’t be throwing away your coins. You will however, have to go back to an ATM and get a new card.

Trade Station – The Trade Station allows a player to buy or sell most blocks and items with coins. Selling a block or item is done by sticking it in the upper left slot. The Buy and Sell buttons will activate if the item has a price set in the config files. By default, clicking sell will sell one item. Shift+Click on the sell button will sell the entire stack of the item. Selling damaged armor, tools, or weapons will return a portion of the item price displayed. Enchanted items cannot be sold. Buying a block or item is similar. Just click, or shift+click the buy button to get one or one stack respectively. If an enchanted item is placed in the input slot, buying a new item will return a new item without enchantments.

Ender Safe – This block was mainly added for the purpose of automation. Coins can be pumped into this block and will be deposited directly to a player’s primary account. It has a GUI that can be accessed only by the block owner. The block owner is the player who places the block down in the world.

Vending Block – The Vending Block allows a player to buy or sell items of any kind with other players. The GUI that opens when the block is activated depends on whether the player is the block owner or not. Non-owners will get a GUI that can be used to buy or sell stuff depending on how the owner set up the block. A sign must be placed on the block below the vending block to display whether the block is buying or selling, what is being bought or sold, the price, how many if more than one, and any errors such as “out of stock”, “out of coins”, “inventory full”.

Vending Frame – The Vending Frame functions exactly the same as the Vending Block. Only the appearance of this block differs. Items are not rotatable like they are in item frames. When crafting, the vending frame will keep the plank type of the plank it is crafted with. A sign is required above or below the frame to display frame details.

Advanced Signs – The signs were added as a means to display details of the items for sale in vending blocks and frames. When placed on a block directly below a vending block, the sign will be updated with the name and price of the item for sale. Also, when placed above or below a vending frame on a wall they will update with the info. When placed on a chest, the sign will update with the quantity of the first four types of items or blocks found in the chest. The signs support color codes by prefixing the line being edited with an ampersand(&) and a hexadecimal digit(0-f). Entries of up to 40 characters are supported and the sign will scroll the line while displaying 15 characters of the entry. Signs have block break protection. Signs can be edited at any time by the player that places the sign by right clicking.

Redstone Signal Generator – This block generates a redstone signal for a predetermined amount of time. Both the cost and duration are configurable by the block owner. Players can activate the block by right clicking. The block will search the player’s inventory for coins. Players must have enough coins to pay the fee to activate. Cards not accepted.

Slot Machine – A coin operated slot machine. One coin equals one spin. Prizes for three or four of a kind.

Power Base – This block can be used to sell RF to “the power company” at the wholesale rate. The wholesale rate can be changed via the config file. Power is sold in 10 kRF (10,000 RF) chunks. The default rate is 12 coins per chunk. All power sold goes into a server wide queue of energy.

Power Receiver = This block is used to purchase RF from the server power queue at retail rate. The retail rate can be changed via the config file. Power is bought in 10 kRF (10,000 RF) chunks. The default rate is 15 coins per chunk. You cannot buy more power than is sold to “the company”.

Universal Card – This is the basic card for accessing a player’s account. Right clicking will display the account balance.

Ender Card – The Ender Card is an upgraded card that has a few special properties. It will automagically deposit any coins a player picks up if held anywhere in a player’s inventory. Right clicking will deposit any coins held in inventory and display the account balance. Another feature is that this card allows coin free use of Vending Blocks, Vending Frames, and Trade Stations. Coins are debited and credited directly to the account.

Coins – There are 5 tiers of coins. Each tier is equal to 9 of the lower, so 9 coins equals one coin stack. Coins can be earned by selling stuff in a Trade Station, from mob drops, or from treasure in dungeons and abandoned mineshafts. All two legged mobs have a chance of dropping coins. Endermen will drop coin stacks instead of coins.

Vendor Wrench – This is a special wrench for admins or OPs. It is not craftable. Opening the vending block or frame GUI with this wrench by right clicking. The wrench GUI allows a player to change owners or enable or disable the infinite sell mode. With the infinite mode enabled, inventory is not used. The vending block will still collect the buyer’s coins unless this is disabled in the main config file.

Remote Storage Linking Card – This card will link a vending block or frame to a remote chest. Shift click a chest to store its location, then shift click the vending block or frame to link the inventory. Multiple vending blocks or frames can link to a single chest.

/balance – This command displays coin balance in inventory. Also, if you have a Universal Card or Ender Card it will display those account balances too.

/pay (alias: send) – This command will send coins from your inventory to another player’s inventory. It will only work if the other player is online. If the receiving player is short of inventory space, coins will be returned.

/rebalance – This command will take all the coins in your inventory and consolidate them into the largest coin types possible. Most of the time, this saves inventory space.

/givecoins – This command is an op command that will give a player a specified amount of coins.

/universalcoins (alias: uc) – This command is an op command for managing item prices. It allows for changing, saving, or reloading prices without rebooting the server.


The first step you will need to craft the selling catalog. This item does nothing by itself, but is required to craft the trading station. The recipe is as follows:

You will then craft the Universal Coins Trading Station with this recipe:

The Trade Station:

The interface (as of 1.7.2-1.5.2):

Selling a block or item is done by sticking it in the upper left slot. The Buy and Sell buttons will activate if the item has a price set in the config files. By default, clicking sell will sell one item. Shift+Click on the sell button will sell the entire stack of the item. Selling damaged armor, tools, or weapons will return a portion of the item price displayed. Enchanted items cannot be sold.

Buying a block or item is similar. Just click, or shift+click the buy button to get one or one stack respectively. If an enchanted item is placed in the input slot, buying a new item will return a new item without enchantments.

The auto buy and sell modes are selected by clicking on the “Mode” button. Be careful when putting items into the Trade Station, if the current mode is “Sell”, it will sell all of what you put in without remorse. Always check the mode. Especially if you have other players messing with things. If this is disabled in the main config, the area this would normally be will be blank.

Crafting recipe for stone vending block. There are 16 different types of vending blocks that can be crafted by replacing the item in the lower left and lower right slot of the crafting table. Use NEI to see all the recipes.

Vending blocks allow a player to sell items for any price they want. When a vending block is placed in the world, the player that places it becomes the owner. Right clicking the block will open the owner GUI. This GUI allows the owner to set the item sold and price. There are 9 slots to fill with inventory to be sold. A sample of the item to be sold is placed in the upper left slot of the GUI. The item in this slot will not be sold. It is just there to identify what is being sold.

If another player right clicks on the vending block, they will see the buyer GUI. The buy button will be disabled if there isn’t enough coins inserted, the vending block is out of inventory, or the output slot is full.

To move a vending block that you own, right click with a wrench while holding down shift. You cannot move a vending block if you don’t own it. Vending blocks are not breakable.

This is a special wrench for admins or OPs. It is not craftable. Opening the vending block GUI with this wrench by right clicking. The wrench GUI allows a player to change block owners or enable of disable the infinite mode. With infinite enabled, inventory is not used. The vending block will still collect the buyer’s coins unless disabled in the main config file.

Mod Showcase:

Minecraft Servers

What is a Minecraft Server?

Minecraft game clients connect to Minecraft servers, allowing players to craft, mine and build with each other in the same world. Setting up a server isn't too difficult with some basic networking knowledge, and many people run them off their home machines. If you and your friends don't have the computer power, or the know-how, to run your own server, there are many public servers out there just waiting for you to plant your flag.

If you'd like to host your own server, the wiki or Minecraft forums are a great resource. The community is extremely helpful, so don't be intimidated. There is something so rewarding about hosting a server and having an entire world living on your harddrive.

Adding a Server to Minecraftopia

Have a favorite server but don't see it on the Minecraftopia list? Add it!

Empire Minecraft is a 24x7 dedicated community with a professional and helpful staff. Every player can claim a large 60x60 residence in one of our Town worlds. Your residence is your protected area and is grief proof, however you will still need to adventure out into the wild to gather resources. The community consists of multiple servers. Each of the SMP servers has a Town world with over 1,500 residences. In many ways the servers are connected to each other. For example, you can move your items and blocks between servers with the Empire exclusive Cross-server Vault. Join the empire!


Orion is a MineCraft SMP server. The server is in full survival mode. You must collect all your supplies, but generally on the server the goal is to socialize and have fun. There are also ranks to help you in the process in acquiring enough materials to build substantial creations. One of these can be achieved by donating money to the server, giving you the ability to spawn items and forget the troubles of mining. It is rare to be banned on the server due to its simple set of rules. Anything that follows the rules is fair game to do on the server. Though asking an admin or moderator before doing something you question is always fine. PLUGINS: Bukkit: build #1704 Essentials: 2.7.2 Announcer: 1.7.0 DeathTpPlus: LagMeter: 1.4 NoLagg: 1.54.8 RageQuit: 1.0b MobDisguise: 1.65 Additional Details Survival Server. We run essentials to handle most stuff, working with groupmanager. We have some security plugins, as well as some optimizing plugi


Do you like to grief? Do you hate hackers? Do you like to betray/ trick? Well then Scaredkraft is the server for you! With strong working staff, griefing allowed, and a "no complaining policy". Also give us diamond if you love us :D So come and join the server with Raiding to Betraying also have fun with the plugins we have in the server! Iconomy Factions Mcmmo and more. We are soon to have arenas and more fun things to do! best of all we are running on the highest server host so expect little to no Lag! so join and have fun! Additional Details Factions, Griefing encouraged, PVP, Shop, McMMO,


Super Fun Time is a server with friendly as heck community and is currently ranked #5 on minestatus. net. The server IP is mc. superfuntime. org. Why not give it a shot? We hope to see you in game! "..and have a Super Fun Time!"


The Mineville is home to a community of Minecraft fans. We have our own public server that you can play on if you want to join us. This website was created to keep our members updated with the latest information regarding the server, it also serves a purpose for posting our builds, rules, and general server-based goings on.


Survival SMP Server, 88 slots, white-list (requires approved application to join), 6GB RAM, SSD Drives, 10Gbit Data Center Server. No mods except administrative for anti-griefing. Roleplay encouraged. A joint world started by elves, dwarves, wizards and human folk, the Notably Republic is a new rapidly-growing world with shops, towns, a transportation system, regular player events, and lots of great artisans.

How to Trade in Minecraft

Trading in Minecraft is something that you do with the people that inhabit the game's virtual villages. Trade in Minecraft with help from a devoted tech power user, gamer and gaming fan in this free video clip.

Part of the Video Series: Minecraft Tips

Minecraft: How to Make a Repeating Redstone Circuit

How to Feed a Minecraft Wolf

How Do You Make Switches Work in Minecraft?

How to Make a Snowball Launcher in Minecraft

Minecraft: How to Make a Redstone Lamp

How to Catch Animals in Minecraft

How to Make a Wooden Axe in Minecraft

Minecraft: How to Craft a Sword

On Minecraft, What Are The Village Seeds?

How to Make a Torch in Minecraft

How to Trade in Minecraft

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Transcripción de video

Hola. My name is Shannon, and I'm with eHow. com. Today, we're going to talk about trading in the world of Minecraft. The first step to trading in Minecraft is to find people to trade with. The best place to do that is in villages. You can find the nearest village by pressing V. Once you are in a village, you can right-click on a villager to trade with them. Each villager will have different items to trade depending on their trade and profession. The trading interface displays the items the villager has to trade. As a player, the only item you have to trade is emeralds. Villagers will only make one offer per item until all of the items in their inventory have been traded at least once. However they may have multiple items to trade. Press the right and left buttons in the trading interface to cycle through the other items that they are trading. Different villagers will have new items to offer as well as different quantities of the same item. So shop around if you're not finding what you're looking for. Different villagers will have new items to offer as well as different quantities of the same items. So shop around if you're not finding what you're looking for. You can buy an offer as many times as you can afford it. Well, dear viewers, I hope you have enjoyed our little film.


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By brookie, March 13, 2016 1 News

Hello, I just wanted to make a quick post saying we now have a tab on the website called “vote” you can also view the page HERE. This page will be updated when new sites are advertised on. Please feel free to vote as much as possible to help grow this server with new players, which will bring more builds, and more importantly new friends to interact with!

You are not forced to vote and do not have to if you do not wish to, however, it will greatly help out the server if you do! One of the best ways to help spread the word is for everyone to invite their friends to join. If we all stick together, we can make IceCraft great again! (Totally stole that from Trump, hopefully he doesn’t sue me)

If you know of any other sites you suggest we advertise on, or if you make a YouTube video of the server and wish to show everyone how awesome it is, please either post it in the comments on this post, or on the forums! We CAN make Ice have 100+ players, but it all starts with the help of each and every one of you. Without the players, minecraft is not as fun!

¡Gracias por leer!

Edit: Maintenance over, everything went well! So far it appears that most issues have been solved.

The server and website will be down for a few hours on Wednesday (8th April) due to some much needed maintenance; IRC and TeamSpeak should remain operational.

Technicalities ahead! Here’s the plan:

Upgrade the RAID controller firmware

Add 8 extra GB of RAM (upgrades from donations!)

Upgrade ESXi to 5.5.0U2 and hopefully fix some latency issues with the LSI RAID

Replace a misbehaving 3com switch which has been causing random network dropouts

Hope it all goes well!

The server and forums will be down tomorrow morning (16.03 around 8-9am GMT) due to ISP work. I don’t expect it to last longer than an hour.

If it’s taking longer hop on IRC for extra details.

Edit: downtime over

¡Hola! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on the site, so here goes.

I am truly blown away by the awesome community and the amount of support that I have received so as promised more than a year ago the map reset is now a fact! It’s been a bit of a challenge for me – I have been really pressed for time from university so this has taken a lot longer than it should have. With that being said, I’ll skip the long comments and skip directly to what I believe most of you are interested in reading:

New map

New hardware

Empty banlist

Running on Minecraft 1.8

What’s the same as before:

Your username and password to log in (note: name changes aren’t supported – you will be treated as a new player)

Your rank

The old map is still available (read-only) and old warps can be accessed using the /oldwarp command

The map is still very new – It would take us a few weeks to get everything polished out, so please be patient! I hope there won’t be any more technical issues hindering the launch. Stuff is going to change in the days following the launch, but I believe that what we currently have is playable.

That being said, if nothing goes wrong (I seriously hope nothing does!) the server should go up on Wednesday around 10PM GMT ( 25.02.2015 22:00 ). This post will be updated tomorrow with additional details on how to connect and a quick intro to the new settlements plugin.

By Cadavadorable, March 27, 2014 15 News

Yes, I know this is just a bummer of a post to read when you all thought “OMG NEWS!” but yes, we’re still 1.6.2. For all of you having problems joining the server, or not receiving a ping or “offline” in your launcher, that’s the reason why.

On a completely UNRELATED note, unfortunately there’s a temporary issue right now meaning the server appears to be crashing when players join, this WILL be fixed ASAP.

As for the long awaited 1.7/maybe 1.8 now update, I’ll try answer this in a small FAQ as concise as I can. Any further questions can be directed to me on the forums.

Why are we still 1.6.2?

With the addition of different resources, blocks and etc in 1.7, it was highlighted that it would be better to generate a new map due to having used the same one for..well, years. Unfortunately due to whatever circumstances, this was delayed. A lot of the plugins for Icecraft are custom coded by Illusion9, Dmarto and Ruan. Not every time but when there’s a major update or certain code is altered by Mojang, these plugins need to update..such as any plugin. On closer inspection it was noted that as well a new map needing to be generated, the custom plugins would need updating, modifying and in some cases rewritten.

Why are said plugins not updated yet?

Illusion9 actually coded the plugins that seem to be the ones with the issues at the moment. This isn’t slack or bad coding on his part, but because of certain updates to Minecraft it’s necessary. These are the most crucial plugins on Icecraft. The “issue” long term is that as he’s advancing in his education, taking on projects and other things in his life, the time he has to update these things becomes less and less.

Does that mean they’re never going to be updated and that Icecraft is dead with no chance of revival?

No, Icecraft within the past few weeks has been attracting players back for whatever reason, more than it has done over the past several months. As for the plugins, Illusion9 is working on the crucial ones, such as our custom banning system and protection plugins. As for older plugins that have just been “forked” (adapted to work with newer versions of Minecraft), we’re looking into using an alternative that will have continued development by the author while Illu is busy with his personal life.

So what are the plans right now and how long will this take?

At the moment we know there’s a LOT of (semi) manual work involved in transferring information from the “forked” plugins to the alternatives we’re eyeing. There’s no clear set date on when things will update, and yes we’ve been optimistic about things previously. Personally I’m a realist and I would say within a month, the server could definitely be up, as for reality it’s another matter based on Illu’s free time and the awkwardness of converting data.

When this is sorted, will I keep my rank, money or items?

You will most certainly keep your rank, you earned it. Will you keep your money, unknown but entirely possible. Will you keep your items? You’ll have access to enderchests for a certain number of days so you can transfer some or all your items as you see fit. This means there’s no reason for you not to play right now..

..but what about my builds?

You may tear them down and rebuild as you wish, you could also think of it as a way to “spring clean” or refurbish. After the “lock down” on the current map I’ll be taking requests to have builds moved to the new map. Please bear in mind wasting my or other staff time requesting mediocre houses, boxes or even dicks isn’t appreciated. It has to be a build of notable worth or “grandeur”.

What will be new about Icecraft after the new map and etc?

We want to try keep what you loved about playing Icecraft the same but we hope to introduce more minigames of sorts. Please don’t expect a minigame network such as I’m sure you’ve all played on before. Think of it more as an extension to the survival, with ways of making some more money by playing them. An idea we’ve also played with is tokens that may be exchanged for items or money in game.

Is there anything I can do or help with?

Yes, get yourself in the game. I’ve spoken in depth with Illu about the “map reset” and there’s no reason for you not to play. The idea is that we’ll be generating a new world and in time “locking down” the current one. Up until that time you can play freely as you always could. As said above, we’ll even throw in some enderchests so you can TRANSFER YOUR STUFF from the current world to the new one when it’s generated.

I apologise if I’ve missed something or none of this has answered your questions so far. I’ll add to this post if a crucial question is asked that I have missed. Please refer to the forum topic I’ll be posting shortly where I’ll respond to your questions you have as best I can.

Forum Topic: http://icecraft-mc. eu/forums/viewtopic. php? f=20&t=6134

By TheLonelyGod, November 7, 2013 2 News

Due to the large map we have and the griefed structures 1.7 along with the new biomes will come a new map !

This means everything WILL be reset, homes, the map, warps etc etc. But never fear! illu is here! Alex, our owner has plans for a museum world where you can re-visit the old map but not edit it. that’s pretty cool don’t ya think?

Upon this map reset there will be maybe 1/2 new plugins and ranks, i can not and will not promise a whole heap of updates/new things however we will DEFINITELY have a new spawn!

We have planned an Icecraft 3.0 with a heap of new plugins and a few new ranks, but this update can not happen if we do not have an active enough server so let your friends know about the server!

It is important to note I TLG, will be moving 1 BUILD per person. this does not apply to anyone and everyone contact TheLonelyG0d on irc or skype if you think you have a worthy build to be transferred. When the reset happens we will hand out an OPTIONAL starter kit (contents are determined by your rank) for everyone.

Remember guys there are ways you can help icecraft and be rewarded!

Use /refer in game for rewards !

Vote + Comment on minestatus and contact TLG

By TheLonelyGod, July 19, 2013 4 News

¡Finalmente! the build event is over and the winners have been announced!

Winners: 1. ImHysterical – Builder Tag – Portal 1 and 2 on steam – possibly a visit from illu 2. xCrimes – Builder Tag – illusion9’s head and a visit from illu – Garrys Mod on steam 3. nothingultimate – 100k – Garrys Mod on steam

Runner Ups: 4. dpatel24 – 50k 5. CheekyJoe – 20k

6. S3BAGA – a pat on the back 7. Pixie – 10k + 10 diamonds 8. forshadow4 – a cake 9. tinyfish – 10k + 10 diamonds

Wasn’t in winner voting but did better than all the other semi finalists:

10. HolyShura 10k + 10 diamonds

Thank you for everyone who participated, each semi finalist will receive 2k. Don’t feel down and out if you didn’t get in the top 10, i will be doing my best to incorporate most of the builds into the spawn.

By TheLonelyGod, July 2, 2013 9 News

Minecraft 1.6 is now released. This update features the long-awaited Horse, as well as some new blocks. Carpets, hardened/stained clay, hay and coal blocks are all making their debuts on the server, as well as leads and armour sets for horses. Horses (as some of you may know already) come in three configurations (Donkey, Horse, Mule) and can also be named.

The pre-release of the game is now available, however IceCraft is currently remaining on release 1.5.2 until the full 1.6 bukkit is released. Upgrades to the server may take some time following the full release, but we will try and get it done as quick as we can for your gaming pleasure!

As of 25 June 2013, we have a few new changes to the staff ranks. Unfortunately Duckdodgers595 and armagedan122112 are no longer staff members, but we now have two new changes! Aevion93 is our newest Mod, and F4ncyM4n96 has returned to the staff fold as a JrMod. Hamza_Ghannam and uosdhoAUD will remain as JrMods for the time being, however this does not mean we do not appreciate and/or notice their amazing help.

A new build event is now on! Your challenge is to make something cool for the Skylands spawn! Remember, no spamming with water or lava. The comp ends on 10 July, followed by approximately a week of judging by the admins. ¡Que te diviertas!

Of course there will be prizes! As outlined in the original annoucement, prizes are Builder rank of course, the head AND a personal visit from illusion9 (alex, our owner), as well as (possible) access to the white-listed FTB server, money and other items!

On a more serious note, for quite some time we have been dealing with tons of issues with players cheating in PvP, such as looting and being unclear of the nature of the battle. THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND. Players are expected to outline the stakes of the game to each other BEFORE they battle so problems like this do NOT happen! It is possible rules may be altered in the future if problems like this persist.

Remember, friendly battles mean you get your items back, of course. Unfriendly however means the winning player CAN and most likely WILL keep your items. Whining and complaining about this will NOT get your items back!

Spectro City (coolmanblue, Bushman_99) /w spectro Xirodia (Aevion93[owner], TheLonelyG0d[coowner]) /w xirodia

ruanshop – this is a great admin shop with reasonable prices, and lots of items! /warp ruanshop in game

If you have something to add to next months news contact TheLonelyG0d

TheLonelyG0d, Aevion93 (mostly), S3BAGA, forshadow4, Frogger184, Kazza77

By TheLonelyGod, June 25, 2013 13 News

Hola chicos! I just started a new build event, theme is Skylands spawn. you have two weeks from today! (ends on july 10 Australian time, july 9 for most of you) voting will last 2 weeks maximum. (most likely only a couple days however)

Prizes will be brought over from the last event, since emilmoo wanted to get themselves banned i will give the winner an illusion9 head and they will receive a visit from him in game

there is also the builder rank up for grabs 😀

good luck have fun!

Top Voted Answer

Yes, when you buy the game you are entitled to unlimited downloads. Simply go to the new computer, sign in to minecraft. net and you may re-download from there. However, any saves you had on the original computer will not carry over. To do that you'll have to locate the save files and copy them to a thumb drive or something to be transferred. There are plenty of videos on YouTube about finding the save files. 5 years ago 2 0


Also of note, you can run it from any computer by simply logging in to minecraft. net and playing in browser.

About save files: I don't know about your file system, but I'm running Windows 7 and my saves are located at "C:\Users\*user-name*\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves" 5 years ago 0 0

You can play it on as many computers as you want. You're only allowed playing on the same account on one computer at the same time, however 5 years ago 0 0

This question has been successfully answered and closed

Tips, Tricks and Ways to Avoid Lag in Minecraft Game

Many guys are experiencing problems playing Minecraft. It lags constantly when they are playing it in the offline mode. It lags when it is loaded and players can’t click anywhere. They also cannot scroll the screen while the sound & animations continuously play the moment game freezes. There are many ways to solve this problem. They all are discussed in this article.

File Size: 2.04MB, Safe Download


Check System Requirements

Set Java. exe to High Priority

Turn down the Render (Fog) Distance

Clean and Defrag your Registry

Set High Performance Power Plan

Optimize Background Services

Change Affinity of JavaW. exe

Defrag your Drives

Delete Minecraft Application Data

Decrease the Game Window Resolution

Adjust Windows for Best Performance

Change Nvidia Control Panel Settings

Update Drivers

Customize Video Settings

Switch to Window Mode

Disable Antivirus Real-Time Protection

Clean Disk

Check System Requirements

It is not uncommon to see complaints about Minecraft lagging. In Many cases it is the poor system hardware that causes the games to run slower than normal. Your computer must have at least following components stated below.

Requerimientos mínimos del sistema:

Processor: AMD K7 Equivalent, Intel Pentium 4

Hard Disk Drive Space: 10 MB (Minimum)

Random Access Memory: 800 MB

Video/ Graphics Card: ATI Radeon 7xxx or GeForce 3

Software - Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5 or latest

Set Java. exe to High Priority

Java is an essential program required to run Minecraft. To avoid Minecraft lag spikes set high priority to Java. exe process. Do the steps given below:

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Right click your Taskbar.

Select Start Task Manager option.

In the new dialog click Processes tab.

Right click Java. exe process, select Set Priority | Alto.

Click Change Priority button under new confirmation box.

For Windows 8.1/ 8:

Press Windows Key + X.

Click Task Manager.

Click the “More Details” tab.

Click Details tab.

Refer Steps # 4-5 from Earlier Versions of Windows paragraph.

This will make your CPU give higher priority to the Java process which essential for running Minecraft smoothly.

In addition to this, download the latest version of Java from its official website. Using an outdated Java version can cause this problem. You’ll not get Minecraft lags Windows 7 again.

Turn Down the Render (Fog) Distance

Turn down the Render (Fog) Distance. Press the Escape key of your keyboard, select Options | Render Distance. Change its value to Tiny. Otherwise press the F or F3 key a few times. This will fix Minecraft lag.

Clean and Defrag your Windows Registry

Your registry could be corrupt and fragmented. Using a reliable System Optimizer software clean and defrag your Windows registry.

Download a System Optimizer.

Click Registry Cleaner, click Start Scan | Fix Errors.

Restart your computer after fixing all errors.

Click Defragmenter.

Click Analyze | Defrag.

Set High Performance Power Plan

For temporary purpose change your Power Plan to High Performance mode. I know it will drain down the battery of your laptop but it can help you fix Minecraft lagging in Windows. After you finish playing it restore back your original Power Plan.

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Click Start | Control Panel.

Click System and Security | Power Options.

Expand Hide additional plans category, select High Performance.

Close the dialog.

For Windows 8/8.1:

Press Windows Key + X.

Click Power Options.

Expand “Show additional plans” category.

Select “High performance” option.

Exit the dialog.

Optimize Background Services

Make sure there is very little number of applications and services running at the time you want to play Minecraft game. This will fix Minecraft lags. Download a Services Optimizer software and optimize background services.

Alternatively you may follow these guidelines:

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Click Start | Todos los programas | Accesorios | Correr.

Type SERVICES. MSC in the Open box.

Press ENTER.

Disable services that you don’t require.

For Windows 8/8.1:

Press Windows Key + X.

Haga clic en Ejecutar.

Refer Steps # 2-4 from Earlier Versions of Windows paragraph.

Change Affinity of JavaW. exe

JavaW. exe is a process that you may find at the time Minecraft is running on your computer. Change its affinity as given below to fix Minecraft lagging problems.

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Right click your Taskbar and select Start Task Manager.

Click Processes tab.

Right click the JavaW. exe process, select Set Affinity option.

Uncheck the box All Processors and CPU 1. Keep only CPU 0 checked up.

Click OK and then close the Task Manager window. You’ll not experience Minecraft lag again.

For Windows 8/8.1:

Press Windows Key + X.

Click Task Manager.

Click “More details” and then Details tab.

Refer Steps # 3-5 from Earlier Versions of Windows paragraph.

Defrag your Drives

Minecraft lags can occur if your disk drives are fragmented. Defrag them using Disk Defragmenter to resolve this problem.

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Click Start | Todos los programas | Accesorios | System Tools | Disk Defragmenter.

Select all disk drives one by one. Then click Defragment Disk button.

For Windows 8/8.1:

Press Windows Key + X.

Haga clic en Buscar.

Type “Optimize” in the Search box.

Click “Defragment and optimize your drives” in the search results page.

Select all drives and defragment them.

Specify a scheduled defragmentation for all your drives. Windows will perform it automatically at your convenient time.

Delete Minecraft Application Data

Minecraft application data files can be corrupted. Fix Minecraft lagging by deleting them as shown below:

First close Minecraft if it is already running. Open My Computer.

Type the following path:


Right click. Minecraft and select the Delete option.

4 Restart the game. This folder will be created again.

Decrease the Game Window Resolution

Please do not confuse game Window resolution with system resolution. Minecraft may automatically adjust itself with the resolution specified in its settings no matter which screen resolution is set to your desktop.

Decrease Minecraft’s screen resolution to stop it from freezing and crashing. First open it, select Options | Video Settings menu and choose a lower resolution. Save your settings.

Adjust Windows for Best Performance

Set Visual Effects in such a way that Windows will customize itself for best performance; and not best appearance. Siga estos pasos:

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Click Start, right click My Computer.

Select Properties.

Click Advanced System Settings | Advanced.

Click Settings under Performance.

Under Visual Effects, select the option Adjust for Best Performance.

Click Apply | OK | DE ACUERDO.

For Windows 8/8.1:

Right click My Computer icon on the desktop.

Refer Steps # 2-6 from Earlier Versions of Windows paragraph.

Change Nvidia Control Panel Settings

Change the 3D and other settings from the Nvidia Control Panel. The procedure is given below:

Open Nvidia Control Panel.

Click Manage 3D Settings.

Scroll down till you see V-Sync settings. Make it turned on.

Make Force Triple Buffering enabled.

Set the value of Pre-Rendered Frames to 0 (zero).

Save the settings and exit.

Update Drivers

Your device drivers may be out-of-date. Update them as below to fix Minecraft lags:

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Click Start, type Device Manager in the Search box.

Press ENTER.

Update each device which is out-of-date.

Restart your computer.

For Windows 8/8.1:

Press Windows Key + X.

Click Device Manager.

Expand the top category.

Right click a drive you would like to update, select “Update driver software”.

Customize Video Settings

To fix Minecraft lags Windows 7, change the Minecraft game settings in the manner they’re given below:

While playing Minecraft, press Escape key.

Go to Options | Video Settings.

Select fast graphics, select any level brightness, tiny render distance, maximum FPS performance, select normal GUI scale, select minimal particles and turn off clouds, smooth lighting & 3D anaglyph.

Save your settings and restart it.

Switch to Window Mode

Are you running Minecraft in Full Screen mode? If so, go to game options and run it in the Window Mode. This may prevent it from lagging.

Disable Antivirus Real-Time Protection

Your antivirus may be running in the background. Turn off its real-time protection to stop Minecraft lagging Windows 7. This is important as antivirus programs take a lot of system resources while performing file scans. The actual steps may vary depending on the antivirus product you’re actually using.

Clean Disk

Clean your disk and remove temporary files, temporary internet files and cache contents. You may also locate temporary directories manually and delete their contents.

For Earlier Versions of Windows:

Click Start | Todos los programas | Accesorios | System Tools | Disk CleanUp.

Select your C:\ drive and click OK.

Follow the instructions and repeat them on each drive.

For Windows 8/8.1:

Double click My Computer desktop icon.

Right click a drive, select Properties.

Click General tab and then Disk CleanUp button.

LEGO® R3-Labels-Shop


Product Summary

Create, explore and play in a Minecraft microbuild!

Build a mini model of the game that’s sweeping the Internet with a LEGO® microbuild version of Minecraft! Selected by LEGO CUUSOO members, this build features a cool design with lots of 1x1 LEGO tiles and 2 buildable Micromob characters: Steve and Creeper.

Due to overwhelming demand of this product there is a strict limit of 2 per order.

Includes 2 buildable Micromob characters: Steve and Creeper

Build a Minecraft microworld with 1 stud tiles in a variety of colors for a realistic pixelated design!

Build the model that LEGO® CUUSOO members requested!


From: United States

Age: 14-18

Gender: Male

Customer Type: LEGO Fan

Building Experience: Novice LEGO builder

1st of all-this is an overall amazing set, and I would definitely recommend it. However, there are some (very small) cons to this set. 1. MANY, MANY 1x1 tiles. (This could be a pro or con depending on who you are.) If you have larger hands, this will most likely be a very challenging build for you. 2. Following up on the previous con, it is very easy to lose pieces if you're not careful, because there's sooo many tiny pieces. And that's about it for the cons. Now for the pros. 1. AMAZING detail all around. From the varied blocks that make up the stone, to the flowing lava down the mixed stone/grass mountain, To the house that even includes an entrance and 3 windows, there are astounding levels of detail all over this set. 2. The mini-people (or whatever you'd like to call them) are brilliantly made just by stacking certain blocks together, with 1 being printed with Steve's face on it. and although the Creeper was made out of only 3 blocks, it's the best 3 blocks they could've used for the creeper, 1 of them being printed. 3. Just like Transformers, there's more than meets the eye to this set. By removing the tops off the the main blocks (which is brilliantly designed) it reveals you to an entire new cave system with small blocks representing diamond and redstone. 4. The customization. Not only can you rearrange the blocks however you want, you can take the tops off and rearrange those and the blocks separately, or even make the tops sit by themselves, making the blocks look like mountains with caves inside. OVERALL: Amazing detail, brilliantly designed, perfect for Minecraft and mini scale lovers, although it'l be a bit harder for larger hands because off all the small pieces. If you can find someone selling this set for around the original price, i'd definitely go for it.





From: United States

Age: 14-18

Gender: Male

Customer Type: LEGO Fan

Building Experience: Expert LEGO builder

This set is a great one, and perfectly represents minecraft. The micro world includes two 'micro mobs', and both the creeper and Steve have excellent printing. Many one-by-one SNOTs (studs not on top) are used, most of them green and tan. My only complaint is that the gold and diamonds in the set don't look like them. The diamonds are made of two cheese wedges on top of a clear two-by-one, and at first I thought it to be diamonds. Gold is a two-by-one (SNOT) golden ingot stacked upon a black two-by-one. I think that LEGO could have made these more recognizable. The caves are great, and they include lava, water, diamonds, gold, and many other cool aspects make it truly awesome. Overall, the forest micro world is great, and something all Minecraft and LEGO fans alike will love. 8.75/10





From: United States

Age: 14-18

Gender: Male

Customer Type: LEGO Fan

Building Experience: Advanced LEGO builder

This is a great set for Minecraft fans and LEGO fans alike. I simply loved the entire set. It is split in fourths, making it so that you can customize the terrain to your liking, similar to the game. The underground section features gold and diamond ores, which are easy to remove (seeing as they are 1x2 plate with either a golden 1x2 plate on top or two translucent dark blue cheese slope elements, respectively, that stand on just one a 1x1 segment of a brick) There are two gold ores and two diamond ores, one for each quadrant.

The micromobs are neat, and look like the actually thing. All-in-all, it was a fantastic set.


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Warning! Riesgo de asfixia. Small parts.

Warning! Riesgo de asfixia. Small parts. Achtung! Erstickungsgefahr. Kleinteile. Atención. Risque d'étouffement. Petites pièces. Avvertenza! Pericolo di soffocamento. Parti piccole. Waarschuwing! Verstikkingsgevaar. Kleine deeltjes. ¡Advertencia! Riesgo de asfixia. Piezas pequeñas. Advarsel! Kvælningsfare. Små dele. Varoitus! Tukehtumisvaara. Pieniä osia. Varning! Kvävningsrisk. Små delar. Atenção! Perigo de asfixia. Peças pequenas. Προειδοποίηση! Κίνδυνος πνιγμού. Μικρά κομματάκια. 警告! 窒息の危険性。 小さな部品。 警告!小心窒息。当心小物件。 경고! 질식 위험. 작은 부품 포함. Внимание! Риск удушения. Мелкие детали. Ostrzeżenie! Zagrożenie zadławieniem. Małe elementy. Upozornění! Nebezpečí udušení. Malé součástky. Upozornenie! Nebezpečenstvo udusenia. Malé súčasti. Figyelmeztetés! Fulladásveszély! Kis elemek. Обережно! Ризик задухи. Дрібні деталі. Upozorenje! Opasnost od gušenja. Sitni dijelovi. Упозорење! Опасност од гушења. Мали делови. Opozorilo! Nevarnost zadušitve. Majhni delčki. Avertisment! Pericol de sufocare. Piese mici. Внимание! Опасност от задавяне. Малки части. Brīdinājums! Aizrīšanās risks. Sīkas daļas. Hoiatus! Lämbumisoht. Väiksed osad. Įspėjimas! Uždusimo pavojus! Mažos detalės. Dikkat! Boğulma tehlikesi. Küçük parçalar.

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Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

Evening again, m'dears - and, if you hadn't guessed, it's time to congratulate our winning Wyrms!

Before that though, I'd like to thank all of the artists who entered for their work to the competition. We wound up with a diverse range of styles and interpretations to choose from, and it's been really fantastic to see. Yes, even the entries sporting top hats and pimp canes.

As much as we'd happily eyeball them all forever, however, it is time we released the results, so without further ado, I present you with our winners!

+ FIRST PLACE + Congratulations to Elz. ​

Her excellent artwork earns the sparkly spot on the lore page, and she will receive a 15k radiant prize.

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The installer will install minecraft_server. jar and a bunch of other things onto your system. Make sure to choose a path to extract everything to! After that, normally use the Forge server jar as a server to double-click on for GUI, or command line using batch/shell scripts.

Server Video Tutorials

If you prefer, a full YouTube video tutorial for installing Minecraft Forge for servers is available for the following versions:

NOTE: Each version here is installed fairly similarly.

Headless (no GUI) servers

As of Forge 1.6.2-, the installer has a three command line options, - h/--help, --extract and --installServer (all of them are case sensitive). - h/--help will just print out the command line usages. --installServer and --extract both function just like in the installer's GUI, but with no option to pick a path to an install location and places the files into the working directory.

Prior builds of Forge do not have this functionally. Use the installer on your local system to install the server to an empty folder and copy the contents to the remote headless server.

Compatibility with non-Forge mods

Use mods not written with FML at your own risk. The following pages might help: OptiFine Compatibility Guide

Pre-1.5.2 Minecraft Forge

Note: The new minecraft launcher allows you to run version 1.5.2 or lower of minecraft. However, the method it uses to do this is incompatible with the Pre-1.5.2 Minecraft Forge versions. If you want to run a 1.5.2 version of minecraft with forge installed you need to delete or rename your old. minecraft folder and build your. minecraft instance from scratch using the old launcher - found here.

Install Forge

Open your minecraft. jar file and the universal zip file. Drop the contents of the zip file into minecraft. jar then delete the files in META-INF which begin with MOJANG.

To complete the forge installation - start minecraft and log in. Minecraft will then download some more instal files from http://files. minecraftforge. net/fmllibs/ and install them to. minecraft/lib. However, it will fail to find two files - bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar and scala-library. jar. For some reason these two files are on the files. minecraftforge. net but have been renamed scala-library. jar. stash and bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar. stash. So you need to manually download bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar. stash and scala-library. jar. stash to. minecraft/lib and remove the. stash extension from the file names. After doing this - restart minecraft and login again. The final forge setup phase should then complete.

If using a mod manager, place the forge zip under the jarmods section.

Vanilla Server

Thanks to the work of cpw, now Forge can be installed without modifying the server jar! THIS ONLY WORKS FOR BUILD 315 AND ABOVE.

Place the universal zip into the same folder where your minecraft_server. jar is, then change the extension of the forge zip to a. jar. Ejecutarlo.

Optionally, you may use java - jar whateveryounamedtheforgezip. zip in a command prompt.

Install Other Mods

Finally, just follow the installation instructions for the other mods you are using. Typically you place them in the mods or coremods folder.

It should be noted that NO instructions are better than INCOMPLETE instructions. (i. e. Just place the packages into the mods folder)

JuegosRadar +

25 games to play if you like Minecraft

Craft, build, and survive

Minecraft has proven to be one of the most successful games of all time (it also made our list of the best games of all time), and for good reason--its a well-made release, offering players the chance to do nearly anything they want. That includes crafting, building, taking out enemies (or being taken out by Creepers), and sharing it all with friends and strangers online.

Many other titles have put their own stamp on the formula to great success. Some games like Minecraft have stayed close to the indie game that kicked off the popularity of survival gameplay, voxel-based environments, and crafting sandbox action, while others have married the concepts together with a number of other genres. Everything from first-person shooters to real-time strategy games have been fused with the popular genre, and these Minecraft clones prove it can be done with blockbuster (see what I did there?) results.

The Forest (PC)

Why it's similar: The Forest drops you in the middle of the wilderness (like literally, you crash a plane), forces you to craft weapons and shelter to survive--while creepy enemies attack you at night. It's totally like playing Minecraft--if Minecraft's creepy hissing spiders were bloodthirsty cannibals trying to kill you.

What makes it unique: This game is scary as hell. Being lost in the wilderness scavenging for food, building shelter from the weather, and fighting off aggressive club-toting locals is definitely a frightening experience. But what makes it horrifying is when those natives get the upper hand, knock you out, and drag you back to their underground lair. Not only are you trapped in the darkness with a lighter that barely works, there's terrifying creatures waiting to pounce on you from the shadows.

RoBlox (iOS, PC)

Why it's similar: In this massive, online sandbox, you can create just about anything that you can think of. Want to build a massive skyscraper then blow it up for your own brand of Levolution, or host a disco party with flashing lights and a DJ on stage? You can do all of that. The world is yours to create, and the possibilities seem endless thanks to the game's intricate editing tools.

What makes it unique: RoBlox puts a huge focus on the social aspects of building stuff then blowing it all up with your friends. Virtually everything in the world is created by the players, making the game perfect for those who enjoy building things in a group and being part of a community. There are already thousands of player-created worlds with themed communities and sometimes some lofty building goals. So, hop in and help start building a (better?) world.

Terasology (PC)

Why it's similar: If it wasn't for the realistic in-game water, you'd probably mistake Terasology for Minecraft itself. The game has all of the elements that Minecraft has right down to the blocky hands and punchable blocks of dirt.

What makes it unique: Terasology is an open source game. So, if you are the type of gamer that likes to dive right in and contribute to the development and expansion of a game, Terasology would be right up your alley. In addition to the world destruction and building elements of Minecraft, Terasology will also allow you to do things like build up your own army of minions to help you protect your personal fortress. The game is under constant development, so there's no telling how deep the gameplay can get.

Terraria (PC, PS3, 360, Vita, iOS, Android)

Why it's similar: Many a tree will be sacrificed on your way to building shelter when you first start out in the world of Terraria. A home is especially valuable because, much like in other games like Minecraft, there are things that go bump in the night. Things that would very much like to slay you as you hide trembling in your flimsy shelter while trying to figure out what to do with your collection of resources gathered under the safety of the sun.

What makes it unique: A variety of enemies will attack at night, in areas affected by Corruption, and in dungeons. Naturally, this means there are many ways to die, but also a lot of options when it comes to disposing of the encroaching evil. Crafting buildings not only means a reprieve from the worlds evil beings, but NPCs will move in and help you survive.

Castle Story (PC)

Why it's similar: Although it's a voxel-based strategy game, the strong focus on tactically overpowering your enemies doesn't mean you won't be building all manner of things. Like in Minecraft, you'll likely deforest floating islands in the process. But using all of those resources to build an impenetrable castle strictly with 2x1 blocks for your Bricktons is worth losing some greenery.

What makes it unique: Castle Story really focuses on your yellow dudes' strategic operations. As with most real-time strategy games, you'll have to send out troops to gather resources. Instead of bringing it back to base to simply click on an icon to build something, players actually get to design what defends their yellow people from other players and creatures in what is a perfect marriage of crafting and strategy.

Masterspace (PC)

Why it's similar: Masterspace is pretty much just like Minecraft, except you have a space ship and there are an infinite number of planets to make your own. You can fly to any procedurally generated planet in Masterspace's galaxy, land on the voxel-based surface, and proceed to dig, craft, and customize the world as you see fit.

What makes it unique: The aforementioned space ship changes things up quite a bit. Not only can you fly around in space, but because you have space travel technology at your disposal, you won't be limited to tying two sticks and a rock together to make a pickaxe. Eventually, you'll be able to build laser guns, robots, and even customize your space ship.

Guncraft (PC)

Why it's similar: The destructible voxel-based design that makes up the game's maps and cubed characters (headshots are a cinch thanks to the blockheads) give off a distinct Minecraft vibe. Would-be builders are also able to design their very own "prefabs" to construct in the middle of battles. While not always useful, it gives those with creative brains a way to flex those muscles.

What makes it unique: It borrows heavily from other gaming staples like Call of Duty, offering things like vehicles, class load-outs, and a number of modes. This eclectic mix of gameplay styles--including racing--really helps the game shine. Gamers who love customization will revel in the ability to create their own guns, maps, and prefabs to lay down in the middle of gunfights.

CubeWorld (PC)

Why it's similar: The roots of this game are crafting and randomly generated worlds full of blocks as far as the eye can see. It's especially rewarding to customize weapons, armor and jewels. Changing your gear and look is a nice way to show off to anyone who happens to join in on your merry adventuring.

What makes it unique: Imagine the lovechild of Minecraft and The Legend of Zelda series raised by Super NES-era action RPGs. Inspired by exploration-heavy games, Cube World gives players an arsenal of skills to better help them trudge through the endless world. Choosing a class and specialization in order to battle evil turns the game from simple exploration simulator to a true adventure packed with missions, bosses, and creepy caves to explore.

3079 (Mac, PC)

Why it's similar: As soon as you take a look at 3079's in-game visuals, you can't help but think Minecraft. And if you're in love with the blocky visual style of the sandbox builder, 3079 is sure to win you over. However, there isn't much building going on in 3079. Instead, there's a lot of shooting and killing things--like demons and huge giants.

What makes it unique: 3079 is set in a sci-fi world and drops you in the middle of a war between one group of blocky people and another group of floating blocky people. Instead of digging for resources, fighting off zombies, and crafting weapons like you would in Minecraft, 3079 works more like a classic RPG. You'll find towns filled with NPCs who will give you quests, shopkeepers to buy new items, and high-powered projectile weapons to add to your arsenal. It's a much more guided experience than Minecraft, but the RPG elements give you a fresh take on the Minecraft-inspired world.

Starbound (PC)

Why it's similar: The tagline for the game says it all: "survive, discover, explore, and fight." That's essentially what Starbound is all about. An infinite universe means there are loads of possibilities in this cooperative 2D game when it comes to shaping the world, and also finding new locations to set up shop.

What makes it unique: Like all good stories, Starbound is all about the journey and not necessarily the end goal. Exploring the game with friends--whether it is just to farm, try your hand at space exploration, or create weaponry for quests--is fresh every time. While it's open-ended, quests and NPCs make the game feel like it has more of a purpose, with a story to boot.

7 Days to Die (PC)

Why it's similar: There are few things associated with survival and scavenging more than the horror of having to survive a zombie outbreak. And unlike the other games like Minecraft on this list, 7 Days to Dies leans more on the horror genre. The realistic, dark world may not look like some sandbox games made in the same style, but that doesn't mean it shies away from the genre's tried and true gameplay staples. Scavenging, crafting traps, and building shelters are all well represented--as is the likelihood of failure.

What makes it unique: One of the greatest joys (or scariest moments) in this post-apocalyptic game is putting together a shelter. It's essential to not becoming a meal, and unnerving if you're not sure your meek fortifications will hold up. Players have to be mindful of structural integrity when putting up a new abode, making for a more realistic fight for your life.

StarForge (PC)

Why it's similar: Exploration and Sci-Fi collide in this world builder that looks equal parts Halo and Minecraft. Gathering resources for base construction, crafting, and surviving on an alien planet are just the tip of the iceberg in this terribly ambitious take on the popular sandbox survival genre.

What makes it unique: StarForge isn't just a game about building and survival; it also involves shooting aliens in a living, breathing world. It's about looting, defending a base with a friend, and allowing ambitious builders to connect the planet with outer space where you can build space stations that put NASA to shame. The developers also promise to eventually add role-playing game elements in future updates, a sure sign of success.

Block Story (PC, Android, iOS)

Why it's similar: Fortresses and the game world are at your mercy in this 3D voxel sandbox game. Players can craft either structure as they see fit. Resources gathered by clearing the land can also be used to turn your busted sword into an epic lightning sword, or magical items suitable for an adventurer.

What makes it unique: There is one thing not at your adventurers mercy: dragons. They have fire, they think you look tasty, and they're not afraid to make you aware of that fact. Luckily, role-playing elements will help you vanquish the fiends while completing quests, downing bosses, and recruiting companions. Those who want to continue the adventure when they leave home can thanks to the cross-platform play between the PC and mobile versions.

Block Fortress (iOS)

Why it's similar: Its all about survival in Block Fortress. Like any of the other games like Minecraft on this list, living depends on how well defended your barracks are from hordes of enemies. That means building armaments, walls, and other features including something as simple as a light in order to see at night all become vastly important. Construction is limited only by what players can think of throwing together, and how quickly they can mine valuable resources.

What makes it unique: This mobile game combines three genres: first-person shooter, tower defense, and sandbox. After fortifying the barracks as best as possible, its time to equip weapons and help smite foes looking to invade your base of operations. Each of the three genres holds their own as far as gameplay goes, creating a mash-up that totally works.

Don't Starve (PC, PS4)

Why it's similar: The Creepers iconic hiss and ability to scare the bejesus out of players is replicated nicely here. Dont Starve has a number of similarly terrifying enemies on hand to end players when darkness washes over the spooky games world. It doesnt help that Wilson is all alone and has to survive by crafting tools and shelter with incredibly limited resources.

What makes it unique: The wonderfully gothic aesthetic looks like a children's book fused with an H. P. Lovecraft tale. Just like the title indicates, this roguelike game places a greater emphasis on simply not running out of food. Staying nourished has never been so tough, and fire has never been a greater friend.

King Arthur's Gold (PC)

Why it's similar: Freedom to design and build a castle is simply a blast. You'll dig into the medieval land around your abode, and generally use the environment to fend off invading players as an archer, knight, or aptly named builder. Both construction, and the often hilarious destruction is what King Arthur's Gold is all about.

What makes it unique: With up to 32 players in multiplayer, KAG can become quite chaotic--in a good way. Crafting cool castles in order to better prepare for all of the skirmishes is important, but so too is the fighting. Players will have to learn how to properly utilize the three classes, and also get used to the physics-based objects at your disposal, like the catapult. And there are also sharks, and sharks are awesome.

Blockland (PC)

Why it's similar: Building whatever comes to mind is what Blockland is all about. Like Minecraft, enjoying what other users are able to create is part of the appeal--and the community has delivered a lot of solid content worth checking out in the sandbox game.

What makes it unique: For starters, the LEGO-esque aesthetics are instantly noticeable. A number of gameplay mods are readily available for download in addition to the ever-popular Fort Wars mode. The level of fun to be had is dependent on what the community comes up with, and if the mixture of racing, deathmatch, and role-playing scenarios are anything to go by, then you shouldn't get bored anytime soon.

Rust (PC)

Why it's similar: Get dropped into a cruel world with no direction or instruction. Die. Die some more. Then, hopefully, slowly figure out how to survive by crafting weapons, gear, and makeshift shelter in your bid to stay protected against other players, the radiation filled land, and cold nights.

What makes it unique: Survival is not only dependent on what resources are at one's disposal, but how other human beings treat one another. On the one hand that means your recently-spawned avatar may die a lot by the hands of not-so-nice raiders. On the other, less bloody hand, a helpful group of like-minded players makes the adventure of survival a rewarding team effort. Players can also decide to go solo and try to live out their days in seclusion.

Ace of Spades: Battle Builder (PC)

Why it's similar: Crafting your own coliseums for battle in this first-person shooter is at the forefront of what Ace of Spades offers. A huge amount of crafting pieces--anything from signs, to flags, and tried and true blocks--are available to those wanting to put on a construction site helmet and get to work on their dream map.

What makes it unique: Players who want to build a map quickly for 32 players don't have to worry about one important thing: resources. Unlike other games like Minecraft, there will be no mining or chopping for minerals and wood to construct that perfect sniping perch atop a skyscraper, or an 8-bit Super Mario to hide your Commando, or one of the other six classes, behind.

Craft the World (PC)

Why it's similar: An underground labyrinth is in need of exploration and mining, meaning your group of dwarves will be extra busy finding what they need to construct fantastic fortresses. Once done with their days-long construction project, its time to craft weapons, items, and ammunition and more via simple recipes so your minions can move on to the next project.

What makes it unique: A sweet team of dwarves. Aside from controlling a single character, a group of the short earth dwellers is at your disposal to help with a variety of tasks. Need some extra muscle? Send them to fend off baddies. Need some traps built? Give a couple clicks here and there to set them on their merry way.

CastleMinerZ (360, PC)

Why it's similar: Crafting is but one part of developer DigitalDNAGames voxel-based first-person shooter. Building defensive structures to prolong death by the hordes of enemies is imperative. So too is gathering resources for crafting one key item: guns.

What makes it unique: Crafting guns is of the utmost importance thanks to the games insistence on sending everything its got your way. Monsters--ranging from zombies and skeletons to dragons--are apparently very unhappy that youre alive. Luckily, going alone isnt your only option: a cooperative mode for up to eight players provides a fighting chance in this twisted world of cubes and monsters. Warning: stay away from the buggy PC version.


Why it's similar: TUGs world is all about letting the creative juices flow as players are given the freedom to not only build, but manipulate the terrain in ways that break the world. Crafting armor and weapons is also a part of your Seedlings life of survival and mystery.

What makes it unique: The crafting gives players a lot more freedom to do as they please, but its really the world itself that sets TUG apart. 13 different biomes (like a lush jungle and a dense forest that could also be mistaken for Alaska, only with less bears) are beautifully rendered. Its easy to get lost in the world--one with its very own language. Instead of just being another video game, TUG is also being used as a tool for academic scientists to learn more about how people interact in online spaces.

Junk Jack X (iOS)

Why it's similar: Players can join you online for friendly crafting and exploring (or rude killing and trapping) in this 2D sandbox sequel. You just never know whats going to happen if you dig too deeply or venture too far away from your home base (Hint: it usually ends in death).

What makes it unique: Many games of this ilk like to plop players down into a new world and let them run wild. Here a different approach is taken: a lengthy tutorial introduces the games premise. It helps newcomers really understand Junk Jack X; a simpler crafting system using item recipes also helps usher in players. Along with the simplicity comes purpose in the form of goals to accomplish.

Planet Explorers (PC)

Why it's similar: Shaping the terrain around you, as well as a number of items like vehicles, is at the heart of everything players do. Maps are also procedurally generated, and change in size depending on which mode is played. Multiplayer is still receiving more updates, but as of right now games can be played with friends--and you can bring along a personally-crafted item into each session.

What makes it unique: A heavy focus on story (its actually the main focus of the game) and the action-adventure RPG elements really make this game stand out from the pack. So does the ability to completely ignore said story and just live life as a rancher or farmer. Either way, youll still complete the game and see how it concludes. If thats not your thing, 16-on-16 deathmatch should liven up life away from ranching.

Survivalcraft (iOS, Android)

Why it's similar: The voxel world and dangers present aren't anything unheard of in the world of crafting and survival games, and many player goals will be recognizable (read: don't die), but that doesnt make the slick looking Survivalcraft any less fun.

What makes it unique: What really sets this mobile game apart is its focus on survival. Players are dropped off on a deserted chunk of rock to fend for themselves. Things like stamina and food have to be taken into consideration when spending time building and exploring. Heck, even getting some shut-eye is important, or else you run the risk of passing out. Its the same risk young gamers run into when they hang out with friends, video games, and a 12-pack of Mountain Dew.

The world is your oyster

It may feel daunting to jump into a sandbox game without any direction and a ton of possibilities. However, exploring the unknown, crafting a useful tool for the first time, and even surviving just one more hour is what makes these games a joyful experience. Theres enough variation in the genre to provide a bit of crafting for everyone.

And if you're looking for more, check out GamesRadar's lists of the characters that totally resemble real people and the worst celebrity renders of all time.

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The 25 best Minecraft mods

The world of Minecraft mods has never been richer. From tech, to magic, to nature, there's so many ways to expand your in-game experience in exciting ways. Below, you'll find what I reckon are the best Minecraft mods available today. Almost all of them require an older version of the game to play—usually version, and quite a few also require the Forge modloader or other files. Follow the installation instructions carefully, and you'll be fine.

They're all brilliant on their own, of course, but it's worth noting that they might conflict with each other a bit if you try and install several at once. If you do struggle with that or other issues, consider trying a preconfigured modpack out instead—the launchers provided by Feed the Beast and the Technic Platform are one of the easiest ways to quickly and cleanly get playing modded Minecraft.

Now, without further ado, let's get started.



Minecraft doesn't scale too well to the power of fast or slow machines. It runs surprisingly poorly on low-end laptops, and a high-end rig can't do much with its extra oomph. Enter Optifine—a mod that not only makes Minecraft run faster but also look far better. It supports HD textures, smooth lighting, and more, and framerate doubling is not uncommon. It's one of the first things I usually add when installing Minecraft. Grab it here .

Twilight Forest


Love adventuring? This mod adds a new, densely-forested dimension shrouded in perpetual twilight that hides both valuable treasures and dangerous monsters. Throw a diamond into a pool of water surrounded by flowers to create a portal there, then spend a while roaming around. You'll find hedge mazes, hollow hills, enchanted groves, glaciers, lich towers and more with rich rewards for those that delve the deepest. Grab it here .

Biomes O'Plenty


Since the 'Update That Changed The World ' in late 2013, there's been a bit more diversity in Minecraft worlds. But Biomes O'Plenty adds vastly more—75 to be exact—from brushland and coral reefs, through lavender fields and ominous woods, to tundra and wasteland. You'll need to create a new world to use it (make sure to select the 'Biomes O'Plenty' world generation option), but it's worth it to see corners of Minecraft that you've never seen before. Grab it here .



Some mods add powerful magical items. Others add intricate machinery. Botania just adds flowers—but wow, what flowers. Flowers that heal you. Flowers that feed animals. Flowers that turn hostile mobs against each other. Flowers that eat cake. Oh, and did I mention that you've can also use flowers to create a magical portal to a world of elves? If you want to try something wildly different from most other mods, Botania is it. Grab it here .

Inventory Tweaks, NotEnoughItems & Waila


This trio of mods are essential quality-of-life improvements, especially when you've got loads of mods installed at the same time. Inventory Tweaks allows you to sort your chests with a single click and automatically replace tools when they break. NotEnoughItems provides you with a searchable list of all the blocks available in the game, and the recipes for crafting them, and Waila lets you point your cursor at an unfamiliar blocks to find out what it is. Grab them here. here and here respectively.



Being a sorcerer is awesome, and the most awesome way to be a sorcerer in Minecraft is with Thaumcraft. It's a vast mod that revolves around drawing the magical essence out of physical objects in the Minecraft world and reshaping it into new forms. In the process, you'll create altars, wands, golems and fill dozens of jars of coloured goo. There's even a puzzle game you'll have to complete to research new spells. Grab it here .



Another great mod for spicing up world-generation is Natura. It adds a wide variety of new tree types, and therefore different-coloured woods to make your home more aesthetically pleasing. It also adds a few extra crops for early-game food and resource production, and makes the Nether a little more dangerous. Natura is a nice first step into Minecraft modding, because it sticks close to the themes of the regular game. Grab it here .



Minecraft's default maps are a bit rubbish. They don't offer much detail, have to be pulled out and looked down at to use, and don't display anything other than where you are. JourneyMap fixes all that—it maps your world in real-time as you explore, can be displayed in the corner of your screen, and even lets you set waypoints to return to later. If you have a habit of getting lost in the wilderness, JourneyMap will get you home safe and sound. Grab it here .

Tinker's Construct


Tools are the backbone of everything you do in Minecraft, and Tinker's Construct lets you make far better tools out of a much wider range of materials. They're upgradable, modular, and can be repaired if they break. Oh, and the mod also adds a smeltery to make high-end tools and increase ore processing efficiency. If you love having the best possible equipment to work with, grab Tinker's Construct from here .



If you like the agricultural aspects of Minecraft, you're going to love Forestry. It's a huge mod, which adds a bunch of new items, machines and blocks, but it's best known for its bees. You can become an apiarist, capturing wild bees and cross-breeding them using real genetic principles to create masses of different useful resources. If I were teaching biology, I'd be using this in the classroom. Grab it here .



While we're learning biology, let's learn some programming too! ComputerCraft adds programmable computers and turtles into Minecraft, which you can write code to control. It's based on the easy-to-learn Lua programming language, and with it you can make passworded doors, private chatrooms, automated mining turtles, and even in-game videogames. Las posibilidades son infinitas. Grab it here .

Thermal Expansion 4 & Minefactory Reloaded


These titans are two of the most important technology mods in the game. Thermal Expansion focuses on power generation and storage, as well as adding a bunch of new metals that have become standard components of several other mods. Minefactory Reloaded is where you're going to use that power—in automating farming, animal husbandry, mining, enchanting, potion-brewing and more. Install it for the 'raw meat block ' alone. Grab both mods, and a couple of extras that they need to run, here .

Big Reactors


After a while with lots of tech mods installed, you'll find that your power needs are growing faster than you can add more generator capacity. Big Reactors is the answer. It lets you build highly-configurable customised nuclear reactors that output huge amounts of power and won't melt down spectacularly if things go wrong. It even interfaces with ComputerCraft, so you can build programs to control your reactors. Budding nuclear engineers can grab it here .

Chisel & Carpenter's Blocks


Making your base pretty is an afterthought to some players, but to others it's a vital part of the game. These two mods give you the tools you need to customise almost every aspect of your base design. Chisel provides loads of new texture options for many of the most common blocks in the game, while Carpenter's Blocks adds slopes and loads of aesthetic options for doors, switches, torches, ladders, fences and more. Grab them here and here. respectivamente.

RailCraft & Steve's Carts 2


You can probably guess what these mods do. That's right—they both substantially upgrade the capabilities of Minecraft's minecarts. RailCraft adds a bunch of new types of track, including sophisticated redstone-controlled junctions and signals, while Steve's Carts pumps up the capabilities of the carts themselves—adding brakes, shields, drills and more. You can even make an attachment that launches fireworks. Grab RailCraft here. and Steve's Carts 2 here .



Getting stuff to where it needs to be is often a problem in Minecraft. EnderIO solves that problem impressively elegantly, by adding compact conduits that carry fluid, items, power and redstone signals. It also has a few machines that enhance your ore processing capabilities, too. When your base starts getting complicated, EnderIO is one of the best ways to sort it out. Grab it here .

Applied Energistics 2


Storage can also become an issue when you start automating more and more aspects of Minecraft. Applied Energistics solves the problem by turning the matter in your chests into energy, which is then stored on disk drives, accessible wirelessly from anywhere in your base. You can even use it to autocraft anything you need by interfacing directly with your machines. If that sounds a bit magical, you wouldn't be wrong. It uses vast amounts of power, of course, but once properly configured you'll come to see wooden chests as hopelessly primitive relics of the past. Grab it here .

JABBA and Iron Chests 2


More storage mods, but this time focused on the early-game. JABBA adds easy-to-craft, upgradable barrels that can hold hundreds of stacks of a single item, while Iron Chests lets you upgrade wooden chests to hold more stuff. In the long run, you'll probably still want an Applied Energistics system, but these mods make the early part of the game so much more pleasant. Get hold of them here and here .

Extra Utilities & OpenBlocks


This pair of mods are a grab bag of immensely useful utilities with no real theme running through them. Extra Utilities adds a golden lasso for transporting friendly mobs, blackout curtains for keeping places dark, conveyor belts to move mobs around, and sound mufflers to quieten down your stables. OpenBlocks, on the other hand, adds sleeping bags, hang gliders, elevators, gravestones, rope ladders and building guides. Both are essential. Grab them here and here. respectivamente.



It's always refreshing seeing mods that try something a bit different. PneumatiCraft is a tech mod, but instead of power it uses air pressure. You'll need to build compression chambers, pipes and valves to make sure you balance the flow of air, and if you get things wrong an explosion is inevitable. If you get it right, though, the nifty gadgets that PneumatiCraft brings to the table, like air cannons and configurable helmets, are well worth the time investment. Grab it here .

Hunger Overhaul, The Spice of Life & Pam's HarvestCraft


Feeling hungry? You will be after you install Hunger Overhaul. It makes hunger more of a challenge, rather than a mild annoyance, reducing the amount of hunger each food item refills. Then, The Spice of Life means that you get diminishing returns from eating the same foodstuffs over and over again. So what do you do to get some dietary variation? Install Pam's HarvestCraft, of course. It adds 58 new crops, 35 fruit trees, 12 bushes and 16 fish for you to track down, including—vegetarians rejoice—the ability to use tofu in place of meat for any recipe. It's a veritable culinary explosion, and your mouth will thank you. Grab Hunger Overhaul here. the Spice of Life here. and Pam's HarvestCraft here .



Bibliocraft began as a way to store books in bookcases. but has expanded wildly since into a bunch of blocks and items that are both useful and aesthetically pleasing to have in your base. There are armour stands, potion shelves, cookie jars, clocks, lanterns, display cases, nifty multipart chairs, and even tables and tablecloths. Once you're done with Bibliocraft, your home base might actually start to look like a home. Grab it here .

Project Red


Those of you that work frequently with redstone will know what a pain it can sometimes be. Project Red changes all that, bringing vastly improved control over what you're doing and allowing you to make your circuits much more compact. It also adds integrated logic gates, making task automation way easier. Worth having around if you ever might want to work with redstone. Grab it here .

Steve's Factory Manager


Another incredibly useful automation tool is Steve's Factory Manager. Like ComputerCraft, it's a little on the fiddly side and requires a bit of knowledge of programming concepts to get going. Once you've got the hang of the drag-and-drop interface however, you'll be amazed by the possibilities. For automating a factory, there's no better solution. Grab the download and learn about it here .



Have you grown bored of your world but don't want to lose your progress? Conjure up a new dimension with Mystcraft. It lets you create 'Linking Books' that allow you to travel around the multiverse—with the contents of the book dictating the kind of worlds you'll discover. You might find a series of snow-covered floating islands, or an endless ocean with giant trees sprouting from the water. But be careful, some of the new dimensions could be unstable, falling apart around you. Downloading Mystcraft here for a bit of exploring. I hope you make it back.

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Minecraft: Pocket Edition

Imagine it, build it. Create worlds on the go with Minecraft - Pocket Edition The new Minecraft - Pocket Edition allows you to build on the go. Use blocks to create masterpieces as you travel, hangout with friends, sit at the park, the possibilities are endless. Move beyond the limits of your computer and play Minecraft everywhere you go. * Creative and Surival game modes * Randomized worlds * Build anything you can imagine * Build with 36 different kinds of blocks * Invite and play with friends to your world (local wireless network) * Save multi-player worlds on your own phone *Xperia PLAY optimized* Note: Samsung Galaxy Tab users, please test the demo first! If it doesn't start, you will have to update your Android system software version.

Thank you for downloading.

Minecraft: Pocket Edition

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Trade Plaza

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Trade Plaza

A simple hub for players looking to trade items. Spawnrooms feature dartboards to test out your new acquisitions. Waiting for someone who has something you want? Play with the beachball, or play with someone else in a game of beach soccer, or watch the F-Zero races.

This is NOT an idle map, this is for people who want to trade.


Minecraft: Pocket Edition Guide Introduction

*This guide includes the additions of the Redstone Update (0.13.0) for the Minecraft: Pocket Edition. If you are looking for the console / PC versions of Minecraft just follow this link: http://www. supercheats. com/guides/minecraft

Minecraft: Pocket Edition is the mobile version of Minecraft. This version of the game differs from its PC and console brethren from the control schemes to actual content. However, the core gameplay is essentially similar across every version. In fact, Minecraft: Pocket Edition is closing the gap in terms of feature parity with the console Versions after the Redstone Update (0.13.0) went live. Minecraft PC remains the “definitive” version of the game since it is not bound to limited hardware and receives all the updates first as it is the lead platform.

Minecraft: Pocket Edition is an open-world sandbox survival game. Players control a character that has basic needs such as hunger and shelter to be fulfilled. Minecraft: Pocket Edition is also known for its “building” gameplay where players construct various structures from simple houses to complex automated railings. Minecraft: Pocket Edition adapts its mechanics to the innate characteristics of its platform. The HUD is revised to make use of the touchscreen. There are also other core mechanics that are changed in order to mitigate the nuances of touchscreen Controls .

In Minecraft Pocket Edition, the Crafting part employs the Minecraft Advanced Touch Technology Interface (MATTIS). It removes the complexity in crafting by automating its process. Unlike the PC and console Versions . players do not need to put the ingredients on correct slots. Instead, tapping an item will show the Items that can be crafted out of it. The items that appear first in the list are the ones that has all the ingredients needed for it to be crafted. If the player lacks some of the materials, the items in the list are shaded. With the latest update, the the "crafting table" is reintroduced as part of the game. The "crafting table" is a staple of Minecraft but was omitted in the Pocket Version to make way for a more streamlined system fit for the platform.

The Xperia Play version of this game has the innate advantage of physical buttons. However, everything else on mobile platforms uses on-screen Controls . The virtual D-Pad (located on the lower left side) is used for movement. Tapping the forward button will bring two more buttons for moving in diagonal direction. The D-Pad also has a button in the middle of the cross. This button is used for sneaking. On the lower right side of the screen is the jump button. You can switch these buttons in the settings menu.

Next Page Crash and Burn - Learning the Controls in PE


Pipes are a fundamental part of Buildcraft, and once set up allow items to be transported around the world without the player being required to carry them. Pipes can be utilized to carry items, liquids, and the Minecraft Joule power.

These pipes interact with blocks that possess inventories. Prime examples of such blocks are Chests. Furnaces. Hopper and even Brewing Stand.

When connecting to a block, pipe placement is important. If you want to remove items from a furnace, for example, then a wooden pipe needs to be attached to the bottom of the furnace. A pipe connected to the top of a furnace places items into the top spot, and a pipe connected to the side of a furnace puts items into the bottom spot.

Pipes (overview) Edit

Wooden, Cobblestone, Iron, Stone, Gold, Diamond, Obsidian, Emerald, Void, and Sandstone pipes.

Emerald, Gold, Wood, Cobblestone, Iron, Stone, Sandstone, and Void waterproof pipes.

Wooden, Stone and Gold conductive pipes.

Wooden pipes are for extracting items from any container (e. g. furnace, chest and other things that may hold items). It must be powered by an adjacent engine to function. Wooden pipes cannot connect to further wooden pipes; a normal transport pipe must be used instead. Using a wrench on the pipe allows its orientation to be changed

Cobblestone pipes carry items along the pipe network. They will not connect to stone pipes.

Stone pipes carry items along the pipe network. They will not connect to cobblestone pipes. They will also continue the speed effects of powered gold pipes more efficiently than others.

Iron pipes have only one output. It can be changed with redstone or a wrench. They can't output into a wooden pipe.

Gold pipes boost the speed of items passing through them. (requires redstone signal pre BC3.2)

Diamond pipes can filter items to different output pipes based on a user-defined filter.

Obsidian pipes will pick up items off the ground. Their collection range will increase when powered by an engine.

Stripe pipe will place, pick up or use an object that is in front of it when powered by an engine. The stripe pipe can also be used to autobuild a transport pipe. Simply place it on the end of a short length of transport pipe, then send more transport pipe down the pipe. The stripes pipe will replace itself with the new section of pipe and move one square forward. It was removed in version 3.2.0 for Minecraft 1.3.2, and reimplemented in version 6.0.3 for MC 1.7.2.

First available in BC 3.2.0 (for MC 1.3.2) Sandstone pipes connect to other kinds of transport pipes, allowing stone and cobblestone pipes to connect, but will not connect to machines and Chests.

First available in BC 3.2.0 (for MC 1.3.2) The void transport pipe simply deletes any item entering it. It is less cpu intensive than dropping items into lava.

Available in BC 3.4.2 (for MC 1.4.7) Emerald Pipes are advanced versions of the Wooden Pipes. The Item Pipe possesses a filter that pulls items from inventories in a blocking Round Robin fashion.

Fluid pipes can carry buildcraft compatible liquids around. They require pipe sealant in their construction.

Conductive pipes can carry energy from engines to machines (e. g. quarry. oil refinery etc). They will not carry items or liquids.

Cobblestone structure pipes can be crafted by adding 1 gravel to a cobblestone transport pipe. The Cobblestone Structure Pipe is used as a way to place Piping Wire over two piping systems with out having to cross the two systems together.

Gates have been added to the mod to provide a method of controlling things from a distance. They can do all sorts of useful stuff, like detect when an item is traversing the pipe, detect the state of adjacent machines and containers. When used with Pipe Wires. the possibilities are endless!

Video Tutorials Edit

Tekkit Lite Tutorial - Buildcraft Pipes-0

MirageCraft Pixelmon

We at MirageCraft strive to bring this awesome mix of Minecraft and Pokémon to as many as we can, in the best of quality.

24/7, Survival, keepInventory, Level 10 Starter, No Lag, Events, Contests, Legendaries Enabled, High spawn rate, Gyms and Elite4, Friendly Staff, Awesome Community, Land Protection, Chest, Protection, Cool Teams, WonderTrade, EV and IV checker, Economy, Donator perks, Vote for rewards, Lucky Vote prizes, Top Voter prizes, Points System, etc

Player history

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&dupdo; ACTdesign | This site is not affiliated with Minecraft or Mojang

About qCraft

qCraft is a mod that brings the principles of quantum physics to the world of Minecraft.

We’ve done our best to create something that we hope will be fun to experiment, build and play with while also introducing players to the fascinating and (in the context of the macro-world we inhabit) counterintuitive way that quantum entities interact.

qCraft is not a simulation of quantum physics, but it does provide ‘analogies’ that attempt to show how quantum behaviors are different from everyday experience.

In addition to individual players, we hope that parents and educators who want to introduce quantum physics concepts to curious kids will find it useful.

qCraft is freely available for download and use by any licensed Minecraft or MinecraftEdu user.

Oh… and If you have ideas for things we should add (and we really, really hope you do), please share them with us in the forums .

Follow qCraft

Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta

Joe · 3/15/2016

Why port from the pocket edition?

If it's meant to be played on windows 10 PC's, why port it from pocket edition, why limit the game that way? Runs smoother than Java version, yes, and has excellent controller use, but lacks in every other area in terms of content like its JAVA version counterpart. I rated it 4 stars because its still a good game, but needs to be up to par with java edition if it is to continue on windows machines.

4 stars out of 5

Aaron · 3/11/2016

Does What It Needs To Do

The controls worked fine for me and the game ran perfectly normally (i7 4720HQ and 960M), menus look like they'd work fine with touch (I was using Mouse and Keyboard). A few things are inconsistent with the PC version that seem interesting: selecting blocks from the creative menu gives 32 rather than one and you slow down far more quickly in creative flight compared to the PC version. Also, quitting the game should be more intuitive. The Windows 10 fullscreen app system is relatively new to the average user (me) and at first glance you can't see any way to quit the game correctly until you try to move the mouse to the top (hopefully an easy fix). Aside from that the game is quite playable and the world export feature is very nice.

5 stars out of 5

Melissa · 3/14/2016

me encanta

I love it so much its so fun I think its just like the first one but not on x I wish ii had money to buy a phone and play it I think ill play it all day everyday its fun to race with your friends u can race on a roll coaster or a build battle or a race track kk I think I love it llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt don't uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

4 stars out of 5

Joseph · 3/8/2016

Another great edition of Minecraft!

This is essentially the Pocket Edition on Windows 10 devices. At first, that may not sound very appealing. However, the ability to play multiplayer with Pocket Edition users, and the fact that it is so much more optimized for better performance than the Java version are reasons that make it worth picking up. Especially considering that anyone who owns the Java version can get it for free! (Go to Mojang. com for more info on that!)

Minecraft 1.9 News

Combat Update February 29 2016

Here you'll find all the latest updates to Minecraft. By voting on the indiviual features you can help shape the state of the game as the Minecraft delevepment team can see how the community feels about each new feature. Feel free to add any comments, good or bad, about what you think. Please check out the summon command generator.

Minecraft has been updated to version 1.9!

Added shields

Attacking now has a “cool-down” delay, making it more important to time your attacks

You can now hold items in both hands (default quick key to swap items is ‘F’)

Swords have a special sweep attack

Axes have a special crushing blow attack

Added the elytra

New mob: Shulker

Expanded The End

Added Chorus plants

New Purpur blocks

New End Rod block

Added dragon head block

Ender Dragon can be resummoned

Added beetroot and beetroot soup (from MC:PE)

Added grass path block

Added igloos

Armor protection values have been lowered

Added tipped arrows

Added spectral arrows

Added Frost Walker enchantment and frosted ice block

Added a whole bunch of new sound effects

Added sound effect subtitles

Brewing Stand now requires Blaze Powder to activate

Added skeleton riders

We believe we’ve fixed MC-10 and a whole bunch of other issues

Date: 28th Feb 2016

Minecraft 1.8 will see the introduction of the new /title command. This will allow you to display a title and subtitle that will popup on screen for a set amount of time.

How to use the title command

To add a subtitle add this code to another command block next to the one above: /title @a title example: /title @a subtitle

To set the time the title appears add this to another command block: /title @a times fade in time duration fade out time example /title @a times 20 123 20

Make sure all of the command blocks are connected and activate them with a redstone device.

How to make multicolored titles

You can also use the following tags to style the text: • bold :true/false • italic :true/false • underlined :true/false • strikethrough :true/false • obfuscated :true/false

Colors available: black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, white

Date: 15th May 2014

GGServers Iron Plan has 3072 MB RAM, and it’s suitable for approximately

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GGServers Iron Plan has 3072 MB RAM, and it’s suitable for approximately

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GGServers PREMIUM Iron Plan has 3072 MB RAM, and it’s suitable for approximately

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Introduction to Redstone

Redstone is the Minecraft equivalent of electricity. It can be used to create amazing inventions, such as working computers or factories, once you know the basics.

Fortunately, the basics are easy to learn!

These pages should help you get started with redstone: you will learn how to make some simple, useful devices, and how to understand the complicated stuff.


Redstone is an ore you will find down at the bottom of your mines. When you mine it, you will get Redstone Dust, which is what you will need to make redstone circuits.

Basic Principles of Redstone

Redstone is all about 'power' &emdash; you can think of it as being a bit like electricity. Redstone power comes from a power source, and can be transmitted to devices which will then do something in response.

Redstone lamps are used in many of the examples on this page to show which blocks are switched on .

Power sources These are the things that provide redstone power: they include switches, redstone torches and the like. Powered blocks Most types of blocks can become powered . This can happen when the blocks contain a power source, or when they are attached to a power source. For example, if you push a button, two blocks become powered: the block containing the button, and the block the button is attached to. Switching blocks ON Once a block is powered, it can switch on the blocks directly next to it. The blocks that are switched on are not themselves "powered" (i. e. they will not transmit power to their neighbours), but if they are devices, they will be activated. Devices This is a term we use to describe anything that does something when switched on by redstone: for example, a light will light up, a door will open, or TNT will blow up.

A block of redstone (A) is always powered ; it switches on the blocks that are directly next to it.

When a lever is switched on, both its own block (A) and the one it is attached to (B) are powered. Both of these powered blocks switch on the blocks next to them.

Which blocks can be powered?

In general, opaque blocks (ie. blocks you can't see through) can be powered by redstone; transparent blocks and non-solid blocks can not.

Fuentes de energía

These are blocks that can provide a redstone signal. These can be always on (redstone torches, blocks of redstone), or they can be switches that are activated by the player, or they can be sensors that respond to various factors.

The first three power sources you will be interested in are described here: the lever, which is a basic on/off switch, a pushbutton which provides a momentary pulse of power, and the redstone torch which is a constant source of power, but also has other uses.


This is made from a stick and a piece of cobblestone. It can be switched on and off with a right click. When in the on position, it will power both its own block and the one it is attached to.

Stone Button

This is made from a single piece of smooth stone. Adjuntarlo a un bloque, y al hacer clic con el botón derecho, encenderá tanto su propio bloque como el que está conectado, durante un segundo.

Redstone Torch

This is the most basic item in redstone circuits, and is made from a piece of redstone and a stick. Once placed, it powers its own block, plus the one above it.

A redstone torch powers the block that contains it, and also powers the block above it (labeled 'A'). Both of these powered blocks switch on the blocks next to them.

The redstone torch has another feature that makes it very important for redstone engineers: when the block that a torch is attached to is powered or switched on by another redstone signal, the torch will be switched off.

Left: a redstone torch, attached to a block. Right: using a lever to power the block switches the redstone torch OFF .

This signal inversion behaviour is the basis of many of the clever tricks that can be done with redstone in Minecraft.

Other Power Sources

There are many other power sources, including prssure plates, daylight sensors and more. Read more about them here .

Redstone Devices

These are objects that are activated by being adjacent to a powered block, or at the end of a redstone wire.

Devices that can be activated include doors, pistons, dispensers, note blocks, and minecart rails. Read more about redstone devices here .

Transmitting power: Redstone wire

The final piece of the puzzle is redstone wire, which is made by placing redstone dust on the floor. The dust will connect up to make a wire, and will even go up and down steps.

Redstone wire: when it's powered, as on the right, it lights up and sparkles.

Redstone wire is used to transmit power from place to place, just like electrical wire. Redstone wire becomes powered when it is adjacent to a powered block . for example a block containing a power source, or the block a lever is attached to, or the block above a redstone torch.

Redstone power runs along the redstone wire, powering the blocks underneath the wire.

Note that it is the block underneath the redstone wire that is powered (and switches on its neighbours), not the block containing the redstone wire.

Redstone wire also powers the block at the end of the line; however, this block only gets weak power . A block at the end of a redstone wire will switch on neighbouring blocks like any other powered block, but it will not power redstone wire in them.

The blue block marked 'A' is powered directly by the lever: it switches on the neighbouring blocks, including devices and redstone wire. Block B is at the end of a redstone wire and is weakly powered: it can activate devices (the lamps) but the redstone wire marked C is NOT switched on.

How far does the power travel?

Redstone power will travel a certain distance along a wire, depending on the strength of the power source.

Most power sources have a strength of 15, meaning the power will go 1 blocks. Certain power sources such as daylight sensors or weighted pressure plates might produce less power, which will travel a shorter distance.

Sending power vertically

Redstone power can go up and down stairs. The most compact form is a spiral that fits in a 2x2 column: you can go up and down these stairs too!

You'll need to add a repeater every 15 blocks to keep the current flowing.

Redstone Ladders

Certain blocks are 'not quite solid' and can be used to build a more compact ladder for redstone current, but it will only travel in an upward direction. These blocks are upside-down stairs, slabs placed in the top half of the block, and glowstone.

Redstone Torch Ladders

Redstone torches can be used to create ladders that move a signal up or down.

Redstone torches switch off if the block they are attached to is powered, which is how these ladders work. This means that torches in the ladder alternate between ON and OFF. There are three designs above: the first two transmit signals upwards. The second transmits signals downwards: note the redstone dust on top of each bloch; eso es importante.

Extending the range: Redstone repeaters

Redstone repeaters have three functions:

they extend the range of a wire, boosting the signal to a strength of 15. By playing a repeater every 15 blocks you can extend a wire as far as you want.

they introduce a small delay into the wire; you can set how long by right clicking to cycle between 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4 seconds.

they only allow redstone current to pass in one direction (marked by an arrow on top of the repeater), like a diode.

This last function means that redstone repeaters are handy if you want to place parallel wires close together without them joining up.

Another use for repeaters is if you want the block at the end of a redstone wire to receive strong power, not weak.

Remember this picture from just up the page? Now the redstone wire powering block B has a repeater at the end, and is getting strong power: enough to allow it to activate the redstone wire (C) as well as the lamps.

A redstone repeater is crafted from smooth stone blocks (not cobblestone), redstone dust and redstone torches.

Advanced Topics

A good place to start is the Minecraft Wiki .

Single Player RPG Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2

Single Player RPG Mod

¡Hola a todos! While surfing the Minecraft Forums, I came across a mod made by Nanotom. This mod is obviously an RPG mod were you improve and unlock the ability to mine or create other items or blocks. You can dig or mine to gain exp and eventually leveling up in that area. The challenge that comes with this mod is to get the most amount of points possible. This mod is fun and will give everyone an enjoyable experience that will change your minecraft experience. You can complete up to 3 types of Challenges that has been created by Nanotom. The point system is 10 for easy, 20 for normal, and 30 for any hard challenges that are completed along with 25 bonus points if hard difficulty is played.

How to Download and Intall Toms Single PLayer RPG Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2

Download the files

Go to your minecraft. jar file

Open with Winrar

Drop all files into the minecraft. jar

Delete META-INF folder (Remember for minecraft to be closed!)



Minecraft 1.8 Servers

At it's heart Valhalla. sx is a survival server ruled and governed by its community. If you are lucky and skilled enough to get past our various entrance exams you will be welcomed to an elite community of mature minecraft players. On top of SMP we have contests, lotteries, minigames, guns, and more.

1.8.7 Survival Economy PvE Prison Capture the Flag Free Fly

The 10 Best Android/iOS Cross-Platform Multiplayer Games

Although I do like indulging in the odd mobile game now and again, there are times where playing against the computer gets a bit repetitive and boring. It’s far more realistic (and competitive) to play multiplayer games against real people than against computer algorithms. And multiplayer games don’t have to be restricted to one device either: there are loads of games that can be enjoyed no matter what platform you are running.

So, without further ado (and in no particular order), here are my top 10 cross-platform multiplayer games that you can enjoy whether you’re on Android or iOS.

Star Legends is an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game set in space, where the idea is to travel through the galaxy completing missions and asserting your place in the universe. You have to complete missions and progress through the gameplay, which will give you access to more powerful technology and weapons.

Star Legends is mostly free to play, but if you want to save your progress or purchase unique items or equipment, you’ll need to purchase the in-app currency known as “Platinum Credits”.

Zynga is mostly known for making a certain annoying farm game on Facebook, but their Poker game is pretty good (and free too). Once you’ve signed in with your Facebook account you can play Texas Hold ‘Em poker with anyone who is logged onto the service, including your Facebook friends, no matter what device they are using.

You get a fair amount of free chips when you sign up and if you keep push notifications on (and use the app every day), you’ll get a daily bonus of $2,000 worth of chips. (Extra chips can be bought with an in-app purchase).

Scrabble for me means sitting in front of the fire after Christmas Day dinner and squabbling with my family trying to convince them that ZQ is a word (seeing as each letter is worth 10 points and I just managed to grab that triple letter square…).

With the mobile version, there’s no debating words thanks to the extensive built-in dictionary, and you can play on your own against the computer or against your mates either on Facebook or via e-mail invite.

Age of Defenders is a multiplayer tower defence game where the aim is both to defend your base from being attacked by enemy units as well as attack the other bases in the game. You can choose between six different towers, with each one having special advantages, and you also have to manage your resources carefully as well, ensuring you’ve got enough to build additional towers.

Age of Defenders will only work on Android tablets and the 2nd/3rd generation iPad.

Scramble is another game plucked from Zynga’s popular “…with Friends” series, and I think it is easily the best and most addictive. You have two minutes to try and find as many words in a 4 x 4 grid of letters, a bit like a wordsearch. You can move horizontally, diagonally and vertically in any direction and there are several aids to help you, which can freeze time, shuffle the grid round, and give clues.

Although the free version works well, it is choked by adverts so it’s best to indulge in the paid version, which is only a dollar.

I’m sure everyone has played UNO at some point in their lives. Now, there’s an online multiplayer version for mobile devices! The basic gameplay hasn’t changed much, but there are a number of different gaming modes and you can customise your game depending on the rules you play by (such as 7-0 and Jump-in).

If you fancy playing by yourself, then UNO also has a tournament mode, which gets progressively more difficult (and frustrating) as you go along.

Modern Combat 3 is a cross-platform FPS (first person shooter) featuring a great solo campaign (13 missions from Los Angeles to Pakistan) and an extremely varied gameplay (such as escort, search and destroy, helicopter, and 4×4 chase missions).

The graphics are really something to be marvelled at, and in multiplayer mode you can play up to 12 different players in six exclusive maps and seven different modes. There are even customised weapons to help you climb to the top of the team leader board!

Modern Warfare 3 requires about 1.5 GB of free space on your device (Android and iOS)

Toss the Ball allows you to recreate memories of the funfair with their app for Android and iOS devices. The game features four different modes: Rolling Race, Ball of Time, Chill Mode and a four-player multiplayer mode.

There are five different game boards to play with and you can unlock up to 12 balls (each one featuring different powers, of course), along with other little Easter eggs such as power-ups and bonuses.

N. O.V. A. 2 is pretty much Mobile Halo and follows on from the immensely popular N. O.V. A. which was released back in 2009. The new version is set six years later, and features a whole load of improvements: new enemies, a larger range of weapons and powers, and a much more diverse gameplay.

The single player campaign has 12 chapters to work through and the multiplayer mode allows you to play up to 10 people either locally or online in five different modes on 10 different maps. You can play either against your friends or against anyone via Gameloft LIVE! and you can view your rating using the worldwide leaderboards either in the game or on their website .

If you want a great multiplayer racing game for Android and iOS, look no further than Real Racing 2. You can choose between 30 officially licensed cars, including the 2010 Nissan GT-R and the 2012 McLaren MP4-12C, and there are 15 different tracks to race on. The game is powered by the developers’ own Mint3D engine for super-quality graphics and the online multiplayer mode allows you to race against up to 16 different players (or eight locally on Wi-Fi).

The games mentioned above are my personal favourites, but I’m always looking for more. What am I missing out on?

I made a game called Phone Wars. The idea is that players on iPhones play as ‘iBots’ and players on Androids play as ‘aBots’, and they fight each other in an MMO arena. Check it out and let me know if you think it’s any good or what features you’d like added in.

REAL RACING for Android isnt multiplayer! just IOS and MAC OSX

Yes I just bought it to find out I can’t play it with my friends…

Check out BikeRace. Simple but addictive, and multliplayer.

Have we forgotten Minecraft Pocket Edition?

Are any of these these games have story line co op like resident evil 5.

Title of this article is kind of misleading… “Cross-platform multiplayer” implies that you can play these games on ios versus android, not just that the game is available on both platforms. Almost advised my roommate to drop 7 bucks on modern combat b4 I realized that wasn’t the case.

If sas 3 can or no?

Galcon is cross platform with up to 3 players and I highly recommend it. I think its like 3 bucks on both platforms.

QUÉ. what about minecraft. brother in arms 2 black ops zombies??

Fabián Gamboa Rojas

Tengo una pregunta; for example, if I have installed Draw Something on my Iphone 5, can I play it on multiplayer against android users who play it too? Or it has a restriction, where Apple users play with Apple users, and Android user play with Android users only?

Best Minecraft Xbox 360 Seeds

Why play on a randomly generated map when you can use one of these Minecraft Xbox 360 seeds to build on the map your heart desires?

Updated with TU31 Seeds: February 11, 2016

Minecraft’s world generation is a fairly random affair. In the background, the almost limitless game world is created based on intricate algorithms. But, a fact that few people know, the basic code the world is based on, what is called the seed, is just a few characters long. By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that. However those seeds can be influenced, they can be copied and pasted into Minecraft’s underlying code (joking, we all know Minecraft runs on fairy dust), and thus renders the players able to go and recreate worlds.

On the myriad of Minecraft forums and wikis and websites out on the web, the community has started collecting the best and most interesting seeds. Here we present a selection of outstanding seeds you can use to create the most stunning Minecraft worlds.

It is just a small collection you can use to create some interesting “naturally occurring” Minecraft worlds in Minecraft 360. Remember, Minecraft has about 380 trillion unique and different worlds. This is really just a small selection.

TU31 Seeds

villageruin (-198441644) This seed starts with only a single village and a blacksmith at the spawn area, but is surrounded by forest biomes. Taiga, mega, roofed forest and birch are all present. The blacksmith is located by an incredible plateau.

bigworldcivilization (-1278732637) This seed is surrounded by savanna, roofed forest, and birch forest biomes. It contains three villages and 3 blacksmiths at the starting spawn.

1408425816 A rather watery biome, the spawn offers two ocean monuments and is littered with islands.

7891805400352639544 Fancy a trek into a jungle temple? Then this seed is for you. The spawn offers a jungle plains hybrid biome with 2 villages, where you can find a blacksmith, church, and libraries. There’s a lot of savanna, roofed forest, and taiga.

1665740673014927767 This watery world has two islands at its spawn. On the eastern island, you’ll find a combination of mesa and mooshroom biome. The other island is full of taiga, including mega, and some cold plains.

-6254509459269893130 A more terrestrial seed than most of the others on this list, players can find large landmasses separated by rivers and rolling hills. There lies an ocean with a monument towards the northeastern direction from the spawn, and a witch’s hut by the northwest.

TU27 Seeds

For all the newly added seeds on this list, we recommend starting the world size in Classic.

This seed has been around since TU19, but like many other seeds on this list, it works on the latest version of the game. There are villages, temples, witch huts, dungeons, and a ton of diamonds on this one (source: MinecraftForums ) .

Villages (* indicates blacksmith chest)

X:-2528, Z:1570* (This village is comically small)

X:-406, Z:298 (2x Diamond horse armor, 6x Diamonds, 3x Emeralds, 3x Iron, 2x Gold)

X:-294, Z:1146 (1x Diamond horse armor, 1x Iron horse armor.)

X:-2357, Z:1562 (1x Gold horse armor)

X:331, Z-198 (Found by Nemocidal)

X:89, Z:1398 (x1 Protection III, x2 Diamonds)

X:-1385, Z:2214 (x11 Gold ingots)

X: -2394, Z:2152 (x1 Fortune I, x3 diamonds, x1 saddle)

X:-953, Z:693 (x2 saddles)

X:-489, Z:773 (x3 Emeralds, x5 Gold)

X:145, Z:22 (Found by Nemocidal)

Library: X:-484, Y:35, Z:-1202 (Found by Nemocidal)

The End Portal: X: -444, Y:28, Z:-864 (Found By MsLilMeow)

X:-151, Y:56, Z:198 (x1 Iron Horse Armor, x1 Projectile Protection IV)

X-382 Y:57 Z:1167 (x1 Iron Horse Armor, x2 Saddles)

X:-235, Y:41, Z:148 (x2 Saddles, x1 Name Tag)

X:-355, Y:13, Z:125 (x1 Saddle)

X:-338, Y:57, Z:100 (x1 Saddle)

X:2438 Y:57 Z:-1506 (x2 music discs)

X:-408 Y:56 Z:953 (x1 Iron Horse Armor)

X:16 Y:58: Z:282 (x2 Name Tags, x2 Saddles)

X;-248, Y:24, Z:328 (x1 Gold horse armor, x1 Iron horse armor, x1 Name tag)

What Systems Can You Play "Minecraft" On?

One of the things that has made "Minecraft" so popular since its introduction is the fact that it can run on practically anything. It doesn't matter whether you're on a computer, mobile device or even a video game console, there is almost always a way to play some "Minecraft."

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How to Put Skins on "Minecraft" on a Kindle Fire HD

How to Get the Full Version of "Minecraft"

On a Computer

The PC was the first platform for "Minecraft." It was introduced for free in a very early alpha stage and has been growing ever since. Just about any computer will be able to run the game. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. As long as your computer has at least 2GB of RAM, Java Runtime Environment 6 or higher, a processor at least equivalent to the Intel P4, and a graphics card with OpenGL 1.2 support, you'll be fine. To improve performance, a faster processor and/or more RAM are better than an upgraded graphics card.

In Your Pocket

The smartphone is now more common than the feature phone. Practically everybody has one and just about every one of them can run "Minecraft: Pocket Edition." The newer your device, of course, the better it is likely to perform. This version of the game covers most of the basics found in the original game, but is drastically cut back in some ways due to the limitations of the hardware it is optimized for. You can find "Minecraft: Pocket Edition" in both the Google Play store and Apple's App Store.

On Your Television

"Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition" has been a record-breaker in the XBLA store. It is similar to the PC game, minus the modding community. As long as you have an Xbox 360 console with a hard disk drive, you can run it.

Other Versions

Other editions of "Minecraft" that were not yet released as of August 2013 include versions for Sony platforms such as the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Vita, as well as the Xbox One, all of which had been announced at that time. While a Nintendo version had not yet been announced, a Nintendo Wii U version is not unlikely, leaving all major console owners able to access the game.

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Minecraft Party Supplies, Minecraft Party Favors, Minecraft Birthday

Your Minecraft fans will love our cool selection of fantastic Minecraft party supplies . If you’re planning a birthday, video game party or some other Minecraft-themed celebration, you’ll love mixing our colorful tableware with our Minecraft party favors, matching Minecraft decorations and other party favorites. Bring on your own creative mode when you make your next gathering a Minecraft celebration with the aid of our amazing Minecraft party supplies.

What’s Minecraft Exactly?

Minecraft is a game that was first released in the middle of 2009. Created by Markus "Notch" Persson and later published by Mojang, Minecraft allows players to explore a world built of 3D cubes. Simple in some aspects yet wonderfully addictive, players of Minecraft venture through an expanding land acquiring resources, maintaining their health, and avoiding mobs of monsters. The major gameplay modes of Minecraft are creative, survival and hardcore. There’s also a mode known Adventure, which is played on custom maps with custom rules. Multiplayer games of Minecraft are also available.

Minecraft Survival Mode Minecraft survival mode is probably the most popular way to play the game. Players can die, and therefore, must monitor their health and resources. Of course, they must also avoid (or fight off) mobs of monsters. Players can build items with the resources they find, including weapons and armor, and can improve these items with better resources. Trading of goods with villagers is also possible.

Minecraft Hardcore Mode Minecraft hardcore mode is essentially a much more challenging version of survival. Gameplay is set up at the hardest level, and players that die in the game will have their worlds destroyed. In other words, when players die in hardcore mode, they and their worlds are permanently eliminated.

Minecraft Creative Mode Minecraft creative mode allows players to be as imaginative as they like with the world around them without worrying about resources, monsters, or other threats. Players in this mode can also fly without encumbrance from place to place. By not having to worry about survival, players can concentrate on building large structures in any number of creative fashions.

Have a Wonderful Time at Your Minecraft Celebration!

A Minecraft themed-birthday party or other get-together is a great idea for any fan of Minecraft. Have an amazing time at your Minecraft party, and make your Minecraft celebration the best it can be with the help of our fantastic selection of Minecraft party supplies!

Aether Mod 2 for Minecraft [1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4/1.6.2]

Download Aether Mod Or Aether Mod II for Minecraft [1.5.2/1.6.2/1.6.4/1.7.2/1.7.10]

The Aether II is the sequel to the Aether I. Much has changed since the days of the Aether I, but it still remains a collaboration between people from various different disciplines with a shared goal of creating a new and unique dimension. Is This Heaven? A Look at the Aether Mod for MineCraft

Aether Mod 2 Screenshots:

The Aether 2 Mod Launcher automatically installs everything you need without any hassle. It updates automatically, so you’ll never have to check this page again, theoretically! For the modding wizzes, it installs everything in %appdata%/roaming/.aether/, so you can still manage everything you need.


Video How to install the Aether Mod:

Aether II Mod Features:. The Aether introduces several big mechanical components to improve the experience both in the Aether and almost everywhere else in Minecraft. Aether II Mod Party System. To start with is the party system. Previously in Minecraft, the only real means to form a team with others without needing to fret about points such as pleasant fire were from overlaying plugins such as factions or towny over a Minecraft server. Now with the event system, you can form a celebration with your friends, full with an overlay UI which allows you see that’s in your event, their wellness, their hunger, their shield and the amount of pieces they have, without the need for plugins! Gamers could name their very own event, and the maximum party dimension is 10 gamers. Aether II Mod Dungeons. Among the features we have worked with for this launch is the dungeon system. This system isolates dungeons from the primary globe and functions with the event system. Dungeon blocks regenerate instantaneously if cracked, implying no one could acquire inside despite imaginative mode. As opposed to players rushing in to a dungeon and demolishing whatever’s there and looting, the dungeon system requires gamers to form an event initially. When the celebration is ready, you simply right-click on the dungeon door and everybody confirms if they’re prepared. Because an event can just have up to 10 gamers, dungeons will certainly provide a good difficulty to players. Just one event could be existing in a dungeon at any type of provided time.

Dungeons have three methods. The very first method is “available” implying the dungeon is free of cost for any kind of celebration to enter. The 2nd method is “occupied”, meaning a party is already inside the dungeon. The third mode is “conquered”, which occurs after a gamer in your celebration has actually worn down that dungeon. A dungeon ends up being exhausted for a gamer either after the player finishes it or leaves when inside the dungeon 3 times.

This stops players from running the very same dungeon for easy loot. Dungeons additionally regrow their graft, mini-bosses and employers after a party leaves it, meaning that content is readily available for other celebrations. This ensures everybody acquires a chance at dungeons, as opposed to whoever arrives initially. The initial dungeon that this mod had actually added is the Sliders’ Labyrinth. This dungeon expands an entireisland, suggesting you’ll have no shortage of graft to grab, enemies to eliminate or chambers to discover! The dungeon has 3 mini employers which should be beat before you could access to the last employer, the Slider. There’s a few brand-new twists with this employer, so be cautious!

Aether II Mod Moas

Moas, peaceful and majestic giant birds, populate the Aether in three different colours: Blue, White and Black. Wild Moas cannot be tamed, but they do occasionally drop eggs of their respective colour. These eggs can be incubated with the Incubator block (using Ambrosium Torches). Once incubated, they can be fed with the Aechor Petals of Aechor Plants. They require 8 petals in total to grow, but are not always hungry and will occasionally refuse your offer (which can be done by right clicking them with the Aechor Petal). When grown, you have now completely tamed the Moa, and a saddle can be placed on their backs to ride. Blue Moas can perform 3 mid-air jumps, White Moas can perform 4 mid-air jumps, and Black Moas can perform 8 mid-air jumps.

Aether II Mod Flying Pigs

Flying Pigs can also be found wandering around the Aether, and occasionally flying freely through the air. These creatures can be saddled with a Saddle, and flown around without having to deal with a taming process. This allows players to quickly hop into the action. However, Flying Pigs can only jump once, and do not have the privilege of mid-air jumps like the powerful flying Moas.

Aether II Mod Aerwhales

Aerwhales, the gentle giants of the Aether, can be found floating in the horizon, munching on Golden Oaks and strips of Blue Aerclouds as the sun climbs higher in the sky. When the sun falls.

Aether II Mod Cockatrices

Cockatrices crawl away from their well-hidden nests, ready to attack. Peaceful as they may seem, these deadly birds shoot poisonous needles at you when provoked. They are one of the few hostile mobs in the Aether.

& # 8211; Fixed a crash with Swetty Balls.

& # 8211; Added 16 new “Official” servers. Should be way more stable.

How to install Aether Mod for Minecraft:

Make sure you’ve downloaded Minecraft 1.6.x using the Minecraft launcher

Download and install Minecraft Forge installer

Download The Aether II for 1.6.x, Player Core API and The Threaded Lightning

Run the Forge Installer and make sure Install Client is selected. Then click OK or change the destination folder if you’re not using the default location.

On the Minecraft launcher. select the profile called “Forge”, and launch the game to make sure it runs

Go to. minecraft (type “%appdata%” in the windows search bar and hit enter, then go to the folder called. minecraft)

Copy the three files you downloaded to the folder called “mods”

Now run the profile called Forge and you’re ready to play!

Download and install Minecraft Forge installer

Download Aether II Mod

Open the file you downloaded, “aether_1.5.2_1.0.zip”, using winRAR and extract the contents in the. minecraft folder. Now it should be working fine!


Download and install Minecraft Forge

Download Player API

Download Player Render API

Go to your search bar, type %appdata% and hit enter.

When inside the Roaming folder, go inside the. minecraft folder.

From there, go to the bin folder and open minecraft. jar file with WinRAR or another program that can open it.

Put the files from Forge, Player API and Player Render into your minecraft. jar file (in order of Forge first, Player API and Render Player API second).

Go back to the. minecraft folder. If there isn’t a mods folder, please create one.

Get the “AetherII_Alpha_v1.02_MC1.5.1.zip” file and put inside the mods folder. After that, it should be working fine! Enjoy the Aether, and watch the ledges.

Mod Download Links:

For Manual & 1.6.2

Navigation: Home » Reviews » PS3 » Review: Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition (PlayStation 3)

Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition Review

Posted Tue 24th Dec 2013 00:00 by Robert Ramsey

After what feels like a century since the phenomenon that is Minecraft first appeared on the PC, Mojang's block-'em-up has finally dug its way onto the PlayStation 3 courtesy of 4J Studios. Its basic visual style hides a brilliantly deep, yet relatively accessible adventure that's topped off with some thoughtful little RPG elements. Chances are, if you haven't yet sunk your pickaxe into the popular title's cube-centric world, then you soon will.

The closest thing that's been available on Sony's system during Minecraft's absence is undoubtedly Terraria. despite the fact that it originally released much later than its crafty competitor on other platforms. If you've played Re-Logic's 2D creation, then you'll know what's in store for you here. Building your own shelters and homes, taking part in often comedic misadventures, and braving the depths of hazardous dungeons in order to grab rare materials is all part of the experience, although in many ways Minecraft's 3D approach better lends itself to the randomised world and sense of discovery.

You can essentially choose between two modes of play: survival, which sees you living a virtual life in a randomised world full of intrigue, and creative, where you're free to simply build things to your heart's content without having to worry about being chomped by beasties. Survival is where most players will no doubt be spending the majority of their time, but the option to get creative whenever you feel like it is welcome – especially when the process is just about as satisfying and as accessible as slapping together LEGO bricks.

Tapping or holding down R2 allows you to swing whatever you're currently holding in your right hand, be it a sword, pickaxe, or your fist. Initially, you'll have to make do with the latter as you wander around punching the ground or trees, coaxing the raw materials from them. With dirt or wood in hand, you can then start building shelter – or anything that you want to really. Construction is an easy process as you plop blocks next to or on top of one another, and seeing your creation slowly start to take form is heart-warmingly rewarding.

And you'll need that shelter when the sun sets, as monsters will begin to spawn across the map, hungry for your flesh. Crafting a bed allows you to skip ahead to the next morning, but seeing the night through inside of a hastily-built home is sometimes your only option if you've been caught out in the field as the darkness creeps in. Hearing zombies shuffle and moan just outside of your walls can create some surprisingly tense situations, and watching creatures circle your encampment, eager to gain access, is both creepy and satisfying as they eventually return to the shadows unsuccessful.

As you may have guessed, the game's crafting system is at the crux of almost everything that you do, whether it's making simple tools, forging better equipment, or even cooking up something to eat. There can be a lot to wrap your head around at first, but the title does its best to provide you with helpful hints and small tutorials as you try your hand at various mechanics. Once you've got the basics covered, it's generally quite difficult to stop yourself from transforming just about every material that you gather into something useful, but you'll need to keep a close eye on your inventory space, as without a dedicated chest to hold your valuables nearby, you'll be forced to micromanage your bits and pieces.

Thankfully, actually moving your gear around isn't quite as clunky as it is in Terraria due to a slightly smaller inventory screen with easily-recognisable icons. Still, it can be a bit more of a fuss than it needs to be, particularly when you're in a hurry. Fortunately, cycling through your favourite items is both easy and quick, with just a few taps of R1 or L1 immediately transporting your chosen trinket into your character's hand.

And when it comes to protecting yourself, you'll be glad that it's so responsive. Combat is as basic as it gets, but its simplistic nature gels well with the rest of the game. With or without a weapon, hitting R2 while pointing your cursor at a foe will give it a smack, which unsurprisingly hurts more if you're carrying a sword made of diamond. Victory is usually a case of swiping then backing off repeatedly, but you'll need to pay close attention to your surroundings to make sure that you're not forced into a corner, or worse still, another opponent. The enemy variety on offer isn't too vast, but from the iconic creeper to the mysterious enderman, each adversary is recognisable and charmingly designed.

With such a dynamic world filled with deadly enemies, farm animals ripe for the slaughter, and varied environments, it's no surprise that you'll have a lot of crazy and humorous stories to tell once you've spent enough time with the release – and that's really the title's biggest draw. Fondly reminiscing about the time that you chased a pig into a labyrinth-like dungeon, or that time when you got swept away by a waterfall which burst forth from a freshly-mined cliff face makes you realise how diverse and unpredictable the content on offer is.

Despite everything, though, Minecraft simply won't be to everyone's taste. You don't necessarily need to spend huge amounts of time in order to have fun, but you'll still need to put in a lengthy shift if you're eager to see everything that the release offers. There's a chance that you'll even find the whole thing to be terribly boring – it all depends on whether you're actually patient enough to build up the necessary resources that you'll need during your adventure.

In that regard, proceedings can become a little bit tedious as you scour the land for that one illusive item which your shiny new piece of equipment requires, but thankfully, there are ways to alleviate the monotony of it all. For starters, the release supports custom soundtracks, so you can play any music saved to your hard drive as you explore the wilderness. You can also opt to play with friends, which is arguably one of the best experiences you can have in Minecraft's weird little world. Journeying over snow-capped mountains, hacking your way through tropical rainforests, and digging into the lava-filled earth with a trusty band of buddies makes for some surprisingly memorable and suitably epic escapades. You can even make a world specifically for you and your companions – but disappointingly, your current equipment and character won't carry over between different games, which means that you'll always be starting an entirely clean slate whenever you first spawn into a new world.


Minecraft's arrival on the PS3 is exactly what you may have expected, as this is still the same addictive, quirky, and humorous title that's been available on the PC for years. It's easy to see why it's proved such a commercial juggernaut on other platforms, but that still doesn't mean that its graphical style and steady gameplay will appeal to everyone. If you can dig your way beyond the occasional bouts of boredom, however, be prepared to dig very deep indeed.

Great review, Robert. This is completely new to me. I was aware of the game, of course, but I'd never actually played it and wasn't really sure I understood why it was so popular. I totally get it now, though. Just building a shelter can be a time consuming process - not because it's unintuitive, but because it scratches that itch that makes you want to ensure everything is perfect. I really like it so far, but I feel like I need to play more to fully appreciate it.

I'm curious as to how this version will be different from the PS4 and Vita versions. Hopefully they can improve on things like the draw-distance. If the PS4 version is competent, I may grab that. Otherwise I'll go for PC at some point.

@irken004 They should be able to use the touch interfaces on the PS4/Vita versions, but I honestly wouldn't expect a whole lot of changes. I think the draw distance in this version is fine. Not sure if it's better on the PC.

@irken004 I am guessing that the main difference will be that the PS4 version has bigger or even endless worlds like its PC counterpart.

Also, great review Robert. There will be numerous patches adding more and more content as time goes on and I am looking forward to the future of minecraft on playstation devices.

I'm holding off until I can snag my Vita version.

‘Minecraft’ Now on Kindle Fire

Fans of Minecraft have yet another platform to build on, with Mojang announcing yesterday that the Pocket Edition of the game is now available for Kindle. Since seeing success on the PC Mojang continues to expand the brand with as many editions on as many platforms as possible, and the Kindle is just the latest device to adopt the block-based entertainment that has swept the world and inspired countless knock-offs.

This means you can officially play Minecraft on the PC. Mac. Xperia Play. iOS. Android. Xbox 360 and Kindle platforms – but really, who’s counting?

Standing at only 5MB, Pocket Edition is still worlds away from having the content of its computer or console-based counterparts, but gamers on the go can still enjoy erecting castles and buildings across the standard biomes. The Kindle edition also features multiplayer activity, provided other Kindle-based players are connecting on a local wireless network.

Minecraft on Kindle will run gamers $7, the same pricing for both iOS and Android editions of the title. Whilst it is being updated in a similar fashion to the pre-existing Android Marketplace Pocket Edition . the Kindle edition will draw appeal with its 7″ screen size – a pleasantly capable sizing for those without other Android-based tablets or an iPad.

The Kindle Fire uses a variant of the popular Android operating system, so it makes sense that a port of the Pocket Edition would be created for users who don’t have other iOS or Android products. While some users are reporting multiple bugs in their Fire-based experience, it’s likely some Kindle-specific patches will be pushed out in the near future.

Kindle users have been able to get Minecraft on their devices before, but it involved some unofficial and technical trickery which may go above and beyond what the average Kindle user was willing to do. Thankfully, the new trick simply involves going to the marketplace and purchasing it legally – a process which Mojang will undoubtedly prefer.

Gamers looking to add Mojang’s poplar game to their Kindle app collection can find it here on the Amazon Appstore.

What do you think about Minecraft on the Kindle Fire? Will you be playing it on your way to MineCon 2012.

Follow me on Twitter @Makelevi.

Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar – Download Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar Install

Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar . do you looking for this update. yes minecraft 1.2.5 Pre Release has officially out at March, 30 2012. This Minecraft has ready to testing and you can install this Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar. Minecraft 1.2.5 have some change/update and fixes bugs, Thank to Jens Bergensten for makes this Minecraft 1.2.5 Pre Release! So guys ready to download and install minecraft 1.2.5 Pre Release? Read my installations below. You can play Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar with some Minecraft 1.2.5 Mods and Minecraft 1.2.5 Texture Pack, because some modder have making update and compatible with latest Minecraft 1.2.5

Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar Changelogs

Added shift clicking support in furnaces

Added method to easily acquire blocks you have selected in the world in Creative mode using the ‘pick block’ key

Made the Direct Connect dialog remember the last IP for the current session

Fixed issues detected certain links in chat

Fixed wild ocelots behaving like tamed cats

Fixed various chat crashes

Made cats less eager to sit on things

Made cats less patient

Fixed world generation failing under certain circumstances

Fixed issues turning off sound under certain circumstances

Removed all ghost entities under the command of Lord Herobrine

Fixed crash when pasting certain characters in chat

Fixed slash ‘/’ key not behaving correctly in certain environments

Fixed command matching being too greedy (for example: typing ‘/stophammertime’ no longer stops your server)

Fixed not being able to click coloured links

Fixed potential issue with village door detection (which could cause too many villagers)

Made using a stack of bowls on Mooshrooms not consume the whole stack of bowls

Made punching a TNT block with flint and steel in hand destroy and drop a TNT block (right-clicking will activate the TNT)

The exact same version will be added to the launcher on Wednesday April 4, at 15:00 CEST (06:00 in California, 09:00 in Florida, 22:00 in Korea, and 23:00 in Sydney).

Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar Installations

Download Minecraft. jar

Go to: C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin

Place the minecraft. jar from the ZIP-File to the minecraft. jar in the bin

Play Minecraft in Your version

Download Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar Client

Download Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar Server

This is at the end of post Minecrafters, if you already have experiences using this Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar, then you can share for tips, trick or even tutorial by comment below to complete post. See you on next post Minecraft 1.2.5 Mods and Texture Packs, thank you for visiting my post about Minecraft 1.2.5 Jar

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OK GUYS YOU ARE ALL PRETTY DUMB NOT TO KNOW BLAH BLAH no jk. I know how to configure minecraft things very well so here’s some helpful things to know. After you download minecraft. jar do not rename it to anything else. Next you go to search in the start menu and search %appdata% and click roaming. Now click. minecraft and go to bin. In there is your old minecraft. jar which you can either backup (copy paste elsewhere) or just delete. Then put your new 1.2.5 minecraft. jar in the bin. When you startup minecraft nothing wrong should happen. Unless you may have a little slow computer that may be why one of you said ‘it said updating and stayed there’,because I have saw slow and fast computers booting up new minecraft. Another cause of that may be clicking Force Update, which you do NOT want to do if you want 1.2.5 because the newest minecraft now is actually 1.5.1. Thanks guys hope this helped because, well, that’s all to it.

hey urallidiots, THANK YOU! I’ve always wanted MineColony, but it never updated since 1.2.5. I did what u said and it WORKED! You sir, are not a failure

you have to name it. jar and remove the current one that you dont need

you dont have to name it. jar name is minecraft then delete and replace the one you do no longer need if updateing or degrading your minecraft game

You need to go to “Run” or if you have windows 7,then just press the windows key (towards of “Alt” on keyboard) then type (Same with xp but just go on run) “%AppData%” then click “.minecraft” then go to ‘Bin” folder, then you will see your old minecraft. jar, right click it, click delete, then place the downloaded file there… or simply drag and drop (Do not delete your current file) window will pop up and if you click “Yes” then it will auto-replace your downloaded file with your old file

Guys its easy to install these things look up on videos.. And if you still dont get it then you follow these steps if you are on 1.3.1 and want 1.2.5.. 1. get rid of your old minecraft. jar 2. make the new minecraft. jar to make its name minecraft or minecraft. jar 3. open minecraft all things should be good.. 4. If this does not work download a program called MVC (Minecraft Version Changer) 5. On MVC scroll to what ever version you want click it and then it should say change on the left.. 6. Once you have clicked change and the bar is completely full a window will open up telling you thank you for using MVC 7. Close that window and open minecraft 8. YOU ARE DONE NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE 1.2.5 or any other version you want… 9. As I said you can do this with any version of minecraft. From Alpha to Beta to 1.3.1 10. Well done you read what I am typing. I hope this works for you..

An Exhaustive Guide to Using Minecarts in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play with us on our free server .

There's no better way to get around, either for recreation or labor, than the minecart. Minecarts can make a laborious job simple and a boring house fun. Minecarts are much simpler to use than other redstone powered items, and their application is pretty straightforward. For now, let's go into a little detail about how they work, later we will give some examples of their application.

Some Rules for Minecarts

Minecarts behave differently in various situations. Before we go into detail, let's go over some general guidelines that govern how minecarts behave.

There are currently three types of minecarts: the passenger minecart, the furnace minecart for moving minecart trains, and the chest minecart for hauling items.

There are also three types of minecart rails: regular rails, powered rails, and detector rails. Regular rails are the workhorse of minecarts and are used most frequently, powered rails allow the player to power on and off sections of track and set the cart in motion, and detector rails are used as a sort of pressure plate for minecarts, because when you roll over them they activate a short burst of redstone. Detector rails are usually used to activate powered rails, but can be used to activate other redstone items.

Minecarts have a speed limit of 8 m/s (8 blocks per second). However, this rule can be broken in some circumstances resulting in an actual top speed of 11 m/s such as track arrangement, downhill movement, or through the incorporation of powered rails.

Minecarts will come to a stop when they interact with other minecarts, powered rails that have been turned off, mobs, blocks, or water.

Minecarts lose energy and momentum over rails at a rate of about .5% per rail.

In order to start a minecart going, it must be powered or set on an incline. It is not possible to push a minecart and jump in to get moving.

Minecart trains only work on track heading on a north/south direction.

When a minecart traveling on a straight track encounters a curved track, it will continue on its predetermined path.

Getting Started Using Minecarts

To get your minecarts going, you'll need to lay some rail. A minecart will not move from a stationary or level position without being acted on by an external force. This external force can be redstone, a furnace cart, or even gravity. As with all redstone items, the possibilities are endless and open-ended, but here are some examples of the most common ways to get minecarts moving.

Gravity: The simplest way to power your minecarts is gravity. All you need to do to get a cart going is to set up a section of rails on an incline and set a cart down. However, this is tricky as you cannot control when the cart moves. It can also be inefficient, as the cart will not retain momentum for very long unless it is started on a fairly large incline and sustained by inclines of similar height.

[1] Putting an minecart of inclined track will cause it move quickly and there is no way for it to hold position effectively. This make jumping into it a pain. [2] As you can see the cart doesn't travel very far. Here it has moved across 5 sections of rail from a starting incline of 2 blocks.

Furnace Trains: Making minecart trains is a much more effective and useful method of hauling goods to the surface or from place to place. To create a minecart train, lay down some regular track with one open end. On the open end of rail, place a furnace minecart and a passenger or chest minecart on the other end. To activate the train, right click the furnace while holding coal or charcoal and the carts will move in that direction. Be sure to stand behind the train while activating it to ensure the desired direction of travel. Minecart trains will work on rails that run on a northerly or southerly direction.

[1] Here is my minecart train. You can attach chest or passenger carts to the furnace cart to get things moving. [2] By right-clicking the furnace cart with coal or charcoal you will send the train off in it's way.

Powered Rails: Powered rails are really the most effective method of starting your minecarts. While they require more resource gathering to create, they are the easiest method of powering your minecarts.

Powered rails basically stop and hold carts, and allow them to move when turned on. Your cart will still need to be on an incline in order to move on powered rails. However, if your cart is already in motion, powered rails will accelerate it in order to maintain momentum.

To start your minecart using this method, build an incline of powered rail. This can be a small incline of 2 or more blocks since the powered rails will help accelerate your cart once it has moved a rail or two. Place a cart on the inclined section of rail. You'll need to set up some kind of redstone activator to start the cart on its path. In my opinion, the best way to do this is using the stone button.

[1] Here I have my minecart on a 5 long section of powered rail. Next to it is a stone button with redstone running down to the track. If you are using a passenger cart, be sure the button is in place so that you can hit it while in your cart, [2] With the flick of a switch the minecart will move. [3] The minecart will get the most momentum this way as the powered track both serves to initiate movement and accelerate the cart.

Maintaining Momentum

Minecarts are subject to friction and can slow considerably. There are several ways they can maintain momentum, whether they're on their way to the surface or across a flat plane.

The most common and simplest way to keep your carts going is to lay down powered rails. These can be activated by placing a detector rail before the powered rails. When the minecart rolls over the detector rail, it will activate the powered rails and accelerate or maintain the speed of your cart.

[1] Here the minecart activates the powered rails as it rolls over a detector rail. [2] Here you can better see the detector rail.

Detector rails do have a drawback, however, in that they will momentarily slow down your cart before it moves onto the activated powered rails. A simple solution to this is to place a redstone torch next to powered tracks so that they are always on.

[1] Placing a torch next to powered rails is much a much simpler solution.

You can power powered rails by any method you can use to power redstone wire and so there are many possibilities. To maintain a speed of 8 m/s, it is most efficient to place one powered rail per every 32 non-powered rails.

Breaking The Speed Limit

One can easily outdo the base speed limit of 8 m/s with some powered rails on an incline, but if you're interested in obtaining a land speed of 11 m/s, your cart will have to be moving diagonally. Así es cómo:

[1] Simply place rails adjacent to one another in a diagonal pattern. [2] As you place rails you'll get a sort of helix pattern and you will notice that when carts roll on these, they accelerate quickly. Keep in mind this can only be kept up so long and will need to be maintained still by powered rails.

Some Cool Uses for Minecarts

Besides its utilitarian function of hauling goods, minecarts can be made to do some cool things. Here are some examples of cool stuff we made for last Saturday's Weekly Workshop .

Rollercoasters: By far one of the most common uses for minecarts is entertainment. You can do some interesting stuff with enough rail, and rollercoasters are certainly fun to experiment with.

Here's a pretty simple example out of many. You get the general idea.

Redstone Clocks: Here is a redstone clock I made using a minecart that it set in a circular motion. Redstone wires run from the detectors, collecting a pulse that can be used for redstone machines. This kind of redstone clock isn't usually preferred since minecarts can be glitchy, but it is an interesting use of minecarts.

[1] The clock is activated by dropping a cart down a ramp. [2] The powered rails take it from there and send the cart round and round. In this case they are activating two note blocks at different times.

Just as with redstone, minecarts can be used for just about anything you can imagine. Incorporating minecarts into redstone adds a whole new level of complexity to mechanisms and is fun to play around with. Whether it's a minecart subway or minecart mechanisms fully incorporated into complex machines, there are many possibilities.

Whether you want to move ore more efficiently or you're just interested in making something cool, minecarts are a fun, all too often overlooked, tool for creativity.

As always, if you have any questions about how minecarts work feel free to leave a question down below in the comments section.

If you would like to see any of these minecart builds in person come onto the server and type, "/warp minecarts" in game.

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How to Create the Fastest, Most Efficient Way of Travel - 50 Blocks a Second How to Create the Fastest, Most Efficient Way of Travel - 50 Blocks a Second Many Minecrafters think that Minecart Traveling with many rails is the fastest (most efficient) way of travel. They are wrong. There is one other way of traveling with carts on rails, Forward, Backward, and Upward. And it can take you places up to 6X Faster than the traditional Minecart Design, and, its just as simple to make. Requirements/Items: Same number of Minecarts as rails Any amount of any building block (Recommend Dirt) How to Build It: Simply Follow the order as shown in the picture. Now you have your first piece! Read on to figure out where to place them. Do This, if Your Using. 21 Minecraft » Cómo

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Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game

A Starter Deck of the Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game

The Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game is a collectible card game released by Tomy and translated into English by Fantasy Flight Games . It was released in Japan before the English version was released in the United States in 2007. There are currently seven card sets in Japan and four in the United States. The card sets released in North America thus far are:

Base Set - The first set of cards in the Japanese counterpart

A Darkness Awakened - The second and third sets from the Japanese counterpart

Light & Darkness - A combination of the fourth Japanese set and promotional cards released by Tomy in packs of pocky

Break of Dawn - The fourth set released by Fantasy Flight Games, consisting of reprints from earlier sets to fit in with the new layout for the cards as well as cards from the currently unreleased Japanese sets

Much to the chagrin of its fanbase, Fantasy Flight Games announced that they were discontinuing their published TCGs, meaning that any future English sets will have to be published by another company if it is ever picked up again.


Deck and Player types

A deck consists of a minimum of forty-one cards, including the Player card and has a maximum limit of sixty cards including the Player card. The Player card chosen can change the deck type drastically, and there are three different types of Players to choose from:

Player/Light: These cards have the most cards available to them and are easiest to build decks for.

Player/Dark: These cards may not play Friend, Magic/Friend or Attack cards and instead play Dark/Heartless cards in place of Friend cards. These decks have a much more limited amount of cards available to them, but have the advantage of having a much wider range of Dark/Heartless cards than Friend cards to play since Dark/Heartless ignore the "Unique Card" rule.

Player/XIII: These cards function exactly as Dark/Player cards, but play Nobody cards as Friends instead of Dark/Heartless. The Player/XIII cards also have access to Equipment cards which give them devastating effects such as the ability to Challenge their opponent twice in one turn. Player/XIII cards may also use other Player/XIII cards in their deck as Friend cards. Nobody cards ignore the "Unique Card" rule, but Player/XIII cards used as Friends do not.


The game is a two player game (according to rules, more might be optional) and each player has a deck consisting of between forty-one and sixty cards, with one card from their respective decks as a Player card. To win the game you need to bring your opponent's Heart Points (HP) to 0 or attain a combined world level of 13 or higher. Each player's turn has four phases.

Draw Phase . During the draw phase, a player draws cards from his/her own deck until they have six cards in their hand. If the player's deck has no cards, the discard pile is then shuffled and becomes the player's deck.

Action Phase . During this phase, a player can play a World card, Friend cards, Magic cards, Magic/Friend cards and/or Dark cards. The player can also choose to battle any Dark cards on his/her World card. With the latest rule-set provided by Fantasy Flight Games, a player may now also initiate a Form Change in their Action phase.

A Sora LVL2 Player card

Challenge Phase . During this optional phase, a player may challenge his/her opponent. The loser of the challenge loses HP depending on which cards were played during the challenge.

Discard Phase . During this phase, a player may discard any unwanted cards from his or her hand and must discard any cards from the field that participated in a Battle or Challenge that turn. Magic/Friends are also discarded at this time.

Card Types

Player : This card stays in play for the duration of the game. Each player card has a level, starting Heart Points, an attack value and a magic value. At the beginning of the game the player with the lowest-level player card goes first. There is no maximum number of Heart Points a player can have, as the printed number of Heart Points is merely the starting value.

Amigo . Friend cards have a level, support value and a magic value. Friends stay on the field until they are used in battle against dark cards or after participating in a challenge. Friends can only be played during the action phase. The level of a friend card determines whether or not it can be played. You cannot play a friend card whose level is more than one above the highest level of any friend or magic/friend on your side of the field. For example, a level three friend cannot be played unless you control a friend of at least level two.

The "Unique Card" rule states that a player cannot have two friends with the same name in play at one time. If a player wishes to play a friend card from his/her hand and a card with the same name is already in play on his/her side of the field, the card on the field is sent to the discard pile and then the card from the hand is played.

Magic . Magic cards have a wide variety of effects. To play a magic card, the player's Player card or one of the player's Friend Cards in play must have a total magic value greater than or equal to the level of the magic card. Once played, the player follows the effects on the card and then sends the magic card to the discard pile.

Magic/Friend . These cards are considered Magic cards while in the deck, hand or discard pile. Once they are on the field, they are treated as friends.

Dark Cards . These cards are played on an opponent's World card. Dark cards have a level and a Power value. The number of Dark cards that can be on a single World card is equal to that World card's level. A Dark card can only be played if its level is equal to or less than an opponent's combined world levels.

World Cards . World cards are played on top of one another and can only be played once per turn. When a player plays a world card, he or she gains +1 Heart Points. When the total of a player's World card's levels is greater than or equal to thirteen, he or she wins. A player cannot play a World card if there are any Dark cards on his or her topmost world card.

Attack Cards . These are played when battling Dark cards or during challenges. When played, they boost the attack value of the Player card by the support value on the Attack card. After they are used, they are sent to the discard pile.

Equipment Cards: These function in a similar manner to Attack cards, but are not discarded at the end of a challenge. Unless otherwise stated, a card may only have one Equipment card equipped on it at any one time. The "Unique Card" rule also applies to Equipment cards, so that characters who can equip multiple Equipment cards may not wield multiples of the same card.

Form Cards: These cards are placed atop a Player card and give that Player card new stats and effects. The criteria for playing a Form card or losing it are detailed on the particular card in question.

Event Cards: These cards are unique in that they are unnamed and may only ever be included once in a deck. When played they are simply referred to as Event followed by a number (e. g Event 1). They have potentially game-changing effects when played, which is why they are limited to a single copy per deck.

Styles of Play

There are three main styles of deck building and playing the Kingdom Hearts TCG:

Aggro/Attack build

This style of play focuses around winning challenges. An 'Aggro' deck will likely consist of many cards that will support the Player in a challenge, lots of draw power and very few World cards, if any at all. This type of deck will more likely consist of lock-down and control cards to try and keep the upper hand in a challenge. These decks can be expected to be Attack and Equipment card heavy to increase their attack power in tight situations. Buying the Break of Dawn Valor Form deck would be a good choice.

World Racer/Rushing build

This type of deck relies on fulfilling the World Count 13 victory condition. These decks typically have lots of draw power, lots of healing cards and cards that will help them clear their World zone of Dark cards so that they can play more World cards. However, this deck will not include many cards to help them win Challenges and rely on the HP gain they can use to restore the HP lost in Challenges.

Jack of all Trades/Balanced deck

"Jack of all Trade" decks (Commonly referred to as JoaT decks) do not focus entirely on either win condition and instead try to include a balance of powerful challenge cards and enough World cards to fulfill the World Count 13 victory condition. These decks have no set theory behind them other than to fulfill either victory condition as soon as possible, and the deck will most likely depend on the Player.

Easy Crafting Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2

The Easy Crafting mod for Minecraft frees the player from the burden of spending large amounts of time to arrange materials into the right position to make items. A new, easy to make crafting table has been added the makes building items a breeze. Simply build it, navigate the menus and enjoy the free time this features gives back.

This is made by arranging a vanilla crafting table with a single piece of redstone and a boo in any pattern. When a player places the new block and clicks this table they will see the traditional interface from the vanilla game has been upgraded substantially. There are two tabs that appear on the side of an expanded menu screen. The first tab allows a player to search the full list of recipes in the game. The other is the key feature of this mod, allowing a player to see the full list of items that can be created based on amounts of what is in their inventory at the time.

Expanded Interface for Quick Crafting

Once a player has found the items they wish to make, the inventory screen will show those which they have the correct amounts of materials to make highlighted with a green background. Those items which the player lacks sufficient items or amounts for will be highlighted in red. Instead of having to arrange materials as in the vanilla tables, players can instead simply drag that item into their own inventory. This greatly speeds up the process of mass producing goods and makes the game a little more convenient.

Spend Less Time Crafting Without Breaking the Game

As with all mods of this type, the Easy Crafting Table mod is best for those who want to ease the burden of dealing with the raw materials so they can be free to spend more time actually building or playing the game according to their personal preferences. As a stand alone mod this is far from game breaking while adding conveniences that wont bog down the launcher. Paired with other such mods that speed up resource acquisition this can quickly turn the game into a builder’s paradise without removing the essential survival elements of the game. As such, this mod is great for those who don’t want to sacrifice the difficulty of weathering the nightly undead raids but do want some of the convenience of a build server or creative mode.

Downloads for Easy Crafting Mod 1.5.2

Millenaire NPC Village Mod for Minecraft 1.8.2/1.8.1

Millenaire NPC Village Mod for Minecraft 1.8.2/1.8.1 – Mojang implemented the unique village feature into the game; in which I believed was to be the start of the next era of minecraft gameplay. However, up until the minecraft update on version 1.7.10 villages and villagers were near useless. Apart from their small source of crops and a possible Blacksmith chest filled with the tiniest set of loot you will ever see; the villages had no real, serving purpose to your survival. I do not deny they are helpful and can provide the player with the basic materials such as food and wood, but these things are also easy to obtain in the first place. Until villagers could trade, villagers were almost doubly useless than the individual village itself. However, in the latest update, many uses can be found inside the villages, that will benefit your quest for survival. Yet in saying this; the village feature has only small plans for the future and it’s likely that won’t change significantly for a very long time.

The Millenaire Mod for Minecraft 1.8.2/1.8.1; not only continues the feature of villages and villagers, but also takes it up a whole new level, almost putting mojang and their village idea to complete shame. When using the Millenaire mod; the mod itself will work to introduce a wide variety of multi-cultural villages, along with unique, interactive npc villagers. Not only this; but the Millenaire mod implements villager development and village expanding systems, in which the player can control. Villagers will work together to grow new crops, build structures with new unique blocks and materials and start a business, or open a shop in which other villagers and also players can interact with to purchase or sell materials.

Millenaire NPC Village Mod for Minecraft 1.8.2/1.8.1 Features

When exploring in your world, like the vanilla villages; they will often spawn in the wilderness as you enter some chunks, however the villages will not spawn in every chunk you enter. When communicating with the villagers inside the villages; you may encounter a series of different classed villagers. For example you may encounter:



Shop keepers



Ordinary Villagers


Body guards


Alongside all these classes, you may encounter other villagers depending on the culture of the village. If you are looking for a specific kind of village, the developer of the mod has implemented a way of spawning in custom villages. However this way is in fact “ligit”, meaning that spawning in the villages does actually cost materials and can in turn; be crafted on a crafted table.

Villagers will gain your respect by trading with them, or doing jobs around the village that will benefit not only the village itself, but also you as a survivor. Inside the town hall, which is usually located near the centre of the village itself; you will find the main store in which you can buy and sell both vanilla and new items and blocks, such as Norman weapons and crops such as rice. There is really no limitation to what you can find and do when exploring the impressive and vast mod for Millenaire.

As long as you keep buying and selling in the store, your relationship status with the village and its people will rise significantly over time, and when the villages tax and bought items will be stored inside locked chests that are located inside the town hall. When these chests are filled, the town will work to expand a better looking, and larger town hall to fit more chests and facilities within it. Within days a small village could become a large, fast expanding empire!

Millenaire NPC Village Mod for Minecraft 1.8.2/1.8.1 Usage

Exploring your world with the Millenaire mod is much more satisfying then without it. Villages are an unlikely occurrence usually, however with the Millenaire mod; it’s more likely that you find one of the new villages then a default testificate village. Instead of using emeralds and other items to buy and sell materials, the mod has also implemented a currency system to allow the player/user to buy and sell with a new unique money feature. Right clicking on villagers will bring up a shop menu if they have one, or an option selection depending on the villager type. They will also speak at you when you come near of them or when you interact. Different village cultures such as Asian or Indian speak in the correct language, so you may or may not understand what they are saying.

How to Install Millenaire NPC Village Mod for Minecraft 1.8.2/1.8.1

Download and Install Minecraft Forge

Run Minecraft Launcher and select Forge Profile

Go to Start Menu and Run %appdata%/.minecraft

Put the Millenaire Mod NPC Village file without extracting it into the mods folder

Launch Minecraft with the Forge Profile

Download Millenaire NPC Village Mod for Minecraft 1.8.2 Download Millenaire NPC Village Mod for Minecraft 1.8.1

Fantasy Football Week 2: Updated Trade Value for Top 100 Players

Tony Avelar/Associated Press

Have you ever ordered a meal at a restaurant, taken one bite and gone, "Nope. Don't want this anymore. I should have gotten the burger."

Por supuesto que sí. It's the worst. But once you've ordered it, you are generally stuck with your meal. Well, unless you are one of those people that returns something at a restaurant, which is always a dangerous game to play. If you don't know what I mean, do yourself a favor and watch the movie Waiting .

In fantasy, if you draft a player and after one week you've decided you don't think it's going to work out, you always have the option to make a trade. And if you are going to do so, you might need a handy fantasy trade value chart to help you make the best possible decision.

And wouldn't you know it, I just happened to put one together. It's your lucky day.

Week 2: Top 100 Trade Value

But here's some real talk, folks—while I love that you are checking out this trade value chart, I honestly think it's too early to make many trades. You drafted the guys on your team for a reason—giving up on them after one week seems extreme.

Things do change, however. Players like Carlos Hyde and Ameer Abdullah really improved their stock on Sunday. For some people, Peyton Manning lost some value, while injuries to players like Dez Bryant suddenly made him far less valuable than he was coming into the season.

And let's be honest—every league has that one antsy owner who basically plays fantasy to make trades and will look to blow up his or her team after one bad week. They'll come to you with harebrained, illogical trades hoping to rip you off, tipping their hand in the process as to which player on your team they want, meaning you can slowly negotiate with them and ultimately fleece them in a deal since they've convinced themselves they need that player.

That, really, is the one circumstance where you should consider making a trade. Let's say, for instance, they had Manning (who has a trade value of five) and are already willing to ditch him. If you are a nice person and want to make an even deal, you could give up Jeremy Maclin (trade value of five) or Jordan Matthews (five) to get him. If you want to screw that owner, however, you could try to get players like DeAndre Hopkins (six), Melvin Gordon (six) and Mike Evans (seven).

Meanwhile, if you have Hyde (trade value of nine), he may never have more value than he has right now. Here are some of the deals you could make with a savvy owner who won't overpay:

Alshon Jeffery and Dwayne Allen

Emmanuel Sanders and Chris Ivory

Brandin Cooks and Keenan Allen

Julio Jones and a defense

And here are some of the deals you could make with the San Francisco 49ers fan in your league who desperately wants Hyde on his team and will absolutely overpay:

Rob Gronkowski is another player whose value is super high right now, and it should be, as he's one of the most unique players in all of fantasy. Gronk essentially gives you a wide receiver's production at tight end, which makes him one of the most valuable players in the game, since tight ends general offer inconsistent production.

If you are worried about Gronk's injury history and want to sell high, the absolute least you should get in return for him are packages like the following:

Remember, these trades represent the least amount of value you should try to get back for Gronk. Frankly, if you trade him, I think you should be absolutely blown away in a deal. His injury history is always a concern, sure, but we're talking about a player who has scored an amazing 57 touchdowns in 66 career games.

Here's what else is insane—valuing defenses too highly in fantasy (which is why you don't see any on this chart). Let's break down some of the reasons why you shouldn't be bugging out about a defense and trading for one early in the season:

Streaming defenses is a viable strategy. You'll generally be able to play matchups and use the waiver wire to add a solid defense each and every week.

While we have some idea of which defenses should be solid given season's past, the 2015 season is young. Some "good" defenses will actually be poor this year. Some "mediocre" defenses will be surprisingly strong in fantasy. The point is you are trading based on perceived value right now, not the actual value a defense has proved to have this season.

That bench player you are going to move might turn out to be a gem. Be patient with him. If he doesn't produce in the first three or four weeks, then you can trade him. Did I ever tell you the story about the time I gave up on Alshon Jeffery early in a season and then he became a star? If I had some patience, I would have been set up at wide receiver. (Oh, and it was a keeper league. Facepalm.)

So yes, I think defenses have very little value right now. And kickers don't have any value. Keep that in mind going forward, and as always, may the fantasy points be with you.

Hit me up on Twitter—I'll answer your fantasy questions and offer advice. It's more fun than Rashad Jennings at the goal line.

New Player Guide

New Player Guide

Welcome to Empire Minecraft! This simple guide will teach you all the essentials of EMC, and properly prepare you for our wonderful server. If you forget something, you can check back here at any time by typing guide. emc. gs in your web browser. You may also use help commands (example: /help chat ) to get in-game help on different Commands.

Please take a look at our Rules page, which is located at rules. emc. gs . Our purpose is to maintain a family-friendly atmosphere so that players of all ages may enjoy our server. If you have a question about the rules, please ask a Staff Member.

Forums The forums is a great place to find out what is going on in the Community. You can find things, such as auctions, the buying and selling of items, Community events, and updates/news on what is going on within the Empire. You may also see players' creative sides with pictures, videos, and music sections.

Take a look around the forums and get to know our players. Don't be afraid to post on topics; put yourself out there, and become a part of the EMC Community. Everyone is welcome! Start off by introducing yourself. Create a thread in the Introduce Yourself section!

In-Game Empire Minecraft is made up of ten different servers, all joined together to make up one large Community. Each server's Community is different in its own way, so explore them all and meet new people! There is no need to disconnect to change servers. Switch between the servers with simple Commands :

/server - Brings up a screen where you can select the server you want to visit. /smp# - For example, /smp4 would take you to smp #4.

Chat Channels Empire Minecraft has many different Chat channels. Your focused Chat channel can be changed by typing /chat (channelname) . Alternatively, you can click on the icons in-game to automatically change Chat channels. The Chat channels are explained below:

(T) Town - Used for normal communication between the Community. You can only be heard in the Town. unless you are a supporter. (L) Local - Used for communication with players that are nearby. If no one can hear you, the server will alert you. (R) Residence - Used for communication on a single residence only. (G) Group - Used for communication between members in your group. (S) Supporter - Used only by supporters. It works throughout the whole server (note: it is not cross-server functional). (E) Economy - Used for discussing economy-related things like buying/selling items. (M) Moderator - Used only by the staff team. It is inaccessible by other players.

/tell playername - Used to start a private conversation with another player. These messages will appear in purple on your screen. Other players cannot see these messages; they are private between you and the player you are speaking to. Your private conversations can be accessed by Senior Staff members if you are under investigation for breaking one of our rules.

**Note: If someone is bothering you, and you do not want to see their messages anymore, you can ignore the player with the command /ignore playername (use /unignore playername to unignore players). If you need to hide any of the channels, type /ch hide (channelname) (use /ch show (channelname) to undo)

If you forget what the Chat Commands are, type /chat in-game. A description of all the Commands will pop up in your Chat screen like in the screenshot below:

Town The Town is where you will start the game on your very own 60x60 residence. This world is made up of protected Residences owned by members of the Community. Mobs will not spawn, and there is no fall damage nor weather changes to worry about. No one can build nor do things on your residence without your permission, so it is completely grief-proof. Use your residence to build your dream house, start a shop, or create anything else you can think of. The choice is yours (as long as it follows our rules)!

Here are some useful Commands which you can use in the Town : /home - teleport back to your residence from anywhere within the Town . (this also works in the Wasteland and Frontier outposts). /town - teleport to the Town spawn. /v #### - teleport to a residence by using its address number. /v playername - teleport to the residence owned by [playername]. Note: You cannot teleport directly to a player. If someone wants you to visit them, try asking them for their residence number, or use the /v playername command.

Frontier Explore the far reaches of the world and build outposts with your friends. Once you leave the spawn location, you can only return to the Town by traveling back to the spawn. Be careful, and take plenty of supplies with you. If you get lost, consult the Live Map by typing in the command /map to find your way back.

Once you are in the wilderness, your Chat channel will be changed to local Chat. and players in the Town will not be able to see your messages. Keep this in mind when planning trips, and start a group Chat if you plan to explore with friends.

Once you make yourself a base, you can protect your items by locking them in chests for a small fee. Although this world is not protected against griefing, we do expect our players to respect other players and their builds. Those caught stealing other players' items or destroying builds will be banned from the server, as mentioned in our rules. Rule of thumb: If it isn't yours, do NOT touch it without permission.

Here are some useful Commands :

Wastelands The Wastelands world is used for gathering resources that you can sell to shops or use for yourself.

Just like the Frontier world, you may not be able to access Town Chat while exploring. Always plan ahead! If you get lost, look at the Live Map for help. You can type /map in-game to bring up the Live Map link.

We strongly suggest that you do not build any structures in the Wastelands because this world is periodically reset every 3 months, and we don't want you to lose your items. However, keep in mind that even though no one should be building here, it is still not allowed to grief other players. Those caught stealing other players' items or destroying their builds will be banned from the server as mentioned in our rules. Rule of thumb: If it isn't yours, do NOT touch it without permission.

Here are some useful Commands to keep in mind: /wastelands - teleport to a random Wastelands outpost from the Town . /wastelands n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, c - to go to designated outposts within the Wastelands . /wnether - go to the Wastelands Nether world. You can also use /waste instead of /Wastelands . which is shorter.

End The End is a non-resetting world. Unlike other worlds, there isn't a command to teleport to it, so to get there, you must find the End Portal in the Wastelands or the Frontier on each server.

Empire Shop The Empire Shop is an unlimited store with high prices to encourage player shops. It is recommended to buy and sell from other players, instead of from the Empire Shop. All prices in the Empire Shop have a large markup because they are unlimited in stock and the prices are set to be the market cap. Occasionally, Special Event Items and Promotional Items will be temporarily sold in the Empire Shop to allow players to buy unique items.

To get to the Empire Shop. use: /shop - This teleports you to the shop world within the Town .

El Asistente El último recurso para los Comandos es el Asistente del Imperio. This perfect new player tool will help you get around and achieve Basic Commands without actually knowing the Commands from memory. You can obtain an Empire Assistant by typing /assist new . You are limited to one assistant per server per 48 hours.

Using the command /assist brings up a handy menu of buttons that will use the Commands for you. At the same time, each button is titled with a display of what command it will be using, so it can also help you learn these Commands over time.

Here is a screenshot of what to expect when using /assist:

Empire Currencies Rupees are the official currency of the Empire. Almost anything can be bought using them, and you can earn them in a variety of ways. Your rupee balance is cross-server, meaning the Rupees you have on SMP1 are the same Rupees you have on SMP2, SMP3, SMP4, and so on. You will automatically gain 2,000 Rupees upon completion of the tutorial, and up to an additional 11,000 Rupees for completing tasks such as signing up on the forums. You will also receive various items that help you get started, like armor, diamonds, a horse, etc. It is smart to keep these items, not sell them off, because they will come in very handy while you learn the different aspects of the Empire.

Here are some Commands which lets you use your Rupees :

/r pay playername amount - Pay someone Rupees. Example: /r pay Aikar 9001. /pay can also be used. /r - Check your rupee balance. If you click "(learn more)" while in-game, it will take you to the wiki page.

Tokens are a special currency earned on Empire Minecraft when a player completes a challenging task, such as defeating Custom Mobs. such as Enraged Zombies, Momentus. or Marlix. The number of Tokens earned will scale based on the player's personal difficulty level, but may be affected by other factors, such as the number of player deaths nearby (In other words, constantly dying will reduce the amount of Tokens earned).

Unlike Rupees. Tokens must be earned by a player, and cannot be traded nor gifted.

Residences To allow you to customize your residence as much as possible, the Empire has lots of Flags which control what other players can do while they are at your residence. Flags are like permissions; they say what people can and cannot do, so be sure that you do not give Flags to people you don't trust.

Here are some Commands which can control your residence(s): /res info - Check residence info. It shows you all Flags on the residence, as well as the residence number. If you cannot travel onto the residence due to move restrictions, click on the ground while holding a piece of string to bring up the residence's information. /res set [flag] t - Give a flag to everyone /res set [flag] f - Remove a flag from everyone

"Pset" stands for playerset, meaning you're setting Flags for another player. /res pset [name] [flag] t - Give a flag to a single person /res pset [name] [flag] f - Remove a flag from a single person /res pset [name] [flag] r - Reset a single person's flag back to default

Some important Flags to know: Move gives access for a player to move on your residence Build allows a player to build on your residence. Be careful with this one. Container allows a player to access all your containers, like chests. Be careful with this one, as well. For a more help with Residence Flags. please see flags. emc. gs .

Vault On each server, you will have a separate inventory. Do not be alarmed if your items on one server do not show up on another server. You must manually transfer these items across the servers with your Vault. The cost is 10 Rupees every time you open it. However, after you have first opened your Vault. you can use the command again for free for a period of five minutes.

One Vault page can hold a double chest's worth of items. If you would like some extra room, you can expand your Vault for 10,000 Rupees per page, or via redemption of a Vault Voucher. Once you have five Vault pages, you will no longer need to pay to open up your Vault .

To open the Vault you use: /vault - this opens your first Vault page.

(Above) An example of how a /vault page can look like.

Stables Horses cannot travel in your Vault. Therefore, in order to transfer them across the servers, we have developed a horse stable system. It is free to stable and unstable your horse on each server. For more details on horses, see the Horse and Stables Commands page. Outside of the Town. it costs 100 Rupees to summon a horse from a stable. Storing a horse is always free.

An overview of the stable Commands : /stable - views the horses in your stable /stable store - stores currently mounted horse /stable summon [#] - summons a horse at your current location

Special Mobs The Empire has all the normal Minecraft Mobs, plus a few special ones. If you are in the Frontier or the Wastelands Wilderness. you may see them up close. They are well worth the fight and can even drop some special gear. If you aren't up to the challenge as is or you want a bigger fight, you can change your player difficulty with /ps to suit your play style. Higher difficulty= better loot!

The best part is, no client mod is needed to see these! With our talented development team, we are able to provide new and exciting monsters and bosses just by applying better intelligence, behavior, and actions to existing monsters!

That's it to get you started. If you want to learn more about the server, features, etc in more detail, please take a look at the Empire Minecraft Wiki at wiki. emc. gs. See you in-game and on the forums!

New Details on Minecraft: Xbox One Edition

Today, our friends at Mojang released several important new details about Minecraft: Xbox One Edition.

First, and most importantly, they’ve revealed that Minecraft makes the jump to next gen this August for $19.99. There’s also great news for the 12+ million of you that already own Minecraft: Xbox 360 edition – you’ll be able to upgrade for just $4.99.

Mojang shares more details on topics such as upgrading, save transfers, and DLC portability over on their website .

$5 upgrade? That’s a no-brainer.

Excellent discount! That’s indeed a no-brainer.

http://www. kevin-fell. co. uk/ Kevin Fell

That upgrade offer is awesome. Ms are on a roll.

Sounds like a good deal for those who already bought the game, glad they did that.

minor dilemma never got the 360 version wondering if worth buying at 20 for 360 and pay 5 for upgrade or just straight buy the x1 version

Go straight buy cause the upgrade only applies to people that got the game at least a year after release date. (Disc or Digital)

I don’t believe that’s what it says.

“You will be able to upgrade for a minimum of a year after the release date.”

Meaning, you have at least a year after the Xbox One version comes out to get the discounted price.

It would probably be worth it to get the 360 version to get a head start on the game, then transfer your save files to the One version. The upgrade option will be available for at least a year after the release of the One version – disregard just1legend’s comment as it is incorrect.

http://Www. mylifewithgaming. wordpress. com/ Mitchell Hall

This game isn’t really my thing, but that’s a great deal for people who own the 360 version. I wonder if it also supports save imports.

Ah, makes sense now. Why make a system backwards compatible when you can charge a fee to play the ‘Next Gen Edition’ of the same exact game… or just make people buy the same game twice. From the comments, seems there are many who think its a good thing.

On the flip side, one does not expect their PS3 dics to play in an Xbox 360… meaning if you want to play the same game on both systems, you must buy the game twice. So I guess the other point of view is that Xbox 360 and Xbox One are akin to 2 competing consoles rather than products in the same family.

wasn’t defending it. Just saying thats how it is with companies. It’s 2 different systems so can see it from both sides. I look at xbox 360 and one as two different beasts. Just because i buy one doesn’t mean i feel entitled to the same thing just because i switched to a different platform. Not saying its not nice however when and if they do offer a discount like mojang has done here but i certainly don’t curse them for not giving it.

it’s 2 different games essentially. i’m surprised there is going to be a cheap upgrade for it at all.

New and different systems, redone game, yes you should have to pay for it. Is it really that hard to figure out? Why didn’t everyone get free upgrades from beta max to vhs? Free cd’s when going from tape to cd, or from dvd to br… Yah didn’t happen.

If you don’t like it, don’t buy it, simple solution.

Very good examples used sir/ma’am. I say it’s the mobile “universal app” audience that doesn’t get it.

You pose good questions but your forgetting something. They already do your last question. You can buy digital games of ps2, ps1, original xbox games on the 360 even though you already own them on disc. Yes it’s the same game but they have to change things to make sure it works with the new system and new hardware.

This is what happens when you get casual mobile market gamers into consoles. Just because you don’t have to rebuy your apps if your going from iPhone to iPad, doesn’t mean that’s how everything works. Consoles were here first and this is how they do things. Don’t like it? Go back to your mobile devices and play Angry Birds. Not directing this last part to you BTW, just in general.

I’m glad it will only cost $5.Since Mojang and stuff have to be paid for their time and effort to bring this game to Xbox One, I was expecting to pay more.

Super happy my texture packs will be transferring too. Sure, they’re only a dollar each anyway, but that’s a few dollars less I have to spend.

I think they know a lot more than you which is obvious at this point. And having worked extensively with both myself (Apple, Sun, Silicon Graphics, HP, IBM, as well as run of the mill x86 systems), I can attest that they aren’t lying about this being an extremely difficult task (and expensive).

CISC based systems have always had a difficult time emulating RISC based systems – FACT. While all the games on the 360 use the basic coding, many developers use some advanced techniques to get the most out of the system, which in turn adds to the difficulty in making an emulator – this is why BC on the 360 had only a few games emulated and were done in bunches that used similar programming techniques. Also the power gap between this gen and last is not as great as it was going from the original Xbox to the 360, which also adds to the difficulty in getting an emulator to run efficiently since you are in effect running a virtual 360 inside the RAM of the One.

Now getting the original Xbox games to play on the One would actually be pretty simple as they are similar in CPU architecture (both using x86 based CPUs) and there is more than enough power on the One to run an emulator with few problems. The biggest hurdle there would be the video card compatibility and games that used very exotic programming techniques.

Besides all this, I can think of many other games I would be wanting to be BC instead of Minecraft. I’d much rather play an updated version that did not have the 360 limits and will gladly pay the generous $5 upgrade cost.

I suggest you educate yourself before spouting this general nonsense so you don’t look anymore the fool in the future.

Excellent summation. In essence Xbox 360 emulation on the Xbox One without putting a physical Xbox 360 chip in the box. There’s too many dependancies, like multithreading not being available on the Xbox One and a lower clockspeed to boot that are impossible to overcome.

If that’s the case you could have made a console that’s not garbage in the first place and make sure the CPU contained instruction set of the old 360, like every x86 CPU do with the older x86 CPU. Instead they took a notebook x86 CPU to make sure there was no possibility of backward compatibility. I mean, they officially said “If you’re backwards compatible, you’re really backwards,” so it’s obvious they don’t care and never will.

If you can do better, then do it, until then, stop complaining just because the world decides it doesn’t want to bow to you. You have no idea what it would take to do so.

Just because you buy MW3 on the Wii doesn’t mean you get to get it for the PS3, PC, and 360 so why would this be any different? Be glad they didn’t just charge the $20 to begin with.

No game that I can think of just gives out a free upgrade. Updates are free sure, but this is a game for a whole new console.

Sorry about being a little rude in the beginning.

People have no clue how any of this works, which is very obvious by their comments. How it’s being done is the most cost effective way to do it, and it makes the most sense. Estoy de acuerdo.

Xbox 360 BC is impossible with the current Xbox One APU. If MS would have made that possible it would have required integration of the Xbox 360 APU on the PCB, which would have increased the costs of the system by a lot.

If by “paying for it again” you mean “paying 25% of the cost to get it on a different system while being able to move your saves,” then yes. If you think one cost should get you all versions of a game, you haven’t been a consumer or a gamer very long.

As for backwards compatibility, that ship sailed a long time ago. It sucks, but it’s done — wishing for it now will only waste your time. Here we have a game which will let you move your saves forward. I consider this a good thing, and I don’t even play Minecraft. How many other games let you do this?

Wow…..since a pisspoor move.

I guess you couldn’t think of any GOOD games to port over eh? Too bad……

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MineVideo brings in-game video recording to the Minecraft world. This mod seeks to succeed where other Minecraft video recording software has failed. When running Fraps, for example, Minecraft’s framerates often dip to unacceptably low levels. To make matters worse, the video files are often very large and will need to be compressed before sharing.

MineVideo 1.6 is an attempt to solve all of these problems. By simply pressing ‘F4’, players can easily record everything that’s going on in their Minecraft world. While the MineVideo mod does feature hefty system requirements, the video files it creates are small enough to upload to YouTube.

After pressing ‘F4’, players will hear a distinctive ‘plop’ sound, which means that the recording has started. As soon as F4 is pressed once again, the recording will end. Every video file will end up in. avi or. mp4 format inside the. minecraft/videos folder, making them easy to access and upload to YouTube.

Using MineVideo, players can also press F6 to discover a menu where they can change a number of different settings related to the mod. Players can change the video format from. avi to. mp4 (and others), and they can increase or decrease the framerate to whichever number they want. In terms of audio settings, players can change the sample rate as well as the format in which audio is saved (.wav by default).

If you would rather not record video in Minecraft world, but only want to record audio, then MineVideo has that ability. Simply press F6 and find the ‘Audio Recording’ toggle button.

The main drawback of MineVideo is figuring out if your system can handle it. The mod creator has outlined a list of recommended system settings in the official forum thread for the mod :

For laptops users: A minimum of 4GB of DDR3 RAM (recommended 6GB or more) as well as an Intel Core i5-2430M processor and a Nvidia 400M GPU or above.

For desktop users: A minimum of 3GB of DDR3 RAM, an Intel Core i5-2000 CPU, and an Nvidia 500 series or higher.

Keep in mind that those are the minimum system requirements. The recommended system requirements are even higher than that.

The MineVideo mod is simple but effective. If your computer can handle the mod’s intense system requirements, then MineVideo is an easy way to share your Minecraft experiences with others. Whether you’re uploading mod videos to YouTube or simply showing your friend some Minecraft secrets, MineVideo makes sharing Minecraft videos as easy as possible.

How to Install MineVideo Mod for Minecraft 1.6.4/1.7.2/1.7.4/1.7.5

Step 1) Download and install ModLoader

Step 2) Download MineVideo 1.6 from its official forum thread

Step 3) Drag and drop all the files from the MineVideo mod folder into the Minecraft. jar file (if you’re having trouble finding Minecraft. jar, open up a Run command and type in %appdata%)

Step 4) Make a folder called videos inside the base. minecraft folder. This is where your MineVideo files will be saved after recording.

Step 5) Start playing and enjoy! Press F4 to instantly begin recording

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Play Minecraft for Free

Welcome to MinerAuth! Please read our rules below before you try Minecraft for free:

Do not install hacks, cheats or attempt to modify the game in any way.

If playing Minecraft online, do not ruin other people's games. This includes, but is not limited to, spamming, harassing, trolling, and griefing.

We provide Minecraft for free without any warranties. We are not responsible for any potential damages that may occur from playing the game on our site.

This free version of Minecraft is for educational purposes only. You are not allowed to download, copy, or distribute this game. However, you may embed it on your site.

We reserve the right to revoke your access to the game at any given time.

By continuing to play Minecraft on your browser, you have read, understand, and agree to our rules. We have a zero tolerance policy—any violations will result in a permanent ban.

I Got It, Let Me Play Minecraft for Free!

29 Dec 14 - Karma Ranking System . Development has started on a ranking system and soon you'll be able to compete for top of the table in various categories on the site. We're adding stats for "Locations added", "Commodities Added" and "Trades Stored". Every time you complete one of these actions you'll gain Karma. Can you make it to the top of all of them?

29 Dec 14 - Coming soon: Profitable routes. Remembering that we're not looking for an auto-trade solution here, the idea is that when you're logging your SELL, we'll compare it to your last buy of this type of good and see if it was a profitable sale. This'll show up in your trade list AND will allow you to specify if this was a good profitable trade route. If you tell us it is, then it'll appear in the trade route list ready to be tested and judged by your trading peers.

Iniciar sesión

&dupdo; Tom Hartnett 2016

1145 Registered Traders - Why not join them

Registro de cambios

v0.1.2 - 29 Dec 14

Made the individual commodity info screen more useful

Updated the commodity market to only include trades within the last 7 days. Much more valuable information now!

Started work on a karma ranking system

Added the number of registered users in the footer.

v0.1.1 - 14 Nov 14

You can now add Locations to the database if they do not exist.

You can now add Commodities to the database if they do not already exist.

v0.1.0 - 1 July 14

Decided to up the minor release number as I now feel the site is actually helpful

Added a page for information on the current state of the commodities market as recorded by our trades.

v0.0.7 - 24 Jun 14

Added some new stations.

Added station name to locations list (searchable).

Corrected commodity name and added missing ones from update.

v0.0.6 - 17 Jun 14

Added the high/low buy/sell price info for the commodities (click them to goto to stats), this will expand into a full profile of the commodity in the future.

v0.0.5 - 17 Jun 14

Fixed bug raised by Daxk StarCrasher - BUY/SELL button not working as expected

Moved add trade off the dash board into modal

Made the panels full width

v0.0.4 - 10 Jun 14

Changed the buy/sell radios to buttons

Added guidance on supply/demand

Added button to allow easier submission of bugs and/or feature requests

Stop jump to top of page on table refresh

added change log (this document)

Sign up online with activation email

Table of network trades to show all trades in the system

Publish all initial content

Users can add / remove trades

Sign up by email

Bug/Feature Request

About this project

This is not an AUTO-PROFIT-TRADE-CALCULATOR . It is a trader logger and will allow us traders, as a collective, to record and work out the best trades in the Universe. Do NOT signup if you're not looking to record your trades!

Thank you for visiting my new (at the moment simple) web app. I hope that you'll find it useful and over time it will become a trusty companion running on your tablet as you explore new sectors of the vast Elite:Dangerous universe.

By entering the trades you make at each station, you can easily keep track of where you're making the most profit. If lots of accurate trades are put through this system then we'll be able to do some cool things with the data.

With a quick glance at your dashboard, you'll be able to see the state of commodities across the universe and make educated journeys to maximise your trading profits.

I'd like to make this the most useful E:D tool available. These are the areas i'd like to look into:

Store a players trade info for their own analysis

Gather as-fresh-as-possible commodity data

Calculate profitable trade routes

Show trends in systems supply and demand

To make this happen we need 'little birds' all over the universe.

Minecraft Command Guide

play. minecraft. dk survival server command list.

This is a list of our current commands, that can be used on the minecraft. dk survival server, we will try to always keep this list updated, to the latest version of plugins and permissions on the survival server, there is other features and possible commands that are not listed here, which you can find on our plugin list

Quick command overview:

/abandonclaim – Delete a claim

/abandontoplevelclaim – Delete a claim and all subdivisions

/abandonallclaims – Delete all your claims

/auction – Get all Auction commands

/buy – Buy a donation rank from ingame. use /ec to cancel.

/chairs [off|on] – Enable or disable the use of chairs (right click to use a chair)

/trust – Grans a player full access to your claim(s)

/untrust – Revokes a players access to your claim(s)

/contrainertrust – Grant a player access to your containers

/accesstrust – Grants a player entry to your claims and use of bed

/permissiontrust – Grants a player permission to grant his level of permission to others

/subdivideclaims – Switch the shovel tool to subdivision mode, used to subdivide claims.

/basicclaims – switch the shovel tool back to basic claim mode

/buyclaimblocks – Buy more blocks to claim with ingame currency

/sellclailblocks – Sell claimed blocks back to server

/trustlist – List permissions for the claim you stand in

/balance – See your money

/help – Find help to commands

/home – Teleport home

/ignore <Player> & # 8211; Ignore another player

/motd – Message of the day

/motd more – Recent news and changes to the server

/pay – Pay money to someone

/rules – View rules

/sell – Sell item in your hand

/sethome – Set your /home location

/warp – Deformación

/wis – Gives you item id and name of the item you are holding.

/wit – Gives you item id and name of the block you are looking at.

/workbench – Crafting table (Only for Gold-/Diamond rank players)

/worth – Find the price of the item in your hand

/spawn – Return to Spawn

/lolmewnstats player-name – Get stats

Horse specific commands

/h buy <HorseName> <HorseType> – Buys a horse of the given type

/h delete <HorseName > – Permanently deletes your horse from your stable and game.

/h dismiss – Dismisses your horse and it returns to your stable

/h heal <amount> – Heal your horse for the cost of coins.

/h help <SubCommand> – Get more help on each command

/h list – List all the horses you have in the stables

/h rename <OldName> <NewName> – Rename a horse

/h summon <HorseName> – Summons the given horse to your side

/h type – List the different horsetypes to buy

Auction Commands

You can auction the item(s) you have in your hand

/auction info – get info on the current auction.

/auction start [ qty ] [ price ] – Example: /auction start 1 1000

/auction stfu – ignore the auction spam

/bid [ amount ] – bid on the auction running

McMMO Command Guide

All of these commands can be found in game by using the command /mcmmo help Party Commands http://mcmmo. wikia. com/wiki/Parties

/party – View information on your current party

/party create <name> [password] – Creates a party with an optional password

/party kick <player> & # 8211; kicks the player from the party

/party join <player name> [password] – Joins that player’s party. Enter password if needed

/party quit – Leave the current party

/pc – Toggles party chat

/party invite <player> & # 8211; Invite a player to join the current party

/ptp <party member name> & # 8211; teleport to someone in your party

/party <lock; unlock> & # 8211; Toggle the lock status of your party

/party password <password> & # 8211; Sets a password to your party. Party must be locked

/party leader <player> & # 8211; Make the player the leader of the party

/party disband – remove the party

/mcstats – View your mcMMO stats

/mctop <skill> & # 8211; View the top players in the skill

/mcability – Toggle ability activation with right click

/inspect <player> & # 8211; View the players mcmmo stats (must be close by)

/<skill> & # 8211; use to see your current skill level. For example: /archery will display your archery level

To view more information about a skill, including the power ups and perks associated with it, type /<skill> ?

PvE Skills & Combat Skills:

40 thoughts on “Minecraft Command Guide”

SpaceBug, as a fellow server owner, I LOVE your server. I hate asking people this question, but how is the label “Mod” or “Moderator” earned? Is it limited to only friends of yours or is it open to anyone that can show their “goodness” on the server? I would really like to know because I would like to talk with you about creating like a “Helpers” rango. This rank can be where players can show their abilities ingame and in a application to show if they are worthy of having a staff-like rank and can work up. I have made mistakes in my past on your server and I regret every bit of them. I hear that you are a strong believer in second chances, why not make you a strong believer in opportunities and second chances? I also understand that you want a SMP “Wild-West” servidor. I have never found a server as unique as this one and don’t want to majorly change it. I think that the new ranks should be limited and hard to come by. I don’t want to see a bunch of people joining the server and instantly having a staff rank. I think that the rank can have a few extra perks ( not special) like the ability to have a new color name (not too flashy ;)), the ability to be close with the moderators (make decisions with the moderator’s approval and be in discussions) and lastly required to make everyone feel welcome! I think that these few things may brighten any new player’s day. I would love to have a warm welcome by someone who is a staff member in a brand new server. I think that these requirements and abilities can help make a much better minecraft. dk! Thanks for listening Space! DaveBluetard P. S I would LOVE to be one of the first people to have the “Helper” rank! Please let me know if it goes through or cracks on the floor like an egg!

I’v had Helper rank on my old server -- it is a usefull rank for sure. But Helpers also fast go in under staff. And I wont expand staff until I find the time to manage the HR side of that.

And staff is not my friends (atleast I didnt know the current staff before I meet them on this server -- we have then over time become friends yeah), but I handpick staff that I feel can contribute to the server and represent it well (especially when Im not around, which is often)… I got a keen eye to spot people that I can work along side with People requesting staff over and over, will never be the people who gets it.

But stick around -- you never know how things go and thanks for taking an interest in making the server even better 😉

hi spacebug I was wondering if the server is going to update to 1.8 when it comes out because I would love to play on 1.8 with my friends. if you have time to answer this question that would be great!

[Mod] 10becja says:

Mojang hasn’t even released a date for 1.8 as far as I know, then after that we have to wait for bukkit to update, then the plugins, so chances are it will be a little while still.

What is this?



How it Works

Do your kiddos want to play Minecraft with others, but haven’t found a place that’s safe for them? Skrafty is a Kid-Safe, Family Friendly Minecraft Server with fully functional survival, creative, and other worlds. We have lots of fun at Skrafty, but it doesn’t stop there.

Skrafty also has a fully functional homeschool curriculum section that can be used in Minecraft!

Here are a few things you need to know to get started on Skrafty:

All players must be Whitelisted

This server is a whitelisted server which means everyone will have to be approved to join. We check all users for previous bans on other servers and will only approve previously banned users on an individual case by case basis.

Skrafty Minecraft Server is Family and Kid Safe

We have safe chat filters as well as helpful moderators to assure that your kids will be safe on the server. Our kids are playing along with yours, and we take very seriously the responsibility to give them a safe environment to play.

Skrafty is a FUN place to play Minecraft with something for everyone

Players will find several awesome places to build and play:

The Warp Zone

The Warp Zone is Skrafty’s main Lobby. This is where players will come when they first join, and it is where they can warp to the other worlds.

Imagine That!

Imagine That! is a creative world where players can use their imagination to build and create.

The Economy Zone (EZ)

If players prefer a survival world they’ll want to check out the Economy Zone . Players can get jobs, earn money, and trade. They can claim their own land and build it to their wishes. The Economy Zone is the place players will go to earn credits to spend in the store.

The Adventure Zone

The Adventure Zone is where you will find several popular Minecraft Games. Skrafty’s Adventure Zone has the following games for members to play:

The Hunger Games



Insanity Run

Capture The Flag

Free For All (Battle Arena)


Paint Ball



Skrafty is Educational

Here at Skrafty we’ve got SkOOL. Skrafty will offer several educational and learning opportunities. We have pop quizzes during free play where kids will answer questions for Minecraft Rewards. There will also be scheduled learning based challenges and meet-up discussions as well as entire subject based lessons in which players can earn Minecraft rewards.

Earn Ranks

At Skrafty we have a ranking system based on experience level or donations.


Email: whenyouriseup@gmail. com or Click the Green "Help" button at the bottom right to submit a ticket.


Firstly you need to dig out the way that will lead you back to your house. That same path will also be used by the wondering minecraft monsters. The longer you dig, the more resources you acquire. The more twisted the path is, the longer it takes for the monsters to reach you. With 4 dispenser boxes to buy, and 4 pixelated traps to use - all in which can be upgraded, only you can defend your house in the Minecraft Tower Defense!


Эта игра часть серии: Minecraft Tower Defense

Minecraft Tower Defense 2

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Minecraft Hacked Clients, Cheats and Editors [MC]

For Educational Use Only If you are looking for Minecraft Single Player Cheats or Multiplayer Hacks . then sign up for our Forum and enjoy the latest Cheats . Hacks . Save Editors and Tutorials for Minecraft. HackerBot. net is and educational website and community of Cheaters from all over the gaming world. Our community is devoted to releasing and using hacks in our favorite PC and MMO Games . If you are looking to get Minecraft Cheats or want to contribute your own cheats, then Sign Up and Get Started .

Minecraft Hacked Clients The most popular way of cheating in the Minecraft single and multiplayer are hacked clients. These are basically versions of Minecraft that have been edited (aka hacked). Most popular are hacked clients with in game menus to activate all the included options. There are literally hundreds of different cheating options that can be included in a client. The most popular options are flying and wall hacks. allowing you to fly around and pass through walls.

Hacked clients are most useful in survival mode and in multiplayer games, since you already are quite overpowered in the creative mode, using a hacked client there is a bit less useful. In creative mode and online multiplayer servers however, hacks game get you a real advantage over the environment and your fellow Minecraft players.

Savegame Editors Editing your saved game (world / biome) is an effective way to cheat in the single-player mode of Minecraft. Savegame editors allow you to edit literally everything in your single-player world: Your inventory, your items, your experience, level, the environment, the monsters, the time and everything else. This allows you to insert items into your inventory or chests that you otherwise would be unable to get, such as lava and water sources. Savegame editors cannot be used to cheat in multiplayer, unless you are actually the host of the server.

Minecraft Mods Mods can also be used to cheat in the single-player of Minecraft. Most popular are mods that can give you items in survival mode, but there are several other mods that can give you an advantage. Mods can also add new items to the game that are as overpowered as the mod developer wants them to be: Swords that can one shot everything or even cause explosions on hit, multiplying creepers that will make your pc crash, monster spawn mods and basically everything you can imagine and people have time to code. – These are the funniest cheats, especially if they are installed on a multiplayer server, they can cause quite a party.

1. Finding the Minecraft Install Directory (Folder) If we want to be able to install a Minecraft hacked client, we firstneed to establish some basics: The install folder of Minecraft is hidden by default on most Windows operating systems, so you will need to go into your control panel, (appearance and personalization), folder option, view ad there you need to set your system to “Show hidden files, folder and drives” in order to make it even possible to find the Minecraft folder.

After you have made all hidden folders on your PC visible, you can now start the quest to find your Minecraft folder. On my Windows 8 Rig the path is [Windows Drive]/Users/MyUsername/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft. If you are using something like XP or Vista, there might be Application Data instead of AppData and there might not be a “Roaming” directory. It has been quite a long time that I used the earlier Windows versions, but you will find the Minecraft folder in your Application Data and that is always in your Users/YourName folder.

2. Installing the Minecraft Hacked Client Whenever you are downloading a legit Minecraft client, you will get 2 files: One. jar file and one. json file (as of 2014). Now in order to install this hacked client, you will have to create a folder (if there isn’t already one) and put the 2 files in that folder. Now you have to make sure that the folder and the 2 files within have the exact same name. So for example my folder is called “DatHack”, then my files have to be called “DatHack. jar” and “DatHack. json”. If the file names do not match, the hack will not work. Next you open the. json file using your Text Editor (Notepad) and the first line you see should specify the clients ID: "id": "1.6.4" Now you need to change the ID value to whatever you choose to be your client name and that you used as your file and folder name. So in my example, I would rewrite into: "id": "DatHack “, then save the file and you are almost done.

Now start your Minecraft Laucncher by starting the Minecraft. exe and go to “Edit Profie”, then under “Use version” choodse your hacked client name (in my case: DatHack), then Save your Profile and start the game by pressing “Play”. – There you go, you now are using a hacked client to play Minecraft.


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